Posted by Semi-Literate Wolf RP Sign-Ups (New!)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 15:59:49
Duskfall Pack Territory

Sunrise Pack Territory

1x1 / Borders Thread

Gathering Place

RP Chat

Shadowpack Sign-Ups(rp thread linked)

The Packs -
Sunrise Pack- Current alpha is female; The pack lives on some hilly plains in the shadow of a mountain and the only direct sunlight the camp gets is during the morning to the afternoon(sun rise to about 2). There is a shallow lake below the camp. The dens are caves in large boulders or carved into the sides of the mountain facing the east. The highest dens on the mountainside are occupied by the higher ranked wolves and their mates. The ones closest to the lake (slightly damper and colder) and in the lowest rockfaces are occupied by the lower ranked wolves. (see rank challenges and Sunrise mate challenge)

Duskfall Pack- Current alpha is female; The pack lives in eye shot of the western side of the mountain. The westernmost point of the territory is dense forest and the easternmost point is flat plains. In the middle of the territory is wooded shrubland. The camp is located in the westernmost area of the shrublands, the dens are made in the bushes and dug under the roots of large trees. (see rank challenges and Duskfall mate challenge)


Pack Ranks
* Alpha (1) male OR female, the leader; has the last say in every decision
* Beta (1) male OR female; second in command; advisor of alpha and the one who is in charge of domestic decisions/debates within the pack
^DON'T HAVE TO BE MATES. But must HAVE/CHOOSE mates in the pack...which unless special circumstance by vote of pack or victory in battle - ranked at least Royal Guards.
---*Epsilon - Alpha's mate...Upsilon - Beta's mate
* Deltas (2) young wolves next in line for alpha/beta; chosen as pups/young adols to lead after alpha/beta steps down - they have NO TRUE PACK STATUS [i.e. - not above or below the Zeta]; are still higher-classed wolves since they are most likely former sigmas/apprentices. Deltas continue their training outside of the pack until 16 months old (leave for an entire season and a half or so to train and learn how to lead the packs. They will have a month to touch up on their normal techniques, then spend a month with a noble - learning diplomacy, the beta - learning how to lead, then a month is spent in the other packs--meeting the other alphas, spending a few days getting to know them, etc. Most deltas get home half a month or so early because the other packs don't want their secrets and such being GIVEN to the next alpha/beta's of a rival pack.
* Zeta (1) Commander of the warriors; third in command; war general; fighting and battle strategy is his/her specialty
* Kappa (1) lead hunter; male or female; hunting and formation strategy is his/her specialty
* Nobles (2-8) 1-4 females, 1-4 males; no real duty/job. Hunt AND fight for the pack; can also be royal ambassadors in the place of the beta and alpha
* Royal Guards (2-5) Guards of the high class wolves' pups.
* Apprentices (unlimited) former Sigmas; 3-13 months old. Will become either royal guards or nobles; were not chosen to be deltas. Deltas are chosen at 12 months of age.
* Sigmas (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) pups of upper class wolves. DELTAS DO NOT HAVE PUPS; deltas are chosen from these pups unless there are VERY special circumstances; separated from the 'Juniors' - these wolves start training at 3 months old
~~~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Higher Class ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~
~~~V V V V V Lower Class V V V V V~~~
* Healer (1) possesses sharp knowledge of herbs/medicines for healing packmates; not allowed to have pups or a mate unless given permission; if they are found to be guilty of this law
* Warriors (2-7) fighters; fight for pack safety; guard the pack
* Hunters (2-7) hunters; usually females or lanky/long-legged males
* Scouts (2-4) Scout out the herds for large hunts; spies; keep track of battles and report back to the captains of the battle/alpha-beta; messengers
* Tenderfeet (unlimited 'a tenderfoot') in training to become either a hunter, scout, or warrior. Former 'Pups'. 4-14 months old.
* Juniors (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) Pups born to hunters/warriors/scouts are watched over by the omega; start training at 4 months old
* Elders (2) --- respected by upper class and lower class alike; the wisest/oldest of the wolves (8-12 years)
* Omega (1) lowest ranked wolf; eat last, watch the warriors and hunter's pups while parents are away

*Character List and ranking tips/helpful titles used in listing characters in first and second post*


Family / (EX)-Mates:
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
----if you reserve a position you have 2 days to make an acceptable form if another person also wants the position. A week to make the form if no one else asks for the position.

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Edited on 02/02/16 @ 14:41:59 by Cinder🔥Blaze (#26583)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 16:00:10
Pack Lore
Four beings, we call them the Ancients. The healers will be told the lore and history surrounding the Ancients and the Followers (the deceased) and in charge of passing it on. 

**If a healer dies before the lores are passed on, rumor has it that the next wolf/junior/sigma destined to be healer will be enthralled by their dreams, the ancients themselves telling the pack's history and of the Ancient's stories.
**A big thanks to InsertCleverNameHere (#36227) for introducing us to the Ancients in their post at the way bottom of page 27 (i loved it too much and decided to expand on it....if there's anything anyone wants to add, it's much appreciated because I'm literally just coming up with this on the spot, if anyone spots any contradictions, doubles, etc please tell me!)

"Four regal beings appeared before _____, the first, a bulky black bear appeared first, only visible by the white glow around him. The wolf's ____ eyes widened in fear of the monster, though (his/her) expression calmed a bit when the bear took no aggressive stance. A majestic stag was second to appear, his crown of antlers immense and strong. He took a position a few paces to the right of the bear and assumed the same peaceful, yet imposing stature. A cougar strode her way from the void next, her head high and her pelt glistening with the color of autumn leaves. Lastly, a strikingly beautiful, brindled she-wolf paced her way to the cougar's right side, her ears pointed up with position. She, despite being the smallest of the group, appeared to be the highest ranked. The cougar shot the wolf a curious glance and without even taking her eyes off _____, the wolf Ancestor responded, her voice booming yet calm, '_________'." (spelling mistakes and names have been done away with, along with some additions-I wanted to use your post as best i could)

Rumors go that there is a fifth Ancient that avoids the packs and is more solitary than the other four, a male coyote that got into trouble with Talia thousands of years ago and has disappeared from most of the lore since - the last stories that are about him are all about his cunning and sly antics, and that any coyotes around are his offspring since he was banished to the world of the living as a lone bachelor and the coyotes found on the packs' territories are to be chased out without hesitation, lest Malcin and his multitude of offspring play their tricks on you/your pack.

