Posted by The Council RP Thread

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-26 05:20:25
OOC Thread
Art Thread
Poll Thread


Hello. Welcome to the town of Yorkville, Massachusetts. Doesn't look like much, does it? Didn't think so. No one really ever thinks that, and I don't blame them. But what they don't know is the history behind this place, and what amazing things can happen.

1. All characters must live in peace with the humans.
2. No fighting is allowed between characters unless otherwise stated.
3. Your existence must be kept a secret. Don't tell everyone who you are.
4. If a member of The Council approaches you, do not panic.
5. If these rules are broken too many times, the offender(s) will be forcefully returned to the pocket dimension.
6. Any characters who do not resemble a human must request an item to hide them before setting out to the new world.


Yorkville, Massachusetts is a coastal town with a port out to sea. A hug wooden "ark" can be seen at dock all the time, though no one knows where it came from.

There is an apartment building in the Northern part of the town and houses off to the West. East heads off to sea while South has a heavily forested area. In town there are many attractions for the residents.

There is a local coffee shop, perfect for meeting up with friends. A movie rental place allows for some leisure when at home. A general store is in the center of town, not far off from the apartments. A comic book store often has teenagers outside, buying comic books and partaking in tournaments in various card games and video games. A pawn shop is right next to the ocean. There are benches near the dock, which gives an amazing view of the ocean.


Name || Age || Universe (Show, Game, Ect.)
Location || Mentions


Something is wrong. Sure, everyone is living in peace and all, but... That doesn't change this feeling of dread among the characters. Some humans with a connection like a Writer or Seer can feel it. They can sense it coming off of the characters like waves, and are sometimes drawn to them. Rumors of W among the characters are spreading, and the person could appear any day now....

As of now, W has been discovered after she revealed herself to a group of characters. Soon, news of we discovery will spread to most characters in Yorkville.

Day of the week: Sunday

Weather: Windy and chilly.

Season: Fall. The leaves are just starting to turn, and a few are already falling.

Feeling in the air: No one really knows what this is.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 12/01/16 @ 17:09:44 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 12:26:09
Stanford Pines || App. 60 || Gravity Falls
Coffee shop || Mangle, Connor, Garnet

"Perhaps they do. Maybe we're not looking close enough."

The older man paused, thinking back on something. An encounter he had not long ago, a few days ago to be exact. Someone who visited his apartment, took a seat, and they had a conversation. Not something he allowed people to do often, but he knew this person, more than anyone else knew them, perhaps. He looked out the window, and he swore he saw the same figure, but it was just some person walking down the street, just finishing up some shopping. Perhaps for Christmas, even if it was still a few months away.

Shrugging to himself, he heard two people enter. Yeah, the door opened twice, he recalled as he turned slightly to look. The first was someone who was... Extremely tall, to say the least, and he swore he saw some of the things she was wearing before. Perhaps it was the shades. He had seen a few people wearing them, though it wasn't something he would wear at his age. The other was a kid, who went to a corner and started drawing. He laughed inside before turning back to Mangle.

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 12:53:13
Garnet || Appears 25 || Steven Universe || Coffee Shop
|| Mentions: Connor

She could feel something interesting in the air, as if we weren't alone. Well of course she wasn't alone, she was in a coffee shop, but there was something more to it.

The kid from earlier walked shortly after she did. She smiled calmly and walked over to him, sitting beside him.
"You are very talented. Climbing trees isn't your only expertise, I see." She said with a smile.
"A small chocolate milk for the child!" She called to the barista at the counter. Soon enough the barista brought over the chocolate milk and Garnet offered it to him.

"I'll drink it if you don't like it." She said.

Garnet had a soft spot for the little ones and she often showed it.
"What's a little one like you doing here by yourself?" She asked calmly.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 13:16:52
Connor//House//Male//9//Coffee Shop/Mentions: Garnet//Human form

Connor looked up from his drawing to see the woman from earlier. "Oh, why thank you! I bet you are as well." he replied. "Again, thank you." He took a sip from the chocolate milk. "Well... I'm just bored today, since my friends hadn't came over yet. When that happens, I just like to sit here and draw." he then added in. This person seemed nice to him, so he didn't see any trouble with talking to her. He decided to show her what he was drawing.

Mangle//Apartment 5B//21//Coffee shop//Mentions: Standford Pines and W//Human form

"I'm not sure if the council members are ones to like coffee, though I don't see why not. Perhaps you're right." Mangle replied. "You said you were just like me earlier with a non-human form. I'm curious on what it is. You don't have to show me, espesially not in a place full of people. I'm just curious, like I said." she then added in. She knew he had 6 fingers, but that probably wasn't it.

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 20:17:03 by ~Simba the Fluffy Lion~ (Poop) (#27778)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 13:20:54
Stanford Pines || App. 60 || Gravity Falls
Coffee shop || Mangle, Jackie

With that question in the air, Ford paused and looked at Mangle. "... You see, I am very much human. Maybe not as much as ordinary people due to a series of... Deals I've had, but... This is my true form. What I meant was... Well, our origins are the same, you get that?"

