Posted by Private 1x1 with Six Souls, One Raven

Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 01:53:20
Private angel x demon roleplay

Plot ideas:
- Sassy, sarcastic, cold hearted demon
- Innocent, devoted angel
- Demon sent to mess stuff up, angel stops him
- Playful & flirtatious banter
- Angel more like demon + demon more like angel
- Fall in love
- Can't see each other much

Character Sheets

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 02:19:08


Name: Thomas

Age: Thousands of years old

Gender: Technically, no gender, but male :)

Thomas himself is an angel with many different faces, forms and features. However, when on Earth, he takes the form of his vessel: a nineteen year old boy. He has very dark, practically black, hair and eyebrows, which is generally spiked upwards to form a quiff, and pale skin. He is tall and slender, but also incredibly strong, due to having divine powers. He tends to wear a beanie over his hair and sunglasses, to hide his features in case he is being hunted. Behind his sunglasses, his eyes are a soft hazel brown.

Personality: Thomas is very old, yet clueless at the same time. Despite spending a lot of time on Earth sorting out demons and other creatures that pose a threat to the angels and humans alike, and also despite taking on a vessel, he doesn't understand much to do with humans and general social interaction with others. His understanding of humour is particularly limited, and he is generally innocent when it comes to, well, everything. However, when it comes to heaven, he is very focused and knows exactly what he is doing. He is incredibly loyal to heaven and never questions his orders. Thomas' love for God and the archangels is strong, and he will follow their command blindly. He is skilled in battle, and generally talented in dealing with supernatural creatures and demons alike.

Previous events/brief backstory: Thomas has never strayed away from his orders or questioned them in any way. Ever since his birth in the time of creation, he has worshipped his brothers and God, and seen no reason to not do as he is commanded. He has no real love for humanity, but has a burning hatred for demons, after thousands of years of watching their terrible acts of violence and hate, motivating him to protect the humans that they threaten. He has no real friends, and has spent most of his time feeling lonely, despite having his brothers and sisters in heaven.

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-25 09:19:05
Name: Rowen
Age: Come on, it should be common sense. If you don't get it, he is thousands of years old.
Gender: No gender, to be honest, but male.

How do you think Rowen is? If you guessed a Demon, you have earned a point. Just kidding. I doubt Rowen would give you anything, besides trouble. Back onto topic, he can be seen as different faces to different clothing each day. It really depends on what his mood is. Most of the time, he feels dark, just like how his features are represented. When he is on this so called planet Earth, he takes the form of a vessel; a twenty year old boy. He has silver hair that almost seems to be white when the darkness comes over the human world at night. However, his silver hair covers his right eye. Why? That is because it is a different color and that usually means something. What does it mean? Well, that is for you to find out. He will let you squirm with question to see what two different eyes means. His skin is slightly tan but not too tan like he has been out in the sun for hours and hours. He is indeed tall and lean, seeming as if he is a coward and can be bent in half like a toothpick. That is completely wrong as he is stronger than others think he is. He doesn't really wear anything to hide the recognizable features as he doesn't really care. Other beings can find him if they want and he doesn't care. He just pretends they aren't their and continues on his way.

Don't have Rowan speak on hours at end, but, here it is anyways. Rowan is trouble, I suppose you can say. He can be doing one thing one moment and then the next he can be doing another thing. Beings start becoming confused around him but all they know is that he could be stirring up trouble without them noticing. He is a Demon that makes a contract with humans when a human seems to summon a Demon. One Demon comes and that is sometimes him as his contracts never last very long. Why? He rather not tell why. He can be sarcastic to being a cold-hearted Demon that has never known what being kind is. He was never taught to as his mother died when he was little. He always looked up to her and she taught him everything but now that is different. People change as he is one of them. He isn't afraid to protect the people he cares for nor does he really cause too much trouble with the humans.

Pervious Events/Back Story:
Well, he has no clue where to start. He has had a tragic back story and wishes not to explain most of it. He hates Angels with a burning passion as they have done something to him so many years ago. He hasn't forgotten what they have done as he gets reminded everyday by it when he looks at himself in the mirror. What causes him to remember it? That is for you to find out also. He carries out orders that are given to him when they are needed to be. He does most of them but sometimes he doesn't do them due to them being stupid or he thinks that it is pointless to even consider doing them. He doesn't love the humans and plays around with them at times but most of the time, he tends to stay away from them unless a human summons a Demon.

