Posted by The Council RP Thread

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-26 05:20:25
OOC Thread
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Hello. Welcome to the town of Yorkville, Massachusetts. Doesn't look like much, does it? Didn't think so. No one really ever thinks that, and I don't blame them. But what they don't know is the history behind this place, and what amazing things can happen.

1. All characters must live in peace with the humans.
2. No fighting is allowed between characters unless otherwise stated.
3. Your existence must be kept a secret. Don't tell everyone who you are.
4. If a member of The Council approaches you, do not panic.
5. If these rules are broken too many times, the offender(s) will be forcefully returned to the pocket dimension.
6. Any characters who do not resemble a human must request an item to hide them before setting out to the new world.


Yorkville, Massachusetts is a coastal town with a port out to sea. A hug wooden "ark" can be seen at dock all the time, though no one knows where it came from.

There is an apartment building in the Northern part of the town and houses off to the West. East heads off to sea while South has a heavily forested area. In town there are many attractions for the residents.

There is a local coffee shop, perfect for meeting up with friends. A movie rental place allows for some leisure when at home. A general store is in the center of town, not far off from the apartments. A comic book store often has teenagers outside, buying comic books and partaking in tournaments in various card games and video games. A pawn shop is right next to the ocean. There are benches near the dock, which gives an amazing view of the ocean.


Name || Age || Universe (Show, Game, Ect.)
Location || Mentions


Something is wrong. Sure, everyone is living in peace and all, but... That doesn't change this feeling of dread among the characters. Some humans with a connection like a Writer or Seer can feel it. They can sense it coming off of the characters like waves, and are sometimes drawn to them. Rumors of W among the characters are spreading, and the person could appear any day now....

As of now, W has been discovered after she revealed herself to a group of characters. Soon, news of we discovery will spread to most characters in Yorkville.

Day of the week: Sunday

Weather: Windy and chilly.

Season: Fall. The leaves are just starting to turn, and a few are already falling.

Feeling in the air: No one really knows what this is.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 12/01/16 @ 17:09:44 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 11:56:08
Toffee || Appears 25 || Star Vs. The FOE
Coffee Shop || Stanford (Indirectly), Jackie (Indirectly), Garnet, Mangle

Toffee sighed when the two went to a different part of the lobby, out of earshot. Now he couldn't listen to them unless he switched hiding spots, and they'd definitely spot him if he tried to switch now. 'Why am I so upset? If he really told her about the characters, it's nothing I don't know already.' He assured himself. He took a sip of his coffee before narrowing his eyes and giving it a disgusted look. It was too cold now. Great. He'd have to go back to the Coffee Shop. Just as he was about to leave, a strange-looking woman asked him what was on his mind. Calling him a child. He didn't really understand why she had called him a child, since the two of them appeared to be about the same age, but it would be a waste of time to ask her about it. "There's nothing on my mind that you'd be interested in, miss. As much as I would love to stay around and chat, I need to go." He replied, giving her a small smile before walking out of the lobby and down the pathway, towards the Coffee Shop. He glanced back for a moment before looking at the path ahead. 'Who was that strange woman?' He wondered.

After he had gotten a fresh cup of coffee, Toffee looked around, a woman talking to herself catching his attention. She was saying something about waiting for a guy called Stanford. He sat down across from her. "Talking to yourself?" He teased with a smile. He smiled without showing his teeth, not wanting to let her see how abnormally sharp they were. The teasing was just meant as a joke, and he didn't want to offend the woman; he hoped his tone made that obvious. He met her gaze for a moment, noticing that she also had yellow eyes. 'At least she won't ask about my strange eye color.' He thought to himself, raising the cup of coffee to his mouth and taking a small sip before setting it down. Hopefully the woman wouldn't mind that he was sitting at the same table as her. "Who is this Stanford that you're waiting for, if you don't mind me asking?" He kept his tone polite the whole time. He could appear to be a gentleman if he wanted to.

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 12:26:06
Garnet || Appears 25 || Steven Universe || Coffee Shop
|| Mentions: Toffee

Garnet could tell he was a bit confused that she called him a child. She couldn't help it. Humans in comparison to gems... Even at ages such as 25, they still seemed young.

