Posted by Azuna and Sköll RP (#90225 & #66764)
Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-09-24 03:43:47

Sköll's Background:
Everything was quiet, too quiet. In the forest of pitch black, an aphotic darkness surrounded a beam of light, which a series of shadows swarmed around, each one hinted with evil. But the light, the one little spec, held no evil, but rather the purest of hearts. The mere figure of the shadows themselves seemed to be trying to destroy the light, but the light was grasping onto something so tightly, almost as if it couldn’t give up.
Echoing faintly within the chaos was the screaming of souls that had passed, many wondered what this place was. Yes, it was the underworld. Out of the screams roared a thunderous voice that then exterminated the silence and suspense, the shadows and anything nearby stopped dead in it’s tracks and disappeared into nothingness as the beam of light shot across in a cavernous, spherical like shape.
The void of light completely diminished all of the evil in it’s path, and emerging from the portal of light stood a regal figure, almost unable to see because it was so bright, but as far as the eye could see as soon as the light subsided a bit, very sharp and distinct figures that resembled a wolf shone brightly. Now residing on these grounds was the mere god reborn, his name, you ask? His name is Sköll, meaning ‘Wolf that chased the sun,’ in Norse. In fact, this being held the power to control any beam of light that occurred during the day.
His beautiful eyes of different colors, -emerald green on one, and dark brown on the other with a hint of orange to it- seemed to sear with emotion of power and strength, one stare seemed like acid searing to the most delicate of flesh.
A smirk played upon the brute’s face and with a few strides forward, he advanced aimlessly, now exploring the depths of the unknown, not knowing what came next, but everything in his path seemed to bow down to him as if he were a king. With his posture brimming with confidence, he was now born from the light, ready to change the world.

Azuna's Background:
It was a frightening night. The full harvest moon was out. The time had come. Wanderers of the sacred lands had assembled for the birth of her. Her, was all they knew to call her, for they had not yet set their keen eyes upon her to reward the title she would soon hold, little did they know, she would overpower them all..

Kai was furious. What was taking so long?! All he heard was the agonizing cries of his mate from outside of the large den. Her cries were so loud that they would ricochet off of the cavernous territory of theirs, circled within the mountains, lands only known to their empire. The cries ceased, he only grew more angst. Reira, Kai’s sister slowly emerged from the den.

“Kai, it is done, you may see her,” spoke Reira, though Kai knew there was something she was not telling him.

“Reira, tell me,” Kai urged, despite the time running out, he was clueless.

“Xiaomei, she won’t make it through the night, the birth was too hard on her, you must say goodbye,” Reira spouted sympathetically, kneeling to her king brother.

Without saying a word, Kai ran in and saw his lovely queen curled in a tight ball, not yet letting him see his newborn daughter, she wanted the two of them to say goodbye first, since she knew she wouldn’t be able to be in her daughter’s life. Kai took notice of this and knew what she wanted.

“Xiaomei, you did well,” his voice trembled ever so slightly, but he remained strong.

“My love, it is time for me to go,” Xiaomei uncurled her body and uncoiled her tail, revealing the only princess of the empire, she lay peacefully at her mother’s side, her eyes were closed, so she couldn’t see her mother, “Take care of her, our little Azuna, Kai.”

“N-no! It isn’t time to say goodbye yet! Stay with me!” He stuttered.

“Goodbye my love, I wish you well, do not give up on her, she’s the-...” Before she could finish her head began to drop to the cold ground, but Kai caught it, nuzzling her chin to gently lay her head down.

Kai hated this, with a swipe of his paw he drew his full power from the harvest moon, setting the three of them in a circle of a blazing fire out of anger and grief, he blamed himself for not being able to save his queen. He panicked suddenly whenever his eyes fell upon his newborn, he realized what he had done and diminished the flames, looking down upon the young whelp he relaxed when he saw she had been unharmed. He saw Reira behind them.

“Reira, what was she going to say, what is my daughter?” He demanded in question, anxious to know.

“She is the immortal reincarnation of the moon queen. It wasn’t just a legend, it was true.” She explained, “That is why she bares the celestial markings.”

As soon as that was explained, a misty, celestial glow came upon the pup from the Harvest Moon in the sky. The moon had chosen her, it would be her that would have the burden on her for the rest of her life…

“No! Not her!” Kai growled stubbornly, screeching up at the moon. “She’s innocent, she can’t carry the burden! Stop!”

