Posted by Kamaria X Mangle

Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-11-17 11:36:09
To be set in the open Savannah of Africa. Details to be sorted out shortly.

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 12:09:33
Arty looked at the young lion for a long moment, the complex gears of her mind turning and clicking. "Well... my prime customer deals mostly in bones. He has no need for meat, as he is a great hunter himself. But a good-quality antelope skull, especially with large horns, can fetch a high price." She got to her paws and straightened her back, tail waving about in a lazy wag. "Alright. I can expand out my dens, and show you where the best water sources and hunting grounds are, if you will be my muscle. But know this... should you betray me, you will not find my customer's wrath a pretty sight." With that, she smiled, and turned back toward her termite mound. "Come! Much digging to do!"

Njau growled impatiently, stalking after Donnie's trail to find what was taking him so long. The remnants of the zebra was clamped firmly in his jaws. He refused to let anything near it. He saw the youth crouched down, as if stalking something. He growled again, low and dangerous. What was sitting between him and his camp? Whatever it was, it wouldn't be there long...

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-11-24 04:23:32
-Right behind ya'!.- he shouted happily. Finally some company would make him useful for life, maybe.

I was terrified, but i calmed yself down when i sensed Senpai behind me. It made me feel protected, since i had seen him battle before.

((Sooo sorry if im being short and getting into this too late, Math is being a bitch at school :P))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-11-24 04:32:44
Artemisia led the young male to her termite mound, which had been abandoned by its insect owners long ago. From a distance, it seemed nothing but a bump on the horizon, but up close it was nearly the size of a house! She had dug a den into its base, but it was sized for an aardwolf. Not a lion. She set to digging, and her claws made quick work on the hard packed clay and dirt. "While I'm doing this, can you strip the leather off of that rhino skull? That was quite a find, I want it in tip-top selling shape!" She pointed to anan exposed, sunny spot where a rhino skull was drying, covered in skin and dried meat. It even had the long horns still on it, though they would be removed in due time, as they weren't attached to the bone.

Njau set his kill beside the younger male and stepped forward, drawing to his full height without hesitation. He let out a loud roar, one that nearly shook the ground beneath him, and sent a territorial glare down at the two strangers.

((Math... bleh. I liked old math classes better, that common core crap sucks.))

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-19 03:33:44
-Yes ma'am!- he trotted happily to the Rhino skull. Doing a quick job, the skull was now nothing but bone. Somewhat tired, he looked back to the termite mound. -Hey, how's it goin' back there?- he yelled just loud enough for the Aardwolf to hear.

((Donnie is frozen for now))

The red male gazed up to the pair of potential enemies in front of him and growled. -Foes! what do you think your doing in OUR lands?- He yelled in direction of the massive male and the...rather pathetic snowflake beside him. He looked down to his own companion. -Shall i give them a lesson, Master?- he asked in a submissive tone.

((should Makoto and Kivuli be half-siblings and Makoto be his slave? XD also sorry for leaving you on writer's block, i've been busy))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-12-19 08:14:30
Artemisia popped her head out of the hole, covered in orange dust, and smiled. "Doorway is still a tight fit, but it's nice and roomy inside. Come in!" She eyed the skull critically, and smiled again. "Good job, kid." She praised, then retreated back into the cool depths of the mound. The inside was well ventilated, and much cooler than the acrid desert air.

Kivuli lapped at the water, savoring the taste for a moment before he answered. The pair on the hill above were interesting, and Kivuli was curious. But not enough to really speak with them. "If you wish, but make it fast. I have somewhere to be." He adjusted the straps of the pouch he wore on his back. The contents were writhing with scrabbling for freedom, and he didn't want any of the shiny little creatures to escape.

Njau glared at the two incredulously, lashing his tail. The red furred one would be an easy battle, with his flashy coat pattern and foolish need to impress. But the black pelted male... his emerald eyes held a dangerous coldness to them. Like he could easily rip open his companion without a second thought. Perhaps that was why the other was so eager to impress him? Whatever, if it was a fight he wanted, Njau would happily oblige.

((Sure. Maybe Kivuli was chased at a very young age and learned to care for himself, and then when Makoto was banished he went to his half-sibling for help?))

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-22 04:55:36
-So...for how long have you been on your own?- Asked the young male, curious.

The bare teen looked twice at the two lions in front of them. -Uhm...the male looks really agressive, sir.- He said, almost scared. Makoto was actually smaller than his brother, probanly smaller than he should be at his age.

He looked next to the massive male, putting his attention in the lion...or lioness? Beside him. -If we confront him together, we can keep that young female over there.- he spoke again, in a flirty tone now. It had been months since the last time he had seen a lioness.

((Cool! Now...poor Donnie XD))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2015-12-22 06:03:16
Arty looked down to her paws, dainty as they were, and sighed. "I suppose... forever. Or at least, as long as I can remember." She looked out into the desert horizon and let the vastness of the space around her soothe her mind. "I don't remember too much from my puphood..."

Njau listened to the idle banter of the two would-be threats, and as soon as they mentioned a lioness, he burst out laughing. He composed himself a moment later, but he was still subtly snickering, his ears pressed back in an attempted to hold it all in. "My companion... is a male." He stated, still trying to hold back his amusement.