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 16:21:28 by Six Souls, One Raven (#88167)

Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 17:11:54
That sounds awesome :)
Are you ready to start? Do you want to begin with Rowen messing around on Earth or something like that, and then I can bring Thomas in to 'sort it out'?

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-25 23:43:06
Hehe, thank ya. I am amazing aren't I? XD Just kidding.
Hhm, that sounds good but he will start off with just being nice but then messing around, if thst sounds okay.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 02:39:17
Oh yes xD
Yeah that's great :)

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-26 02:45:23
Awesome ^^ I will post here sooner or later ^-^

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-26 03:08:27
(I am starting in the human world so I hope this is alright ^-^)

The sun finally rose up from behind the mountains. Rays of sun casted warm glows on anything that it touched. The animals seemed to wake up from their slumber. They crawled out of their burrows and started to play with each other as if they were the only ones in the world. The birds started to chirp their morning tune to wake up the other animals that seemed to still be sleeping. You then seemed to drift into a room that was surrounded in darkness. There was a lump in a bed but you couldn't completely make out the form of it. Soon the rays of sun peeked through the cracks of the blinds and filled the room with light. The lump on the bed seemed to be a male from the looks of it. He opened a red eye but shut it soon after. He groaned as he put a pillow over his head and turned onto his other side. Five more minutes and he will get up, maybe. He was dozing off when he heard the hinges of the door squeak. He growled as he pulled the pillow tighter over his head, showing that he wanted to be left alone. It seemed as whatever it was didn't seem to get the hint. He heard the floor broads groan with the weight before he felt his mattress dip with the weight of another being. All the sudden, he felt a pillow hit him. He jerked his head up and opened his red eye to only find his sister on the ground, holding her stomach and laughing her arse off. He growled as he threw the pillow he had in his hands at her before he flopped onto his back and stared up at the ceiling. He said nothing as he kept hearing snickering coming from the ground. "What do you want?" He asked as he rubbed the side of his face. His sister stood up and looked at him with a huge smile. "It is time to go to work." He groaned as he grabbed another pillow and threw it at her once more. "No." He said as he got up. As soon as his bare feet touched the floor boards, a chill went up his spine. He went to the bathroom and did his morning deeds while she kept on blabbering about stiff he didn't care to listen to. He came out with only a pair of dark blue jeans on. His silver hair was wet, having droplets of water drop onto his bare chest. They rolled over his scars and down his torso, soaking into his waistband. He sighed. "Who ia the target today?" He asked as he started to dried his hair out. "It is a seventeen year old." He scoffed and waved his hand in the air. Teenagers were too young to sell their souls to a Demon, especially to someone as him. "Fine. I will be there soon, I suppose." He muttered as he started to button his shirt up. His sister had a big grin plastered on her face before she ran down the stairs to her own room. He shook his head as he put black Converse on and headed down the stairs. What an amazing start to a new day. Nah not really. He was being his sarcastic self.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 04:12:21
(Yeah, that's where I would have started c:)

If one were to be out on the sunny morning, or perhaps just waking up and opening the curtains to greet the new day, they may happen to glance at a single, large oak tree on a medium-sized patch of grass that the neighbourhood's kids referred to as 'the park', despite it being simply grass and one tree. If they were to look away and then back, they would see that a young male was now underneath the tree, seeming to have appeared out of nowhere. If they had been looking the whole time, they may even claim that the boy had popped out of thin air, simply coming into existence below the tree in the blink of an eye. If they happened to be nearby at the time, they may even claim to hear a rustling of feathers. Whatever anyone saw, Thomas had appeared down on Earth from Heaven, and he was here on business.

The angel glanced at his surroundings through the dark tint of his sunglasses, checking that he was in the right place. Yes, this seemed to be it. Houses surrounded the grassy area that he was standing on, some on the other side of a small road, others separated by wooden fencing. One of these houses was currently housing the demon that he was to keep tabs on. Thomas had been ordered to follow and take note of the demon's activities, as he had been on Heaven's radar for a while for issuing deals with humans and other activities. This wasn't a big deal - demons were making deals all the time - and Thomas knew it, but he figured Heaven was just trying to get as many demons in check as they could in a time of 'peace'. Well, not really 'peace', but no-one was really at war. The reasoning didn't matter to Thomas - he was on a mission, and he would complete it. No questions asked. That was how it worked, and how it had always worked. It certainly worked well for him.