Reira laid her tail on his shoulder comfortingly. “If the moon has chosen.. then so shall it be, it seems she has been chosen as the moon princess. Her awakening will come in time, then she will know her true power..”

Time went on and Kai stood by his beloved daughter’s side, unfortunately, he died because moon wolves didn’t survive long after their mates died, as they lived only by being by each other’s side. He became one with his mate again in spirit while Azuna was only four months old. It was a shame, she had not even opened her eyes yet to meet her father, she knew his voice and his scent, unfortunately all of that vanished into the forever past whenever he told her goodbye upon his death place.

Everything went chaotic with both the king and queen’s death, the moon empire and all of the wolves in it went to war with each other, eventually killing themselves off. The only survivor was Reira and Azuna. Reira had taken care of her until she was six months, and Azuna’s eyes had finally opened. Reira died because of an unknown cause, leaving Azuna to raise herself amongst the moon empire, she stayed until all of the corpses of her former moon empire members had turned to ash, this had been 100 years. Though she was still six months even with 100 years passing, her kind didn’t age that fast, another reason why they had thrived in these sacred lands with their existence secret from others for centuries.

She had not yet had her awakening, her awakening would only come when she found a mate, however she was very young and could not take one on until she was one year. After having left her lands she’d inherited in dust and ash, she came to Earth. She herself had not been from Earth, her lands were upon a sacred planet behind the dark side of the moon, that is why no one had ever seen it, awaiting the next harvest moon, she used her celestial power to destroy the whole planet, nothing lived on it anymore since she was the only living moon wolf left. Here on Earth her adventure had begun.

Azuna's Appearance:
(This character was made for me by a good friend of mine, Chasemi :) )

Sköll's Appearance: To be added.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 19/10/16 @ 18:01:36 by Moxin (#90225)

♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-17 11:58:21
The male felt as if he was blushing, but he knew he couldn't with all the fur he had, so instead, his ears twitched shyly. As he listened to her, he could tell that she had changed a bit since she had just awakened a few seconds ago, and who couldn't notice! Azuna's fur flowed elegantly, her coat looked like it was littered with the night's stars, and her eyes shone as bright as the moon itself. Azuna truly was the priestess of the moon. "O-okay, I get what you mean. Besides, we still have a lot to learn about each other before thinking we can take it to the next level..." Sköll said approvingly of her words. When Azuna rested her head on his shoulder, he smiled and her and buried his pink nose into her neck fur sweetly before resting his head on his paws "Goodnight Azuna..." He whispered gently to her as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


(Here's Sköll's dream. Just warning you, this was BEFORE he met Azuna and had a cold heart, so he was a bit desperate.)

He sniffed the thick foggy air, his nose twitched disapprovingly at such a cold and moist territory. It almost disgusted him. Sköll carefully stepped into the destroyed terrain his ears swerving a bit at the sound of a threatening growl. Sköll looked behind him, only to see a group of wolves, and a lovely female leading them "Who are you and WHAT are you doing in my father's territory?!" The young female had growled, stepping forward with a large paw that made the water splash onto her tan furred paws, Sköll grinned mischievously, lashing his tail from side to side "Oh you know." He began, lifting his left front leg up and shaking the mud off before continuing to speak "Most of my pack have been chased off, so, I decided to go solo and find a territory of my own." By now, Sköll had already looked the female over, seeing that she was fit enough to be a leader and held a high position by the scent she carried, she could probably never turn down an offer to be the mate of a mighty male such as he. Sköll let a toothy grin spread across his muzzle "Hey, maybe you can come with me. I mean, you do carry a high status as an heir and also are the right age to have a mate, so what do you say? Wanna be my alpha female?" He barked lightly, his orange striped tail lifting high in dominance as he eyed the female, and besides, if she declined, he would have to take her by force.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-10-17 20:43:07
Azuna tossed and turned in her sleep that night. Eyes of her aunt haunted her dreams, she remembered the look of fear on her aunt's face the moment one of her people turned and tried attacking them, the members of the royal family. She remembered her aunt fighting them off, and the two of them running to the high cave where no other wolf could enter, because only the royal family knew how to get in. She snapped awake from her dream and went outside of her domain, making sure to recant the spell that protected it so that no one could enter without her permission, and with the seal on the area, it looked like a normal part of the forest where people would pass through, she was genius at making illusions to protect what was hers. Walking to the nearby stream she heard the crackling of a twig under paws, she jumped into the bushes to investigate whenever she came across the female she had saved a couple days ago, she was on her own with.. a new litter of pups? That was very soon. She sensed the female needed help, there were only two pups, one full black, and one grey with one white paw. She took both pups in her jaws and carried them off, leading the female along until her and the pups were safe inside the den where Sköll was sleeping. She knew in her heart that he would know why she brought them in here out of the cold for protection. She let the female get some rest and kept the female's pups at her own stomach, instantly motherly instinct taking over as she curled around the pups, keeping them warm.