But she kept her usual straight face as he walked away. Hmm.

"Right." She said.

It was then she saw the girl (Jackie) walking off after being talked to. Something looked wrong with her. Garnet's interest was piqued. She could see the older man walking away as well.

"She alright?" Garnet asked the old man (Stanford).

She walked over to him, her eyes looking into his.

Steven || 14 || Steven Universe || Coffee Shop
|| Mentions: NA

What an experience... He almost felt queasy from the travel, but he was finally here! He couldn't wait to see Garnet after all this time.

He clung onto the straps of his backpack, going into a full run as he passed by people walking down the street. None of them looked like her, he wondered if she would be in disguise.

"Huh?" He said under his breath as he saw someone wearing the same shades Garnet wore. Weird.

Steven finally made it to a coffee shop. Him being the way he is, he immediately went it, swinging the door open.

"Heeeeeey! Anyone seen a really tall woman with an Afro sorta thing and really cool shades?" He asked outloud, looking around the shop.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 12:36:18
Smaug//21 (around two hundred in dragon years)// The Hobbit// Coffee Shop//Mentions: Steven

Smaug walked with Draco down the sidewalk, using his senses to guide him, as his eyes were closed as he remembered that disgusting little Hobbit with annoying nicknames. "Barrel rider.." He scoffed.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Draco asked, his stormy eyes filled with confusion.

Smaug snarled under his breath and lifted his head to look at Draco. "Nothing." He growled. He moved his hand beneath his shirt and took hold of the Arkenstone, rolling it around in his hands. He entered the coffee shop again, bumping Draco lightly with his shoulder, like he always did when he requested something from him. Draco nodded and moved up to the counter, ordering two straight coffees and handing one to Smaug. Smaug began to drink it, and smirked from the taste of the bitter coffee. It reminded him if dwarf....

His thoughts were interrupted as the door swung open and some kid began to yell about some girl he needed to find. He snarled lowly in his deep, resonating voice, "Can you quiet down, child? I am currently immersed in my thoughts!"

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 12:47:33
Steven || 14 || Steven Universe || Coffee Shop
|| Mentions: Smaug

Steven sighed, a mildly offended look on his face from the remark.
He walked up to him, looking up at the man. This one was probably not very friendly, but then again Steven did just barge in there.

"My bad. I'm looking for my frie-... My mom. Have you seen her? She's really tall. Her skin is dark and she wears these shades that almost look like a mirror. Her name is Garnet."

Steven knew he had to keep his existence a secret, and for now he'd go with the idea that Garnet was his mother. After all, she was very motherly towards him.
He was way too eager to see her.

"You're a tall scary dude. I'm sure you could maybe help me?" He said with a pleading smile. "My name is Steven Rose Quartz Universe. Funny name, but it's special I suppose. Not fictional or anything. What's yours?" He asked.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 12:59:29
Smaug//21 (around two hundred in dragon years)// The Hobbit// Coffee Shop//Mentions: Steven

Smaug atared at the kid. He was rather polite; apologizing for his loudness. Smaug may have been mean, but he did very much appreciate good manners. He listened, his head tilted in the boy's direction, taking in the woman's description as he formed an image in his mind.

"I believe I have." He answered in his deep voice, his lip naturally curling. "Near the apartment building. She was rather interested in another's affairs, it seemed." He doubted the woman was the boy's mother, as, like him, she seemed a lot other than she looked, but he asked no questions.

He curled his lip and grinned when the boy remarked that he was scary. He very much agreed with that, but said nothing other than a low noise, quite like a purr, rising from his chest. He almost remarked that Steven should have heard of him; then he remembered how he wasn't exactly in his own world anymore. He took a step forward and lifted his head, looking into the boy's eyes with his own Amber, fiery ones. "Smaug." He answered simply. "Though, here, I tend to go by the name of Sean, which I quite dislike."

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 13:04:47
Stanford Pines || App. 60 || Gravity Falls
Apartment building lobby || Garnet, ???

