Posted by Private 1x1 with Six Souls, One Raven

Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 01:53:20
Private angel x demon roleplay

Plot ideas:
- Sassy, sarcastic, cold hearted demon
- Innocent, devoted angel
- Demon sent to mess stuff up, angel stops him
- Playful & flirtatious banter
- Angel more like demon + demon more like angel
- Fall in love
- Can't see each other much

Character Sheets

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 04:34:46
Thomas watched the demon carefully as he leant against the wall, his position casual. The angel hadn't moved an inch - he was ready to attack or defend at a moment's notice. He told himself that he wasn't going to listen to the demon, that the creature would be feeding him lies to bring down his defences so that he could attack, but, somehow, the more the demon talked, the more intrigued Thomas became. He frowned as the demon claimed that he had been tortured by angels when he'd done nothing wrong, and he'd taken a liking to torturing humans since. Thomas could believe that - sometimes angels were as cruel as demons when it came to torturing the innocent. Merely being a demon earned you a lifetime of pain if an angel caught you. Of course, Thomas had had no part in this demon's torturing, or any other demon's that hadn't committed a terrible wrong to earn themselves torture; Thomas didn't come down to Earth, or to Hell, for fun, he only came upon assignment.

Knowing that the demon was right about what angels could do, and that he probably wasn't lying, Thomas remained silent. His body tensed as the demon pushed off the wall with feline-like grace and stepped towards him, but he didn't back away. He would show no weakness. He stood as still as a statue as the demon began to speak again, noticing idly how their vessels were of very similar height, with perhaps a mere inch between them. They would be evenly matched if they were to fight, he guessed. The angel almost scoffed out loud at what the demon was saying next, defending his trade. It just wasn't true, yet Thomas held his tongue: the demon clearly hadn't finished speaking yet.

He tensed even further as the demon stepped even closer, only leaving about a foot between their bodies. He willed himself not to flinch as the demon raised a hand, feeling certain that the attack was about to begin. However, to Thomas' utmost surprise, the demon merely extended his fingers and let the tips trace down the strong jawline of his face - a fleeting, delicate touch. This demon was certainly unlike any that Thomas had ever encountered before - it was unnerving.

"You're wrong, you know," the angel spoke soon as the demon finished speaking, his voice quiet and low. He ignored what the male had finished with saying - he wasn't delicate, and they would certainly fight if it came to it. The demon's hand had fallen from his face now, the soft touch gone, and his eyes were idly focused on something over Thomas' shoulder. "About the deals. I've seen for myself what your kind do. You manipulate them, you make it seem like a deal made in Heaven. You make it seem like they can have everything, and then they spend an eternity in Hell being tortured, or become a demon, like you, for it. No-one would willing sign up for that. If you told them the full truth, you'd be out of business." If Thomas had a sense of humour, or perhaps a deeper appreciation for social interaction, he would have laughed humorlessly at that point. However, since he had neither, he simply paused and swallowed before continuing. "I'm not saying that angels are perfect either, we all have our flaws, I just won't stand for you making yourself out to be the innocent."

The angel paused for a moment, gauging his companion's reaction, his body a tense, coiled spring, ready for the demon to lash out. An apology for his kin's actions was on the tip of his tongue, but he held it. He shouldn't have to apologise for what was done so long ago. Besides, what did he care for a demon's feelings? He should have left long ago - he should have just flown away as soon as he knew that the human was safe. So why was he still here? Thomas didn't know.

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-27 05:33:40
Rowen raised a brow, letting the Angel speak. When the male said that he was wrong, he shrugged it off, not really caring what he meant by that. He most likely meant the delicate part but he didn't even care. He waved his hand in the air as he turned his back to the male, walking a few steps before he turned around once more to face the Angel. He was sick and tired of lies that they seem to feeding him. He was sick and tired of being told that they have their flaws when they only do it for fun. He was sick of having Heavan following him when he doesn't do a damn thing wrong. To be honest, he only stirs up trouble. He doesn't hurt the humans. Not a even a hair on their body as it was a bit cruel if he did such a thing. He was sick and tired of this Angel trying to protect his kin when he knew that he was right and he was just hiding the fact he was right.