Kivuli listened as well to the banter around him. He had no such interest in females and such, he cared more for his scars and status symbols. Beetles and skulls and such. He rolled his ebony shoulders and let out a roar. "Who cares what size they are? Are you a coward? Or... since I know you are... who are you more afraid of?" The lithe black male dawned a wicked smirk, raising his head up to tower above his half-sibling.

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-27 10:54:54
-Same here, mate.- Said the teen as he laid down to his paws. -Mom always had trouble with my dad's..."female companions" as he called them.- He chuckled.

I blushed as i heard those two call me a female. Huh? i dont look that weak do i? Anyway. I tried to male-up and stood on my paws puffing out my chest and shaking my bare mane tufts. -COME AT MEH, BRUH- i roared, yet it sounded more like a squeak (that's the manliest phrase i could think of)

The slender brute gave an amused growl. -The tiny one is my toy.- He declared before standing closer to the pair giving a pleased smile sure of himself. -You'll make a nice slave, honey.- He chuckled.

((sorry, i've been grounded))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 11:08:54
Arty tipped her head to the side, a curious look on her face. "But aren't lions... you know, swingers?" She always heard that a single, or multiple, males would mate with all of the females in their Pride. "But I suppose every lion is different. My top client doesn't even keep female company." With that she circled around in her den before laying down, fluffy tail covering her face.

Njau slammed his paw between Makoto and Donnie, giving the challenging male a cold glare. "If you value your hide, you'll back off." He said in a soft, low voice. He didn't need to be loud to be scary, and as his own scars caught in the dying light, his crimson eyes glimmered like pools of blood.

Kivuli snorted, watching the sight before him. "Targeting the weak one, Makoto? Really?" He stalked toward the pair with an unnerving smile, no emotion in his emerald eyes. He also had no mane, or at least not much of one, but that was because of his breed. Everyone knew the tales of the Tsavo Maneaters, and he was one of them. "Come on. Show me what you got."

((It's cool, happens to the best of us.))

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-27 11:36:21
He laid his head into his massive paws and streched, being careful not to push any of the den's walls. -Yup, that was my dad, but my mother was always really overprotective and obsessive.-

I tried to pull Njau out of my way. -Le'mme at 'im! LE'MME AT 'IM!!- i tried to squeal while i managed to run towards the red male, but it didnt take me more than 2 seconds to realize that...he was MUCH bigger than me. I froze just in front of him.

The mahogany male grinned in front of the smaller male. -I dont want a prey Kivuli, i just want some fun.- He said to his half-brother and inmediatelly jumped into the smaller teenager, pinning him down and digging his fangs on his neck yet not deep enough to make blood pour. -One move and princess snowflake DIES.- he growled.

((OMG i just saw a girl with a brown eye and a blue eye :3 so cute))

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Edited on 27/01/16 @ 18:37:32 by obviously not a Mangle fan (#48707)

Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 11:46:05
Njau rolled his shoulders with a harsh grin, eyes going feral. "Do you think I care?" He let out a booming roar, so deep that it shook the ground and made muscles freeze, before he lunged at Makoto, slamming his shoulder against the other male. The red brute may have dwarfed Donnie, but Njau was a monster compared to the youth. His thick mane, massive body and steely musculature meant being hit by him was like being hit by a truck. "Donnie... stay back." He said in a demanding snarl, sinking his claws into the ground as he waited for the counter attack. "I'm not here to cubsit you."

Kivuli gave an impatient snarl. "Did I say you could have fun? Did you ask permission for a toy?" He lashed his tail angrily before dawning a smooth, icy grin. "But if you wish to defy me... I can teach you another leason. Do you remember the last one?" Blood, fear, cries for mercy... He licked his lips at the memory. "I want a fight, Makoto. So you can either fight the big one, or you can fight me."

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-27 11:57:35
I whimpered in fear and stood behind Njau. I just had realized it, i couldnt take care for myself anymore.

The smaller male let out a wimp as he hit the floor. A huge cramp of pain ran through his whole body. He could barely hear his brother yelling at him to get up and fight, and of course he didnt want another punishment from him. He would rather die.

He got into his paws again and roared, challenging the bigger male once more. -Hit me!!- He yelled.

(( -cofcof-))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 12:04:20
Njau would love nothing more than to bash the little punk's face in, but he was too seasoned a warrior to fall for taunts. "I already did. Your turn." He said with a grin, his own tail lashing about behind him. Most enemies went for the face, the eyes especially, and if this Makoto tried such a move he would find himself the victim of a hard bite to the paw, and would be thrown into the ground and pinned. Benefits of being a loner, Njau was very good at countering most attacks.

Kivuli stalked carefully around the pair, pretending to be invested in the fight, but he was drawing ever closer to Donnie, watching the young male out the corner of his eye. He didn't want Makoto to have such a toy, but that didn't mean Kivuli would leave the adolescent alone as well...

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 12:05:19
((Your link isn't complete I don't think... >.>))

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Hyena Hubby (#48707)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-27 12:12:48
Donnie is as frozen as hell :v

He woukdnt be so predictible he couldnt afford himself to be beaten. He raced into the male and aimed into his shoulder grabbing skin and a bunch of mane tuft as he tried to pull into the ground and rake his claws into the brute's stomach. Blood poured out of his cheek from the claw he had gotten hit with.

((This one?))

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