Posted by Azuna and Sköll RP (#90225 & #66764)
Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-24 03:43:47

Sköll's Background:
Everything was quiet, too quiet. In the forest of pitch black, an aphotic darkness surrounded a beam of light, which a series of shadows swarmed around, each one hinted with evil. But the light, the one little spec, held no evil, but rather the purest of hearts. The mere figure of the shadows themselves seemed to be trying to destroy the light, but the light was grasping onto something so tightly, almost as if it couldn’t give up.
Echoing faintly within the chaos was the screaming of souls that had passed, many wondered what this place was. Yes, it was the underworld. Out of the screams roared a thunderous voice that then exterminated the silence and suspense, the shadows and anything nearby stopped dead in it’s tracks and disappeared into nothingness as the beam of light shot across in a cavernous, spherical like shape.
The void of light completely diminished all of the evil in it’s path, and emerging from the portal of light stood a regal figure, almost unable to see because it was so bright, but as far as the eye could see as soon as the light subsided a bit, very sharp and distinct figures that resembled a wolf shone brightly. Now residing on these grounds was the mere god reborn, his name, you ask? His name is Sköll, meaning ‘Wolf that chased the sun,’ in Norse. In fact, this being held the power to control any beam of light that occurred during the day.
His beautiful eyes of different colors, -emerald green on one, and dark brown on the other with a hint of orange to it- seemed to sear with emotion of power and strength, one stare seemed like acid searing to the most delicate of flesh.
A smirk played upon the brute’s face and with a few strides forward, he advanced aimlessly, now exploring the depths of the unknown, not knowing what came next, but everything in his path seemed to bow down to him as if he were a king. With his posture brimming with confidence, he was now born from the light, ready to change the world.

Azuna's Background:
It was a frightening night. The full harvest moon was out. The time had come. Wanderers of the sacred lands had assembled for the birth of her. Her, was all they knew to call her, for they had not yet set their keen eyes upon her to reward the title she would soon hold, little did they know, she would overpower them all..

Kai was furious. What was taking so long?! All he heard was the agonizing cries of his mate from outside of the large den. Her cries were so loud that they would ricochet off of the cavernous territory of theirs, circled within the mountains, lands only known to their empire. The cries ceased, he only grew more angst. Reira, Kai’s sister slowly emerged from the den.

“Kai, it is done, you may see her,” spoke Reira, though Kai knew there was something she was not telling him.

“Reira, tell me,” Kai urged, despite the time running out, he was clueless.

“Xiaomei, she won’t make it through the night, the birth was too hard on her, you must say goodbye,” Reira spouted sympathetically, kneeling to her king brother.

Without saying a word, Kai ran in and saw his lovely queen curled in a tight ball, not yet letting him see his newborn daughter, she wanted the two of them to say goodbye first, since she knew she wouldn’t be able to be in her daughter’s life. Kai took notice of this and knew what she wanted.

“Xiaomei, you did well,” his voice trembled ever so slightly, but he remained strong.

“My love, it is time for me to go,” Xiaomei uncurled her body and uncoiled her tail, revealing the only princess of the empire, she lay peacefully at her mother’s side, her eyes were closed, so she couldn’t see her mother, “Take care of her, our little Azuna, Kai.”

“N-no! It isn’t time to say goodbye yet! Stay with me!” He stuttered.

“Goodbye my love, I wish you well, do not give up on her, she’s the-...” Before she could finish her head began to drop to the cold ground, but Kai caught it, nuzzling her chin to gently lay her head down.

Kai hated this, with a swipe of his paw he drew his full power from the harvest moon, setting the three of them in a circle of a blazing fire out of anger and grief, he blamed himself for not being able to save his queen. He panicked suddenly whenever his eyes fell upon his newborn, he realized what he had done and diminished the flames, looking down upon the young whelp he relaxed when he saw she had been unharmed. He saw Reira behind them.

“Reira, what was she going to say, what is my daughter?” He demanded in question, anxious to know.

“She is the immortal reincarnation of the moon queen. It wasn’t just a legend, it was true.” She explained, “That is why she bares the celestial markings.”

As soon as that was explained, a misty, celestial glow came upon the pup from the Harvest Moon in the sky. The moon had chosen her, it would be her that would have the burden on her for the rest of her life…

“No! Not her!” Kai growled stubbornly, screeching up at the moon. “She’s innocent, she can’t carry the burden! Stop!”

Reira laid her tail on his shoulder comfortingly. “If the moon has chosen.. then so shall it be, it seems she has been chosen as the moon princess. Her awakening will come in time, then she will know her true power..”