He laughed slightly as he shook his head ever so slightly. "See. That right there proves that you don't know one damn thing about me. All you know is that I cause trouble and that Heavan wants to keep a close eye on me." He said as he stared the male down. He wasn't like other Demons. He was a bit different from them. "I am one of a kind. You don't find Demons who are like me very often. Different is the key word." He said as he looked at the Angel. He still didn't understand why the male was in just a fighting position when he had no intention of even fighting. He rarely does as he thinks is is both useless and pointless. "I do make deals with the humans. If they decide they want they want to go to Heavan, I do bring them there. They can be an Angel if they desire but I don't decide once I bring some mortal there. If they want to go to hell and be a Demon like me, I do what they ask. I don't do what you think most of us do." He said.

He shook his head, still not understanding this Angel before him. "Stop being in that ridiculous stance. It makes others think that you are going to attack me." He gestured towards some people that seemed to have stopped and are looking down the alleyway at them. "See, they look like they want to call the police." He brushed past the male and went to the humans. "Nothing to see here ladies and gentlemen. We are just having a little chat. Nothing to worry about here." He said with a fake smile. They looked at him in a doubtful way before they nodded and walked away. He sighed as he watched them a leave them alone. Well, that was easier said than done. He walked back to the male and put his gloves back on.

"Well, I have nothing more to say. I am just going to be on my way now since I have nothing better to do." He bowed in a goodbye way and sighed. "See you around, Angel." He started to walk deeper into the alleyway way but stopped when he realized he never said who he was. "That name is Rowen, by the way." He said with a somewhat warm smile before he continued on his way.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 07:27:44
Thomas frowned lightly at the demon as he wandered away a little, then turned back to face him. He waved his hands in the air like Thomas was deeply frustrating him; he wasn't the only one feeling that way. The angel was confused by the demon's lack of demon-like behaviour - he'd just wanted a simple assignment to complete to keep Heaven happy.

The demon went on to confuse Thomas further, claiming that he was different to the others, and that he only gave the humans what they asked for. If that were truly the case, then why did Heaven want to keep close tabs on him? That made no sense at all. Either the demon was lying, or something else was up. Either way, Thomas knew that he was in far too deeply now. As an angel taking on a vessel, or having taken on several in his case, he'd been trained to distance himself from the human emotions that came as part of the package. In the past, he'd had little trouble with this, but lately they'd started to creep into his behaviour. Confusion, curiosity - these were not things that Heaven would be pleased about him feeling. He was to be a devoted, loyal servant of God, not a curious human wandering from his duties.

At the comment on his stance, Thomas felt a small wave of embarrassment, but he hid it carefully, with the help of his sunglasses, and didn't move. He would stand however he felt most comfortable, and he still didn't fully trust the demon not to attack him when his guard was down. The demon's attention briefly went to the passer-bys outside the alley, telling them that there was nothing going on. Thomas didn't know why he bothered - what did they care what the humans thought? He certainly didn't care, and a demon just wouldn't anyway; well, that's what he would've thought before. The angel almost sighed out loud - why had he had to have been assigned this mission? It seemed that everything he knew was being challenged.

Then, the demon seemed to decide that he was going. The angel opened his mouth in protest as the male proceeded to wish him farewell. He had a lot that he wanted to say, yet, at the same time, he had nothing. He knew that no matter what he said, the demon would deny it - it would get them nowhere. He supposed that the best thing for them to do was the part ways and hope that they never met again.

The angel nodded stiffly in response to the demon's bow, then watched him silently as he departed, pausing briefly to smile in a somewhat friendly manner and to disclose his name. Rowen - that hadn't been included in the briefing upstairs.

Still having said nothing, Thomas watched Rowen walk into the shadows of the alleyway until he could no longer see him before flying back to Heaven in the blink of an eye to give his report on his failed mission.

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Edited on 27/08/16 @ 14:29:58 by Emerald (#96405)

Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-27 08:25:03
Rowen growled ever so slightly with the way that Heavan was watching him for no reason to be honest. It irritated him to no end. It was as if they wanted to make sure he didn't tell the others of his kin what the Angels have done to him. He remembers that he must keep it a secret among himself and keep it from his kin. When he came back bleeding, broken bones, exhausted, and almost dying, he lied to his kin what happened. He lied that he was in the forest of the human world, taking a walk in the forest to see if there were any humans that wanted to sell their soul. He was than attacked by a creature that the humans called bears. All he was able to do to protect himself was to hold his arms up and try to get away, but he was never able to until it left him almost dead. He hated lying to his kin and that is the first time he ever did lie to them.

