Posted by Of Men & Mongrels (Sign Ups OPEN)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-14 17:21:04
Of Men & Mongrels➶Sign Ups

Long, long ago Wood Elves created the four islands. They were not named, because Elves had no need for names. It was simply: the four islands. The elves created a beautiful place, where they expected all to live peacefully. With their gentle ruling, the islanders did live peacefully..up until the humans found the place. Once discovered, the human king at the time wanted it conquered. When the humans invaded, many of the elder elves decided to retire and return their bodies to nature, not wanting to die by the hands of humans. Some, however, fought the humans. Most who did perished. Those who didn't perish, escaped into the lush forest and later ran to Paliwerth. This was a major milestone in the history of the four islands, for everything would change after that.

When the humans said 'I'll conquer', they meant it. The humans completely dominated the first island, which the human king named Aberith. After exploring a little, they found the second island. The humans went to capture it too, when they found absolutely nothing valuable on it. They decided to make a truce with the elves, a truce the elves to not exactly believe in. Humans and elves still, to this day, fight over the equality of Haflings and Changelings.
The massacre of the Anthropos caused another fight between humans and elves, but after the massacre the elves were prosecuted by the Anthropos too, and so they dropped the issue knowing it was probably for the best.
As the years went on, the humans soon took Xuiron (which was a scarcely populated island anyways). They were elated to find that the island was littered with gold and jewels, but they had the sole problem of not being able to grab it. Humans had no idea how to extract the stuff, so they hired the elves. Humans barely set foot on Xuiron now, and Dwarves are happy to get paid in heaps for doing what they've done for years.
Now, suddenly after long tense years of waiting for the bomb to be dropped, its happened. One bloody killing of a Hafling, then the murder of a human, has sparked an ember in the elves and peaceful creatures that originally inhabited the islands. The human king grows more paranoid, and awaits the news of a rebellion, of war. But when will it come?

Info Thread
OOC Discussion

All Lioden RP rules apply. (This means no gore, no inappropriate scenes, ect.)
This is Semi-Lit, more than a sentence please.
I like RP's better when I'm not left behind. If you are RPing with a group, try to use the turn system and not just leave someone in the dust.
No god modding, power playing.
No Mary Sues/Gary Stus. Characters are betters with flaws. <3
Bring on the drama! In Oc, not OOC.
This is a medieval rp.
Put where are you in your post, like a destination please. Or just say in the post wherever your character is.
Have fun! :D

Full Name:
Alias: (Nickname)
Nationality: (what country they were born in)
Rank: N/A (unless you asked me for one and I approved)

Personality: Optional (Not optional if you wish to have a rank)
Appearance: (if a picture, use a link please. Remove asterics: <*a href="URL HERE">link<*/a>)
History: Optional

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Edited on 16/07/15 by Rottikinns (#64965)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-18 07:33:03

Yay! A human! :D

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Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-28 10:14:11

Lets It Begin!
Let it begin. ^^ I'll leave the sign ups open, incase more want join. Who wants to start? :D
The RP

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Edited on 28/07/15 by Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-07-30 06:39:13
I'll start, but before I do, is there a specific place you want the characters to be? And anything else pertaining to setting or what's going on that I should know?

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Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-30 09:17:14
Nope! Just start our with wherever your character is and what their doing. Most the action will probably be in Aberith (*spoilers* until the humans invade) >^>

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kojika- (#68440)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 15:14:22
Oooohohoho this is exactly the kind of RP I was waiting to join...

How many characters are we allowed, before I make a form so I know how many I can make? I would like two but if not thats okay. They'd mostly be together to help with confusion

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-08-19 13:15:36
Hi! We haven't really started yet, so you're not late, don't worry!