Time went on and Kai stood by his beloved daughter’s side, unfortunately, he died because moon wolves didn’t survive long after their mates died, as they lived only by being by each other’s side. He became one with his mate again in spirit while Azuna was only four months old. It was a shame, she had not even opened her eyes yet to meet her father, she knew his voice and his scent, unfortunately all of that vanished into the forever past whenever he told her goodbye upon his death place.

Everything went chaotic with both the king and queen’s death, the moon empire and all of the wolves in it went to war with each other, eventually killing themselves off. The only survivor was Reira and Azuna. Reira had taken care of her until she was six months, and Azuna’s eyes had finally opened. Reira died because of an unknown cause, leaving Azuna to raise herself amongst the moon empire, she stayed until all of the corpses of her former moon empire members had turned to ash, this had been 100 years. Though she was still six months even with 100 years passing, her kind didn’t age that fast, another reason why they had thrived in these sacred lands with their existence secret from others for centuries.

She had not yet had her awakening, her awakening would only come when she found a mate, however she was very young and could not take one on until she was one year. After having left her lands she’d inherited in dust and ash, she came to Earth. She herself had not been from Earth, her lands were upon a sacred planet behind the dark side of the moon, that is why no one had ever seen it, awaiting the next harvest moon, she used her celestial power to destroy the whole planet, nothing lived on it anymore since she was the only living moon wolf left. Here on Earth her adventure had begun.

Azuna's Appearance:
(This character was made for me by a good friend of mine, Chasemi :) )

Sköll's Appearance: To be added.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 19/10/16 @ 18:01:36 by Moxin (#90225)

Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-30 10:56:11
She growled instantly. "Yeah? Well he was wrong, look at you now! Come on in, I'll be right next to you." She moved to the more shallow part of the river, looking up at him. She was just near the bank so it wouldn't be too difficult for him. She smiled encouragingly and lifted her feathery tail from the water, the water droplets dripping from it as she flung her tail, playfully flinging drops of water on him with a small chuckle.

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-01 04:12:41
Sköll's tail lashed when she had gotten water on him, a playful grin spreading across his face "Okay, if you wanna be like that." He lunged at her, knocking her over and making both of them splash into the shallow water. Raising his tail triumphantly, Sköll lifted his chin a bit in victory, his left paw lightly holding the fae down. He glanced down at her 'She's really pretty....' The male thought to himself as a small smile spread across his face, his tail lowering slightly.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-10-01 04:20:33
Azuna chuckled and used her powers to gain the strength to flip them both over, now it was him that was pinned. "Gonna give up?" She smirked slightly and now held him down with one paw, a blue celestial fire surrounding her very lithe form, making the area around her glisten as she looked down at him. Her head snapped up whenever she heard a twig snap under someone's paws, she looked into the nearby bushes and saw wolves surrounding them, there were some on the sides of them too, and behind them. There were probably 50 or more. They were almost as large as she and Sköll, but not quite. They were all black, with shadows surrounding them, and flaming red eyes that when they looked at you seemed like acid to flesh. She muttered under her breath, "Shadow Wolves."

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-02 03:59:52
Sköll got up, pushing the female off of him so he could shake the water droplets off his fur and look at the shadow like figures, his head lowering a bit as a savage snarl escaped his now curled up lips. The brute's muscles tensed as he counted how many were there, probably about 63 of them, meaning they weren't gonna take any chances on getting defeated by just sending 3 of their top dogs. But, this showed Sköll that they were afraid of losing. Very, afraid. Placing a paw on the muddy slope in front of him, a small circle appeared around his foot and set it aflame. Sköll could see that some of the wolves were having second thoughts about what was happening, and he could tell because most of them began to look at each other and pin their ears back, it seemed that they didn't even know these two were this powerful.

Suddenly, out of fear and foolishness, one of the Shadow Wolves lunged forward, a loud battle cry rung out from its mouth as it wrapped it's jaws around Sköll left leg, sinking it's teeth into his skin. Looking down slightly, a deafening growl could be heard from the brutes muzzle as he snorted and opened his jaws, his teeth making contact with the other wolves neck as he lifted him up and threw him at a tree. As the others watched, Sköll could see he had sparked some hatred in most of the dog's eye's, but the others lowered their tails in between their legs and backed away before turning and running fast, Sköll looked towards Azuna "I'm gonna go after the runners, you stay here and distract the rest. Howl if you need any help, well, if you're desperate enough." He teased before rearing up slightly and lunging forward, his paws pounding hard against the dirt as he chased after the runners.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-10-02 04:12:24
Azuna had never been more furious in her life. How dare they send this many? She growled a roaring, deafening growl and leapt into the air, spiraling and came down, compacting herself onto the ground roughly as she slammed all fours on the ground. She caused an electric shock-wave to occur and the grounds around her send a force-field running towards the shadow wolves. They began to howl and whimper as they were being electrocuted, she was still furious so she lashed out her full power, which was dangerous for both her and her opponents. She sent celestial fire their way and burned them all until they were ash, not even the bones remained. It wasn't enough for her, she destroyed the ashes even, until they were completely destroyed. She ran after Sköll, quickly catching up and sending the same shock-waves and celestial fire towards the running wolves as she had the others back at the river, she destroyed them, the two of them had won, but she was still so angry that she kept growling, and began to pace back and forth.