He grew up with this woman Demon that taught him how to be nice and that you take the souls that you made deals with to where they wanted to go. You didn't want to bring or force them to where they didn't want to go as that was cruel. He shivered at the thought of touring someone to go where they didn't want to go. That woman was like a mother to him and it was an amazing thing, to be completely honest. He also taught him that you should be kind to the humans and Angels you meet. Sadly, before she could get further into her lessons about teaching him how to be kind to others, a war broke out between the Angels and Demons. That was the last time he ever saw her. The night that he watched her die before his eyes for some reason. Then the whole thing with the Angels torturing happened after that. And you now wonder why how he is how he is today.

He grumbled as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and kept walking down the alleyway. He knew that Hell would want to know what happened today. He will go here in mere moments once he felt like he was calm enough. He brushed his silver hair out of his face before reaching up and ripping the eyepatch off of his eye. He looked at it laying in his hands before he pushed it in his trench coat pocket. He didn't want to see this. He was born with different eyes and he always knew what that meant. He didn't feel like running his mind on what happens after certain things happen. He didn't want to think of it so he made his mind focus on what was at hand and what happened today.

He was suppose to make a contract but never found the boy. He took a human to play with but then that Angel came and ruined it. He then told the Angel about things he most likely didn't know what the Angels did to him. Well, he supposed that it would be a surprise to most others of his kin but he wasn't surprised with himself at all. He was just as calm as he usually was but this Angel was interesting. He decided to engage with him when not many other of his kin did. How interesting was what kept repeating in his head.

He walked a few more feet before he took a deep breath and flew off, heading to where he should have went right away after what just happened. He really needs to be more on task at times as he might get punished if he doesn't. It was just too much work and he was too lazy at times to report in. Keep in mind, he needs to head to Hell after things happen like today. Embed it into his brain is what he needs to do.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 08:29:34
Thomas just reporting to Heaven would be a pointless and super boring post, so should we just skip to the next time they meet? However, if there's something else you want to do with Rowen, I can just do a quick one

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-27 08:46:02
Hmm, nope. I got nothing in mind to be honest. We can skip to the next time they meet as I don't mind ^-^

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 08:48:03
Awesome c: Do you want to kick it off or me? I'm easy either way

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-27 08:51:43
Hmm, you shall, please, if you don't mind ^-^

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 09:11:37
Thomas was rarely sent out on two missions per week on Earth, and even more rarely when he screwed one of them up. However, against the odds, here he was, back in his vessel and back in business.

After leaving the alleyway, Thomas had flown straight to Heaven, where he had informed his superiors of the situation and how his mission had gone. However, for reasons that he didn't quite understand yet, the angel had skipped most of the details, and only told of how he had followed the demon, saved the man and then left. He had mentioned nothing of their conversation to anyone. When he had been alone in Heaven later on, he had thought of what Rowen had said often. The demon had claimed to be 'different' to the others, and Thomas could see that he was right. Any other demon would have attacked him instantly - so why didn't Rowen? And why had he shared his entire backstory with his enemy? It made no sense, and was incredibly strange.

However, thoughts of Rowen and his strange claims were far from Thomas' mind today. His newest assignment was nothing to do with demons (Heaven had probably decided that he'd ruined enough demon missions for the time being). Instead, he was on a werewolf case. This was a hunter's job, something usually dealt with by humans, but here he was. For some reason, Heaven had decided to intervene with the human's job and the Earth's supernatural creatures, and to place an angel in a very small, rural town where a lone werewolf had already laid a quater of the small population to rest. Thomas was confident that he'd have the case wrapped up in half a day - sending an angel in after a werewolf was like dropping a nuclear bomb on a barn to kill one mouse.

The angel was currently walking along the roughly tarmacked road that lead into the centre of the village, kicking at small, lone stones with his lace up loafers as he went. Again, he had been advised against flying straight in, so, again, he was walking. Thomas hated walking - it was slow and inefficient and very human. His vessel had a quick stride, but the angel still found it incredibly frustrating. It would take him a good five minutes longer to reach the centre of the village, which housed nothing more than a small pub and a corner shop. The rest of the village was old, yet still accommodated, housing. Easy picking for the werewolf, it seemed.

