Posted by The Lion king: Re-written {1x1 (44449x51172) )

overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2016-09-14 11:42:46
Mufasa has fallen, his brother Scar has assumed the throne. Though strapped for food, he seems to have no end for the search for his favorite cub among those born to his pride, which he soon finds in his youngest daughter, Huruma -named in memory of his mother- who's sister came out a darker gold like her grandfather, Huru came out a beautiful shade of mocha brown, like her father. Scar starts to hear whispers that his nephew was, in fact, alive. This alone made him fearful, not just for himself but his precious cubs, he soon scrambles to find them suiters to cement his hold on the pridelands...surprisingly enough...he finds them, not within the pride, but in the form of two rouge males.

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 11:13:37

Zira snarled, "WE never should have left! Why did we ever listen to this little ingrate?!" Huru's most apparent mark, left by the angered lioness, was a very memory inducing scar over her left eye. "Because, even you saw we had no choice...or have you forgotten?" Huru hissed.

Hal followed close behind, he was worried of what Shaka might do. "That didn't sound good." HE said between breaths. his pace soon matched hers.

No, dear boy. Scar was distraught, he tried to find you, but you had disappeared, The last time the two of you spoke, he regretted it and tried to find you." Rafiki said softly,"He felt horrible, but he knew they needed a king."

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 12:17:55
Shaka growled, stepping closer to the angry female, "I've had it with you, you've never taken the blame for anything you did wrong. Now you lash out at your queen. If you wish to go back then leave! No one is forcing you to stay here!"

Ramla hurried to the den then went to her sister, "Huru! What's happened?! What happened to your eye?!"

"If I had known....I'd have come back years ago. I could have helped him, and now there's this mess. And I caused it."

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 12:28:38
Zira scoffed, "She's no queen, she's just a spoiled cub too big for her claws." That was it, Huru has had enough. Nodding at her sister and gesturing with her tail at Zira, she lunges, knocking the ignorant lioness to the ground. Huru holds her there, claws at her throat, the glare she inherited colder and sharper than ever. "Zira, I give you a choice, stay and hold your tongue, or go and be gone from my sight Either way, another outburst like this, and you're vulture chow, am I understood?" She snarls in Zira's face as her vulture lands on her shoulder.

Hal saw the scar. "Oh....boy...this can't end well." is all he says as he comes beside Ram. "She's scary when angry." He says softly.


Rafiki, the gentle heart he was, approaches simba. "Scar blamed himself, he feared you had died, and he spent his life trying to hold a title passed to him by he knew he was never meant to hold. He missed you,, it's your job to continue where Scar left off."

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 12:58:36
Shaka nodded in agreement with Huru, then looked to Vitani. He knew Zira would likely take the cub with her and he felt sorry for the little female but taking her from her mother wouldn't be a good show to anyone.

Ramla nodded, "We each got something from father. I got the political prowess and she got the temper and leadership."

Simba sighed then nodded, a look of determination appearing on his face, "I intend to. I will bring the pride back here somehow. And I will make sure his last cubs are given the best. All of his sacrifice will not be in vain."

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 13:13:51
Giza came out, with Nuka in tow, the tattered looking male saw the anger in Huru's eyes and took Vitani back to the den. Giza looked at Zira, you can't even admit that you are upset because another had his last cubs, it's your jealousy, not the pride's pain, that spur you. Even Nuka has spoken against you...and now, here you are, at the mercy of the very cub you ridiculed as a baby. Giza seemed to see a gleam in her daughter's eye, "You mustn't be too lenient with her...lest others follow." Giza said. Huru nods, scraping her claw across Zira's nose, "Exile." Was all she said, in essence stripping her of her right in the pride and of her hold on her cubs.

Hal knew the phrase well, and walked up beside Giza, waiting for the newly exiled lioness to act out.


Rafiki nods, "The winds tell me that one has angered your cousin, she will be the first to return...if you allow her, but beware, she is crueler than Scar ever seemed to be." The old one warns.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 13:35:57
Ramla watched as Zira stood and huffed, "Jealousy is an understatement. She's always hated anyone close to father. She was spiteful toward anyone that had cubs with father and toward the cubs themselves."

Shaka scoffed, "Be gone already Zira, you're no longer welcome here."

"I'll keep that in mind Rafiki. If nothing else she could provide information for me."