Thomas closed his eyes momentarily, picturing the house that he had been shown in his briefing in Heaven. He'd wanted to fly straight there (walking was not something that he found pleasant nor efficient), but knew that it would have aroused suspicion, so had opted for a nearby area. If his calculations were correct (and they usually were), he was a two minute walk away. Perfect.

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-26 11:39:41
(Awesome ^-^)

The so called Demon went by the name of Rowen. Not a common name that you hear very often. Sometimes if he went to another country for a mission, they have never heard of such a name before. He didn't understand how people have never heard of such a wonderful name before. It slightly confused him but then again, he didn't care. Humans can think whatever they want about him and he won't care. He is just a vessel who will walk away like he didn't hear a single word. Sometimes it was true while other times it wasn't true. He shrugged his shoulders, not caring as he slipped on a pair of black Converse. He looked around for a moment when he remembered one thing in particular. Well, two, actually. His eyepatch and black leather gloves.

He went to his nightstand and grabbed his eyepatch, carefully slipping it over his blue eye before he brushed some of his silver hair to cover the patch up. He then went to the table in the room that he might eat food at, at certain times. He grabbed his black gloves and slipped them on as he made his way down the stairs. He huffed as he looked at the pictures on the wall, wondering why such things hung on a wall as this one. He looked at each one, tilting his head some at some of the pictures that had him in it. Huh, he never remembered being in these. Oh well, apparently he was. He looked the same in every picture too. He had a cold, expressionless face that had a look of disfavor. He never liked pictures so he sometimes didn't understand why people tried to make him be in them. He supposed they wanted to cherish the memories and him on the other hand, he didn't want to. He rather put the memories in the past and forget them.

He sighed as he shook his head at his sister who was holding a black trench coat out to him. He snatched it from her and slipped his arms through the arm holes, shrugging it onto his shoulders. He looked at himself in the mirror and had to admit that he looked pretty sharp. She then ran over and grabbed some sunglasses, forcibly putting them on his face. "You are going to wear these. So help me if I find that you don't wear them when you are out there, you are going to get a stern talking to, not that you get them almost every other night." She said with a wave of her hand. To be honest, he didn't even listen to a word she said. All he heard was blah, blah, blah. That is what he heard. He nodded his head, seeming like he knew what she was talking about before opening the door.

He didn't say goodbye as he didn't need to. He never does and she knows that, yet she always chooses to say goodbye to him anyways. He sighed as he let the sunlight hit his face, making his features light up ever so slightly. He then looked both ways before he crossed the road, walking to the other side. Once his feet hit the sidewalk, he was off into the direction of West. Why West? Well, that is where he was told that the seventeen year old boy was. Let's hope he was given the right directions as he wasn't in the mood to go searching for a boy he had no clue who he was or what he looked like.

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Edited on 27/08/16 @ 08:27:06 by Six Souls, One Raven (#88167)

Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 17:22:55
(Is the demon's name Rowen or Austin; is one the name of the vessel? Sorry, I'm just a little confused c:)

When the demon opened the door, Thomas had already navigated the short walk over to his house, having carefully matched it to the one that he had been shown in Heaven before he'd left. He'd only had to wait for a minute before the door opened, and the angel quickly busied himself with his phone, so as not to be noticed as suspicious. He'd bought the phone a month ago, after much confusion at the phone shop, upon Heaven's request, and he hated it. For some reason, they'd insisted that every angel with a vessel was to have one, and Thomas couldn't understand why. He had no humans, demons nor any other kind of supernatural creature to contact - he could speak to Heaven telepathically - so it was of no use to him. It had been issued to allow him to contact other beings, should he need to, and to allow him to blend into the human world more seamlessly, apparently. Thomas only used it when he needed to look inconspicuous, and now was one of those times. Still, he could have used a watch or a book just as easily.

The blank screen of the phone stared back at the male as he pretended to use it, swiping his fingers uselessly over the glass display screen. Using the device, he could see his vessel's reflection on the dark glass. This wasn't the first vessel that he'd taken, but it was the one that he, grudgingly, liked the most. Thomas had no love for humans nor their bodies, but his vessel was strong and fit, and it seemed to attract the right kind of attention from others. The angel had little perception of attractiveness, but his educated guess was that his vessel was rather high on the attractive scale.