Instantly, he thought back to the girl in the apartment building, and again wondered if he should talk to her. It'd be better than her flipping her lid, but... He'd have to talk to someone first. One of his six-fingered hands reached into his trenchcoat pocket where a cell phone was. Maybe...

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 13:42:57
Garnet || Appears 25 || Steven Universe || Coffee Shop
|| Mentions: Connor

Garnet smiled as the child spoke to her. He was quite the adorable one.
She loved hearing him talk, it reminded her of home with the gems and Steven.

"It's a lovely drawing. I suppose I've been waiting for my friends for a while too. Maybe I'll see them again someday." She said with a smile.
"My name is Garnet. Who are you?" She asked with her soft voice.

Having someone to talk to was very refreshing, even if it was with a child. Children were this world's future, and she couldn't help but adore them.
Though she was getting interesting vibes from him. There was something unique about him, but she wouldn't prod him for answers.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 03:12:49
Macavity || 27 || Cats (The Musical)
Any street || None

Macavity puffed the cigarette again and wished he were in his animalistic form. Not because it was fun, but because humans were terrified of a black, red, and white cat-like creature. He could tell based off of the movies advertised outside the movie rentals place that these beings were not fond of things that did not fit with their system. Pitiful creatures, he reflected.

He walked a little further, deciding to head back soon. But here, across the street, was a coffee shop. He paused for only a half second, observing the people inside to see if any of them were sulking in the corner, hunched over. Those were his kind of people, he decided. Yet he didn't see anyone as such, and kept walking.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 03:26:07
Draco//20//Harry Potter//Coffee Shop//Mentions:Mangle, Stanford

Draco hadn't planned on leaving. In fact, he had wanted to stay home all day-although he knew he hadn't left the house for around a week. He didn't much like going in public anymore, as he had become slightly antisocial since he managed to get here, disguised as just a normal human. Not being able to use magic was driving him insane, and he preferred to keep his insanity inside, if he could help it. But this time he left, as it was still driving him nuts. He walked down the sidewalk, his hands in his pockets and his blonde air blowing in the chilly wind. He pulled open the door to the coffee shop, shaking his head back and forth to free his hair from his eyes. He spotted a woman to the left, and he said nothing, just acknowledging her presence with a slight movement of his hand. A man, around sixty, was near her as well, and looked as if he was attempting to call someone. Draco figured it was best not to bother him. He strode up to the counter and leaned against it, staring out at the sky, missing home.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 06:48:16
Stanford Pines || App. 60 || Gravity Falls
Coffee shop || Mangle, Jackie, Draco, ???

Another person entered. Stanford hardly acknowledged it as he pulled out his phone. It was a flip phone, a type one would expect someone like him to use. Some people liked it because it reminded them of past times. Stanford liked it because it was small and not so easy to hack into.

"... Sorry, Mangle, I have something I need to do. I might be back in a moment, but I might have to leave, so don't be startled if I don't come back."

With that said, he picked up his nearly empty drink and left, throwing it out as he passed a trashcan and a blonde-haired kid. Well, most likely not a 'kid', but he was by his standards. As he stepped outside, he dialed a number and held the phone up to his ear.

"... Yes, it's me. I'm walking, yes. No, I don't think anyone is listening."

He kept on walking towards the apartment building. It was still early, so not a lot of people were out. He was silent as someone spoke through the other end.

"... Yes, I understand. You know what happened, correct? How a human saw it? Should I tell them?"

Pause. Then Ford nodded. "I understand. I will talk to them."

He clicked it shut, walking back into the apartment building. Where was that girl? Jackie, was it?

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 07:09:18
Smaug//21 (around two hundred in dragon years)// The Hobbit// Coffee Shop//Mentions: Mangle, Draco (Mine :3)

Smaug pushed open the coffee shop door and looked around, his acute vision scouring everyone inside. He eyes landed on Mangle, and his lip curled slightly. He shook his bright red hair back and forth before studying the entire room again. He was itching to go fly, to burn something, to...kill something. He hadn't done it in so long, and it was driving him insane-and by dragon standards, that is a disgusting little word. He only recognized one person in the room; Draco. He trotted right up to him as he ordered a drink and sneered, raising his hand and hitting his back so hard he spit coffee. Draco turned and his stormy eyes met Smaug's golden-amber ones, his eyebrows raising.

Draco was the only one who knew his true identity- he had actually helped Smaug, to which he was grateful; as grateful as a dragon like him could be, that is. He treated Draco somewhat like a friend, to which Draco tolerated. "Sean." Draco greeted, using his sleeve to mop up the coffee. Smaug sneered slightly and turned his head, resting his elbow on Draco's shoulder. His eyes sweeped across the room, resting on Mangle. He noticed the shard shining on her necklace, and he soon became captivated with it, his eyes locking on it as he took a step forward and leaned his neck out, a quiet, barely audible rumble beginning in the depths of his throat. Draco put his hand on Smaug's chest and forced him back, giving him a warning stare.

