Posted by Private 1x1 with Six Souls, One Raven

Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 01:53:20
Private angel x demon roleplay

Plot ideas:
- Sassy, sarcastic, cold hearted demon
- Innocent, devoted angel
- Demon sent to mess stuff up, angel stops him
- Playful & flirtatious banter
- Angel more like demon + demon more like angel
- Fall in love
- Can't see each other much

Character Sheets

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 04:06:13
Rowen raised a brow when the Angel laughed when he got startled. One, it is called that their eyes are closed and he was enjoying his time. Peacefully. Two, he didn't want to be bothered today but it seems as he was going to be as the Angel was sitting across from him right this instant. Irritating was all that he was thinking. This Angel was like a little pest that would never go away. That is how he looked at it but others would think differently. He noted that the Angel was not in a fighting position like he was last time. He seemed a bit relaxed and all which would be so much easier to attack if he was a Demon who would do such a thing. Sadly, he wasn't as he never thought it would be right in the first place to do so.

He raised a brow and rolled his eyes. "Sure you aren't. Quote on quote." He said as he did air quotes with his fingers. "It seems exactly what it is. It seems like you are monitoring me as you are here as of now." He grumbled as he got up, grabbing his cup of empty coffee. He threw it in the trash before he sat back down across from the Angel. "Removed? Ha, don't make me laugh." He said as he clasped his hands together. "I know they still want to watch me so I wouldn't say you are off the job quite yet." He said as he looked at the male. His eye was throbbing under his eyepatch once more but he pushed the pain away as this Angel has caught his interest when they met in the alleyway. Sadly, he doesn't know why but the Angel just did.

Say hello is what the Angel wanted to say? What? That didn't really make sense to him. His face was showing complete confusion as he looked at the Angel. Hi? What? He kept saying that over and over in his head. Just who says that to someone they looked like they wanted to kill the last time they met? He shook his head from those thoughts and once more crossed his legs at the ankles. "Visiting is not a question. I don't visit places. I go where I need to go and then I report back to Hell, which I saved your sorry arse." He said as he gave the table a blow with his finger again. "Welcome." He said sarcastically. He scoffed and glanced away. "If I told you, I have a feeling you wouldn't believe me, like most of your kin does." He said as he looked at the kids playing in the streets.

He sighed as he now felt like he was being a bit rude. He turned back to face the male and glared slightly. "I am here on the case, most likely like you are. Hell didn't send me here. I am on my own with a sister. Sadly she left as I told her she was annoying and blah, blah, blah." He said as he smirked. "Got a good punch or two but hey, she is gone."

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 05:30:45
Thomas frowned as Rowen brushed off his explanation, seeming sure that Thomas was only there to watch him. It seemed rather self-centred to him - much what he expected from a demon. He was stereotyping, but he didn't care in the slightest. "Not everything is to do with you, you know," the angel replied, ever so sharply. One may detect the slightest hint of annoyance in his voice, but it was mainly covered by Thomas' generally monotonous manner of speaking. If there was one thing he didn't do, it was show emotion. The angel was very much a closed book. "Yes, I imagine Heaven is still keeping tabs on you, but I couldn't care less, to be honest." Maybe that was going a little bit too far, but Thomas didn't even notice, nor care.

The angel's eyes darted away slightly at the look of complete puzzlement on Rowen's face as he disclosed his reason for going over, though Rowen wouldn't see it, thanks to his sunglasses. Now that he thought about it, it was a very weak excuse. Whatever, it was what he had said now. No taking it back. Thomas would have rolled his eyes at Rowen's sarcastic words, but he didn't, he merely watched him impassively, not offering anything to say. He was an angel of few words.

Then, the demon seemed to reconsider his manner, for he went on to explain that he was indeed here on a case, a solo case. Thomas watched the demon with interest, ignoring the way that he was being glared at. Was he on a case or the case, as in the case that Thomas himself was on? And he had a sister? Probably another demon - this could be troublesome if they decided to team up with the werewolf, or something along those lines. The village wouldn't see another sunrise. "You are tracking the werewolf too, then?" he inquired, a tone of quiet interest running through his soft voice. If they were planning on doing that, Thomas had to stop them, but he should definitely check if his suspicions were correct first. For some reason, he doubted that that was Rowen's true intention.