When he looked up again, Thomas' hazel eyes snapped onto the demon that was now walking away from him, having crossed the road and promptly headed in a west-ward direction. Thomas didn't know where he was headed, nor if he was actually going to be a threat to anyone today, but he was to follow anyway. The angel slipped his phone into the back pocket of his black jeans, and began to walk in the same direction as the demon, being careful to leave plenty of space between them. Thomas didn't know if the demon was aware that Heaven was keeping tabs on him or not, but he was certain that he didn't want an angry spawn of Hell attacking him.

As he walked, the angel watched the back of his charge closely over his sunglasses, checking that it was actually the right person. Yes, that was the vessel that he had been shown. Silver hair and dark clothes; tall and lean, much like his own vessel; Thomas was sure that he would find mismatched eyes if he were to spin the boy around. This was the demon - Thomas just had to make sure that he wasn't spotted now.

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-27 01:26:46
(Crap >.> It is Rowen. I get mixed up with names. Excuse the typo ^^)

Rowen nodded his head at the humans who greeted. Once in awhile he would say 'morning' but that is all that would come out of his mouth. Did he forget to mention he wasn't the talkable type? Apparently not. He didn't like speaking as it was a waste of energy when hr didnt even need to say anything in return to the human that talks to you. It didn't matter to him if the humans found him rude. Technically, he was rude, even up in hell. He smirked mentally at that as he turned around a corner. If his calculations were correct, the boy should be around here somewhere. He just hoped he was here. If not, he would just go find something else to do. Let's just all say he didn't find the human. He was no where in sight and that irritated him. He walked all the way over here for no reason. He shook his head, disgusted with himself that he didn't get here sooner. Well, that means it is time for him to play some 'games' with the humans.

He knew that Heavan was keeping a look out on him but he didn't care. He explained earlier that he didn't care. Sure, there might be some Angel following him right now but it didn't bother him. He can do what he wants before an Angel has to ruin it. He growled slightly as he thought of Heavan. They hurt him and he is reminded each day with the scars that litter his body. Each one has a different story and he wasn't in the mood to explain what each little one was. He will explain the bigger ones another time. Besides, he liked this vessel more than he should. He didn't know why but he just felt like he was one with this vessel. Sure, he comes in other vessels but he uses this one the most.

He put a fake smile on his face and a man walked by. He looked at Rowen but smiled in return. He grabbed the man's hand and dragged him into the alleyway, not caring if anyone saw. He was just going to have a nice chat with this man. Do you think he is right? If you guessed no, you are absolutely right. Something else was going to be going down in that alleyway. Rowen smiled as he 'talked' to the man about his job, seeing what it was like to be what he was. He zoned out again and all he heard was blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, you could guess that he does that to everyone because almost everyone is annoying.

His smile turned into a frown and he pressed the man against the wall. He put one leg in between the man's legs while he put a hand against the wall next to the man's right side. He then took out a knife and flicked his wrist, letting the blade come out in once swift movement. He admired the blade as he started to talk. "I think knives are a beautiful piece of art. Don't ya think?" He asked as the sun glistened against the blade. The man coward in fear against the wall, hoping that Rowen won't hurt him. "What is even more amazing is how well it can cut into flesh and leave another piece of wonderful work. Shall I do that to you?" He asked as he pressed the blade against the man's cheekbone.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 01:45:21
(It's fine c:)

As he followed the demon, Thomas started to doubt mildly whether or not he had the right person. This male seemed to be perfectly friendly - he walked down the street casually, greeted others as he went, and generally didn't really do anything. Thomas' eyebrows furrowed closer and closer together as he continued to walk at his safe distance away from the silver-haired man; was he heading somewhere, or was he just a man out for a walk? Thomas ignored every human that nodded to him, he just kept his gaze straight ahead of him, fixated on the perhaps-not-a-demon. He had no time for humans.

Just as he was seriously starting to doubt himself, Thomas halted suddenly in his path as he saw what was happening ahead. He stopped so suddenly that the woman walking behind him crashed into his back, provoking an angry response from her, which the angel ignored. The silver haired man had reached out and grabbed a man's hand, proceeding to drag him into an alleyway. That wasn't normal human behaviour, even Thomas, who was generally clueless on human behaviour, knew that.