Bruno the black bear 
source -

Amira the cougar 
source -

Rank Challenges
Lower ranked wolves normally can't become high classed wolves, nor can they battle for higher ranks. However, in the light of the full moon, lower ranked wolves can challenge one of the current position holders of the royal guards. If the lower ranked wolf is victorious, the defeated/former royal guard becomes a warrior or can challenge either the Zeta or another royal guard for their position come morning. Either wolf can submit during the fight to admit their defeat before they are seriously injured or shamed.
******HOWEVER #1-Warriors/hunters can challenge the Zeta/Kappa at any time as long as the fight is witnessed by the alpha and/or beta and consent must be given by both the alpha and beta. If the Zeta/Kappa refuses to fight the warrior/hunter, an explicit reason must be given.
******HOWEVER #2-Alpha/beta's lower class potential mate (are in love, etc) can fight for any rank they choose ABOVE Royal Guard (nobles, zeta, kappa). The Sunrise pack mate challenge will begin at sunrise and last until sunhigh (noon). The Duskfall pack mate challenge will begin at dusk (evening) and last until midnight.

Rank Tips-
~ know the difference between the 'sigma' and the 'juniors'
~ zeta = lead warrior/war general
~ kappa = lead hunter
~ Apprentices are high class trainees and Tenderfeet are low class trainees.

Helpful titles used:
Epsilon - Alpha's mate
Upsilon - Beta's mate
Tau - alpha's offspring
Mallacht - half breeds; Irish for "cursed"
Rho - nursing/pregnant she wolves

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Edited on 02/02/16 @ 13:27:51 by Cinder🔥Blaze (#26583)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-01-29 16:00:18
Sunrise Pack Wolves
* Alpha (1) - Kenai | Female | 3y 8m *played by CinderBlaze (#26583) rho
* Beta (1) - Kerrin | Male | 5 *played by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)
---*Epsilon (Alpha's Mate) - Kappa Daemon
* Deltas (2) - NONE
* Zeta (1) - NEEDED
* Kappa (1) -{Epsilon} Daemon | Male | 4 years *played by Destiny (#17200)
* Nobles (2-8) -
* Royal Guards (2-5) -
Soren | Male | 2y 4m *played by CinderBlaze (#26583) mallacht
* Apprentices (unlimited) -
Winter | Female | 8M *played by Destiny (#17200)
Fall | Male | 8M *played by Destiny (#17200)
Storm | Male | 3M *played by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)
Izusa | Female | 3M *played by Dreaming
Ruari | Male | 3M *played by Crow
* Sigmas (1-4 per litter[x2]) -
Wendigo | Male | 0 *played by InsertCleverNameHere tau
Veena | Female | 0 *played by CinderBlaze tau
Himeru | Female | 0 *played by Sunfire tau
Axle | Male | 0 *played by Destiny tau
---- | Male | unborn tau
~~~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Higher Class ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~
~~~V V V V V Lower Class V V V V V~~~
* Healer (1) - Anuket | Female | 4 years *played by Sunfire (#26490)
* Warriors (2-7) -
* Hunters (2-7) -
Tundra | Female | 4 years *played by Dreaming
Cahaya | Female | 2.5 years *played by Sunfire (#26490) rho
* Scouts (2-4) - NEEDED
* Tenderfeet (unlimited) -
* Juniors (1-4 per litter[x2]) -
Asahi | Male | (unborn) *played by Sunfire (#26490)
Kaori | Female | (unborn) *played by Dreaming
* Elders (2) -
* Omega (1) -
^^Currently unranked -

Coquin {Loner} | Female | 4 *played by Wolflord

Duskfall Pack Wolves
* Alpha (1) - Lucifer | Female | 4 years *played by Destiny (#17200)
* Beta (1) - Nova | Male | 4 years *played by Sunfire (#26490)
* Deltas (2) - NONE
* Zeta (1) - NEEDED
* Kappa (1) - NEEDED
* Nobles (2-8) -
Pyre | Female | 4 years *played by CinderBlaze (#26583)
Arielle | Female | 13M *played by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227) mallacht
Gem | Male | 18M *played by Sunfire (#26490)
Sky | Male | 18M *played by Sunfire (#26490)
* Royal Guards (2-5) - NEEDED
* Apprentices (unlimited) -
* Sigmas (1-4 per litter[x2]) - NONE
~~~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Higher Class ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~
~~~V V V V V Lower Class V V V V V~~~
* Healer (1) - NEEDED
* Warriors (2-7) - NEEDED
* Hunters (2-7) -
Keahi | Male | 1 year *played by Dreaming
* Scouts (2-4) -
Aela | Female | 4 years *played by Sunfire (#26490) rho
* Tenderfeet (unlimited) - NONE
* Juniors (1-4 per litter[x2]) -
Noris | Male | (unborn) mallacht
Siana | Female | (unborn) mallacht
* Elders (2) -
* Omega (1) - NONE

^^Currently unranked -


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Edited on 13/02/16 @ 12:17:36 by Cinder🔥Blaze (#26583)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-01-29 16:40:37
Name: Kenai
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years 8 months
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Alpha

Family / (EX)-Mates:
-Deceased former Alpha male Nikol and Noble female Kerna (parents)
-Half-brother Soren
-Daemon(mate), Wendigo(son), Veena & Himeru(daughters)
-Siana(niece), Noris(nephew)

Strengths and Weaknesses:
+ Brilliant fighter
+ Natural Leader
+ Strategic and Thoughtful; Before decisions are made she goes over every scenario she can think of and lists out the pros and cons of every decision.
~ Inexperienced; too young to lead (having trouble/extremely stressed)
~ Hunting
~ Feels like she needs self-praise; very hard on herself; works herself ragged

Kenai is hard to approach. Its not that she is snappy or cruel to her packmates, but she is always doing something that looks important, or not taking time for herself, that she seems unapproachable. Kenai is quickly overworking herself and her once sheen fluffy coat is now the only thing that hides her weight loss and ribs. Because of this, she has found no time to get to know any potential suitors in her pack, and the only ones that you see her with are her brother and her beta. (see bio---)

Born as a Sigma, Kenai grew up under her caring and very strict alpha father. As for her mother, Kerna was constantly teaching her daughter how to act properly. Kerna - while well-respected - was one of those nobles that believed she was better than the lower classed wolves in every way, and taught her just that. Kenai knew it wasn't true, and has never treated the lower class badly or unfairly. (---from personality) Her brother has noticed her weight loss and when they are alone will often bring her something to eat and advise her to relax and take a break. Usually, she still won't eat what he brings. Since her father died, she has been in a deep depression that has only 'decreased' with extra work. She is usually working in camp, in her den on top of the hill, or guarding the pack at night.