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Edited on 30/12/15 @ 14:10:08 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 10:01:40
Jackie Ford || 21 || Human
Apartment Building lobby || None

Jackie Ford leaned back in the chair in the lobby of the apartment building and reviewed her work. It looked good for now, but she'd edit the section later with fresh eyes. She saved the file and rubbed her eyes while her slow computer took its time. That's the price you have to pay for a secure computer, she reminded herself as the loading bar went 48%... 69%... 92%... 100% and the file saved. She closed her laptop and exhaled deeply. Now, mentally worn out a bit, she wished she had gotten more coffee this morning. It would be able to freshen her up. But then again, she doubted if anything could have prepared her for the queer people-watching exertion today.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 10:23:48
Smaug//21 (around two hundred in dragon years)// The Hobbit// Coffee Shop//Mentions: Mangle, Jackie

Smaug sneered at Draco when he held him back, but Draco barely responded. He was too used to Smaug's attitude. Smaug turned away from him and snarled lightly at Mangle, keeping the shard in his sights. He found himself closing his fingers around the Arkenstone hanging from his neck. He stalked out the shop rather slowly, heading out onto the sidewalk. He wondered if there was anywhere he could go, anywhere, that he could transform and turn into a dragon at. Of course, he would most likely be seen by passerby's, and he unfortunately couldn't burn anyone due to them finding out about his identity. He found himself standing in front of an apartment building, which strangely reminded him of the old fortress he had spent many years in. His chest burned with familiar heat-he remembered that little Hobbit, Bilbo, who stole from him with his little dwarf friends, stealing his fortress and unseated him from his throne. I was King Under The Mountain!! He fumed, snarling deep within his mind. His knuckles were turning white from clutching the stone too hard, so he released his hand from it and pushed open the lobby doors. He knew that had some kind of pizza delivery service, and he was too lazy to go get it himself. He spotted the girl sitting in a chair, messing with her computer, and couldn't resist the urge to tease her. "Well..." He sneered in his naturally deep, resonating voice. "What do we have here?"

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Edited on 30/12/15 @ 17:24:24 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 10:34:19
Jackie Ford || 21 || Human
Apartment Building lobby || Smaug

Jackie looked up at the voice and saw a large man with dyed red hair. "Oh, hello," she said with a smile. "Can I help you?" Something about his tone set her on edge, but her writer instincts overrode her caution and told her this could be a wonderful character for another time. And again she got the same feeling about him that she had from the boy and the pair from earlier. Well, hopefully this one won't have some weird costume, she thought to herself. She gently stood up from the chair to face him with her laptop tucked under one arm- just in case.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 10:46:32
Smaug//21 (around two hundred in dragon years)// The Hobbit// Coffee Shop//Mentions: Jackie

He sneered when she stood, and he sneered even more when she began to become rather polite towards him. "Oh, not really.." He purred. The truth was, he hadn't messed with anyone in quite a while, and he felt like doing it again. He knew he was putting her on edge just from his voice; he could smell it- he could hear it in her voice. And he enjoyed it. "Tell me..." He continued on. "What makes you become so attached to certain things like that?" He growled playfully, taking a step towards her, turning his head. "Spending your time writing all day." He grinned. He wouldn't go as far as he would have liked, for he knew that whoever the Council was, they would punish him for it. Not that he was afraid- no, he used to be a King, why would he? But he knew they controlled him now, and he was wise enough to know not to challenge anyone without consequence. He was beginning to get fascinated with this girl- after all, he did wonder why somebody would spend time on such things as writing. They seemed very dull to him. Then again, a dragon's idea of fun consisted of burning people and laying in gold for half a century, so he couldn't really blame her. He was smart enough to know that much.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 12:03:34
Jackie Ford || 21 || Human
Apartment Building lobby || Smaug

Jackie quickly scanned the apartment building lobby, making sure the receptionists were in and a few other people were in the area. Just in case... She glanced down at her laptop as the man talked of writing. "Writing?" She repeated. "I write because sometimes the world of our imaginations is better than reality. It tells you more about yourself, too. How you differ from other people, how to see situations from multiple perspectives, how to appreciate every part of someone." She looked back up at him. He didn't seem like some apprentice writing looking for inspiration, so she cut her talk short. "But hey, I'm probably boring you... I should get to my apartment." She started to move past him, still holding the laptop against her stomach.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 12:27:44
Stanford Pines || App. 60 || Gravity Falls
Apartment building lobby || Jackie, Smaug, ???

Stanford Pines walked through the doors of the lobby, the conversation still ringing in his ears. He thought for a moment before looking around for The Writer. He knew for a fact at this point, as all were attached like that to the computers and would often follow him like she did.

But someone else had gotten there first.

He didn't recognize that guy, but he knew in his gut that he was another one like him. Ford stepped forward and put a hand on Smaug's shoulder, shooting him a warning glance. Careful. You don't know if they're watching. Or who they are. He seemed to say through a stare before following Jackie. "Ah-Hey! Jackie, was it?"

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