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 05:57:54
Rowen raised a brow and rolled his eyes. Reasons why he can't explain things to people and he was just messing around with words. This is why he doesn't speak to people very often. He rather be a silent person now that having to explain everything to a mere Angel he didn't even know the name to nor who he was. He ran a hand through his hair in an annoyed manner, lifting it off his eyepatch before it was replaced over it again. "I never said that." He said as he looked at him. "I was quoting you. Why must I explain everything?" He muttered the last part to himself. He raised a brow and then pointed at him. "See? What did I tell ya? They still want to keep a close eye on me because they don't want me to tell my kin what they did to me." He grumbled as he leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. Annoying little brat.

He looked around for his sister but it seemed as she really did leave. Well, what did he expect? He certainly didn't expect that she would just leave and come back. When she told him something, she meant it. Reasons why he always pushed her away as he didn't feel like dealing with her and her blabber mouth like usual. He shook his head. Sure, his sister might help Hell keep an eye on him after the Angels keep keeping tabs on him when he really has done nothing that wrong. Hell just wants to make sure that their 'prized' pupil doesn't get hurt again and he doesn't get kidnapped. They never trust him that he can't do things on his own without the watch of someone always looking down on him from the streets or the sky's. It was just a very irritating as he doesn't really get alone time by himself that much anymore.

He was pulled back into reality when the Angel asked him another question. He sighed as he leaned towards him. "Of course I am. What other case have you heard of that is around here? None other as there is only a werwolf case." He said as he shook his head. There it was again. Someone was doubting him. He growled slightly. "And you now see why I shouldn't have told you as I can tell you don't believe me." He grumbled. He looked at the kids again and he wished he was one of then and not a Demon like he was now. "I am here to save them. Hell doesn't know and I rather keep it that way. If they found out that I am helping innocent lives, they are going to punish me. Reasons why I sometimes do missions on my own that they don't know about." He said as his voice softened out only the slightest bit.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 08:37:31
Heaven didn't want Rowen to tell the other demons what had happened to him? This was news to Thomas - he'd assumed that everyone knew of the angels' darker side. Of course, now that he thought about it, it made sense. Just because they told other angels about their recreational 'adventures', it didn't mean that they advertised it to all. They would want to keep the golden image of the angels as the saviours and the warriors of righteousness, not as sadistic torturers. Thomas surveyed Rowen as the demon leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, wondering what it would be like to keep such a secret from everyone, even his own kin. Well, not everyone - Rowen had told Thomas, and Thomas still didn't know why. To make him question his brothers and sisters? That would be a waste time; Thomas was already aware of much of the things that his superiors got up to in their free time. Though he didn't agree, it didn't stop him from being loyal to them.

The angel nodded as Rowen told him that he was indeed on the same case as he, missing the impatience in his tone and manner. He believed him, he just wasn't sure of his intentions. However, these were soon revealed to him.

It wasn't often that Thomas felt shock or surprise, but he certainly did now, as Rowen told him of his reasons for being in the village. His eyes widened dramatically, and his mouth opened slightly as he tried to find the right words to say. He was here to save the people of his own accord? That... that just made no sense at all. Hadn't he told Thomas at their last meeting that he enjoyed torturing humans? If he enjoyed their pain so much, why did he suddenly care about them? He was even doing it at the risk of Hell finding out what he was doing and punishing him - Thomas knew what that would entail, and didn't like to think of it. All this to save some humans? Thomas didn't believe it. He shook his head slowly. "I don't believe you," he said, quietly. "Even I wouldn't be here if I hadn't been sent, and I'm an angel. You're a demon. These humans are nothing to you, you have no reason to be here." It seemed that everything that came out of Rowen's mouth was just a big mess of confusion for Thomas, and he didn't like it at all.

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 15:26:28
Rowen scoffed. And he wonders again why he tells people things as they don't believe him. It was pathetic, to be completely honest. It just made him feel like he was the bad guy when he completely wasn't. "Torturing people is when I have fun with but don't do anything to them. There is a difference." He pointed out as he jabbed the table again, getting more frustrated than he already was. "I might be a Demon who has no soul, who is a bad guy to you, and all this other crap but that doesn't mean I can't save people from getting killed." He growled lowly. Man, how he just wanted to smack this male right across the face, not caring if it left a bruise later on in the day. The male would deserve it and he won't even be sorry for it. Maybe if he broke a bone he would be sorry but other than that, he wouldn't be sorry. If he somehow opened his skin with the amount of force he use and have him bleed, he wouldn't be sorry about that either.

