Posted by Elemental Woofs 🐾

Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-19 10:21:17
"We the light...
"We the dark...
Without darkness there is no light.
Without light there is no dark.
One can not exist without the other.
One can not exist with the other.
So we bound our separate ways."

Former Pack:
Power Level: (1-10)

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Frost (#77179)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 04:13:33
Kuji was a bit more hesitant than Des, but he eventually accepted the rabbit. He took the fluff in his maw and expertly defurring it. He was more of a 'dainty' eater, carefully and cleanly eating the rabbit. He stretched then sat on his haunches, "Thank you." He said greatfully, offering a close-eyes smile.

the fae tilted her head, watching as the two went at it. Though she wouldn't necessarily say this aloud, she was more on Adeline's side for this one. She thought Wick's ego could probably be brought down a few notches.
"You're correct in your assumption, Wick." She smirked, referring to how she'd react to lightning. "I like it in storms, but not when it's being thrown at me."

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-23 04:41:17
Wick snarled as the creature escaped. Though unfazed by the monsters appearence, Wick had half a mind to compliment her on this one. It was completely gruesome. But Wick had seen enough of her toys, he'd rather like to think he was immune to their presence. A wolf who wasn't familiar with her trick, however, could've been paralysed on sight with this one. Too much thought. Wick braced himself. The crackling stopped, the clearing became suddenly clear. His body tensed. He felt, rather then saw, both wolves coming at him. Three... Two... One... Wick let loose, a snarl eminating from his throat. In every direction, sparks and electricity flew through the air and into the ground. He tried concentrating most of it towards Adeline, but, even if he could have done that, it would have been way too much for her to handle. Not that she wasn't an able wolf, but that much electricity could kill anything. But Wick didn't have that much control yet. So the static and electricity went everywhere haphazardly.

Fellan perked up in satisfaction at their responses. "Yay." Her tail wagged back and forth, excitedly, and her ears pricked forward. "So, are we going to do anything or go anywhere today?" Fellan wondered when they would travel again, move somewhere else. Or when they would stop and settle down for good. If they ever happened to do that. Maybe they would join a seperate pack. Or go their seperate ways... Fellan didn't like to think about that last one. She didn't want to leave all of her former pack behind... She just wouldn't be able to completely do that. It held too much of her, and these two seemed to be the last things she could hold on to. She knew she'd probably have to move on sometime, but she didn't need to now.

((Wow. Frost //the wolf// is so rude! Wick isn't that egotistical X3 just a little. Also, he didn't say his thoughts out loud. Frost would only be able to know he thought that if she could read thoughts... Did I misinterpret her power? >.<
@Kamay- Dont be sorry. Long is good 👍 ))

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Frost (#77179)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-23 05:26:57
(@Jaques CP Faircross: Not at all! She's just gotten very good at assuming what people (others?) are thinking based on their emotional patterns. She's excellent at reading body language, facial expressiom (however slight), and movement. And yes, she is a little attitudinal, but she mostly likes messing with those she cares about)

", not really." Kuji replied in his usual, slow tone. It wasn't that he had a speech impediment, he just had a habit of trailing off mid thought (a lot of his character revolves around thought. He's that one guy that's almost anal in how much he relies on logic). "I'm starting to become sick of this camp. I think we should move again?" He offered.

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Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 06:02:14
Des - Light - Earth
Des quickly finished his rabbit and swiped his tongue over his chops to make sure they were clean. He sheepishly spat out a tuff of fur that had gotten stuck to his tongue, and looked from Kuji to Fellan. He tilted his head slightly, listen to Kuji. Des personally liked the camp - the autumn leaves were scattered about the forest floor, and food almost always seemed to be around. In fact, Des couldn't remember a time when he couldn't hear squirrels scurrying up a tree. He shrugged away the thought - Kuji was smart, if he thought they ought to move then there was probably a good reason. Probably just to keep distance between us and the old pack... Des tried not to think of the pack they left. It was in the past now, never to be returned to again. They had left for a reason, and that was that. Des stood up and walked toward Kuji and Fellan before sitting down in front of the two. "Which way would you propose we go?"