Kenai is a large female, weighing in at 100 lbs, 2.7 ft tall, and 5 ft in length from nose to tail. She has light blue eyes and is light cream colored with a lighter underside and chest/throat. She has freckles on her muzzle and small spots under her eyes, and small light gray tipped ears.


Name: Soren
Gender: Male
Age: 28 months
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Apprentice in training to be a royal guard; about to finish his training

Family / (EX)-Mates:
-Duskfall Royal guard-Norse-(if you'd like to play him you may, feel free) and Sunrise Noble female-Kerna(feel free to sign up and play) (parents)
-Half-sister Kenai
-Step/'adopted' father Nikol
-Aela (fling/mate), Siana(daughter), Noris(son)
-Daemon (brother-in-oath), Veena & Himeru(nieces), Wendigo(nephew)

Strengths and Weaknesses:
+ Extremely charismatic with the females
+ Born to lead the royal guards; strong fighter
+ Strong swimmer
~ Secretly afraid of settling down/becoming mates; wary of females and pups in general
~ Secretly inferior; not good with criticism

On the outside, Soren seems to be the perfect guard, perfect mate-worthy male. He's strong and well built, the 'protector' males are expected to be. The rumor that he isn't Nikol's son has grown ever the more popular since Kerna rejected Nikol's 'Luness' title (the 'mate of the deceased alpha' title) the morning after Nikol's passing. While the rumors grow stronger, most potential mates of the young male gossip "He's the son of the former alpha and a well-respected Noble, the brother of the current alpha, and the kind of brute females fall for on sight." Unfortunately for these ideas and their holders, Soren is most definitely not that level of 'perfect'. Soren has been severely under shadowed since his puphood, since the day his father chose his older sister to succeed him, to become the Delta, Soren has held a nagging shadow of inferiority and feels as though he lived in his older sister's shadow.

As the Alpha male had gotten on in age, Nikol and Kerna's tries for more pups had failed two breeding seasons-and Kerna had become annoyed with Nikol's efforts to keep her around. Using the excuse of getting on in age and wanting more than one heir to her legacy, she manipulated a very large and well muscled Duskfall Royal Guard and had one more pup, Soren. While cream colored Nikol believed he was the father, Kerna's secret mate gave Soren his large, muscled build, dark blue eyes, and ringed tail. The fool he was, Nikol believed he had fathered Kenai as well as Soren, and made sure they grew to be the best suited for everything. When he died, he had succeeded in choosing Kenai as a Delta and Soren was 16 months old and an apprentice to become a Royal guard.


Soren is a large male, but still young. By the time he turns 3 he will weigh in at 140 lbs, 3.0 ft tall, and 5.2 ft long from nose to tail. Currently, he weighs 100 lbs, is 2.4 ft tall, and 4.8 ft in length. Soren has dark blue eyes and is dark brown colored with a lighter underside and chest/throat. He has one paw that is the same color as his undersides, and he has an odd triangle splotch under both his eyes. He has four rings on his tail from his Duskfall father.

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Edited on 29/01/16 @ 23:56:15 by Cinder Blaze (33027 side) (#26583)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 16:41:14
*CREDIT FOR PICTURES GOES TO WYNDBAIN AND THE PHOTOGRAPHERS OF THE WOLVES....AND TWILIGHT, MUCH AS I HATE TO GIVE THEM CREDIT*(lol jk..../references every 'still a better love story than Twilight' meme ever/)

Name: Veena
Gender: Female
Age: unborn
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Sigma
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Daemon(papa), Kenai(mum), Himeru, Wendigo, (??)

Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Fighting
+ Swimming
+ Natural leader
+ Keen intuition and good at reading people's thoughts (not literally, but if they show it on their faces she notices it)
~ Timid until later in life; clingy to mommy and daddy
~ Immature and sometimes a trickster (when she warms up later)
~ Might get into some troubles with love later ;)

Veena is a very shy cub until she's an older apprentice. She is a natural leader and takes after her mom in that, and only learned more with her time spent clinging to her mother in her early days. She can be immature and trickster in her apprentice days, and very shy and clings to her mom and father in her early days, simply observing her siblings and the other pups born this season. She doesn't like to be anywhere without her mother or father, and when she has to be left behind is quiet but anxious and short-tempered. She will become a great fighter and excels at driving during hunts thanks to her father's teachings.

rpo, born to Kenai and Daemon

Other: later
Description/Image: Kain1.jpg
Veena is a darker tawny colored wolf with a light cream underbelly. She's got her father and uncle's size and her father's bright green eyes.


Name: Noris
Gender: Male
Age: unborn
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: Junior (scout mother and unknown father = junior XD)

Family / (EX)-Mates:
Soren (papa), Aela (mum), Siana (sister)
Kenai (aunt), Pyre (aunt), Anuket(half-aunt), lots of family outside of the three packs

Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Fighting
+ Hunting
+ Climbing
~ Swimming
~ Rebellious

Noris is a jerk. Quite simply. Noris is one of those pups that everyone wants to strangle. He pranks the adults, bullies the pups, and disobeys what he is told. As he ages he will get better, but he is very rebellious as a pup and for most of his apprenticeship. He will sometimes listen to Pyre, as he respects her pranks and mischief.

rpo, born to Aela in Duskfall. Soren is the father.

Other: later
Description/Image: QcXLDP6ajqk.jpg Noris is a dark russet wolf with dark blue eyes like his father's. He is a large wolf like his dad, but has his mother's lither build. He is tall but on the lanky side so he can run quickly but also weighs quite a bit.

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 21:57:08 by Cinder🔥Blaze (#26583)

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 17:55:24
Fir you forgot Cahaya and Anuket :P Also, the alpha in DF is female now so you need to update that part lol. I have so many cat and wolf pictures on my photobucket account, I went through only half and found perfect pictures for all my characters :')

Name: Aela
Gender: F
Age: 5 years
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: Scout
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Pyre and Anuket (sisters)
Willem (cousin ~ deceased)
Siana and Noris (pups)
Soren (ex-mate)
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Speed
+ Stealth
+ Endurance
~ Swimming
~ Physical Strength

Personality: Kind hearted but cheeky at times when the mood strikes her. She always tries to be positive and has a mild temper, and hates to hold grudges. She is usually a bit shy around new wolves and won't talk much or will act stingy until she is comfortable (which doesn't take long). Lately she has grown to be more confident and will initiate conversation in strangers herself. She was raised to be extremely respectful to her higher ups and is very aware of her own status as a scout, though it does not get her down. She loves her role in the pack and wouldn't swap it for any other. While she enjoys being with her pack she also likes being on her own sometimes, for the peace it brings her.