Hearing someone speak, Stanford turned and saw the woman he saw at the coffee shop. He registered after a moment that she was speaking to him about Jackie. "Oh, I'm sure she is... I just had to tell her something."

He wasn't going to tell her directly what he told Jackie, but... "Hey, didn't I see you over at the coffee shop earlier?"

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 13:10:23
Steven || 14 || Steven Universe || Coffee Shop
|| Mentions: Smaug

Steven smiled. All he needed to do was head towards the apartment building. Maybe it was nearby. He probably past it on his way to the coffee shop.

"Thank you so much." He said with a big smile. Well I think Sean is a pretty name. Sounds like the kind of name for a sophisticated guy. And Smaug sounds really cool too. Like, if Smaug was your super awesome alter ego or something."

Now that he had a sense of direction, he felt more relieved. Maybe Garnet lived at the apartments. He'd have to ask the receptionist there.
For now he seemed very fascinated with Smaug and it was very apparent. Something about his Amber eye captivated his attention. Mysterious!

"I'm guess you live around here. It's not everyday I meet someone so... Mysterious." He said with fascination, his eyes shining like stars as they always did with gems.

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Edited on 31/12/15 @ 20:12:24 by Honey (#55910)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 13:17:16
Smaug//21 (around two hundred in dragon years)// The Hobbit// Coffee Shop//Mentions: Steven

Smaug was now grinning more than he had been in so long. He like this kid; he brought him more compliments then he had gotten before. He grinned at Steven and tilted his head. "Well, you have nice manners, for a youngling. Tell me, do you come from around here, if I may ask?" He took another step forwards. This was the kind of human he would normally keep around just to entertain him. He typically despised them, but this one...fascinated him, to say the least. And he seemed fascinated with Smaug as well. He found himself messing with that stone around his neck, almost tempted to raise it to his lips just so he could become a dragon again. He wanted to show this kid so much more...more than he saw from him now. He doubt Steven had ever seen a dragon, although Smaug was certain he was a character as well as he was.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 14:18:20
Jackie Ford || 21 || Human
Apartment Building lobby || None

Jackie adjusted the laptop under her arm before heading for the stairwell, mind still whirling. Every play she'd ever seen, every second of every tv show, was all real. Just... in another dimension. That was comforting. She muttered to herself before walking down the hallway to her apartment. Maybe it'd be best to sleep on it. After all, it was getting later in the day and it'd been one heck of a crazy day at that. She rolled the idea over in her mind again. The old man had said to meet him in his apartment if she had questions, but she knew better. She'd read CCrime and Punishment. Wait, was Raskolnikov real? Sonya? Dunya? Svidrigailov? That pervert existed? She groaned a little before entering her apartment and laying her computer on her desk.

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 14:25:12
Steven || 14 || Steven Universe || Coffee Shop
|| Mentions: Smaug

Steven wasn't sure how to answer that question. He hated lying but perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing to hide.

"I'm not from here. I just arrived a few moments ago actually. I'm from... Another place. It's called Beach City. It's pretty real. Really cool." He said with a smile.

Beach City sounded like a real place right? Not like it would be obvious any way. It was real to him so it was good enough.

Steven took notice of Smaug fiddling with the thing around his neck. Steven too had something special, of course that was his gem. As he began to think of home and Connie, his gem began to faintly glow a bit.

He immediately covered it with his hands.
"Wow the food here really makes my stomach act up, hehe." He giggled.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 14:31:16
Smaug//21 (around two hundred in dragon years)// The Hobbit// Coffee Shop//Mentions: Steven

Smaug was finding it rather easy to discern whether this kid was a character or not. Well, what were the signs? For one thing, the kid had a gem around his neck, like he had. And Smaug was pretty certain that Beach City was not a place. Plus, who had Universe as their surname?

"Answering your earlier question, I just came here as well. I am not from here, as well. Although where I'm from, well, let us just say it isn't a nice place to visit." He curled his lip slightly. "You may want to run to your mother, now. She might be a bit worried." He purred. He liked this kid quite a lot, and he didn't like admitting it. "Perhaps we can see each other again." He stated.