Cautiously, Thomas closed the distance between the alleyway the spot that he had stopped on, coming to a stop with his back to a wall at the entrance to the alley. He didn't poke his head round to look, but rather listened carefully instead, where he couldn't be seen. Thankfully, when he'd taken the vessel, the male body had been enhanced with more acute senses, so he could hear the conversation well.

The angel's confusion swelled as he eavesdropped on the conversation. The man that the demon had grabbed seemed to be telling the demon about his job. Why on Earth would a demon want to know about a human's job? Thomas continued to listen in for several more minutes, his confusion clearly written across his pale face, but then his features hardened. From the sounds of it, the conversation had taken a turn for the worst, and the demon was now showing the man his knife. Thomas had heard the metallic noise through his sensitive hearing.

Thomas quickly assessed his options. If he did nothing now, this man would probably die at the demon's hands. If he went in and stopped the demon, he would hopefully save the man's life, but his cover would be blown, and he would have failed his mission. Would Heaven rather he saved an innocent man, or kept to his job description? Through his racing thoughts, Thomas heard the demon start to talk about how amazingly the knife could cut through flesh. It was now or never. Thomas knew what he was going to do - he had no love for humans, but he wasn't going to let one die when he had the chance to save him. Heaven's true mission was to save humans - God's favourite creation. Thomas hoped that his father would be proud of him.

The angel yanked down his beanie, then ran round the corner, barrelling straight into the demon and man, hoping to send them both flying. Maybe he could distract the demon long enough to get the human to safety without blowing his cover. Maybe.

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-27 02:42:44
I had this amazing post typed up but it deleted as I took to much time to type it up D: So, I had to do my best on what I wrote before.)

Rowen frowned some when the man seemed to flinch at the touch of the cool blade against his skin. It was as if this man was scare of such a touch, then again, humans were more sensitive to the touch of things than Demons and Angels. He, of course, wasn't going to kill this human as that was a bit too cruel for his taste. He only liked to play around with them as it was his definition of fun. The most he would be doing is craving some designs on this man. The face was not an option but perhaps he would do something to his arms and neck where he would be able to cover then up. He knows that if this man tried to tell other humans what happened, they would not believe him. They would think that the man did self harm to himself, which wasn't the case, but the humans didn't know that.

"Who are you?" The man asked in a whisper that seemed to almost be a whimper for help. A small smirk spread onto Rowen's face as he looked at the man. It wasn't a friendly but more of a cruel smile. "What an interesting question to ask me, don't ya think?" He asked. The man nodded, cowarding a bit more against the brick wall of the alleyway. "The way that you are cowarding makes me want to tell you but at the same time not. Should I tell you or should I not tell you?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head. The man nodded again but spoke this time. "You should tell a poor soul such as myself." He whispered again. Rowen took the glassed off of his face and looked at the man with his red eye. "I am your worst nightmare." He said darkly.

He opened his mouth to say more but a something, or someone, ran into him. He only moved the slightest, grunting with the force. He moved an inch or two if you want to be more exact. He dropped his glasses to the ground, not caring to pick them up, knowing his sister would be made if he didn't come home still wearing those horrid things. He kept his grip on the man before he let his red gaze slide over to the newcomer. It was another male also. Well, this was getting more interesting by the minute. This should be even more fun than he had planned in store for the day. A growl formed in the back of his throat but he didn't let it out just yet.

"I see that Heavan hasn't laid back on leaving me alone yet. It is just a pity as I never get my fair share of fun without an Angel crashing the party." He said as he looked at the Angel. "I am surprised that they let a handsome man as yourself to come down here to stop someone such as myself." He said. He let the man go, causing him to slide down to the ground. The man quickly crawled away before he stood up and ran for his life. Sadly, Rowen didn't care where he went as of now, all of his focus was on this Angel standing before him. He closed the blade of the knife and stuffed it into his pocket, not letting his gaze flatter.

He grunted in pain and brought a hand to his eyepatch, not letting his red eye leave the Angel. He grunted again as a new wave of pain came. He swears that every time he is as close to an Angel as this one before him, his eye starts to ache. It is as if his eye was telling his body to run as this Angel could do what the others of his kin did so many centuries ago. Was he going to run? No. Not in the slightest bit.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 03:00:59
(Oh man, that sucks real bad :c Your post is still super awesome though!)

