Posted by Semi-Literate Wolf RP Sign-Ups (New!)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 15:59:49
Duskfall Pack Territory

Sunrise Pack Territory

1x1 / Borders Thread

Gathering Place

RP Chat

Shadowpack Sign-Ups(rp thread linked)

The Packs -
Sunrise Pack- Current alpha is female; The pack lives on some hilly plains in the shadow of a mountain and the only direct sunlight the camp gets is during the morning to the afternoon(sun rise to about 2). There is a shallow lake below the camp. The dens are caves in large boulders or carved into the sides of the mountain facing the east. The highest dens on the mountainside are occupied by the higher ranked wolves and their mates. The ones closest to the lake (slightly damper and colder) and in the lowest rockfaces are occupied by the lower ranked wolves. (see rank challenges and Sunrise mate challenge)

Duskfall Pack- Current alpha is female; The pack lives in eye shot of the western side of the mountain. The westernmost point of the territory is dense forest and the easternmost point is flat plains. In the middle of the territory is wooded shrubland. The camp is located in the westernmost area of the shrublands, the dens are made in the bushes and dug under the roots of large trees. (see rank challenges and Duskfall mate challenge)


Pack Ranks
* Alpha (1) male OR female, the leader; has the last say in every decision
* Beta (1) male OR female; second in command; advisor of alpha and the one who is in charge of domestic decisions/debates within the pack
^DON'T HAVE TO BE MATES. But must HAVE/CHOOSE mates in the pack...which unless special circumstance by vote of pack or victory in battle - ranked at least Royal Guards.
---*Epsilon - Alpha's mate...Upsilon - Beta's mate
* Deltas (2) young wolves next in line for alpha/beta; chosen as pups/young adols to lead after alpha/beta steps down - they have NO TRUE PACK STATUS [i.e. - not above or below the Zeta]; are still higher-classed wolves since they are most likely former sigmas/apprentices. Deltas continue their training outside of the pack until 16 months old (leave for an entire season and a half or so to train and learn how to lead the packs. They will have a month to touch up on their normal techniques, then spend a month with a noble - learning diplomacy, the beta - learning how to lead, then a month is spent in the other packs--meeting the other alphas, spending a few days getting to know them, etc. Most deltas get home half a month or so early because the other packs don't want their secrets and such being GIVEN to the next alpha/beta's of a rival pack.
* Zeta (1) Commander of the warriors; third in command; war general; fighting and battle strategy is his/her specialty
* Kappa (1) lead hunter; male or female; hunting and formation strategy is his/her specialty
* Nobles (2-8) 1-4 females, 1-4 males; no real duty/job. Hunt AND fight for the pack; can also be royal ambassadors in the place of the beta and alpha
* Royal Guards (2-5) Guards of the high class wolves' pups.
* Apprentices (unlimited) former Sigmas; 3-13 months old. Will become either royal guards or nobles; were not chosen to be deltas. Deltas are chosen at 12 months of age.
* Sigmas (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) pups of upper class wolves. DELTAS DO NOT HAVE PUPS; deltas are chosen from these pups unless there are VERY special circumstances; separated from the 'Juniors' - these wolves start training at 3 months old
~~~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Higher Class ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~~~
~~~V V V V V Lower Class V V V V V~~~
* Healer (1) possesses sharp knowledge of herbs/medicines for healing packmates; not allowed to have pups or a mate unless given permission; if they are found to be guilty of this law
* Warriors (2-7) fighters; fight for pack safety; guard the pack
* Hunters (2-7) hunters; usually females or lanky/long-legged males
* Scouts (2-4) Scout out the herds for large hunts; spies; keep track of battles and report back to the captains of the battle/alpha-beta; messengers
* Tenderfeet (unlimited 'a tenderfoot') in training to become either a hunter, scout, or warrior. Former 'Pups'. 4-14 months old.
* Juniors (2 litters [1-4 pups per litter]) Pups born to hunters/warriors/scouts are watched over by the omega; start training at 4 months old
* Elders (2) --- respected by upper class and lower class alike; the wisest/oldest of the wolves (8-12 years)
* Omega (1) lowest ranked wolf; eat last, watch the warriors and hunter's pups while parents are away

*Character List and ranking tips/helpful titles used in listing characters in first and second post*


Family / (EX)-Mates:
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
----if you reserve a position you have 2 days to make an acceptable form if another person also wants the position. A week to make the form if no one else asks for the position.