He turned and nudged Draco with his shoulder. "Come Draco, we have things to do." He growled.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 14:40:33
Macavity || 27 || Cats (The Musical)
Street -->> Apartment Building lobby|| None

Macavity continued down the street to the apartment building. It seemed his adventures for today must come to an end, and he should prepare for his nightly adventures. He was excited to perhaps preform his first human mugging today, or meet a subordinate. Either way, he was eager to get back into the game. He'd been alone for too long with these sickeningly nice people.

He noticed a no smoking sign taped onto the inside of the apartment building, and thus huffed and tossed the cigarette on the ground to the side. Best not be noticed yet, he thought, playing with the ring on his finger. Was the ring magic, or some form of science? He thought briefly, but honestly didn't care that much to go into it. Instead he stepped into the apartment building with his breath still darkened with smoke.

Natella Abashwili || 28 || The Caucasian Chalk Circle
General Store || None

"That one there," Natella said, pointing with one finger to a purse hanging in the window. "Yes. The one that has a 'Sah-ley' sign. What? Sale? No, 'Sah-ley.'" Her indication was a little off as her arm was weighed down with bags. Well, if there was one advantage to this new dimension, it was credit cards. She could buy things without spending a single piaster! If only she could have suggested this to Georgi when he was alive.

Her thoughts turned away from her husband as the shop owner got the bag for her. "Yes. That one. Took you long enough," she muttered, and handed him the piece of plastic. How delightful; the man thought he would be receiving payment, but in reality she never planned on paying her debts. Let peasants do that. She was not a peasant. She followed him in her high heels over to the counter where they made their arrangements and touched the little glowing piece of metal. This world was still very strange to her, but at least they still had her style of clothing. Her large fur jacket and silk scarf were proof of that much.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 14:46:35
Chara Dreemurr || 9...? || Undertale
Coffee Shop > Streets || Connor, Steven, Smaug

Chara grew tired of the child quickly. Their smile faltered for a moment, but they kept on smiling. "Oh, nevermind. I have things to do....!" Laughing a bit too hard at nothing, the red-eyed child watched another speak to a rather tall person. Shrugging, they got up and walked out the door.

Without really thinking about it, they pulled their knife out of their inventory and started spinning it absentmindedly, never ceasing to smile.

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 14:47:55
Steven || 14 || Steven Universe || Coffee Shop
|| Mentions: Smaug

Steven smiled at the older guy. He clutched his gem under his shirt, glad he hadn't at least noticed that one. What would he do if he was found out?

"I hope to see you soon too!" He said with a happy smile.

He immediately ran out the door and toward the apartments. Wherever they were. He wished he could show someone a picture of Garnet but sadly he didn't have any.
Hopefully he'd find her. He had to. She was the only one she had out there.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 16:41:34
Legolas/Lord of the Rings/Apartment building-Coffee shop/Mentions: pretty much everyone

It was always funny how nobody ever noticed Legolas. He had been sitting in the corner, doing nothing but twirling an elvish blade between two of his fingers. He found it fun to just watch everyone around him-especoally Smaug, who made him very interested in everyone else. He knew who Smaug was, although he had never really dealt with him before, yet he had heard tales, tales of the great beast in the mountain. And he was certain that the stone around his neck was the same one that was used by his father to trade, of sorts, with Thorin Oakenshield. He had been around for many, many years, too many to count anymore, so sitting here and waiting for a while didn't peeve him in the slightest.

He was slightly peeved, however, when a boy, who was quite young, raced in and began to yell rather loudly. He groaned and put his hands over his ears, the sound being magnified by his rather good hearing. He snorted a little as the boy conversed with Smaug, too fascinated with him to notice Legolas's rather misplaced laugh. He watched the boy leave as his eyes fixed on several different people, meeting some of their eyes with his piercing blue ones, searching their necks with his eyes in order to find the objects they used to disguise themselves. He had already discerned who was a character and who wasnt; he just needed to find out who they were.

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