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-02 04:22:15
Sliding to a stop, Sköll watched as Azuna destroyed the Shadow Wolves, leaving no trail of their existence on earth. He blinked in astonishment, he didn't know Azuna could be so scary! Sköll glanced over at her, watching her as she paced back and forth, still growling from anger. Sköll walked over to her and placed his forehead on her's, his eyes staring into the females "Calm down, you might hurt yourself at this state of anger." He mumbled lightly to her before removing his head away from her and looking around, the scorch marks that her powers left on the earth beginning to fade away out of existence "You did a good job getting rid of them, but, even that kind of power in one body can kill somebody if they wielded it wrongly." Sköll explained calmly to her.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-10-02 04:35:03
She calmed down like he asked and nodded. "Should we head back to the cave..?" She asked, her voice almost inaudible and shaky. She shakily started to pace back to the den, most of her strength gone. Even a boost of energy wouldn't help her at this point. She kept on so Sköll wouldn't notice that she was so weak. She took a break whenever they reached a nearby lake and descended her head to get a drink of water, she closed her eyes and ended up falling asleep next to that same lake. It was strange, she'd never fallen asleep like this, she was swept into visions of the future, and she saw many things, things which she couldn't discuss, and fear pricked at her pelt.

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-02 04:40:29
The male quietly followed behind her, examining her health by looking at how she acted 'She doesn't seem to be in good shape, but...' He tilted his head, but then, shook his head in disagreement 'If she wanted me to know, she would probably tell me...don't want to make her upset because I'm so worried about her..' Sköll glanced up at her with a worried look, but he didn't know what to do but make sure she was safe. As they neared another river, Sköll sat on the sidelines, keeping a lookout while Azuna took a drink and then quickly fell asleep. When she had fallen asleep, Sköll walked over there and laid down, resting his head on his paws as his eyes darted from left to right. He knew he had to keep a lookout while Azuna had a nap, after all, she did use up almost all of her energy while making her powerful attacks.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-10-02 04:57:48
Waking up after about an hour she got up and stretched, nudging his shoulder. "Are you hungry? I smell a deer herd nearby." She took a few drinks of water again and while waiting for his response, she stepped into the river to cool off and went for a short swim, after that she got out and shook her pelt, careful not to get Sköll all wet. Azuna stretched once more, the breeze passing by was nice and chilling, it would dry her fur in no time. She caught scent of a second deer herd and wondered why. Perhaps they were being chased into this area by something? She looked at Sköll, and wondered if he was wondering the same thing.

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-04 03:39:54
Out of nowhere, a young deer jumped out of the bushes, and since Sköll was a bit hungry, he lunged at it, his large canines wrapping around the tiny deer's neck. Using all his weight to pull it down, Sköll allowed his body to go limp the only part of his body that worked still was his muzzle and jaws, but since he did that, all his weight could drag the deer down to the ground, holding it there as his muzzle tightened around its neck, killing it quickly. Sköll stood up and licked the blood from his muzzle before turning to Azuna, knowing that she also was confused and didn't know what was happening. Sniffing the air, the ringing sound of a shotgun fired through the air, making the male flinch and turn his head quickly towards the direction where the deer came from "That's why we smelled human..." He growled, suddenly, the loud sound of dogs barking alerted the two.