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 13:42:25
Zira goes to strike Huru only to feel the Vulture's talons. "Begone or die, Zira, I'll not warn you again." Huru snarled. Zira ran from the densite and back towards Priderock, the vulture hot on her tail. "She comes back, kill her." Huru said softly yet sharply.

Hal was half tempted to go after her, and make sure the curr left, but right now, Ram needed him here.

That may be, but she may turn out more risk than she's worth. She's prone to bouts of extreme jealousy, and may prove a threat to Scar's final litter." The old baboon said.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 13:58:43
Shaka glared, watching the female leave before turning his attention to the injured Huru.

Ramla sighed, "Would you like me to get the healer Huru?"

"I will see about her behavior when she arrives. And if she seems like a threat to Amadi or uncle's final litter even the slightest she'll be exiled."

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 14:10:51
Her eye was like an eerie mirror of her late father, "I'm good, thanks anyway Ram, she didn't strike deep enough to do any damage." She insisted, "It tingles a bit but it doesn't really hurt." Huru said smirking. "How did the session with the Meerkats go?" She asked softly.

Hal was amazed at how well Huru handled the pain from such a strike...and cringed some seeing what looked like a mirror of Scar in her features now.

Zira panted as she exited the elephant graveyard, "That of these days." She muttered as she slowly continued towards pride rock.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 14:52:13
Ramla nodded lightly, "If you're sure then. The issue was sorted out fairly quickly."

Shaka watched the retreating female then turned and followed the others into the den.

Simba escorted Rafiki back to his baobab tree then returned to Pride Rock, awaiting the arrival of the lioness the baboon had warned him about.

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 15:00:10
Zira arrived soon after, thin and very stalky, her eyes narrow, as she seemed to all but glare behind her. She soon looked to Simba with a look of a lioness that had thorough authority issues. "So you're Simba. From how Scar talked I thought you'd be bigger." She said bluntly as she sat looking him right in the eyes.

Huru nods, then sniffed the air, "If memory serves, we may have reason to celebrate, assuming all goes well." her memory told her that the scent on the wind came from the other lionesses, little did she realize it now rode the wind from her and Ram as well.

Hal walked with Shaka, his eyes on the horizon, not wanting any more drama than was necessary.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 15:11:15
Simba frowned, "You come to the land of my ancestors and that's the first thing you say? Not the best move."

Ramla nodded a bit and went inside, "So it may, and with her gone it'll be safer. Though I feel sorry for Nuka and Vitani."

Shaka looked around at the darkening clouds before going inside the den, not fond of the idea of being soaked by the rain.

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 15:20:49
Within the den, the smell of several of the females going into heat was unmistakable. Though most hid well their desire under the gaze that shot fear into them sure as any roving male. Huru was still calming after the outburst which gave her a scar like her father's and now few would speak for fear of being found at her mercy.

Huru sighed as she looked to the others before laying down on the far side of the den, looking out on the fresh falling rain. Vitani went over and lays by her, seeing her sister sad upset her.

Hal noticed the odd silence of the other lionesses, and the seemingly reactive separation of Queen Huru, he sat just inside the den and wondered why it was happening.

Forgive my curtness, but I have little patience for formality and decorum...I was just thrown out like rancid meat by a lioness young enough to be my daughter." Zira said visibly agitated.

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Edited on 15/01/17 @ 22:22:46 by Unova Solarflare (#51172)

Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 15:34:34
Ramla sighed, going to her regular place and laid down. When Huru was in one of these moods, justified as it may be, it was best to leave her alone to calm down.

Shaka watched the rain, then turned to the confused Nuka, attempting to calmly tell him what had happened.

"I won't bother you with the circumstances as yet. You are welcome to the den to rest but I want this to be clear. If you seem to be a threat at all to Amadi, the lioness inside, or the cubs she carries you will be exiled from here as well."

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 15:45:52
Very well, Seeing as I have nowhere else to go, I agree to your terms." Zira said, albeit hesitantly, sensing that it was that lioness that took the final glory from her. but for now she would lay low.

The young male nods, then looks to the other lionesses, then back at Shaka, "I've been meaning to ask...what's that smell?" Nuka asked curiously.

Hal caught it too, and knew exactly what it was, and why Huru was more agitated and aggressive than normal.

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