Posted by 1x1 Jikhari and Jacques

Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-08 05:19:48
Status: (royal, commoner, merchant, etc)

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-12 12:53:58
"It wouldn't be a good idea, I can assure you of that. Just, had to say it, in case you wanted to try it." James replied, and turned, more or less walking backwards so he could walk, and speak, while looking at her. He was confident that he wouldn't bump into anything on accident, since he of course knew every inch of the place, and most people would probably get out of his way. James considered her offer for a moment, before he spoke. "Fine. Nobody else will help me, so, you might as well." He said.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-12 13:19:04
Radia rolled her eyes playfully at his warning, and smiled lightly. She slowed slightly when he started walking backwards, not wanting to bump into him. She grinned when he agreed. "Then it's a deal?" She asked. She held out her hand for him to shake and make the deal official. A small part of her didn't think he would agree, and she was ecstatic on the inside that he had. She wanted the tours, but she also didn't mind being with him. He wasn't a bore, he actually talked to her-- unlike the servents. Time passed faster, too. That had been one of the longest weeks of her life, but it wasn't totally unbearable.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-12 21:16:02
James almost reluctantly nodded, reaching out a hand, to shake hers. With that, he rather abruptly turned back around, since, they'd reached the door, to head outside to the training grounds. He pushed said door open, briefly holding it open for her, so she could follow, moving to stand by the sandy clearing. There were a few benches to the side, for spectators, or for trainees to sit if they liked, or needed a quick rest, and there were three rather beaten-up dummies to practice on, too. "So, do you want me to get some servants, for you to practice on, or do you just want to practice on me?" He asked.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-12 22:56:52
Radia shook his hand, a small smile on her lips. She stopped when he abruptly turned around. She hesitated when he opened the door. She glanced in before she started walking in and could get a full view. She mumbled a "Thanks" as she walked through before stopping and looking around. He was right about sandy, but she didn't see any other people training. "Well," she started, turning to face him. "Probably you, or another magic user. They're always harder." Radia looked down. Chink in the armor, he knew one of her weaknesses. She cursed herself for being so open. Yes, be was going to train her, but she needed to keep some secrets to herself. If she wanted to escape without killing herself.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 00:07:04
James nodded. He was tempted to go and get a couple of guards, with magic, so he wouldn't have to do it himself, but he didn't have anything better to do, and watching her use magic on some guards would get very boring after a while. "Alright, just use it on me, then." He said. He briefly noted that magic users were harder for her to fool, and made a mental note to put more guards with magic near her, just in case.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-13 00:27:53
Radia concentrated on herself, what she is now, and what she will be. She smiled, a thought popping into her head. She imagined being taller, broader shoulders, lean muscles, black hair pulled back. She felt her energy sapping away litttle by little. Something like this was usually easy when in town in front of commoners without magic, but she wasn't there, and James was no commoner without magic. Radia opened her eyes and looked down at herself. If she really looked, she would he able to see herself, but an outsider wouldn't. She did see herself. And she also saw the Prince. A devious smile formed on her-his lips. "If you aren't killed, you'll get tutored, probably." Her voice was her own, but every visual aspect of him was now her.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 00:47:53
James watched her, almost warily, and seemed a bit surprised, when she took the form of him. This almost worried him, of course, since it meant she very well could disguise herself as him, and escape that way. He said nothing, but he was rather impressed by the disguise, other than her voice, she was the spitting image of him. Once again, it was worrying. "How much energy did that sap up? Because, I'm assuming that getting exhausted quickly is your biggest problem, right?" He eventually asked.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-13 01:43:56
Radia smiled. "I can last probably, little under half an hour starting now." She walked around him. "Enough to escape, I suppose." Now she was daunting him, seeing if he would lash back or not. She probably would leave as the Prince. If she wanted to escape without more difficulties than needed, she would most likely go as a guard. Or a servant, and go out through the servants quarters. Many choices, Radia only had to choose one. "If I were to try something like that." She stopped when she got in front of him again.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 04:30:44
"I see." James replied simply, facing forward as she circled him, with a small frown. He also glared at her a bit, as she stood in front of him. "I doubt you'd be able to get out, as me. You hardly sound like me, and someone would surely ask where you're going, how will you respond? What if the castle was attacked, while you were trying to escape? I would be expected to fight with the guards, and you do not have my magic." James said, his tone almost threatening, and rather serious. "And besides, you just told me your escape plan, more or less."

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-13 09:33:42
"Whoever said I would escape as you?" She asked with a mischievous smile. "If they ask where I'm going? I'll just shrug and walk passed. Maybe," she stuck a hand out, palm toward his face in a 'talk-to-the-hand' motion. She laughed lightly. "I think I'd pass easy enough." She returned her hand to behind her back. She tilted her head. "The palace gets attacked? Often?" She lowered herself down to the ground and sat on the sand, criss-cross. She let the illusion fade, but not to her. She focused on letting him see his father. The King.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 09:42:19
James frowned slightly at her first response, and frowned just a bit more when she took the form of his father, and scoffed slightly. "Not often, but it's happened before. Usually by another country, or something. We usually win, though." He replied, choosing to look away from her, mostly glancing around. Disguising herself as his father was a bit weird, and almost made him uncomfortable.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-13 10:11:08
Radia shifted the illusion to the queen, next, noticing his reaction. "Well, that's nice enough." She said with a slight eyeroll. She let her illusion shift to the knight who had held her when they first found her. That had been over a week ago. "So, what will you be teaching me?" She asked, trying to lower her voice, getting as close to a masculine sound that she could, though it didn't work to well and she grinned, all she could do from laughing. She leaned back, putting her hands behind her on the ground.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 10:20:13
James simply watched her, with growing annoyance, at her illusions, but he kept that annoyance, and slightly anger under control, though. There was no use shouting at her, and he almost doubted that she'd listen, anyways. And suppressed a sarcastic response, too. "That depends. What do you think you need to work on?" He responded simply. He hadn't been told to do anything specific, so he figured just about anything would be fine, at least to start with.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-13 10:25:29
Radia shrugged. "I don't know," she said, a bit accusatory. "I'm just the student." She let the illusions slip, returning to herself. She felt a little tired, but she could last a little longer. Her illusions must have worked if he reacted like that to each one. She put her hands on the ground in front of her, moving forward until her chest and stomach pressed into her legs. When she returned to her sitting position, she uncrowded her legs and stood. "Probably endurance. I do hope you won't ask how, because I truely don't know." Radia would like to think she'd gotten somewhat stronger over the past week. She hadn't been doing nothing in the cell.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-13 10:31:53
James shrugged. "Sure, endurance, whatever." He huffed slightly, crossing his arms over his chest, frankly, still annoyed with her, it certainly wouldn't pass so quickly. "If it's just you sitting there, disguised, to get better, you better not disguise yourself as one of my family members, or me, again." James told her, a bit coldly, and it took all of his willpower not to yell at her, there.

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