There could be about 4 dogs with them, man, maybe 5, but since they didn't know and weren't suppose to be found out by the humans, Sköll turned towards Azuna and used his head to push her away from this area "We need to go NOW!!" The large male barked as he pushed her into the bushes and turned to look out of a tiny whole, now seeing that the human and his pets had arrived. The dogs began to sniff the kill, and by the look on the human's face and how he was glancing around, Sköll could tell he was looking for the source of this deer's death. The human sighed before grabbing the deer by the neck and walking away, whistling lightly to his dogs to follow. But they didn't. The dogs stood where they were, their piercing eyes almost staring right into Sköll's soul. He growled lightly before turning "RUN!" He said before darting away, hoping that Azuna was coming. Now that there had been movement in the bushes, the dogs began to run after the two, and soon, the human caught sight of the two wolves pelts, and smirked before running after his dogs, screaming for them to follow the two.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-10-04 08:21:49
Azuna grabbed Sköll & soon they were in the air, she used her powers to elevate them into the air and within seconds they were more than a mile off, she seemed to be controlling time itself while the hunter and his dogs were frozen in time. As soon as they were safe she unfroze time and began to laugh. "Whew! You were so scared back there!" She teased playfully before elevating the two back on the ground and she plopped down onto the soft moss. If Sköll would notice, they were in a place she made for herself. It was a little home she created within a circle of trees and bushes, with an illusion spell around it so that no one could find this place, and if they came close, they would be lead into a different direction. Here in this very small, yet cozy little clearing, she'd put moss bedding down so everything was soft, and had many little companions here, exotic birds that she'd traveled around to find and a few other forest creatures who also lived by her for safety. "The animals that live in this little place aren't for hunting, these ones are my friends. The ones outside of here are for hunting." She made sure to get that across before a small sparrow came and landed on her shoulder, looking at Sköll a few seconds before flying off. This place was gorgeous, there were fireflies to light up the place at night, and there was a small peek where if you looked trough the treeline into the sky, there was the perfect view of the moon at night. The moon she favored dearly. She stretched before laying down on the moss, practically all of the walking area inside of here was moss, so there was bedding for them, plus all of the animals in this little shelter. This was one of the only little clearings that stayed livable after natural disasters because of the protection spell she had put over it.

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-17 09:16:28

Sköll surprisedly looked around before his eyes landed back onto Azuna, nodding as she informed him about the creatures of this small area. As the moon shined brightly, he watched as Azuna rested her limbs on a firm bed of moss, her long, beautiful luscious coat soon starting to glow in harmony with the moon, leaving Sköll dumbfounded at her beauty. He soon began to direct his eyes towards the moon, not wanting Azuna to catch him staring at her with dreamy eyes 'I wonder what I can do to show Azuna how I feel...about her.' Thinking deeply, he sat down, wrapping his long tail around his paws and allowing his ears to twitch every time a cricket chirped near him. "Hey, Azuna." He began lightly, his voice cracking a bit "Have you ever felt anything for feelings?" Sköll questioned as he crawled over beside her and laid down, his muzzle pointing up towards the moon as it reflected in his eyes.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-10-17 09:50:33
(It's alright.)

Azuna tilted her head at the question and replayed it in her mind a few times, before finally responding. "Of course I have, just once in my life, though," She responded plainly, trying not to give away that she was talking about him, even though they hadn't known each other long. She hummed a soft song that came to mind, one she remembered her mother singing to her on the day she was born, the few minutes her mother had left she had sang her a song without lyrics, because in the humming of the song she had known what it meant, many of her people used to communicate through song, certain tunes would indicate certain words, that was... before she died after the hard birth. It was the only thing she had to hold onto that reminded her of her birth place, which was now nonexistent, forever. The emotion she held in her eyes when she hummed the song was very evident, she seemed to be off in her own little world while singing to the moon, closing her eyes softly as the creatures of her small domain came to rest at her side, flashbacks closed in on her mind of her beautiful home, her aunt Reira especially, the one who had lived long enough to teach her the ways of their people before she too, died. Her extravagantly beautiful voice was enough to make the song of the crickets at night silent, even the hush sound of the wind had stopped, everything in it's tracks seemed to listen to her. This was the beginning of her real awakening, it was finally happening. She kept singing and starry moonlight glowed at her paws, her eyes became a bright light and the celestial markings on her pelt glowed, suddenly stars swirled about her figure, she grew in size fully to here she was Sköll's size, it seemed he had already had his awakening and she was just catching up. She knew what this awakening of her's meant, and it was unexpected.

(This was the song she was humming:

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-17 10:45:53
Sköll's ear's perked up at the sound of Azuna's relaxing humming, and also her beautiful voice. "W-wow Azuna...your voice....i-it's amazing." He said lightly, his eyes looking down shyly, not knowing why he said that. After hearing her say she had feelings for somebody once, he pinned his ears back lightly and pawed at the ground "Oh... What was/is his name?" It was something that kinda made the male feel awkward, but, if he could just know that HE was the one she had feelings for, he would feel a bit better. Sköll laid his head on his paws and looked up towards Azuna, a warm feeling inside him burning brightly.

(XD short!)

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-10-17 11:30:03
She glanced at him and smirked softly, "It's you, silly.." Her voice sounded way different than it had before, she'd just had her awakening and things about her physical & inner appearance had changed a small bit. She wondered if he had known she had her awakening just now, or if he had been focusing on the moon the whole time. Yawning, Azuna turned to look at him, "However, if our feelings for each other lead to us being together, I don't want to move too fast." She started feeling drowsy and closed her eyes, resting her chin over on his shoulder and falling asleep.

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