Biography: Born in another pack but wanted to seek her own destiny away from the repetitiveness of home. She followed her sister, Pyre, to this pack and hopes to help make it a great one. She developed feelings for Soren after bumping into him time and time again, and after a summer romance bore his pups, Noris and Siana. While she now bears Soren no ill will, she is desperate to move on and forget her feelings lest they bring trouble for her or her offspring. Her best friend, Nova, is lying to the pack and has claimed her pups as his own in order to protect them.

Other: She had a near drowning experience as a pup and as a result has a paralysing fear of water too deep to walk through.

Description/Image: A slight, light boned she-wolf with longish silky fur the colour of molten gold that she inherited from her great grandmother. In summer/spring it is quite light and looks like sunlight, whereas in winter/fall it grows out and becomes more tawny. Her almond shaped eyes are bright blue like her mothers and she has a long white streak splitting her chest. Her features are angular and narrow, almost fox like, but the pale golden fluff around her face softens them considerably.

Name: Nova
Gender: M
Age: 4 years 6 moons
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: Beta
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Meruem, Illumi, Artemis, Mika, Killua (nieces and nephews)
Terra, Alecai (cousin)
Noris and Siana (adoptive children)
Aela (pretend mate)

Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ physical strength
+ fighting ability
+ very high pain tolerance
~ hates high places
~ doesn't know when to hold back

Personality: He doesn't talk much but he is still friendly and very straight forward and honest. He is laid back, easy going and doesn't mind joking around at times but when its time to get serious it's as though he has flipped a switch. In battle mode he is merciless and doesn't hold back against the young, weak or old. In defence of his pack he will do anything and deal with the consequences later once his conscience returns.

Biography: He was born in ShadowPack and trained by the alpha, Shadow, herself, who taught him his ruthless ways. His father was a pack healer and his mother was one of the most deadly wolves around and so he is well versed in both lifestyles. He had enough of his pack's fighting ways as his loyalty to them was weakened when his mate and pups was killed for disobedience, so he left with Pyre and Aela who were from a neighbouring pack. when his family was killed he lashed out in fury and fatally injured the grand-child of the alpha (or so he thought). To make an example of him, a couple of the litter mates of that pup were raised as assassins and sent to kill Nova two years later. He barely survived the attack and had to be healed by humans. He now has a radio collar. Nova is pretending to be the sire to Siana and Noris so the pack does not find out that they are half Sunrise.

Description/Image: sandy grey wolf with chocolate brown face and green eyes. Very large and broad shouldered. His father was massive and named for the Dire wolf so he grew up large as well. He has long legs and large ears. Three rippling scars cross his left thigh joint and one of his ears is no more than a ragged stump.
photo unnamed_zpsmlq6obpi.jpg

Name: Anuket (Anu for short)
Gender: F
Age: 4 years 6 months
Pack: Sunrise Pack
Rank: Healer
Family / (EX)-Mates: Pyre and Aela are her half sisters. Her cousin, Willem, is dead.
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ speed
+ fast reflexes
+ bursts of strength
~ not great at socializing
~ bad at controlling her emotions/hotheaded
Personality: Anu has a hot temper and nearly no patience. She has taught herself tolerance after getting into some sticky situations because of her anger. She is kind and honourable but her harsh tongue hides it well. Nowadays she is learning to be more sociable and mature, though she still prefers to keep to herself. Think 'Yellowfang'
Biography: Anuket grew up in a far off pack known as Silver Moon, and was content there despite never having known her father. She was very close to her mother and two brothers. However, disease crippled the pack and its strength dwindled. her mother became very sick and Anu worked herself half to death trying to keep her alive. her brothers gave up and left Anu to suffer on her own with a dying pack. Eventually all but a few of the stronger wolves made and it left to go their separate ways. Anu decided to try and find her father which she did eventually as well as his new mate. Her love for her mother and hate towards her fathers fickleness drove her to leaving him as she could not bear to stay in the same pack. After a fight got out of hand she killed her father and fled. She has now winded up with Sunrise.
Other: Her name is derived from the egyptian goddess of the Nile. SUNFALL
Description/Image: She is quite a tall and strong wolf, being very toned and well muscled. Her fur is a rich nutty, golden brown with silver flecks apart from her ears and tail, which are tipped black. Her fur gets thicker around the neck but other than that it is very smooth and well groomed. Her right ear tip is split in a deep V and both shoulders and flanks are laced with scars mostly hidden by fur. Her eyes are a bright sea green that can look like the core of a flame when empassioned or the ocean on a spring day when she is drowsy. She has a slight limp in her back left leg from one of her wilder tales. She is the spitting image of her father in personality and appearance, though she is slightly smaller and slimmer.
photo anuket_zpsraua6g2w.jpg

Name: Sky
Gender: M
Age: 2 years
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: Noble
Family / (EX)-Mates: His brother, Gem
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Charismatic
+ Smart
+ Resourceful and imaginative
~ Has commitment issues
~ Lazy bones
Personality: He is a laid back wolf with a silver tongue who likes to get others to do his hard yakka instead of doing it himself. he is a free spirit and doesnt like to be tied down, though he will always be loyal to his birth pack. he is also a good listener and is good to talk to. he might get on your nerves sometimes but overall he is a good guy. When he likes a she-wolf he turns into the corniest, sappiest wolf ever.
Biography: born in Duskfall to the former alpha and quickly became a reknowned scout alongside his brother Gem. Up until 6 moons ago they had been travelling, gathering news of other packs and the advancement of humans. When they returned his brother fell head over heels for Arielle and Sky developed a burning crush for a noble, Pyre.
Other: Sunfall
Description/Image: chinchilla gray with white underside and platinum gold eyes. Tall and broad shouldered with a well built chest. He has yet to reach his peak.
photo 78021Timber-Wolf-Posters_zps6ce0a708.jpg