He scowled as he brushed his silver hair out of his face and took his eyepatch off, stuffing it into his pocket of his trench coat. He didn't care if people or this Angel saw his multi colored eyes anymore. He was sick and tired of people thinking that he was bad because he was a Demon. He doesn't understand why they can't see that some aren't bad and are trying to help people and save lives. He just doesn't understand how this Angel and others seem to not care what he thinks or the fact that he is telling the truth. Having two different colors eyes means that you get treated differently. It means that they think he is a curse. They think this and that when it is not even true. There is more to his eyes but he is not going to explain any further.

He stood up abruptly, causing his chair to fall behind him in the process. "I might be a damn Demon..." He hissed through his teeth as he went to the Angels side to bring his lips next to his ear. "But that doesn't mean that I am a bad Demon. I am a Demon who does care for the humans but not as much as your kin does. I am different from most, like I have told you before." He said as he let his lips brush against the Angels ear. "That doesn't mean I can't do good in this world because I seem to be the bad guy. I can do good when I want and when it is needed." He said as he slammed his hand on the table. "And you wonder why you never believe us because you can't see past your damn eyes that some of us fo have a good heart and are telling the truth."

He stood back up straight, straightening his coat out before he grabbed the sunglasses and put them on his head. Again, his sister told him to wear them so he is. He growled as he looked down at the Angel and opened his mouth to speak. "You can hate me. You can go out there and say anything you want about me, but you will love me later because I told you the truth." He said as he glanced at the sky for a moment. "Now, I have work to do to help these people. It seems that trying to explain things to you is pointless as you don't believe me." He said as he turned on his heels and started to walk down the sidewalks once more.

To be honest, he loves children and would do anything for their family and them to keep them safe. He remembered being a child, not knowing what to do in the world with no parents. He doesn't want to see these kids with no parents. He doesn't care what the Angel thinks. He helps the humans more that his kin knows about.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 21:32:40
"Torturing people is doing something to them," Thomas muttered in response, quietly. Rowen of all people should know that. However, the angel let it slide, since he wanted to see what else the demon had to say. He was still intrigued as to the demon's intentions. Of course, in the past, Thomas had always seen the word 'demon' as synonymous with cruelty, violence and death. Rowen saying that his being a demon was no reason for him not to want to save people went completely against that, but maybe he was right. Angels weren't exactly the pure, innocent beings that they were made out to be - maybe some demons actually had a sense of justice and right and wrong. Maybe Rowen had even more good intentions than he himself did. That was a strange thought - a demon with better morals than an angel.

The dark-haired male watched quietly as the demon scowled, then tore off his eye patch, revealing curiously mismatched eyes. Rare - Thomas wondered if it was a feature of the vessel that he had taken, or if the demonic possession of it had caused him. He felt that it added to Rowen's curious and mysterious nature well, but didn't think any more on the subject, as Rowen was now moving.

Thomas didn't jump as Rowen stood abruptly, his chair crashing to the ground as he did so, nor when he moved to his side to hiss in his ear. He could feel the demon's warm breath against his ear, then his lips, making him want to shiver, but he resisted the urge, and tried to ignore his proximity. It was making him uncomfortable, yet not at the same time. The demon wanted to do good? A demon, a soulless demon, was out for more then himself. A soulless demon wanted to do some good in this miserable world. Why? Just... why?

"If you're so good, then prove it to me," Thomas spoke as the demon pulled away from his ear, positioning his sunglasses on his head. There was a hint of challenge in his voice, but he could feel himself beginning to believe the demon, despite years of knowing the way of demons as conning and deceptive. They would lie to get on someone's good side, then stab them in the back, either metaphorically or literally. However, Thomas could feel that Rowen was different, and he wanted to know more. Again, curiosity wasn't something that he was designed to feel, but there it was, urging him to stay with Rowen and to learn more. "We'll work together on the case, then you can show me your good heart." There was no sarcasm in the angel's voice, but there was emphasis on the words 'good heart'. The proud part of him hated the idea of teaming up with someone else, especially a demon - he didn't need any help. However, the curious part of him was winning, and it told him to keep Rowen close. Another, smaller, part of him was actually beginning to like and admire the passionate, different demon, and wanted to keep him close for unknown reasons, but he tried to ignore it, telling himself that the reason for offering to team up with him was different. Angels weren't supposed to like or dislike others - they were meant to be emotionless, uninvolved warriors. Of course, when angels had been designed, the effects of taking on a human vessel hadn't been thought of. Thomas had emotions and feelings - weak ones, but they were still there. Sometimes he felt he was getting more human-like by the day.