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-27 09:40:27
The village was a bit peaceful than it has been lately. People were actually having a good time for the first time in a couple weeks. They were laughing and drinking with one another as they ate. Kids ran around the village with others as they played tag or hide-and-seek. They knew the werwolf was going to attack again but it was a bit warming to the heart and soul, if you had one that is. Not many had ones, especially if they were a Demon or heartless human in general. A figure moved within the crowds of people but his silver hair stood out the most out of everything. Another figure walked next to him, her red hair like fire as the sun hit it. She was close to Rowen's side, knowing that he wouldn't wait for her if she fell behind, which was a bit rude on his part, yet she knew he didn't care what she thought.

"Rowen..." She whined as she kept the same pace he was going. "Why must you ignore me? You know you love me as a sister." She said as she tugged on his sleeve of his long sleeve blue shirt. He scoffed as he pulled his arm away from her grasp and stared ahead. He reported to Hell like he was suppose to, but he didn't give full details. All he said was that he didn't find the boy and that an Angel ruined his fun but the Angel soon left after that. He didn't need to get into details as he knew that they would want to find this Angel and torture him for more anwsers. He didn't want that nor did he want that for any of the Angels for that reason, even though what they did to him was not right. He didn't want to do the same thing they did to him to them. "Because all I hear is whining coming from that big trap of yours." He grumbled as he brushed past people.

The female groaned as she stood in front of him, making him stop. "Stop being an arse and listen to me for once. You know that I have to watch you because you can't seem to do anything without stirring up problems." She said as she started to jab at his chest a bit forcefully. "And guess who has to watch you to make sure that you don't get into trouble?" He tapped his chin in thought and shrugged as he gave up. "I don't don't. A clown who dances on top of a building naked?" He said sarcastically. She growled as she punched his shoulder, causing him to rub it. "Oww... I didn't deserve that." He said as he rubbed his shoulder again. "You did too. You arse. Now, you can do this yourself. I am down with your damn arrogance." She said as she punched his other shoulder. He growled as she walked off, not caring what he could do to her.

He watched her walk off and rubbed the other shoulder she punched. "Look who is the one who is the harsh one now." He muttered under his breath. Sadly, he was here in this village to see what happens when a werwolf attacks this village. This should be interesting because he was also here on his own mission too help save the souls that could get killed by the werewolf if they don't escape on time. Sure, Hell might be mad if he decides to do that but they won't find out as he isn't going to tell them.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 18:25:55
Thomas reached the village centre quickly, and paused on a street corner as he gathered his surroundings. In the centre there was a large, village green, where some people had decided to picnic with their families. Children ran around, playing games with each other, whilst adults smiled and talked to each other from brightly patterned blankets, laden with food. A pub on the opposite side of the road to where Thomas was standing had its doors open, and loud chatter and laughter came from inside. It was midday, and people were obviously enjoying the warm day as they ate their lunches as a community. This was perfect for Thomas - he didn't actually know which one of the people was the werewolf yet. With everyone in one place, it was perfect to do some asking around.

As a lot of victims had been killed recently, Thomas didn't have one place to investigate the surroundings of. Therefore, after some quick thought, he decided to draw a map of the small village, and draw a cross on each area where a dead body had been found, with the help of the people. He imagined, with so many deaths, that there would already be some people on the case doing a similar job to him, maybe the police or detectives, but Thomas would just tell the humans that he was one of them, or that he was simply interested. If worst came to worst, he could just create a FBI badge out of nothing - being an angel made these jobs a lot easier for him than they would be for humans.

Realising that he would need some stationary if he were to put this plan into action, Thomas began to walk to the corner shop, which was three houses down from the busy pub. Of course, he could just pull some paper and a pen out of nothing, but conjuration was tiring, and his brothers and sisters weren't keen on when he abused his powers for something so simple. Normally, Thomas wouldn't care, but he wanted to do this mission right, so there he was, walking. Again.

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 01:30:12
Sorry. I was writing this up when I fell asleep. Opps.)