Unfortunately, Thomas' attack seemed to not have worked the way he wanted it to. The demon retained his firm hold on the human, and all the angel seemed to have achieved was to make himself known to the demon. Undeterred, Thomas spun on his heel, only avoiding falling due to his angelic powers of grace and stability. He faced the demon in a defensive stance, spreading his long legs, ready for attack. The alleyway was cluttered with bits of rubbish, and crisp packets crackled under his laced shoes.

However, despite Thomas' attack, the demon seemed to have plans other than to fight him. Before his sunglasses-covered eyes, Thomas watched in surprise as the human male was dropped from the demon's hand. The man crawled away some, before getting up and running for his life. At least Thomas had managed prevent any harm coming to him, but it seemed that he now had problems of his own.

The angel raised his eyebrows in surprise as the demon disclosed that he knew that he was an angel - how had he known? Thomas didn't know, but that wasn't his main concern at that moment. The blade had been put away, closed and placed in the demon's pocket, but Thomas knew that it would be out again very quickly if it needed to be. He had his own blade, tucked away in the inside pocket of his jacket, but he didn't feel the need to share the fact that he was armed yet.

Ignoring the demon's comment on him being 'a handsome man' and the obvious pain that he was in, Thomas spoke. He had no time for conversing with demons; he needed to wrap this up, then report back to Heaven. He imagined that another angel would be dispatched to finish the mission, since the demon now knew that he was an angel, and that he had been following him. "Stop playing with the humans," he growled, lowly. "They're not here for your... entertainment." Thomas hadn't thought this far ahead - he thought blades would be clashing in battle by now, but it seemed that the demon wasn't itching for a fight, like most demons were. Thomas wasn't as good with words as he was with his angel blade: he'd have to play this carefully. If worst came to worst, he could just fly away. The thought was comforting, but Thomas hated to run from a fight. He was a warrior of Heaven - he wasn't a coward.

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Edited on 27/08/16 @ 10:01:26 by Emerald (#96405)

Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-27 03:30:41
Oh please, they aren't that awesome. I just type what comes to mind XD)

Rowen raised a brow at the Angel, liking how he seemed to think he could fight someone such as himself. He rolled his eyes as he leaned against the wall, not really caring what the Angel was going to do. What he was going to do was that he was going to protect himself if this Angel seems to attack like most do when they seem him. He let out his growl that was forming and his upper lip turned into a small snarl. Leave the humans alone is all he had to say? How pathetic to be honest. It was as if this Angel was begging to be punished. It would be fun to watch but he didn't need other to come after him after he fights this one here. He didn't need that again. He shook his head to have the memories disappear from his thoughts. That wasn't the time for daydreaming or anything.

He sighed as he pulled his back leather gloves off and stuffed them in his back pockets of his jeans. He rubbed his hands together as he shrugged his shoulders. His hands were even scared. Some with what seemed to bite marks to scars of what seemed to be made by a blade. His slender fingers reached up, letting his fingertips trace the lines in the brick walls as if it was something so delicate it could break. He looked back at the Angel and a smirk appeared once more. "I sadly can't do that. Why? Well, let's just summarize something up. Your kin tortured me centuries ago for no reason when I had nothing to do with the humans. Playing with the humans gets to show the pain I felt when your kin tried to kill me. Now, do you still think that your kin is worthy enough to even protect these humans when you torture a Demon who has done nothing nor has the information on what they are looking for when they are new? I would anwser no." He snarled.

He pushed off of the brick wall and took a couple steps towards the Angel. His eye was aching a bit more but he was now ignoring the pain and it seemed he was telling the Angel things he hasn't told another before. He didn't care about that either. "Your kin is pathetic because they get scared when a Demon tries to hurt a human when most of the time we don't. They sell their souls to most of us and we protect them until they want their lives to end. That is what I do but not since the day your kin did things to me." He said as his red eye blaze with fury. He scoffed at himself for a moment but forced his gaze back on the Angel.

He took another step forward until he was in front of the Angel only a foot or two. He reached up and let his fingertips trace the Angels jawline. The touch wasn't as harsh as one thought it would be. It was rather gentle and soft as he was scared he would break something on the Angel. Sadly, that is how his touch always has been. "Amazing how you seem so delicate but then again, I don't tend to fight with Angels as I don't need to and there isn't a reason too." He let his hand drop to his side and he looked over the shoulder of the Angel to the crowds passing by.

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