Posted by Azuna and Sköll RP (#90225 & #66764)
Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-24 03:43:47

Sköll's Background:
Everything was quiet, too quiet. In the forest of pitch black, an aphotic darkness surrounded a beam of light, which a series of shadows swarmed around, each one hinted with evil. But the light, the one little spec, held no evil, but rather the purest of hearts. The mere figure of the shadows themselves seemed to be trying to destroy the light, but the light was grasping onto something so tightly, almost as if it couldn’t give up.
Echoing faintly within the chaos was the screaming of souls that had passed, many wondered what this place was. Yes, it was the underworld. Out of the screams roared a thunderous voice that then exterminated the silence and suspense, the shadows and anything nearby stopped dead in it’s tracks and disappeared into nothingness as the beam of light shot across in a cavernous, spherical like shape.
The void of light completely diminished all of the evil in it’s path, and emerging from the portal of light stood a regal figure, almost unable to see because it was so bright, but as far as the eye could see as soon as the light subsided a bit, very sharp and distinct figures that resembled a wolf shone brightly. Now residing on these grounds was the mere god reborn, his name, you ask? His name is Sköll, meaning ‘Wolf that chased the sun,’ in Norse. In fact, this being held the power to control any beam of light that occurred during the day.
His beautiful eyes of different colors, -emerald green on one, and dark brown on the other with a hint of orange to it- seemed to sear with emotion of power and strength, one stare seemed like acid searing to the most delicate of flesh.
A smirk played upon the brute’s face and with a few strides forward, he advanced aimlessly, now exploring the depths of the unknown, not knowing what came next, but everything in his path seemed to bow down to him as if he were a king. With his posture brimming with confidence, he was now born from the light, ready to change the world.

Azuna's Background:
It was a frightening night. The full harvest moon was out. The time had come. Wanderers of the sacred lands had assembled for the birth of her. Her, was all they knew to call her, for they had not yet set their keen eyes upon her to reward the title she would soon hold, little did they know, she would overpower them all..

Kai was furious. What was taking so long?! All he heard was the agonizing cries of his mate from outside of the large den. Her cries were so loud that they would ricochet off of the cavernous territory of theirs, circled within the mountains, lands only known to their empire. The cries ceased, he only grew more angst. Reira, Kai’s sister slowly emerged from the den.

“Kai, it is done, you may see her,” spoke Reira, though Kai knew there was something she was not telling him.

“Reira, tell me,” Kai urged, despite the time running out, he was clueless.

“Xiaomei, she won’t make it through the night, the birth was too hard on her, you must say goodbye,” Reira spouted sympathetically, kneeling to her king brother.

Without saying a word, Kai ran in and saw his lovely queen curled in a tight ball, not yet letting him see his newborn daughter, she wanted the two of them to say goodbye first, since she knew she wouldn’t be able to be in her daughter’s life. Kai took notice of this and knew what she wanted.

“Xiaomei, you did well,” his voice trembled ever so slightly, but he remained strong.

“My love, it is time for me to go,” Xiaomei uncurled her body and uncoiled her tail, revealing the only princess of the empire, she lay peacefully at her mother’s side, her eyes were closed, so she couldn’t see her mother, “Take care of her, our little Azuna, Kai.”

“N-no! It isn’t time to say goodbye yet! Stay with me!” He stuttered.

“Goodbye my love, I wish you well, do not give up on her, she’s the-...” Before she could finish her head began to drop to the cold ground, but Kai caught it, nuzzling her chin to gently lay her head down.

Kai hated this, with a swipe of his paw he drew his full power from the harvest moon, setting the three of them in a circle of a blazing fire out of anger and grief, he blamed himself for not being able to save his queen. He panicked suddenly whenever his eyes fell upon his newborn, he realized what he had done and diminished the flames, looking down upon the young whelp he relaxed when he saw she had been unharmed. He saw Reira behind them.

“Reira, what was she going to say, what is my daughter?” He demanded in question, anxious to know.

“She is the immortal reincarnation of the moon queen. It wasn’t just a legend, it was true.” She explained, “That is why she bares the celestial markings.”