Of course, this wasn't part of Thomas' mission, and he hadn't really thought through the offer before he'd proposed it, but it was out now. Heaven would not be pleased, but, for once, Thomas didn't care. Maybe it was the new amount of human in him, but he wanted to be selfish for once. He wanted to do something for himself, not just for God. What was happening to him?

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-29 01:18:49
*flails* I think this is my favorite post so far *^* I have no idea why though.//

Rowen scoffed when the Angel said that he wanted to work with him to see that he had a 'good heart'. Ha, a good heart is stretching it a bit too much. He didn't have a heart and he never has. He wished he did because that actually means that he is alive for once in his life. He shook his head as he stuffed his hands in his pocket. "I rather not work on a case with someone that I don't know the name of." Or with an Angel was what he wanted to say too. Heavan forbid if Hell found out that he was working with an Angel, things won't end well for him. He chewed slightly on his bottom lip as he new the consequences. Torture and maybe death if they were in the mood to have someone or something get killed. That is not what he wanted at all. Would anyone care to stop them if they decided they wanted to? No. They would all stand off to the side and watch as some Demons do who knows what with him.

He walked a bit faster until he ran into something, well, more like someone. He ran into a kid and he was laying on the ground crying. He started to walk off but decided against it. He sighed as he knelt down and smiled. He actually smiled. "Hey, don't cry, buddy. Everything is alright." He said. The kid sniffled and whipped his nose on his sleeve. He held up his arms for Rowen to pick him up. Rowen groaned mentally that he had to help the kid up but decided against it. He reached over and picked the boy up in his arms before he stood up. "Now, a big boy doesn't need to be crying. That shows all the other boys around town that you are weak and will take advantage of you. I don't think you want that, do you?" He asked as he brushed the boys hair off of his teary cheeks. The boy shook his head. "No, sir. I do not." Rowen smiled. "That a boy." He said as he messed the boys hair up.

He knew how it felt to be taken advantage of. When he was still new to all this Demon stuff, the other Demons would always take advantage on how weak he was. He would cry himself to sleep because they would also make him feel bad and this and that. After he had enough of the Demons treating him as if he was a weakling, he started to train with weapons with a close Demon friend of his. Well, you could say the Demon was one that none of the Demons could beat with a weapon. After months and months of practice he got better than most Demons and was almost at the top. Once they saw that he was no weakling anymore, they left him alone, afraid what he could do to them. Sadly, he wouldn't do anything to his fellows Demons, even if they did things to him as it wasn't right.

He got drawn out of his thoughts after the boy started to speak to him. "Oh, uh, of course." He said. The boy smiled as he hugged him, taking Rowen back by surprise. He hugged the boy back awkwardly before he set him down on the ground. He bent over and smiled a bit wider. "Now, I want you to be a big boy and don't cry. Crying is for the weak, right?" The boy grinned and nodded his head. "Right, mister." He put his hand up in the air and made a fist. Rowen smirked as they fist bumped before the boy ran off. He watched the boy for a moment before he continued on his way.

Sure, he might be a Demon and they aren't really suppose to act like humans but he couldn't help it. Feeling like you are human actually makes you feel a bit better in a sense. He felt like he would be a completely different Demon if he was expressionless. A Demon who would actually kill for fun and lie but that wasn't going to be him. He didn't want that. He once more stuffed his hands in his pocket, not caring if the Angel was going to come and follow him. He was in his own little world of trying to figure the case out.

