Posted by The Lion king: Re-written {1x1 (44449x51172) )

overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2016-09-14 11:42:46
Mufasa has fallen, his brother Scar has assumed the throne. Though strapped for food, he seems to have no end for the search for his favorite cub among those born to his pride, which he soon finds in his youngest daughter, Huruma -named in memory of his mother- who's sister came out a darker gold like her grandfather, Huru came out a beautiful shade of mocha brown, like her father. Scar starts to hear whispers that his nephew was, in fact, alive. This alone made him fearful, not just for himself but his precious cubs, he soon scrambles to find them suiters to cement his hold on the pridelands...surprisingly enough...he finds them, not within the pride, but in the form of two rouge males.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 16:03:10
Simba nodded and turned, heading inside the den with Zira and introduced the two females.

Amadi sensed the hostility of the other female but put on a smile and gave a friendly greeting.

Shaka bristled a bit, not sure he wanted to get into this, "That's something to ask Sarabi or one of the older lionesses."

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 16:09:09
A forced smile stretched across her maw, "A pleasure, I know it may be a tender topic, but during his last was King Scar?" Zira asked, her tone solumn but curious.

Nuka nods and runs to ask sarabi, Huru had nudged Vitani to go play and was watching the rain fall, finally calm enough to be approached.

Hal sighed and rested by Ramla, "how are you feeling my flower? Do you need anything?" HE asked gently

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 16:24:44
Amadi raised a brow for a moment, "Well, he seemed grateful for a last chance at a legacy and at terms with his death. Though I suppose no one is ready to let go of someone they care about. You seem to have a connection with him."

Shaka stood and went over, laying beside Huru.

Ramla shook her head, "No, I'm fine." She stretched out and laid her head on her paws.

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 16:32:08
I and another were his 'queens' for all intents and purposes, I had a son...but since he was early, he was weak and Scar rejected him, which hurt..then the other, a sandpelt named Giza, gave him two daughters, whom he accepted happily, especially since one looked near exactly like him." Zira said softly, "Jealousy runs in the blood, and I came to resent those cubs...that's kinda how I ended up here." She added.

Huru felt her tears sting the scar, "They look at me like they used to look at father...Fear, worry...fate is cruel I suppose." She said sighing.

Hal nods and lays beside her, his head down but ears up and alert.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 16:50:02
Amadi frowned a bit, "I do hope you'll exercise better control. Especially once my own cubs are born."

Shaka nuzzled her gently, "Calm down, once you show them you are not like him, despite looking like him, they will easily look past that."

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 16:57:58
I will do my best to refrain from acting out...but old habits die hard." Zira said honestly, knowing by nature, the time of the year made females of her disposition much more aggressive.

{Outlands} The rains fell the rest of that day, and ended just before sunrise the next. Huru had gone out before the others woke up.

Huru sits by the watering hole, looking into her reflection, striking at it occasionally, only to hear someone behind her.

Hal woke beside Ram, and looked around, figuring Huru was outside, he went to speak to her...only she was nowhere to be found. "Um, Shaka....Huru's gone" He said trying to hide his worry.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-15 17:19:18
Amadi nodded lightly, she understood the aggression of females during this time of year.

Shaka sighed and nodded, "It's best to leave her alone but I'm going to go look for her and make sure she's alright at least."

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-15 17:29:36
Zira sighed and lays down, struggling to get comfortable, then beginning to rub dirt into the mark on her nose. Her tail held close to her in an honest effort to relax.


Hal nods and returns to Ram's side, wondering in kind, where the stars Nuka disappeared to.

Nuka pounced, barely missing the paw of his sister, who struck out in annoyance. Huru hears another set of pawsteps and seemed to bristle some as she kept the spar up with Nuka, that she trips and kicks him into the watering hole as Shaka comes into view.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-16 03:13:11
Simba watched the exchange between the females then went to his regular place and settled in, watching the newly arrived Zira for a while before closing his eyes for a nap.

Ramla lifted her head and yawned, "What's going on?"

Shaka went over, sitting beside Huru, "What's got you all the way out here?"

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-16 07:25:28
Huru sighed softly, "the confined space and the scent of the other lionesses was making me feel cranky..." She said, though anyone could tell that she was uncomfortable in her own fur.

Hal explained that Huru had disappeared and now nuka was gone too. "More importantly, are you alright? You were fussing a lot last night." He asked, concern in the tone.

Zira sighed softly as she looks around then lays down to sleep a while.

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Edited on 16/01/17 @ 14:28:08 by Unova Solarflare (#51172)

Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-16 07:34:04
(It just occurred to me, is Zira going to mate with Simba or find a rogue?)

Shaka nodded, "This means though that you have a decision to make." He was hoping to take her mind off her new scar by focusing it on business. "What will you do about the lionesses' heat? Will you allow them to mate with rogues or only the males of the pride?"

Ramla thought for a moment, she didn't remember fussing as he'd said but it was possible. "Perhaps.....the time for my sister and I has come now as well. We are about that age....."

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-16 15:41:20
{If he chooses}

I was thinking about that before the scrawny fool interrupted my train of thought." She said as Nuka pulls himself from the water. "I don't know how to think on and Hal were rogues but you've proven trusted and adored leaders, but at the same time, I find myself at a loss with so many to pair up..." She said scratching her head.

Hal nods, "I would be willing to bet that's what drove your sister to wander off, the scent of ladies in heat is strong, especially in this confined space." HE said softly

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-16 15:54:33
Shaka chuckled at the soaked Nuka and gently swatted the young male with his tail, "Time for you to head home boy." Then he turned back to his mate, "Many rogues are happy to mate and be off and for the most part how they're raised decides what sort of lion they will be. More over between Hal and I a rogue wouldn't try to challenge for the pride. And as long as you and Ramla don't mind sharing your mates for that purpose I don't see why you can't allow the lionesses to choose. You could require them to run their decision by you for approval too if you like."

Ramla sighed and nodded, "It's about to drive me crazy myself. I think I'm going to go hunting, out in the open air."

(I'm fine with either way. Knowing Zira she'd want power in the pride still seeing it as Scar's territory and right now her only competition for queen is Amadi)

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overseer (#51172)

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Posted on
2017-01-16 16:38:19
The latter idea has merit" Huru said as Nuka seemed to stay put, only for Huru to glare in his direction "No rogue, maybe...but this little brat seems eager to try." She said softly. Nuka was scrawny but determined to see his half sister at his paw. Huru facepawed watching Nuka puff up.

Hal nods, "Would you like me to come with you or stay here?" He asked not wanting to smother her, as he felt he had been lately.

{Yeah, but also knowing her, She would not only vie and take the queen's spot, but turn the new pride against Huru and Ram.}

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-16 16:50:22
Shaka rolled his eyes, "He's still a bit too young for that. So what's your decision for the other females? They'll grow impatient if you take too long to decide."

Ramla thought for a moment then nodded, "I'll get a hunting party ready. With your help we may be able to take down something big enough we won't need to hunt again today."

(Very true, especially since Nuka and Vitani are still there. She'd probably tell Simba that Huru wouldn't let her take her cubs even though Zira herself didn't even attempt to take them with her.)

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