As soon as that was explained, a misty, celestial glow came upon the pup from the Harvest Moon in the sky. The moon had chosen her, it would be her that would have the burden on her for the rest of her life…

“No! Not her!” Kai growled stubbornly, screeching up at the moon. “She’s innocent, she can’t carry the burden! Stop!”

Reira laid her tail on his shoulder comfortingly. “If the moon has chosen.. then so shall it be, it seems she has been chosen as the moon princess. Her awakening will come in time, then she will know her true power..”

Time went on and Kai stood by his beloved daughter’s side, unfortunately, he died because moon wolves didn’t survive long after their mates died, as they lived only by being by each other’s side. He became one with his mate again in spirit while Azuna was only four months old. It was a shame, she had not even opened her eyes yet to meet her father, she knew his voice and his scent, unfortunately all of that vanished into the forever past whenever he told her goodbye upon his death place.

Everything went chaotic with both the king and queen’s death, the moon empire and all of the wolves in it went to war with each other, eventually killing themselves off. The only survivor was Reira and Azuna. Reira had taken care of her until she was six months, and Azuna’s eyes had finally opened. Reira died because of an unknown cause, leaving Azuna to raise herself amongst the moon empire, she stayed until all of the corpses of her former moon empire members had turned to ash, this had been 100 years. Though she was still six months even with 100 years passing, her kind didn’t age that fast, another reason why they had thrived in these sacred lands with their existence secret from others for centuries.

She had not yet had her awakening, her awakening would only come when she found a mate, however she was very young and could not take one on until she was one year. After having left her lands she’d inherited in dust and ash, she came to Earth. She herself had not been from Earth, her lands were upon a sacred planet behind the dark side of the moon, that is why no one had ever seen it, awaiting the next harvest moon, she used her celestial power to destroy the whole planet, nothing lived on it anymore since she was the only living moon wolf left. Here on Earth her adventure had begun.

Azuna's Appearance:
(This character was made for me by a good friend of mine, Chasemi :) )

Sköll's Appearance: To be added.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 19/10/16 @ 18:01:36 by Moxin (#90225)

♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-09-25 09:50:09
Sköll let a low growl escape his throat, it seemed this fae needed to learn her place, and that would be soon if she EVER growled at him like that again. He raced after Yuna when she began to run, his long legs soon picking up the same pace as the female's. He did not make eye contact with the other elemental wolf, he didn't find her funny at all when she had teased him, but that wasn't because he was always serious, it was because he needed to establish his dominance, and she WAS in his territory.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 10:06:58
She veered around suddenly with incredible strength and it seemed like she'd shaken the whole earth, the sky looked like it was crashing down for a second, the royal sensed something wrong and it was bothering her greatly. She dashed back towards the ground and located her target, the wolves they had encountered earlier were circling a mother and her pups, she sensed the mother and her pups were innocent, next to them the father had been slaughtered, she knew that he had tried to protect them. This ticked her off.

She let out an antagonizing, moreover intimidating growl and moving swift and agile, the indomitable, rhadamanthine regal spiraled within the air with a massive gyration, enough to propel her rival adjacent a gargantuan fissure, abruptly extruding forward and compacting onto them, and then pinning them subjacent to her lethal figure, moreover lacerating her canines gormandizing into the interior the flesh inflicting a hemorrhage, causing plangent yowls of excruciating pain, regarding them afterwards with abhor.

She looked around to the other enemies as if daring them to fight her, none of them did, but if she didn't kill them now, they would come back for the innocent family later. Advancing forwards she came face to face with her next opponent, a female much more monumental than she and clearly a head or regal by her appearance. The celestial elemental leapt forward with graceful strides, moving with agile, speed increasing movements. Encompassing the opponent into a circle and spiraling off her loins into a gyration, she landed amongst her opponents back, slamming her head down forcefully over and over until they were unconscious and their heart stopped, a pool of blood surrounded her and the two enemies she had killed, blood frothed from her mouth brutally, memories flashed back through her mind of how she’d destroyed her world.