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 08:19:43 by Six Souls, One Raven (#88167)

Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 03:22:57
If he felt any sadness or embarrassment at the demon's rejection of his offer, Thomas didn't show it. He watched the demon steadily through his sunglasses as he stated that he'd rather not work with someone that he didn't know the name of, before walking away. It was a weak excuse, and Thomas guessed that it was the demon's way of brushing him off, but he was still intrigued. Therefore, he turned to follow Rowen. Just as he was about to step forwards, Rowen crashed into a small boy, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Of course, Thomas expected Rowen to just keep walking, but the angel was once again surprised. He approached slowly as the demon paused, then helped up the small, crying child. Rowen seemed almost... affectionate as he dried the boy's tears away and told him not to cry. When the boy went on to hug him, Thomas was sure that he would be pushed away, but he was proven wrong as the hug was returned by Rowen, somewhat awkwardly, before the boy ran off, happy again.

This was so unlike any other demon that he'd seen before that Thomas almost forgot who he was dealing with, but not quite. Nevertheless, he walked briskly until he was matching the demon's stride, who had begun to walk again after the boy had left. He didn't speak for a moment, and the silence between them was palpable. He wasn't sure what he was doing, but Thomas felt that he had to do it anyway. "Thomas," he spoke, softly. His gaze was fixed firmly on his shoes as he walked. "My name is Thomas."

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-29 13:34:18
Rowen didn't know why but he felt like hugging that boy again. He felt like that little boy understood him for some reason. A reason that he did not know. A reason that he will most likely never find the awnser to. A reason that might just be pointless trying to even think about it in the first place. He grumbled under his breath at himself, hating that he had a soft spot for children. How couldn't he though? They were so innocent and adorable that he couldn't pass up not having a warm part in his heart for them. He smiled at the thought of perhaps caring for his own, perhaps, child one day if he ever gets one. That is an if as that doesn't seem like it is coming true any day now. His kin seemed to be slightly scared of him but that was alright as he didn't really care what they thought, like he has said several times.

He raised a brow as he looked at the male when he said Thomas. What did he mean by that? Was it like a town that the male was intending for him to head to? Perhaps it was so he could see what things they had in store there. Perhaps it was something else though too. He opened his mouth to ask what that name meant when he said that Thomas was his name. What an interesting name. Not as rare as his but still, it was an interesting name. Whatever did it mean? Well, it could mean many things but then again, it could just mean that it was his name given to him when he was little. That was how he got his name. They were going to name him a different name because of his eyes but then realized that Rowen seemed to fight him better.

He smiled slightly. It was not a fake nor was it forced. He just smiled and he had no idea why he did such a thing to an Angel. He let himself frown when he realized the smile and looked away from Thomas, stupid that he did such a thing. He sighed as he pushed his sunglasses back on his nose when they started to fall. "Nice to meet ya, Thomas." He said with a curt nod. He placed his hands behind his back as he continued to walk, glancing at Thomas once more. "Why work with me when we both know that we will be punished and scolded?" He asked as he looked up at the sky, wishing that he could just have a bit of peace and quiet time once in a while. "And don't anwser that you want be to prove I am different. I feel like there is another reason why."

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 17:26:34
Thomas lifted his hazel gaze from his shoes to look at Rowen. The demon was watching him, and he was smiling. He was actually smiling - there was nothing sarcastic or mean about it. He looked so genuine that Thomas almost smiled back, but then the smile fell away and was replaced by a frown. The angel looked away again, not knowing what to make of the smile. A smile was something special - something very human, and something rare in beings like himself and Rowen. He felt like it had been an automatic response from Rowen, before he'd realised who it was that he was walking with again. It was probably the first time that Thomas had seen Rowen's smile, and he found himself to be very fond of it. It softened the demon's features considerably, making him look almost friendly. He hadn't been able to see the demon's mismatched eyes behind his glasses, but he imagined that they would be softened too by the expression.

The moment was broken again by Rowen's response to him - a simple reply accompanied by a curt nod. Of course, Thomas shouldn't have been expecting anything more. He felt the demon's gaze on him as they continued to walk, but he was looking straight ahead, along the road that they walked on. If his map had been right, it would lead through the houses for a while before taking them straight into the countryside - they should probably turn back soon.