Rowen had his blue eye covered like it usually was. He didn't like when people saw that he had two different t eyes as they started to freak out for no reason. It slightly irritated but he wouldn't blame them. Why? Well, that was because he would be freaked out himself if he was a human seeing another being with two different colored eyes. Being born with two different colored eyes was rare in most cases. He was one of those rare cases that were born with two different eyes. At least they weren't like bland colors. They wee colors that actually looked good together and we're pretty bright. People always ask why he has an eyepatch over his eye. He tells them a lie. He said that he got in a car accident when he was little and a piece of glass got lodged into his eye. He had to have surgery on it and all that was there was a scar. When they ask to see it, he says no as the light 'hurts' the scars tissue.

He sighed as he reached into his trench coat and grabbed a notebook and pen out. He asked people around the village where the werewolf has attacked. They told him and when he thanked them for their time and walked off, he let out a groan. Of course the werewolf couldn't make his kill in one apot. It has to be multiple stops scattered around the village. He sighed as he crumbled a blank piece of paper up and threw it in the garbage. He couldn't believe that he was actually writing all these things down instead of listening to the person and zoning out. Well, there ya go. Rowen surprises you once more. He chuckled to himself as he put the notebook back in his trench coat and started to walk along the sidewalk once more.

He hummed ever so slightly, not caring if other people heard him. He was just having some time that he was burning off in waves of boredom. He went to the little cafe shop in he town and ordered a white mocha. Once that was ready, he went to the tables outside and sat down at one of the tables, enjoying the sun that kissed his face. It felt good against his somewhat cold soul. He was a soulless one but cared for he humans but at the same time he wasn't. He sighed as he brought the white cup to his lips and took a small sip. It warmed his insides up and made him almost mrlt in the inside. It felt so good. A smile almost bloomed onto his lips but he pushed it away. He took another sip, closing his eyes to enjoy it a bit more than the last sip.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 02:24:52
(It's fine c:)

After several hours, Thomas' map was complete. It had taken a very long walk, much persuasion to get the local people to talk and much wasted time, but he'd eventually finished it. About a hundred people had been killed over the span of a few months - this werewolf was not one to be messed with. Fortunately, Thomas was quietly confident that it would be no trouble for him, if he could actually find the creature. There seemed to be no pattern to the killings - the werewolf could be living in any house in about a three mile radius.

Not really knowing what he was going to do next, Thomas tidily folded the map up and put it into the back pocket of his jeans as he walked through the village centre once more. His hazel gaze was caught by the happy, playing children once more - it seemed they had been content to spend their entire afternoon on the green, simply enjoying themselves. For one of the first times, Thomas imagined what his life would be like if he were human. He would age and die; he would feel discomfort, pain and have physical needs; he would feel emotions. It would have many negative aspects. And yet, it would be beautiful. He wouldn't exist just to keep order and to do others' bidding - he would be free. He would feel happiness, he might even fall in love. He might have a family.

The angel mentally shook his head - thoughts like that were not helpful. They certainly didn't help to be a loyal servant of God. He looked away from the green, and something else quickly caught his eye. A mop of silver hair. Wondering if he was seeing things, Thomas lifted his sunglasses from his nose, squinting from underneath them at the person that had caught his eye. It couldn't be... and yet it was. Against all of the odds, his and Rowen's paths had crossed again. The angel didn't know how it had happened, but he was certain that the male sitting outside the cafe, sipping from a white cup, was him. He recognised the demon's face and hair and frame.

Thomas halted in his path - was he after the werewolf too? He knew that no other angel had been assigned to watch the demon after himself - there was no real point now that he knew that he was being followed, it would probably just put the angel in unnecessary danger - so he didn't know what the demon's plans were. Demons didn't usually interact with other supernatural creatures; like angels, they tended to leave it to the humans to sort them out. Of course, Hell wouldn't send him to save the humans, like Thomas had been sent by Heaven, so he had come here of his own accord, most likely. Had he come after Thomas? No, he had no way of knowing that the angel was there too.

Should he approach him, or just try and make sure that he wasn't spotted?

The demon had said that he was different; maybe he would have some information that would help Thomas to find the werewolf? Thomas frowned at himself. He didn't need a demon's help - he was an angel, he could sort out an insignificant werewolf on his own.

After dithering in indecision, for several moments, Thomas decided to approach him. He had no idea why, but something in him was telling him that it was a good idea. Another part of him told him that it was a very bad idea, but he ignored that. The demon hadn't posed any threat to him before - if he'd have wanted to hurt Thomas, he would have that last time they'd met.