And two characters are fine :)

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Edited on 19/08/15 by Hawkmask (#41743)

kojika- (#68440)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 05:55:42
Full Name: Arasson Moonbuck
Alias: Ara, but only by people why have known him since he was very young
Age: 105
Gender: Male
Species: Wood Elf
Nationality: Paliwerth
Rank: N/A
Personality: Flirty, "charming" (he mostly thinks he is), light-hearted, and warm. He's very sociable, and quick to be the first to talk to and try to befriend someone. He enjoys singing, and often whistles or hums while he idles.
Appearance: Rich, deep olive skin and light blonde hair that contrasts against his dark skin. He has pale green eyes, and a round face for a wood elf. He's of average wood elf height, and is heavier set but not overweight. He commonly wears his hair up in a bun, or braids it back and has long, messy bangs reaching about eye length. He has a scar across the bridge of his nose, extending from about the middle of his left eye to the other. He wears several necklaces of different kinds and usually has rings on (three on the left hand, two on the right). His long, pointed ears also have piercings and he has a silver hoop through one nostril. Clothing wise, he typically wears his versatile, deep v-necked tunic and leggings but wears archers braces, tall riding boots (in case the need arises), and a leather bag that straps around his hip and thigh. He also likes to wear cloaks (long and shoulder length) and large, thick scarves.
History: Having grown tired quickly of where he was living, Arasson worked to make himself a skilled archer. When he was old enough, he set foot out to travel and started to work as a hand for hire, and is a scam artist. Some would classify him as a bandit, but he calls himself an Adventurer. He loves the adventure, and being able to travel often. Not all of his hired work has been for good, and not all for evil, he'll work for anyone willing to feed him and pay him well. He's done anything for good pay, some things others would look down upon. While searching for a new town for work, he came across a water logged, nearly dead Mongrel. He took pity on the creature and took him in. It was work, but he eventually gained the Mongrels trust and the two have been traveling together as hired hands since.

Full Name: Ziva (No last name)
Alias: None
Age: 22yrs
Gender: Male
Species: Mongrel
Nationality: Zoezzedel
Rank: N/A

Personality: He is quiet and wary of people, and typically very grumpy and stand offish. Arasson has seen a different, more gentle side of him but it is only when they're alone. He has an extreme distrust for most other people, especially humans which he outright will say he hates and has a much shorter tolerance towards them.
Appearance: Ziva resembles a Large Rusty-Spotted Genet (if you're not familiar with these weird spotty slinky cat-weasle babies, here are some pictures link link). He wears very tight, dark colored clothes, a lot of it leather and particularly likes hooded cloaks. He is fairly small, about 5'5 to 5'6 but he has a very thin, lithe build and is agile and fast.
History: Accused for a crime he didn't commit, to escape imprisonment and potential death he fled Zoezzedel. Unfortunately, trying to escape the island proved difficult and his small boat got destroyed. He tried to swim for as long as possible but fatigue took him into the waves and he was sure he was dead. When he woke, he was on land, covered in blankets and pelts, by a fire and next to an elf. He was panicked, initially trying to attack the elf but the elf was able to calm him down slowly. Being too weak to flee, he let the elf help him. It took weeks before he started to warm up, learning the elfs name was Arasson. Over time he started to develop a friendship with him, traveling with him and going along on his jobs. While he isn't as enthusiastic about the adventuring as Arasson, he wouldn't dare leave him at this point and be on his own in a place surrounded by other creatures so different from himself. Ziva was taught how to be a thief, and during expeditions his small size and frame made him great and getting in to small places or climbing.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-08-21 13:37:27
Ok, I think you'll be accepted, but I'd PM Rotti if I were you. They're on a sorta vacation thing, so might now get to check this.

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Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-08-22 05:52:33
Hey guys :D Sorry for the wait, I've been so freaking busy. Thank Hawk for getting me into the groove again! <3 I'll look over it!

If you guys want to go ahead and Rp, by all means do it!

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Edited on 22/08/15 by Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Rotti-Kun (#64965)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-08-22 07:08:23

They are both so cute ;^; unlikely friends for lyfe

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-08-22 12:51:23
No problem <3

I've posted the first post, so feel free to go guys :)

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