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-09-25 10:31:07
Sköll slid to a stop as he watched Yuna run off, he snorted, slowly following behind. This was getting a bit boring. As he came upon the site where Yuna had disappeared to, his eyes widened as he watched the fae massacre the group of wolves that had escaped earlier, a shiver running down his spin as he watched how brutal Yuna treated their corpses. Sköll quickly trotted over to the mother and her pup, not laying his eyes on them, for his attention was still focused on the female wolf. Suddenly the sound of a growl startled the male, he spun around, seeing the leader again he lunged at him, his sharp canines gripping onto his throat, and without hesitation he began to shake the male furiously. Sköll blood spilled everywhere as the male shook the dead corpse ferociously. To make sure the wolf was dead, he pulled away, snapping his breathing pipe.

The brute licked his muzzle before trotting away, seeing that there was nothing else to do, he would return to his den. Sköll ignored that the fae was in his territory, and besides, she would half to find her own destiny, he wasn't going to follow the path that his dead ancestors put out for him, besides, these two weren't even that comfortable near each other.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 10:47:30
Azuna stepped into a river a few tail lengths away and cleaned all of the blood off of her fur, going to help the mother and her pups. She walked the mother along with her pups to a nearby den and remained there a couple of days, until the pups were grown, as they only had a few days until they could leave the pack anyway from when she saved them. She acted as a second mother figure, even though she hadn't had anyone play the role of a mother or father in her life. She parted ways with the mother and left her some food that would last her for a couple days, therefore the grieving mother didn't have to go search for food and be in danger while mourning her mate's death.

She followed the stale scent of Sköll, the male she'd met a few days ago. She finally found him in his den and dropped a deer for him with a blank expression, she'd looked worse than ever from what had happened the past couple of days of taking care of the family that they had both saved. Seeing he was still asleep she left, however left the deer so he knew that she had been there. Outside of the den she rested by the stream and had fallen asleep, the sound of her breathing almost inaudible, the earth itself was taking a toll on her health, since she wasn't from here. She probably wouldn't live much longer if it weren't for her power.

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Edited on 01/10/16 @ 11:23:49 by Moxin (#90225)

♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-09-29 09:40:36

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 09:41:04
(its ok, and alright xD)

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-09-29 10:20:05
Sköll's head lifted slightly at the fresh scent of raw meat, his mouth watering since he hadn't eaten ever since yesterday. He got up and stretched, then, he walked out towards the prey and sniffed it. The fae's familiar scent drifting into his nose as he took a deep whiff of it. Sköll glanced around, his ears perked as he tried to find any movement that signaled that Yuna was in his territory, but he heard nothing. He began to trot further out towards the rivers near his new den, still, he heard nothing. The brute sighed and pinned his ears against his head, his muzzle pointing down towards the dirt, he could pick up no trace of her scent. Suddenly, as though it was fate, the wind began to pick up, bringing a faint scent that resembled Yuna's. A spark of hope flared inside Sköll.

Rearing slightly and turning, Sköll ran through the forest, soon meeting one of the rivers that bordered his territory, and right beside it Yuna laid, her figure small and fragile. The male came up slightly, not wanting to alarm her, but when he noticed how skinny she was he couldn't help but walk further towards her and place his snout onto her furry forehead, allowing some of his powerful energy to flow into her. Sköll looked down at the fae, he had never noticed how beautiful she was until now when he could get a good look at her. His tail wagged slightly as he licked her ear gently before pulling his head away, concern in his eyes on wether or not she would get up.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 10:29:23
Azuna's eyes fluttered open, realizing Sköll was next to her and had lended her some of his energy. She looked at her paws before looking up at him with a faint smile, and nudged his shoulder lightly, she was weak but held high spirits.

"Good morning, sleepy head," She mused playfully before stretching and yawning, looking up to the sky and realizing she'd been laying here for a couple of days. She eased her way up off of the cold ground she resided upon and arched her back in a stretch. She blinked several times, trying to get her eyes to adjust to the light, and her tail swayed slowly behind her before she turned to Sköll.

"Did you eat the food I brought? Also, I helped the mother and pups, I stayed with them a couple days until the pups were old enough to leave their pack and be safe." She circled him for a brief moment, making sure he hadn't skipped a meal before catching the scent of a human nearby. She didn't really feel like coming into the path of a human, for all she knew they could be a poacher. She flicked an ear and decided she'd peacefully walk away, so she wouldn't have to fight and injure the human.