Name: Gem
Gender: M
Age: 2 years
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: Noble
Family / (EX)-Mates: His brother, Sky. Arielle (mate) Twilight, Mirai and One more I cant remember oh gawd (pups)
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Athletic ability
+ Perceptiveness
+ Swims very well
~ Rarely has a speech filter and will say whats on his mind no matter the consequences
~ At the complete mercy of his love, Arielle
Personality: He is a responsible wolf with a head for reason and a body that can withstand just about any physical feat (and he knows it) he doesnt mean to be rude but hates lying so will often get straight to the point of things, feelings be damned. He has a rather dark sense of humour and despite his tranquil appearance, knows how to have fun. He can have his impulsive moments which usually end without consequence.
Biography: See Skys
Other: Sunfall
Description/Image: black, toned body with pale gray underside. copper eyes
photo blackwolf.jpg
Name: Cahaya (Means Radiance)
Gender: F
Age: 3.5 years
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: hunter
Family / (EX)-Mates: Asahi, One other I cant remember
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Stamina
+ Quick thinking
+ Speed
~ Strength
~ Loud noises
Personality: Before her pack was slaughtered she was a happy-go-lucky, life loving wolf with a heart for adventure and a big heart. Now she is depressed, grieving and is scared to venture anywhere she doesn't know for sure is completely safe. She is slowly getting better out of wanting to be a strong mother for her children.
Biography: She was the esteemed daughter of the alpha in a pack a days walk away from Sunrise pack, and is expecting the pups of her dead mate. A months ago her camp was raided by poachers who killed all 12 of them. Cahaya was shot in the shoulder and played dead until she could sneak away while her packmates were being skinned. Thankfully she managed to escape and made it to Sunrise pack (she followed their howls)
Other: She has a large pink gunshot scar on her shoulder.
Description/Image: Pretty, petite black she-wolf with dark brown eyes. Her inner ears are silver, as are a few specks on her chest fur.
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Name: Siana
Gender: F
Age: 6 moons now? After the timeskip
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: Junior or Sigma depending on the parents
Family / (EX)-Mates: Aela and Soren (parents) Pyre, Anuket, Kenai (aunts) Noris (brother)
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Charming
+ Agile
+ Courageous
~ Reckless
~ Vain
Personality: She is very brave, at times stupidly so. She doesn't consider the consequences for her actions and gets into trouble a lot. She can always talk her way out of it though as she knows how to pour on the charm and can act very innocent and cute when she wants to. She is selfish and vain and doesn't bother hiding it when she is in a bad mood, which is often when she doesnt get her way. When she is older she becomes very flirtatious, though she never takes it seriously. For her, the world in an oyster and she is the pearl. She acts very bratty towards other females except for her mother.
Biography: born in Duskfall to Aela
Other: she is a half blood
Description/Image: Her pelt is a beautiful silky russet red like her aunts, with a flare of white on her tail tip and black rimmed eyes which are bright golden like the sun. She is slim and long legged, and her favourite past time is grooming so her coat is always immaculate and glossy. She thinks she is the most beautiful wolf in the world and will stare at her reflection in a stream for minutes at a time.
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Name: Asahi (means morning sun)
Gender: M
Age: unborn
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Junior?
Family / (EX)-Mates: Cahaya, littermates
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Fearless
+ Practical
+ Fast
~ Doesn't have a brain-to-mouth filter
~ Forgetful
Personality: Rp it out. Otherwise, his strengths and weaknesses say a fair bit
Biography: Born in Sunrise pack to Cahaya
Other: None
photo littlewolf.jpg
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Edited on 29/04/17 @ 20:43:20 by Sunfire (#26490)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 01:59:44
Name: Kerrin (Ker)
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Beta
Family / (EX)-Mates: Father - Itzal [D]
Mother - Iris [D]
Half-brother - Tecumseh
Sister - Tundra
Nephew - Ruari
Ex-Mate: Cloud
Daughter- Izusa, Wintergreen
Son- Storm

Daughter - Arielle of Duskfall [UNKNOWN]
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Strategic and strong fighter
+ Good swimmer
+ Agile
~ Though he is agile, he is not a very fast runner.
~ Would rather fight than talk, not willing to negotiate unless he is losing.
Personality: Kerrin is intelligent and cunning, thinking things out in meticulate detail before acting, though only in the instance of a fight. He doesn't often think about what he's going to say, which sometimes stirs up trouble. He is not skilled in the art of negotiation, and will only attempt it when he feels there is no other option available. To strangers, he is harsh and unforgiving, though those close to him know him to be rather friendly and gentle. He is also incredibly flirtatious and a player, he rarely has genuine, true "crushes" on anyone.
Biography: "When I was young, I may have been in a pack, but my mother... My mother was the omega, lowest of the low. And I, the omega's son. You may have been left alone, but I was the chew toy. The one everyone's frustrations were taken out on when my mother couldn't be found. My father? Some lowlife packmember who gave me nothing but some half-brothers and sisters, only two of which decided to stay in the pack. When I did anything bad, that's the only time he'd act like a father. A violent one. I left when I was one. Came back some time after I was two. I was reluctantly welcomed back. 'The omega's son came back. We finally have a chew toy again.' That's what some said. I returned to find out that my mother had died; one of the more major of her injuries had become infected and wasn't healed in time. She was left for buzzard food in a shallow grave. The only reason I became Zeta was because I beat my father's ass. I usurped him."
Other: Sunfall