Adeline - Dark - Spirit Portals
Adeline and her fiend didn't hesitate as Wick let out more bolts of energy. The fiend zig-zagged his way through the bolts, either too fast or too low to the ground to be hit by most. The shocks sent to the ground hit him, but it seemed not to phase him. The fiend was hardy, sure, but he was also stubborn to not let anyone know he was hurt. In hell, if you show pain, you'll be killed. Adeline ducked past what she could, but was still hit. She felt the volts run through her body, a tingly kind of feeling, before leaving her. For now, there was no pain - the excitement from the fight took care of that - but she knew that she'd be sore in the morning. She was lucky most of the shocks were elsewhere - there's no way she could have dodged them all. Her nose wrinkled at the scent of scorched fur. That idiot! He's in for it now! With a strengthened purpose, Adeline charged at Wick, each thrust of her legs pushing her farther and farther. She lowered her head as she approached Wick, and aimed for his side. If she was lucky, she'd be able to swipe him with her head and shoulder. Maybe - just maybe - it would throw him on his ass. Or maybe she'd be electrocuted. It was a chance she was willing to take.
The fiend continued to run at Wick as well, snarling and frothing at the mouth. He wasn't rabid, just excited. It had been so long since he had fought, and his bones ached to gnash teeth against flesh. Spit and ectoplasm spilled from the left side of his face, and his pupils had gotten much smaller, giving him an even crazier look. His disgusting claws curled forward with each bound, itching to catch fur, bone, an eye - anything. His jaw sloppily snapped back and forth, throwing saliva to either side. With one last giant leap, the fiend jumped straight for Wick's head.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-23 09:28:28
Wick opened his eyes, looking at both wolves coming after him. His attack seemed to do some damage to Adeline, but the monster seemed unfazed. Wick bent down, and as they both came at him, he lurched backwards, narrowly missing the monster hitting into his muzzle. Another scar would not suit me... He chided to himself. Not that another scar wouldn't make him look more badass, because it would, but it would also attract more unwanted attention. He didn't need that. What he needed was to get one target. Since the monster was Adeline's creation, if he attacked her straight on, weakening her enough, the monster would disappear. Right? Worth a shot. Wick landed a few feet behind where he started. He quickly tracked down Adeline. She probably wasn't fazed by is move, so he needed to move fast... He let out a snarl that quickly progressed into a quick bark, like the sound following a lightning strike. His time, it came first. Light erupted from his maw, and moved in every direction towards one target: Adeline. So close range, she'd either get hit full on, or just barely miss... But the lightning might hit a tree, setting it in flames. Wick cursed himself. Such a reckless move...

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Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 10:41:25
Adeline - Dark - Spirit Portals
Adeline hardly had time to register what was going on before the pain started. Fiery, seething pain. Pain that boiled blood and charred bones. The electric pulses ran through every fiber of her being, clinging on for what felt like eons. The stench of charred fur battled with the smell of death from the fiend. They mixed together creating a truly horrible malodor. Addie twitched and thrashed - she had no choice in the matter. The electrical pulses woke every nerve, firing them off all at once. She was lucky the whole shot hadn't hit her - she would've fainted on the spot. Then, just as quickly as it had entered, the electricity left her body. Addie collapsed momentarily, huffing. Her fur was singed, and she swore she could see smoke coming off her pelt. I bet I look so badass right now.... She caught her breath as the tree behind her exploded. Flames rose behind her, and she lifted her head, her mouth snarled aggressively. Red and orange light flickered off of her fur and created a menacing flicker in her eye. Adeline let out a vicious growl, and lept at Wick. Her claws were outstretched, and her jaws were open, ready to snap down at any moment. If only I could just hit him!
Her fiend wasn't much help at this point - the blow to Adeline had weakened him as well. He was noticeably slower, but still tried to preform his duty. He attempted to rush at Wick, but it was a weak gallop at most. His eyes were dimmer, his face bloodier, and he seemed to smell even more like death. Inky fibers began to appear on his pelt. He hurriedly shook them off of him, but they kept reappearing. The fiend decided it would be better if he simply ran for Wick's feet. Perhaps he could trip him up.

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Frost (#77179)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-23 10:56:14
Frost thought for a minute, tilting her nearly-maned head. "Okay guys, don't go killing each other. I get it, excitement is good, but we don't have to go killing each other along the way."
She knew that wasn't exactly their goal, but she was that "mom" that constantly looked over everything else.

"I suggest we follow the wind. It's headed southeast right now. There might be more prey down there."

(Really short, sorry, I'm rushing.)

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-23 11:29:40
Wick, weakened from using so much of his power, braced himself for Adeline, not even hearing or comprehending Frost's coment. He only had time to glance at the flamed tree before she was almost on him. This fight reminded him why he'd left the pack... They fought like savages now. Wick glanced over at the monster. Too long. Wick let out a quick shock into the ground, hitting the creature, burning its feet, and sending shocks through it's body. If that didn't stop it, it would give Wick time. He felt his side slam into the ground, and a half snarl half whimper escaped as Adeline clawed into his side and ribs, her jaws closing around his neck. He shook and snarled, and his whole body went static, shocking through her body, and throwing her off. He felt warm blood prick and spill where her claws and teeth punctured, and released. Not again. No more... Wick scrambled to his paws, and pinned Adeline down. "It'sover."