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Edited on 02/02/16 @ 14:41:59 by Cinder🔥Blaze (#26583)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:10:23
I seen it fir, and we've discussed it before xD Not long ago either

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:15:36
Name: Himeru (hee-meh-roo) Or Hime for short (Hee-meh)
Gender: F
Age: 1 moon
Pack: Sunrise
Rank: Sigma
Family / (EX)-Mates: Kenai, Daemon, Wendigo, Veena, Axle, Soren, Lucifer, Vex, Sianna, Noris (I think that was his name lol) Lucifers pups
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Thinks logically
+ Very good actor and can get away with most things due to it
+ Physically healthy and strong
~ Doesn't form emotional attachment and cannot truly comprehend loyalty
~ Gets distracted/bored easily and forgets tasks
Personality: Outwardly she is down to earth, humorous and approachable. Has good social manners. She changes her mannerisms depending on who she is talking to in order to make them feel more at ease. I'll rp the rest
Biography: Pack born. Sibling died from malnourishment
Other: Sunfall
Description/Image: Average sized she-wolf. Her fur is brown at the roots and lightens to a suntouched dark blonde on the tips. Her paws are creamy white, as is her tail tip, and her ear tips are black. She usually has a pleasant, happy expression. Her belly fur is a dusty gray. Her almond shaped eyes are a bluey-green with tiny splashes of light brown near the pupil. Her lashes are a dark blonde as well. The tips of her fur curl slightly.

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Edited on 13/02/16 @ 18:49:23 by Sunfire (#26490)

(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:25:55
Guys, let's NOT turn this into another chat thread.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:33:07
Good idea. Zipping it :D I'll use my posts to sign up future wolfies. Also, if Lucifer and Killua have kids can I play one pretty please?

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:37:36
XD Hope has all da wolfies.. I'd say 1-2 pups for her, it's a genetic thing.. So Sun can play one and me the other as I want another wolf in Duskfall.. (Reminder, it runs in her family, all the litters from her mother's side had 1-2 pups, anymore then that were stillborn.)

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:39:22
please can it be one more, one time ever thing

I have like 4 wolves in sunrise and ONE in duskfall...I need another one too :( and kil's my baby...I have plans >:3

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:40:05
(o-o okay. If Fir wants one I'm fine with stepping down haha. Killuas side has the opposite gene lol. he was in a litter of five)

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:42:11

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Edited on 03/02/16 @ 10:02:48 by Dreaming~Paradise (Dixie) (#71738)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:44:34
Luce's father was in a litter of 4, his father's father in a litter of 5 so.. It was random xD Though they always had two but I guess this ONCE it can have 3...

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Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:49:24
YESSSS!!! XD thank you thank you!!!! <3 heheheheeee..

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 13:26:38
Yay! Illumi is gonna be an uncle this is so great. If Nova finds out he's gonna go apeshit

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-30 13:27:19
XD -ducks away silently-

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 13:34:29
i got excited again

Name: Azazel
Gender: M
Age: unborn
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: sigma
Family / (EX)-Mates: Lucifer and Killua (parents) Daemon, Illumi, Meruem, Artemis and Mika (aunts/uncles) Vex (distant relative) Himeru, Wendigo, Veena (cousins)
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min):
+ Fast learner
+ Natural fighter
+ Fast reflexes like his father
~ Introverted (not really a weakness but in a pack setting it probably is)
~Little to no impulse control
Personality: RP out, or I'll add more later
Biography: to be born
Other: none
Description/Image: Ill add it later

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 20:34:42 by Sunfire (#26490)

Morr 🔥
9BOx2Mottx2RosMand (#26583)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 13:39:22

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-30 13:43:52
Name: Donovan
Gender: Male
Age: Unborn
Pack: Duskfall
Rank: --
Family / (EX)-Mates:
Parents : Lucifer & Killua
Aunts/Uncles : Daemon, Illumi, Meruem, Artemis and Mika
Cousins : Vex (Distant), Himeru, Wendigo, Veena
Strengths (2-3)and Weaknesses (2 min): (Getting a little bit from Luce, Kill, Illumi, Vex and Daemon xD)
+ Quick Reflexes
+ Silent
+ Incredible Strength (Jaw wise)
~ Claustrophobic
~ Acting
Personality: Rp'd
Biography: Unborn
Other: --
Triplet, oldest of the three.
Left to right : Siren, Azazel, Him

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 21:00:07 by Wolflord {Grounded} (#17200)

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