A glance was shot back at the demon as he asked the question, but Rowen's gaze was skyward, his head tilted backwards. Thomas considered how to answer the question, his mind racing. Part of the reason was that he wanted to see if the demon was different, but, as he'd correctly guessed, there was more to it. However, Thomas didn't want to tell him about his strange urge to keep him close, nor about the fondness for him that he felt. It sounded... anyway, Thomas just wasn't going to tell him. Therefore, he simply settled for a half-truth. "I don't know," he finally spoke, his voice a heavy sigh. "I know that we could be severely punished if we were caught, but we'll just have to try not to be caught. I just, I do want to see if you're different, and I feel like you're... I don't know, see?" The angel almost laughed at himself. "I understand if you don't want to work with me, my reasons are appallingly bad."

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-30 01:33:37
I hope adding what is at the end of this reply is alright.)

Rowen wished that he was human. Only if he was, he would be able to get to do what he wanted to do. There wouldn't be any Angels or Demons watching every move he makes. There won't be a job where a human will have to sell their soul to a Demon like himself, having to protect them if they ever needed it, meaning that he would have to be by the humans side twenty-four seven. That was the sucky part and that made him more human by the minute. It was as if humans had a big impact on him by hanging around them while other Demons don't even change at all. It is slightly frustrating but they must not want to become more human than a Demon. Being a human might mean getting a house and other things but he didn't mind. It sounded better than being a Demon to be completely honest.

He looked at Thomas, raising a brow at his explanation. That was kind of a stupid explanation. He knew that there was more behind those words that he didn't want to say but left it at that. He didn't feel like pushing anyone for anwsers as that might lead to violence. And let him tell you, he was in no mood to fight with someone over something so stupid when he was only saying that he wanted to know what Thomas actually meant. He sighed, not knowing what to say to that because to be honest, it was a dumbass reply. Sure, he might cuss at times but that was because he only did it when he felt like to was needed, like now for example.

He shook his head, letting his aze flicker over towards Thomas. He pulled his sunglasses down some with his hand, peeking over the top to looked at the Angel. "That was a stupid explanation. That didn't really awnser anything." He said as he pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. He ran a hand through his hair, stopping so they didn't really leave the town. He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked slightly. "I never said I wouldn't work with you, now did I? I only said I don't want to work with someone who I didn't know the name of. You told me what your name was..." He started his sentence. "And I am willing to join ya." He said. He opened his mouth to speak again, but the sound of a female screaming filled his ears. What the hell? Then the howl of what seemed to be a werewolf came.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-30 01:51:42
(Yeah, that's fine c: We'll assume it's evening then, because they only come out at night and all that)

Thomas watched the demon as he sighed, pushing his sunglasses down to watch Thomas over the rim of them. He then went on to state that it was a stupid explanation, and Thomas couldn't help but agree. However, he didn't care. If he had the demon down right, he guessed that he would still agree to work with him. If he really cared about saving the humans as much as he claimed to, he would gladly accept any help that he could. Actually, that probably wasn't true - demons were as proud as angels when it came to accepting help. Nevertheless, after beating around the bush for a sentence or two, Rowen stated that he was willing to join him. Thomas nodded, watching him through his sunglasses for any signs of regret. No, the demon seemed genuinely willing to join him, which was excellent. Now he might actually be able to figure him out.

No sooner had Rowen spoken the words, a scream filled the cool evening air, chilling Thomas to the bone. Although he'd already guessed the cause, the angel's suspicions were confirmed as the scream was accompanied by a very wolf-like howl - the werewolf had begun its nightly attacks. This was Thomas' chance.

The angel turned quickly on the spot, trying to pinpoint the location of the werewolf and its victim. People, obviously having heard the scream, were running in all directions, screaming and shouting, trying to get to their homes. They were obviously used to these nightly attacks.

If Thomas wasn't mistaken, the scream had come from the left of Rowen and himself, a few streets away. Thankfully, due to his enhanced hearing, Thomas was usually correct. He wrenched off his sunglasses and rammed them in his jacket pocket - they made hunting harder - before looking at Rowen. If he wasn't in such a hurry, he would realise that this would be the first time that the demon would see his vessel without his sunglasses. "Let's go!" he shouted over the noise. The angel then turned quickly on his heel and took off towards the source of the sound, pushing through a small crowd of people, not bothering to check if the demon was following or not.

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-31 23:23:39
Sorry I have been busy, hun! I will be able to post later today of I can! Sorry again >.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-09-01 00:33:39
It's fine! I've just started at college, so my replies will probably be pretty late too with work and all that jazz. Take as much time as you need x

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