Posted by Elemental Woofs 🐾

Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-10-19 10:21:17
"We the light...
"We the dark...
Without darkness there is no light.
Without light there is no dark.
One can not exist without the other.
One can not exist with the other.
So we bound our separate ways."

Former Pack:
Power Level: (1-10)

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Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2016-11-26 12:23:31
Des - Light - Earth
Des hopped to his feet with a laugh. "well, let's get going then!" He gave Fellan a sideways glance and smirked. "Fellan, I'll race you!" Without hesitating, he ran off out of the clearing. He knew what area Kuji was talking about - they were together when Kuji stumbled across it. Des stretched out his long legs, his lean body weaving through the trees. He was glad, for once, for his smaller size. Maybe I can beat Fellan! he thought happily. Before long, Des could see the clearing. He didn't dare look back to see where Fellan was - it might cost him the win!

Adeline - Dark - Spirit Portals
Adeline tilted her head as Frost spoke. How can Frost do that? I swear, I know less about her than I know about the Light Pack....I wonder how many powers she has.... Adeline looked at Frost, and opened her mouth to ask her what her power was- until she saw the look in Frost's eyes, that is. She didn't look pleased. Adeline quickly shut her mouth. That's a question for another time, then...

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-26 13:50:16
Fellan tilted her head, her ears falling to the side as Kuji said something about a clearing. She looked over at Des, but already saw the spirit flood his eyes before the words were out. Fellan jumped to her feet, and bolted after the other wolf. She didn't know where the clearing was... But she could just... Follow him... And then... Trip him...? But she didn't have anything to use to trip him... She threw her body forward, lean muscles coupling and uncouling with every step as her energy swarmed around. Soon, she saw what resembled a clearing. Even with his tail, Fellan let's out a bark, loosing a spark onto the other wolf's tail, slowing herself down slightly, but she picked up speed directly after. A small part of her hoped the spark only scared him, rather than catching him on fire... Adrenaline brought her to do it more than anything. She looked over at him. Mistake. Her front paw collided with an upturned root and she stumbled, tripped, and fell a few feet ahead. Fellan cursed Newton and his first law as she tumbled forward before coming to a stop before the clearing.

Wick stopped his movements for a moment to stare-- or rather, glare-- at Frost. An icey, calculative gaze, with a hint of annoyance. "Yes. A good thing." He said, getting back up to his paws. He glanced over at Adeline, and winced slightly, a small pain racking his body. He needed rest. But Frost's presence kept nagging at him. How much about the fea did her or Adeline know about? Wick couldn't imagine traveling with her for the length of winter. Even if she supposedly could 'control the temperature and chemical makeup, within natural bounds' or whatever. "We should all rest of we are to travel at any point in the near future. Tired bodies won't gain us any good." With that, he walked past them, back towards the stream. He shook his head, a bad feeling about Frost pestering his thoughts. He was probably just too exhausted and tired, and couldn't think straight... Yeah... It had to he that... Wick collapsed by the stream and started to doze.

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Frost (#77179)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-11-29 22:50:21

Kuji laughed to himself as the other two wolves took off between the trees. He chose for himself a faster, but slightly less orthodox route, taking to the trees and leaping branch to branch. He was a little short for a wolf, but that gave him a lower center of gravity and much better balance than a normal sized wolf could hope for. He leapt down once he arrived at his destination, not too far behind the others. "So, where should we begin?" He said, a playful smirk flitting across his snow-white muzzle.
(Kuji actually showing something resembling emotion!!)

Frost/Dark/Water (Mist)

Frost flattened her ears against her head, a deep rumbling rising in her throat. They didn't know and it was probably best. She sighed, going off to her own little space and curling up among the leaves, putting her tail over her nose.
"And Adeline? Next time you have a question, ask it."

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Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2016-12-03 15:36:37
Des - Light - Earth
Des heard Fellan as she gained up on him. Damn, she's quick! He pushed his paws further into the dirt, striving to make his bounds as large as possible. He let out a little help as the tip of his tail was zapped. What was that? Was she trying to burn me? What a sore loser! They were almost at the clearing now - Des could taste it. He held back the urge to look at Fellan - he wanted to just get a quick look before winning. Obviously, Fellan had the same idea. Out of the corner of his eye, Des saw Fellan fall behind all of a sudden. He nearly tripped over her, as her legs were a tangled mess. Nearly. Des crossed over into the clearing, victorious, and jumped around in a circle. In his celebration, he caught a glimpse of Fellan sprawled on the ground, a root behind her. He laughed and looked up and past her as Kuji appeared. "Hmm," he started. "Maybe I should start with putting up walls?" With a flick of his ear a small earth wall appeared next to him.

Adeline - Light - Spirit Portals
Adeline's eyes widened in surprise. How did she know? Did I accidentally say something aloud? I don't think I did...But maybe? No, no....I definitely didn't. Is she inside my head? Adeline moved toward the back of the clearing and found a flattened spot in the leaves. She had slept there last night, and the night before that, and the night before that. She quickly circled up onto the spot, and fell asleep.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-05 03:24:48
Fellan snorted dust out of her nose and laid there for a moment, concealing a laugh, and trying to glare at her competitor. She failed. A laugh escaped and she got up to her paws, shaking her fur, dust flying around. She took a step forward and then jumped back slightly, shifting her weight off her front paw, a pain cutting her front paw where it slammed into the root. She shook her paw, shaking the initial pain away, and walked into the clearing, the pain fading, seemingly only a momentary pain. Fellan jumped, slightly startled, when Kuji popped in out of no where-- From the branches, stupid, she half said to herself, realizing that he had come from travelling through the branches. She wondered what impulse made him take to the trees, but decided not to ask. "You probably should. You should also hope my fire doesn't break through them, or catch on the forest." She stuck her tongue out at Des, a playful tease.

Wick had fallen asleep for no duration longer than five or ten minutes each. He kept waking up, and having a hard time falling back asleep. Something was bothering him, but nothing seemed wrong quite yet... He didn't think anything would be going wrong in the near future other than mistrust forming between the three of them, but he planned on trying to loosen that soon. Especially mistrust and suspicion towards Frost, and from her. She seemed to trust them about as much as they trusted her, but maybe that was just his take on everything that had been happening. Wick shrugged it off, and fell back asleep, waking up again a bit later. He was sick of playing this game with his consciousness, so he just got up and started wandering, heading somewhat towards their camp first to check up on both Frost and Adeline.

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Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-11 07:58:25
You've been booped.

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Frost (#77179)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-17 06:42:01

Frost lay on her side, the tip of her tail twitching against the Earth every so often. She let out a huff, releasing a mist ring. Her ear peeked and she scented the air, quickly getting up. There was no mistaking that scent. That fresh, cold, frozen scent. They had to go or risk getting caught in a white out. She looked around at the others, unsure of how to get their attention.


The white male nodded in approval, nearly wrapping his long tail neatly around his legs. "Now..."he said, unclipping one of the buckles holding the sword on his back, a smug look playing across his muzzle,

"...what to do to begin."

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