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-18 09:37:51
Waking up to the soft, but loud whimpers of new arrivals in the area, Sköll lifted his head and yawned, his sleepy eyes sweeping across the area until he saw Azuna.....with pups? The male shook his head confusedly as if he was still in a dream, but of course, he was fully awake and was NOT dreaming. Sköll got up and stretched, his tongue curling a bit as his jaws parted, letting out a half quiet half loud yawn. Walking over to Azuna, he rested his nose into her neck her and wagged his tail as he noticed the pups "Well look what the cat dragged in." He said teasingly before raising his head and seeing the familiar female from a long time ago, then, he realized what was going on. "Where are her other pups...." He questioned, his voice growing faint as he remembered the female DID have other older pups, BUT, where were they? "Did you find her alone? Did you smell any other wolves while you were out Azuna?" He asked the female as his gaze shifted over to her, probably knowing what had happened to the pups and WHY there was a human in his territory.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-10-18 09:45:44
"The other pups were finally old enough to leave home and start their own pack, so they did. But these lovelies were just born. There were no other wolves, don't worry. It was just her." She pointed with her tail to the sleeping female. "She needs food, she's skin and bones. Without food she can't produce milk for her pups." She pointed to one in particular pup, the full black one. "He is starving, his ribs are showing. His sister is almost in his condition," She sighed worriedly for them and pressed her muzzle to the pup's foreheads and granted them some of her energy and life force to keep them alive. "I would go out and hunt and regurgitate food for them, but they are too little. They still thrive on milk. We need to get the mother some food.. and fast.." Her ears flattened against her head as she looked at him pleadingly, as if asking if he would bring back an elk or something for her to eat while she took care of the pups.

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♓ Jamaa Shetani

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Posted on
2016-10-18 09:53:27
Sköll's ear's pinned back slightly as he looked at Azuna's pouty face, and MAN she was cute! He groaned and closed his eyes "Fine....I'll go hunting." Sköll said, moving his muzzle to nudge one of the pups gently before lifting his head and beginning to pad out of the area, his movement quick and his eyes, plus ears, alert. Sköll charged through the territory, his nose twitching at the faint smell of a lone deer, an easy catch. Turning near a tree, he slowed down to a walk and got into a crouch, his eyes scanning the area before falling on a healthy female deer that was all alone. Sköll waited for the right moment, and when the deer was caught off guard, he lunged, jaws flying open to wrap around the deer's neck tightly, all his body weight weighing the deer down and forcing it to fall. After about 10 minutes, the deer had finally given up and gone limp, making it an easy victory for Sköll, so, he began to drag the deer back to the area.

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Moxin (#90225)

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Posted on
2016-10-18 10:01:00
Whenever he arrived Azuna helped him carry it in and tear into the stomach, making an easy way for the female to get food without having to dig into it, especially in her weak condition. She woke the female up and helped her over to the deer, where she began to eat. Azuna stepped out of her little domain and filled a large, cupped leaf full of water and carried it back in a pouch like shape to the female, letting her drink water as well. The female had eaten nearly the whole deer. What was left Azuna nudged to Sköll to eat, because she'd been up eating in the middle of the night so she could take care of the female's pup without having to leave their side. As soon as the female lay back down, Azuna placed the pups at her stomach where they hungrily began to nurse, as the female was already producing milk again since she got to eat. Azuna then moved the leaf full of water next to the female's muzzle so when she needed a drink she could grab it. She then granted the female her extra energy that she didn't need so that the female would have some and went to sit beside Sköll. "Thank you. For getting them food," She murmured softly before yawning. Her eyes still rested on the female and her pups, she seemed to be taking her new guard position very seriously, her eyes never left the three of them, the two pups and the mother. "I feel sorry for her that her mate died, leaving her to care for her pups on her own," Her eyes filled with sympathy as she looked at Sköll. "Would you mind if we helped her take care of the pups and hunt for them until the pups are at least 6 months old?" She asked, wanting his approval.

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