"We should go, I sense humans nearby."

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Edited on 01/10/16 @ 11:24:08 by Moxin (#90225)

♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-09-29 10:38:01
He glanced towards where Yuna had scented the humans, of course, the musty disgusting scent that the humans had lingered in his territory. Sköll growled, but he turned and began to lead the way to his den, which of course was a different direction. As the two made it to his den, he turned and touched noses with Yuna slightly "You need to take more care of yourself. Ever since you arrived here on earth and first met me you have been losing a lot of weight, I could even see your ribs." He replied as he placed a paw onto the fae's head and chuckled before turning back around and tearing a piece of flesh off the deer, then turning and throwing to Yuna's paws.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-29 10:42:48
She nodded slightly and finished the piece of flesh off of the deer he had given her and sat across from him, closer to the entrance of the den, not wanting to be impolite and invade his space. She slowly blinked and her power started to show as starry moonlight formed at her paws, she looked down at it, and her eyes caught the reflection of it's shine. She let the light flicker on and off, not causing harm to anything, but it reminded her of home. After looking around the cave, she turned to look outside of the cave at the sunset, taking in the unusual auburn and scarlet colors of the sky that formed around it, and the pink clouds. She lay on her side and grooms a paw, before drawing it over her ear. "When will you tell me why you are here? I don't want to push, so it's ok if you don't tell me right away."

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-09-29 11:19:33
A slight chuckle escapes the males throat as he moved over to where Yuna was and laid down, his head resting on her side slightly as he looked at her "I don't know if I should tell you, maybe I should wait and see how much you pester me about it. Hmm?" Sköll teased with a soft voice, his eyes then shifting towards the fire colored sky that covered half the planet. Sköll Sighed. "Isn't it beautiful? It kinda looks like my mother's fur..." He muttered the last words lightly, so light that Yuna probably didn't hear him. He rolled over and pawed the air with his front paws, his gaze directed towards the cave's ceiling.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-30 10:21:35
She nodded slightly and smirked when she looked at him resting his head on her side. She playfully nipped his ear and ran out of the cave and off towards the woods. "Race ya to the river!" She grinned and was already halfway there, power booming within her paws and she seemed to run faster than her paws had time to keep up.

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-09-30 10:28:10
Sköll chuckled at the females playfulness, then, a devious smirk appeared on his face "Okay.". He close his eyes and stepped out into the last bit of sunshine, suddenly, his pelt became brighter as he absorbed the rays. When he opened his eyes, fire flowed out from them. Sköll raced off after the fae, his tall legs carrying over large bushes and long logs as he quickly caught up to her. The thrill made the male howl as he jumped over a bush and ran up beside Yuna, a grin spreading across his face as he then picked up his pace, only to be surprised that the river was right in front of him, making him fall into the shallow end.

Sköll got up and stretched, his now aching joints bothering him as he snorted and shook off his cold pelt. He looked like a bear. The heavy burden of water that had stayed in his coat made the male growl, suddenly, his fur began to heat up and steam flowed into the sky as he used his powers to warm him up, then, he shook his fur, it's beautiful patterns sparkling in the suns rays.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-30 10:37:59
She skid to a halt and fell over laughing so hard that she couldn't talk. She leapt into one of the tree branches and looked down at him before jumping into the deep end of the water, going under and coming up with three glistening rainbow trout. The water droplets on her fur shone like stars in the sky, each time she moved they glistened like diamonds.

"Heads up!" She shouted as she tossed him two fish, while she ate hers, licking her chops. She went into the river again and swam in circles. "What you don't like water?" she teased playfully, rolling onto her back and floating before turning back over and going under for a swim.

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-09-30 10:49:32
Sköll held back a laugh, he couldn't understand why some dogs and wolves liked water so much. He hated it completely. When she asked him why he didn't like water, he snorted "It's because when i was a pup, my father didn't want me to become the sun herder because he thought i would never make it to be one year old, and by that he meant that he was going to kill me, and he almost did. By trying to drown me." He said as he glared at the small waves the water made as Yuna swam in it. He admired her from a far distance.

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