The angel crossed the road and walked over to the table, his face neutral behind his now lowered sunglasses, his walk not aggressive, nor defensive. He stopped beside the chair on the opposite side of the table to where the demon was sitting, not really sure of what he was going to say. In the end, he settled for a stiff nod. "Rowen. I didn't expect for us to meet again."

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Velaris [G1 Torn
3.31.23 RLC] (#88167)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-28 03:27:06
Rowen leaned back against his seat and stretched his legs out, crossing them at the ankles. He held the white cup in his hands, setting it on top of his stomach. Sadly, it didn't give too much support as his stomach was flat, causing the coffee to almost spill onto his shirt. He caught it before it could as he knew it would stain his trench coat if it doesn't get washed ASAP. He took another sip, letting the warmness seep into his taste buds to only do the same thing for his muscles and bones. Well, not literally but he felt a bit warmer than he usually does on the inside. That was odd but he didn't mind as this coffee tastes quite good. Usually he doesn't drink or eat human things but he thought he would try this so he was surprised when he actually liked it. He usually doesn't like anything human either, though.

He closed his eyes once more, letting his thoughts get carried away. He listened to the leaves stirring up in the forest with a breeze that went through. He could feel his own silver hair sway in the breeze. He heard the animals playing around with one another, being careful not to run into things or animals that could eat them. Would be interesting to watch but then cruel as the life of the animal was now gone. He heard the flap of the birds wings flying through the air, hovering up in the sky and looking down at the ground to see what they can snatch up to eat. The treetops swayed in the wind, making it sound as if it was a waterfall. The rushing river filled his ears, making him feel a bit more relaxed in this environment.

He liked listening to such things at it helped calm the Demon inside that was also burning. He sighed as his muscle relaxed more and more, knowing that this has been the first time in months, perhaps years, that he felt this relaxed. He couldn't really describe it in words as it was just wonderful. He took another sip, letting the warmness spread through his body once more. He kept listening to the sounds around him until he felt a wave of pain go through his body and up to his eye. His muscle went from relaxed to stiff. An Angel was nearby. What the hell. He was having a good time and now an Angel has to ruin it because they want to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He was irritated and grumbled under his breath as he kept his eyes closed. Not cool at all.

He thought the pain went away but it came back again but a voice was heard this time. He jumped in his seat, almost spilling the coffee he had in his hands. He looked up and glared at the Angel as he sat up straight in his chair. "Not cool." He muttered as he set the cup down on the table. He crossed his arms and set them on the table, leaning towards the Angel slightly. "And you are here again because you are checking up on me?" He asked as he shook his head. "Let me tell you something, buddy. I am not doing anything wrong so no need to tell me anything or try to cause a problem." He said as he tapped a finger on the table with each word he said. He shook his head as he rubbed his face and glanced at the Angel. "But what you you want?" He asked in a growl.

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Emerald (#96405)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 03:38:57
Thomas almost laughed as the demon jumped at his voice, but he wasn't quite human enough to feel amusement. He also felt no regret at startling the demon, but he made a mental note to check whether people had their eyes open or shut in future before speaking to them. From Rowen's muttering, Thomas guessed that he was less than impressed at his actions.

The angel watched the demon steadily as he straightened in his seat to address him, crossing his arms on the table top to lean closer to him. He was obviously annoyed, as he punctuated each word with a small blow to the table, like it had offended him in some way. Of course, he would assume that Thomas had been sent to watch over him again - Thomas should have thought of this. This was seeming like less and less of a good idea. It also wasn't part of his assignment; Thomas couldn't remember the last time that he'd swayed from Heaven's order to do something on Earth that was completely his own choice. He should definitely keep this brief.

The angel shook his head slowly at the demon's words. "My apologies, I know what this must look like," he began, his voice calm and measured, portraying no hint of emotion. "I am not here to monitor you again, I was removed from that assignment. I'm assuming that it is a mere coincidence that our paths have crossed again." As for what he wanted, Thomas wasn't really sure how to answer that question. "What do I want? I..." Sometimes, Thomas had the very human-like urge to wish. This was one of those instances: he wished he were better with words. "I... I just came over to say hello, I suppose. Ahm, are you here on the werewolf case, or just visiting?" Small talk was not his strong suit, nor did he wish it to be. The angel found it very pointless - the fact that he was initiating it was making him feel uncomfortable.

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