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Edited on 23/10/16 @ 18:30:58 by Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2016-10-23 12:00:23
Adeline - Dark - Spirit Portals
Addie heard nothing but the roaring of blood in her ears. She snarled and whirled. Claws sunk into fur and tore at flesh. She fought her way to his neck, and grabbed hold of his scruff. She used the leverage to pin him down, growling ferociously. Her body heaved as she breathed heavily, and she felt the urge to push it even further, but she knew better than to do so. He'd kill her, simple as that. Intentionally or not, it would happen. She had a brief thought of where her fiend was before the searing pain started once again. Hot tingles flowed through her body, and she had no control as she was thrown off of Wick. She fell hard against the ground, her head ringing as it slammed the dirt. Before she could even move, Wick was on top of her, his paw pinned on her throat. Adeline was furious. How dare he? Who does he think he is? Alpha? The whole reason we left was because of Alpha! Adeline snarled and growled, snapping angrily at the muzzle above her. Saliva frothed as her efforts became more and more frantic. Spit flew and splattered the ground, her singed fur, Wick. Her teeth curved dangerously close to Wick, but never seemed to get close enough.
Off in the corner, the fiend was slowly dying. The last shock had hurt it badly. It lay on its side, blood dripping from its unhinged mouth. Now it was coated in inky webs. It seemed to have given up on shaking them off - for every web taken off, ten took its place. Within seconds, the entire beast was covered. Slowly, the inky blob sunk into the ground, back to its original dimension. All that was left was a wet mark on the ground where it once laid.
As the beast died, Addie slowly became less violent. Her thrashing slowly came to an end. She stopped snapping. As the beast disappeared into the ground, the dangerous look in her eye left.
Realization hit Adeline like a bus. It all came rushing to her at once. The fire, the bolts, the thrashing, the vicious attack, the primal behavior. Her eyes became wide, and she looked up at Wick apologetically. "Wick," she breathed out softly. "I am...I am so, so sorry. I don't know what happened, I just...." She didn't have the words to express her feelings. She didn't know how to let him know that it wasn't her. Or maybe she couldn't because she knew it was her. She knew she was just as savage as the beasts they left in the pack. She was born into the Pack of Darkness, and it was something she could never escape. It was something none of them could escape. Adeline looked away from the wolf above her, too ashamed to even make eye contact.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-23 12:40:21
Wick snarled and pressed most of his weight onto her, keeping her down. Miraculously, her teeth missed every time she tried sinking them into his flesh, though the same couldn't be said about her thrashing claws. Droplets of blood started to stream down his legs, collecting within one another. Wick felt his vision blur slightly, but he couldn't let her go, not yet. He didn't Dar look away, only relying on his senses to know the beast had dissolved and proved no longer a threat. Wick watched Adeline slowly gain control of herself, painful to him. She'd truely lost it. So much for sparring being better than trees. One of the had almost died. Wick stared down at her, hard and emotionless until she came to. A small snarl escaped past his lips. Apologies wouldn't do anything. "Clean up." He growled, letting his paw off of her. "We need to move today." He slowly turned, edges of his vision blurring. He shoot his body, shaking the blurs away, small droplets of blood flying. He slowly limped out of the clearing, aiming to try and find the stream they'd come across earlier the other day. What if that happened again? What if he'd lost his cool? Even the way he was, conscious of everything, he could have killed her... He squeezed his eyes shut and kept walking on, his thoughts taking too much control.

Fellan held back a laugh as she saw Des spit out the fur. It was quite comical to her, and very enjoyable. She licked her chops, cleaning them from the kills she'd made. Good thing her muzzle wasn't white, but a mixture of blacks and reds. Perfect camouflage. As she did this, she watched the other two interact, wondering about what they would be doing in the end. She tilted her head and looked at Kuji. "Southeast? Wind? How does the wind affect prey? What? Does it blow them away?" She asked, a small giggle passing as she imagined the wind blowing prey right into their clutches. She sat down on her haunches, waiting for an answer.

((I love how Adeline and Wick are basically fighting to the death, and then there's Fellan. "What, is it going to blow the prey away?" So innocent XD ))

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Frost (#77179)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-24 10:37:36
The fae stayed in her statue-like pose, rolling her violet eye she wasn't really one for sentiment. Though the gunmetal female wouldn't say aloud, but she'd gotten worried that her comrades would've actually killed one another. "Which direction should we go?" Her mellow accent emotionless.