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Name: Arielle
Gender: Female
Age: Two years
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: Apprentice
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Mate: Gem
Mother - Pulcher [Pull-kair]
[All below are UNKNOWN]
Father - Kerrin of Sunrise
Brother- Storm
Sisters - Izusa, Wintergreen
Aunt - Tundra
Cousin - Ruari
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Clever
+ Agile
~ Quick to fight
~ Deaf in left ear
Personality: Arielle is quick-witted and clever, though sometimes sarcastic. She is quick to fight, though this makes her powerful and skilled in combat, even for her young age. To be honest, she isn't easy to get along with and she isn't skilled at being nice or forming alliances, but she isn't totally against it.
Biography: She was born into the pack, and makes sure to let it be known. She was born healthy and normal, like any other pup in higher ranks. At four months, she became deaf in her left ear after a fox she was stalking was shot by a hunter. The hunter was positioned near her left side at the time of the shot (the two of them hadn't noticed each other at first) and the loud boom resulting from it busted her eardrum. Though she cannot hear well from her left side, her other senses have strengthened as a result. Despite the incident, she was officially appointed Apprentice just a few weeks ago, the day after her six month mark.
Other: Sunfall
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Her fur is mostly a dark gray, with lighter tones around her shoulders, muzzle, cheeks, and the inside of her legs. The rims and backs of her ears, as well as a blaze and a saddle marking, are colored a dark bluish-gray. Her dark brown eyes, outlined by black, don't stand out from her face. She is tall, with long, slender legs and a rather long neck, making her appear elegant and royal.
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Gender: Male
Age: 3 months
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Sigma
Family / (EX)-Mates:
~Mother- Cloud
~Father- Kerrin
~Half sister- Arielle
~Sister- Izusa, Wintergreen
~Aunt - Tundra
~Cousin - Ruari
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+ Strong
+ Protective
+ Charming
~ Slow
~ Not the smartest
Personality: This pup has no fear of anything and likes to think he takes after his father as a charmer. Despite this pups appetite for trouble he's very charismatic, meaning he can often get out of having as bad a punishment as he should. He's very protective of his little sister Izusa, although he's always trying to get her to join in on his mischief. He idolizes his father and much to his mothers disapproval he wants to befriend Daemon.
Biography: Storm was born to Cloud and Kerrin and named after his mothers lost older brother. He was the largest of all his mothers pups and dominated the others at times. The complete opposite of his sister he has always been a strong and sturdy wolf, although he has a slender frame like his mother. He had no troubles with life other than a small scar on his nose from an encounter with a porcupine.
Other: Sunfall
wolf_pup_wallpaper_1280x1024.jpgHERE'S YOUR EFFING SOURCE:
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Name: Wendigo
Gender: Male
Age: 0 months
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Sigma (Delta or Noble in future)
Family / (EX)-Mates: Father - Daemon | Mother - Kenai | Uncle - Soren | Sisters - Himeru and Veena
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Charming/polite
+ Diplomatic
+ Handsome
~ Not an incredible fighter
~ Lacks an affinity for hunting, much to his father's dissapointment
Personality: A lady's man and a gentleman all the way. He is charming and strong as an adult, though before he reaches the age of one year, he is totally playful and mischievous, often sparring with other wolves. As he nears maturity at two years, Wendigo starts becoming mature and strong-hearted, though never really loses a specific liking for Izusa.
Biography: Born into the pack, a child of the higher-ups. RP out the rest
Other: If you want info on where his name comes from - | Sunfall
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Gender: Female
Age: 0 Months (Unborn)
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: Sigma [Delta or Royal Guard]
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Mother: Arielle | Father: Gem
Grandfather - Kerrin | Grandfather - Solomon
Aunts & Uncle - Izusa, Wintergreen, Storm| Uncle - Sky
Sister - Twilight | Brothers: Usnavi and Bennett (Benny)
First Cousin, Once Removed: Ruari

Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+Talented fighter
+Can't help but protect her pack
+Very good with those younger than her
~Hates to hide, would rather fight
~Doesn't get along well with females (other than her sister)
Personality: Spunky and tomboyish, Mirai would rather wrestle with the boys than converse with the girls. She loves training, unless there is a she-wolf doing it. If there is, she will often try to get out of it or join another cub's session. She will often disobey if told to hide from danger and will only relent if physically forced to. Her bias against females doesn't stretch to cubs, however, as she loves their antics and how energetic they are. Mirai is also very outspoken and sarcastic, inheriting this trait from her mother.
Biography: Born to Arielle and Gem, First in the four-cub litter.

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Name: Usnavi
Gender: Male
Age: 0 Months (Unborn)
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: Sigma
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Mother: Arielle | Father: Gem
Grandfather - Kerrin | Grandfather - Solomon
Aunts & Uncle - Izusa, Wintergreen, Storm | Uncle: Sky
Twin Brother: Bennet (Benny) | Sisters: Mirai and Twilight
First Cousin, Once Removed: Ruari

Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Strong fighter
+ Quiet
+ Intelligent
~ Hesitant
~ ??
Personality: Though he is mischievous and a prankster like his twin, he is more careful and unsure. (RP out the rest.)
Biography: Born to two nobles, Arielle and Gem, only seconds after his twin brother Bennet. He was the last of the four-cub litter.

On the left:

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Gender: Female
Age: 0 Months (Unborn)
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Junior [Warrior or Scout]
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Mother: Duchess | Father: Keahi
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Strong tracker
+ Loves to fight
~Stands out in snow and bright light
~ Rebelllious
Personality: Rebelllious and strong, RP out rest
Biography: Born to Duchess and Keahi, Duchess died during birth, she was brought to Sunrise by a desperate Keahi, nursed by Kenai to fill the gap Guierre left