Juju chuckled at the young female, shaking his head. "No, but they're migrating. If we follow, we'll come across a lot of food." He smiled, closing his eyes. "However, we have to leave no trace here."

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Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2016-10-24 12:04:21
Adeline - Dark - Spirit Portals
Adeline had half a mind to snap at him again for ordering her around, but wisely decided not too. It would only make things worse. She swallowed her pride and let it go. Just this once... She shamefully got up from the ground. How had she lost her cool like that? What if she had seriously hurt Wick? What is she had killed- No. She would let herself think about it. She wouldn't have let herself sink that low. Or so she hoped.Addie slinked out of the clearing toward Frost. The gunmetal wolf seemed unfazed by the scene that had just played out infront of her. "Perhaps we should follow the prey," Addie offered.

Des - Light - Earth
Des laughed with Kuji. He could see it now - fluffballs of rabbits rolling across the forest floor.His laughter faded away as Kuji continued. Leaving without a trace was always the hardest part. The pack knew their scents, so hiding them would prove difficult. Fur tufts, pawprints, scents would all have to be hidden or destroyed. Des sighed at the task ahead of them. He couldn't wait for the day until they all found a safe place to call home.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-24 12:30:26
Wick came across the stream after a little wandering. He closed his eyes, bracing for the cold, and took a few steps in, feeling the satisfying, colas water rise from his ankles, to his chest. He ducked down low, submerging g myself into the water, from head to toe. He stayed like that for a while, surfacing for air, and keeping his muzzle and nose above the water. He walked a little ways upstream, to where Adeline and Frost had been. He wondered if Adeline was okay... He hadn't raked or made sure that she was... He shouldn't need to though, he told himself. Adeline should be able to take care of herself. She'd been fine after all of their past fights. How should this one have been different? Ick pushed the thoughts aside as best he could, not wanting to dwell. He tried moving his focus to more important things. When would they move again? How would they cover their tracks? What if they were attacked? They needed to be ready for so many things that they weren't ready for just yet. Wick hoped they could pull throught, soon.

Fellan listened to them, and looked around. This place seemed to peaceful. "How hard can covering tracks be? Just shove some dirt over it. I'll set the fur on fire, and then we're good. Easy as that." She stretched her front paws out in front of her, and then laid down, though ready to pounce at a moments notice. She rested her head on her paws and looked up at the two older wolves. They seemed so big and... odd from this able. Fellan found it amusing. Almost as amusing as prey flying through the wind.

((Wow. Sorry they're short >.< especially Fellan's... ))

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Frost (#77179)

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Posted on
2016-10-25 04:52:57
Frost lifted her head up, scenting the air while replying to Adeline, "That's a good idea. Though they can be stupid, even the prey are figuring out our hunting patterns. They wouldn't expect the predators to bring the fight with them. Hmh...feels like Wick is coming back. We need to tell him what's going on and cover our tracks." The she-wolf growled low in her throat, her eyes glowing momentarily. She had a feeling something was about to happen -not necesarrily bad. But still, something. By now she was back to her usual canine appearance. "I've also brought food for you two."

The white and gold male nodded to the other two in agreement, "Good." He grunted, "I'll take care of the nests and the den. Des, do you think you could handle the scents?" He tilted his head, the sword jingling against the harness as he shifted his weight.

(When you're trying to type but your hands are numb)

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-25 08:57:24
Wick dunked under the water once more, and shook in the water, getting any remaining dirt or residue off. Once he was content with himself, he walked out of the stream and shook, droplets of water flying and splattering against everything. making splat sounds, like rain. His fur stuck up in all directions. He was almost tempted to let electricity flow through to get the water off, but the last time he did that... Well, it didn't end well, mostly for him. He shook the memory off and started walking towards their camp. He was a bit numb from the cold water, not feeling anything from the wounds felt onto him besides his self inflicted would of fatigue from using up a lot of power. One of the attacks had taken a lot of energy, when he'd sent electricity through the ground and air in every direction... It had drained him more than he'd expected. He hoped he could take a long nap before they started moving again.

Fellan tilted her head. "Good? Setting the fur on fire?" She hadn't been completely serious about that. As she'd thought about it, she realized how easy it would be to set the whole forest ablaze, and then their pack would be able to find them again in no time and... kill them probably. "I mean, I could do that no problem..." How would she find every piece of fur? "But the forest would probably end up in flames, and that would be pretty counter intuitive." Now she was rambling, more to herself. "Hey, when is winter? Shouldn't we also think about that? Because, that's a pretty big factor, and we should probably choose somewhere survivable in that kind of condition."

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Edited on 25/10/16 @ 15:57:45 by Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

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