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Name:Annabelle, but goes by Annie
Gender: Female
Age: 6 years
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Warrior
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Mother: Georgia [D] | Father: Virgil [Elder NPC - 10 years old]
Three sons and a daughter [All dispersed from the pack at age two years]
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Smart, strong fighter
+ Quick on her feet
~Developing some arhritis in her paws and legs
~ Isn't as agile as she used to be
Personality: To strangers, Annie is nothing special: low-ranked and and an older wolf. But if someone happens to catch that glint in her one blue eye, they'll know she's so much more to her pack. In Sunrise circles, the older she-wolf is respected far more than most low ranks. She is kind and agreeable, with a predominant maternal instinct. She's renowned for her storytelling, often entertaining cubs with tales of previous alphas, epic battles, and the passed-down tales of the Sky War, when the Ancients fought the Dark One and his army of Underbeings. Recently, the joints in her ankles have begun to ache, and she fears she may have to retire early if it worsens too badly in the next year.
Biography: Born in the pack to her hunter father, Virgil, and healer mother, Georgia, upon special permission from the previous alpha Nikol. As soon as her parents and Nikol saw her mis-matched eyes, the left brown and the right blue, they knew that they had made the right choice in letting the healer have a cub. Annie grew up a tenderfoot and from a young age, it was apparent that she'd be a good warrior and a well-loved she-wolf. Throughout her time as a tenderfoot, many adult wolves would let her hang around them, enjoying the young thing's maturity. Her adept skill in battle was proven during a major raid from Duskfall, led by a young Solomon, in which she played a large part in driving the pack off and saving her father. In the battle, a group of young, foolish rouges, attracted by the fighting, had cornered Virgil and were advancing hungrily. Annie, after forcing a Duskfall to flee, noticed and charged towards her father's attackers, raging with adrenaline. All three attackers pounced on Virgil at once, tearing into him with intent to kill. As the male's flesh was ripped and blood began to splatter against the grass, the rouges were dispelled, viciously being torn off by Annie and suffering one permenant casualty. Most of Virgil's tail hung limply in the jaws of one rouge as he scampered off with only one of his friends, the other laying without pulse off to the side, her neck torn open by the young warrior. The hunter male could barely stand and was losing blood quickly, most spilling from the remaining stump of a tail. His mate rushed to the scene, promising to take care of Virgil while the warrior returned to the fight. While her father eventually healed, Annie keeps the memory of the rouge she had killed in the back of her mind. At the age of two, she found love, having two litters of pups, one containing twin males, Granite and Reed, and the second containing a male and female, Bello and Mabel. Soon after she fell pregnant with her second litter, both her mate and her mother became ill with a bad case of the winter flu and died on the same day. Each of her two litters dispersed from Sunrise at age two to begin families of their own. In the couple of years since her cubs' dispersals, she has filled the gap with becoming a sort of mother figure to nearly every pack wolf and entertaining young cubs and adults alike with stories.
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Gender: Male
Age: 10 years
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Elder
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Mother and Father: Long passed
Ex-Mate: Georgia [D]
Daughter: Annabelle
Grandsons and Granddaughters: Mabel, Bello, Granite, and Reed
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Intelligent
+ Persistent
+ Good actor
~ Never knows when to stop talking
~ Weakening with age
Personality: Virgil is a trickster, at least he was in his youth, but age has rendered him weak and barely able to move quicker than a slow lope. His emotional resolve has kept him going enough, but he owes the livelihood he has now to his daughter, Annie. Being the old coot that he is, he's adopted a persistent habit of never shutting up, whether it be telling his daughter to find another mate or reminding everyone of his approaching demise.
Biography: Virgil was born in Sunrise to a pair of ex-rouge scouts during the very end of the alpha before Nikol. He boasts more memories from the packs than anyone alive now, but unlike his daughter, he hates telling about them. At four years old, he found the love of his life, a healer named Georgia. After pleading with the alpha for weeks, Nikol finally allowed Virgil and Georgia to be together and have a litter of cubs. One cub was produced from the pregnancy, a she-wolf dubbed Annabelle. That cub would grow up to save his life during a raid during which a band of rouges attacked. His attackers were driven off by Annie, but the ordeal cost him the majority of his tail.
Other:Duskrise B)
p9090264_sig.jpgHERE'S YOUR EFFING SOURCE:

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Edited on 12/08/16 @ 04:35:11 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 05:37:24

R. I. P

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Edited on 29/05/16 @ 21:25:57 by *Dreaming~Paradise* (Dixie) (#71738)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 08:25:13
Update storm, arielle, and kerrin clever xD

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Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 08:27:58
Don't forget about lore!

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-30 08:30:07


+3 months to all my wolves...

Name: Lucifer
Gender: Female
Age: 3 1/2
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: Beta
Family / (EX)-Mates:
~Deceased (Parents)
~Thinks all are dead (Daemon is unknown sibling)
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Speed
+ Smarts
+ Strength
~ She can't stand large crowds
~ Big bodies of water
~ Puppies (Of course ;))
Personality: Luce is a more reserved wolf, she can't stand drawing attention to herself but is an excellent fighter so it usually happens anyway. She is quiet most of the time, but not afraid to snap back and speak her mind if need be. Lucifer can be VERY stubborn sometimes and won't give up unless it threatens her life or her packs safety.
Biography: Lucifer was born and raised in a pack a few miles away from the Duskfall pack, DemonTidings was where she was raised up until 1 1/2 years, She was trained to fight since she was weaned and constantly 'tested' by the pack. A horrible forest fire had started on their island, there was no way out but to swim since the lake had flooded over the land bridge. Many of her pack-mates died in the fire, but the rest died in the water as they were to weak to swim. Due to her and her brother's training they made it to land and never looked back, running as far as their adreniline-filled bodies would carry them. Half way to the Duskfall Pack however, a rogue surprised them and slaughtered her brother, his dying words never leaving her head, 'Keep going Luce! Dont Give Up!!'. She kept running, eventually outrunning the rogue and bumping into a warrior from the pack who took in the adol until he passed near her 3rd birthday. Ever since she's been the striving wolf she is today, constantly training as her old pack taught her and testing pups every so often.
Other: Luce can be a bitch at times.. Like me.. Cinder should know xD :P
Description/Image: XX Same as Wintergreen's Photo! Lucifer is around 115Lbs, and 2.8Ft at the shoulder. Her body is riddled with scars from past fights. She has bright blue eyes, their depths usually full of life and twinkling depending on the time of day.


Name: Daemon
Gender: Male
Age: 3 1/2
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Hunter
Family / (EX)-Mates:
~Deceased (Parents)
~Siblings Presumed Dead. (Lucifer unknowingly alive)
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Agile
+ Stamina
+ Jaw strength
~ Brute Strength is not his forte
~ Pretty females
~ Flirting
~Short Temper
Personality: Daemon is a bit of a stubborn male and can't stand being stood up by those of his rank or lower. He is only really submissive to his mate and has a very short fuse. His anger is hardfor him to control and can only be done so with sheer will power. Those of lower ranks who don't listen to orders are more likely to hold marks of his dominance than those who don't. He is willing to go against those of higher ranks to protect the ones he loves and resents anyone who threatens pups and his mate.
Biography: Daemon was born and raised in a pack a few miles away from the Duskfall pack, DemonTidings was where he was raised up until 1 1/2 years, he was trained to hunt since he was weaned and constantly 'tested' by the pack. A horrible forest fire had started on their island, there was no way out but to swim since the lake had flooded over the land bridge. Many of his pack-mates died in the fire, but the rest died in the water as they were to weak to swim. He thinks the entire pack didn't make it past the shoreline, many bodies littering it and floating in the lake water. Daemon ran and ran until his legs could carry him no more, he was met with a border patrol of the Sunrise pack where he collapsed and was nursed back to health, his extraordinary hunting skills getting him accepted by the pack.
Other: --
Description/Image: Twin to lucifer but with peridot green eyes.


Name: Tyrael
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Pack: Previous Member of DemonTidings (Current: N/A)
Rank: Loner
Family / (EX)-Mates: Passed away
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Agility
+ Speed
+ Smarts
~ Brute Strength (Has some due to intense training)
~ His mouth (Tends to dig himself into a deeper hole)
Personality: TBD (Haven't figured it out yet)
Biography: Ty was born into a pack on a island, the day of his birth however there was massive flooding and a forest fire spreading across it. Everyone in the pack died, to his knowledge, except him and his mom who had just barely managed to live while his other siblings passed. In the next two years of life, his mom was growing weaker but unrelenting in his training on hunting and fighting to defend and feed himself. He became known as 'justice' to the packs around him as he jumped in and saved wolves from hunts and raids from rogues and other packs. Not one knew his true name and he bears a signature scar from his left ear to his nose. On his second birthday his mom finally passed away and he immediately changed, only jumping in to help every so often.
Other: 030 If you know what the 'justice' thing is from, gratz to you! Sunfalllll
Description/Image: He has slightly overgrown teeth that protrude just barely past his lip. He sports two mutations actually, one of overgrown teeth and another of chimera. One half of his face is pure white with a bright blue eye, the other is black and brown with a green eye. His body is a mix of these three colors as well, he has medium length silky fur and is a hefty male weighing in around 94Lbs and 2.3ft at the shoulder.


Name: Wintergreen
Gender: Female
Age: 7 months
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Sigma/Apprentice
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Mazla (Pronounced like Mazda but with an L)~Real Dad~Unknown
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Speed (she is swift)
+ Stamina (can run long periods of time)
+ quick-thinker
~ Brute Strength
~ Big big groups of wolves
Personality: Strong willed and wants to be independant. Has a cold heart from what happened to her at such a young age. Isn't afraid to speak her mind and only really submits to her alpha.
Biography: Winter was with her family, a small band of rogues, when a disease started tearing them apart from the inside-out. It started with her alpha mother, only affecting the females. She was taken from the band quick enough to not catch it, but her father and brother soon disappeared leaving her alone. She is unaware of her sibling and father's whereabouts and doesn't really care to know, having locked their memories far into her memory.
Other: Sunfall
Description/Image: XX Credit
Wintergreen was named after her eye color, which unlike the picture is a bright green. Her pelt is a monochrome black/white and she has a good build even as a puppy.


Name: Fall
Gender: Male
Age: 7 Months
Pack: -- (Sunrise later)
Rank: -- (Scout or Hunter)
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Mazla (Pronounced like Mazda but with an L)~Real Dad~ Deceased
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Quiet
+ Stealthy
+ Fast
~ Quick-Thinking
~ Strength
He holds no sympathy or love towards any male, only a few select females. He can't stand to be around higher-up figures ever since his mom and fathers deaths, mostly submitting just so he can live. Though he'd never submit to a male under any circumstances, the last time he did that it cost his beloved sister's life.
It was just a normal day at the pack of rogue's camp until the females around them started dropping or hacking up whatever they ate recently in violent waves. He curled protectively around his beloved sibling, Wintergreen, eyes wide until teeth dug into his scruff and the siblings were being carried away from the pack. They were so young, only 2 months old when it happened. His dad carrying the pair far from the sickness threatening to kill Winter. Unlike their parents tans and browns, the pair was monochrome. Winter with bright green and himself with dark blue, contrasting beautifully when together. Fall gave a groan as they were dropped by a panting male, soon the pair figured it was their dad, the leader of the rogues they had been with. He gave a whine, "Hush son. She'll be fine." Only a half month later he felt himself being carried off in the middle of the night, to tired to not notice the missing warmth of his sister. In the morning however he did, watching as his dad grow weak with each passing month. Hardly eating and soon dying in a fight against a coyote, the once proud and cruel leader dying under the claws of the animal. Now at 7 months and seeing his sisters, mothers and fathers die he was just a shell, no longer the wolf he used to be. He is constant pain, a hole in his heart without his sister at his side.
Other: Sunfall
Fall is like his sister, monochrome, though he has unusual Dark shade of blue eyes. He has a build much like his sister though he's not half starved like she was.

Name: Coquin
Gender: Female
Age: 4
Pack: Loner
Rank: Loner
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Flirty
+ Swift
+ Strong
~ Big Groups
~ Alpha's.
Personality: Flirty, Stubborn, Seductive, Loyal(ish), Pup-Loving, Rp'd out
Biography: Mostly lived as a loner for her entire life, recently moved outside of Sunrise in a crystal cave.
Other: Sunfall
XX Same place as Wintergreen's photo!

Name: Axle
Gender: Male
Age: Unborn
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Delta ?
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Parents: Daemon x Kenai
Aunts/Uncles: Lucifer (Duskfall)
Cousins: Vex (Distantly related ; Shadowpack)
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Fighting Skills
+ "Silent as the Night"
+ Actor
~ Males
~ Stamina
Personality: a talker, though knows when to shut up and listen. A proud wolf when it comes to certain topics and rarely focused. Though when on a job, strangely enough, he is more focused then a hunter aiming at a deer. He is a very understanding and thoughtful wolf, often stunning others into silence with mere words.
Biography: Unborn
Other: Takes after his cousin
Description/Image: Vex. But bigger will be a tad bigger then Daemon and other siblings.
tumblr_nyol1kVObn1ugza5uo1_1280.jpg Eyes are blue though

Name: Donovan
Gender: Male
Age: Unborn
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: --
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Parents : Lucifer & Killua
Aunts/Uncles : Daemon, Illumi, Meruem, Artemis and Mika
Cousins : Vex (Distant), Himeru, Wendigo, Veena
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min): (Getting a little bit from Luce, Kill, Illumi, Vex and Daemon xD)
+ Quick Reflexes
+ Silent
+ Incredible Strength (Jaw wise)
~ Claustrophobic
~ Acting
Personality: Rp'd
Biography: Unborn
Other: --
Same place as Winter's! Donovan is a sly wolfie :P

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Edited on 14/02/16 @ 21:11:30 by Wolflord {Feb 4-7 HIATUS} (#17200)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-01-30 08:38:46
Update all sign ups and delete irrelevants. Thank you <3

OK checklist--

*Who did I forget on the character list? Tells me their name, rank, and age

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 08:40:27
Where's Keahi?

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-01-30 08:42:57
Keahi is male, 1 year, and what rank

-this is what I mean, tell me who I'm missing cuz I know I'm missing a lot but I don't know whoooo

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(Dixie) (#71738)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-01-30 08:45:56
He's gonna be a hunter.

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2016-01-30 09:06:25
Updated character list and added some helpful words

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