Posted by 1x1 w/ Oli

Jazzy (#75773)

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2017-10-24 18:57:02
P1 is annoyed when someone rings their doorbell late at night. When they answer the door, they’re even more annoyed to come face-to-face with their ex, P2. P2, typically smug and rude, looks panicked and makes a plea for P1's help. Bitter about the sour ending of their relationship by P2's fault, P1 is poised to slam the door shut in P2's face. Just before they can, a pint-sized kid peers out from behind P2's legs and asks to use the bathroom. P1 may loathe P2 but they aren’t heartless, so they let the child in and begrudgingly also P2. While the child is in the bathroom, P1 demands an explanation from their ex. P2 breaks down and explains that the child is theirs but they only recently found out. The kid was left at their door by their other parent and they’re freaking out because they have no idea how to raise the child, especially not alone. P2 came to P1 for help because they have no one else to turn to. P1 is sympathetic, mainly for the child, and only because of this does P1 agree to help.

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Edited on 24/10/17 @ 19:05:23 by Thea Queen(Jazzy)-Lights Off!- (#75773)

Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-19 21:37:09
Even though her clothes, or lack there of, was the first thing he noticed, he kept his eyes glued to her face. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold off mentioning them for very long but he could feel how much she was trying not to have him notice. "You know that I'm not much of a deep sleeper," He states before walking closer to Ainsley, now able to see the pink on her cheeks and he already knew why, he remembered how much he loved making her flush like that but he didn't find himself feeling the same as he did years ago. Things truly changed between them. Unable to keep it in any longer, his eyes darted down as he asked, "I'm guessing you didn't pack a change of clothes? I see you took the liberty to go through my closet." Lucas hadn't noticed the slight bitter undertone to his sentence but he didn't seem mad about her doing so, He didn't know how to feel anymore.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-19 21:45:08

Ainsley didn't fail to realize that he'd noticed, and she knew he would, especially when he took a few steps closer than her. Still, he didn't take the time to look down her body like other men might have. He had never been that type of guy. He'd always been completely respectful with her and other women, and it'd been one of the things she loved about him. His reply made her nod. He really wasn't, and she thought of all the times she'd woken him up in the middle of the night to... Her blush deepened, and she wished that it would go away. His walking closer made her nervous, but he didn't invade her space which made her relax. A long time ago, him coming closer would make her smile and kiss him, bit that was years ago. That was then, and this is now. His next words made her eyes widen, as she heard how bitter they were. Her face became redder, as she bit into her bottom lip, wondering what she'd been thinking to do what she had. She knew. She hadn't been thinking. "I just thought..." Ainsley murmered before shaking her head. "I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry. When I get done making his bottle, I'll change back into my clothes. I shouldn't have invaded your privacy." And Ainsley was still red, thinking that maybe making the bottle in the bathroom may be easier, and she began to head for the exit, knowing she'd have to pass him.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-19 22:03:31
Ainsley's words made his chest squeeze painfully, he remembered saying to her when they were still together that she could dig through his closet and make a mess of it and he wouldn't have cared, that he loved her too much to get angry over such a petty thing. Lucas had always found it so sexy whenever she wore something of his and he'd said it to her a few times, only because he knew she wouldn't take it to offence. She would always blush and smile, not saying much in response but he knew that she liked hearing it from him. Sighing when she looked almost dejected as she made her way out, he said, "Wait... you're going to need your clean clothes tomorrow if you want to drive back to your apartment and pick up some stuff to bring back here. Unless you expect me to move in there." He knew with the two hour drive that separated them, there would be no way for him to easily see Tommy everyday, so he thought it would be the most logical to be living under the same roof.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-19 22:10:56

She heard Lucas sigh and knew he must be remembering old memories. Before she could walk out, his words stopped her, as he told her to wait. Ainsley did as he asked, her feet stopping in their tracks, as she slowly turned around to face him, her eyes watching him, wondering what it was he wanted to say. His words made her eyes widen in surprise, and she bit into her lip. She'd known that the two of them would need to talk about this, but she hadn't thought it would come up so soon. "Are you asking me to move in with you?" she asks him, raising an eyebrow at him though she was still biting into her cheek, knowing he wouldn't like what she had to say. "I don't think that's a good idea. Things between us aren't exactly he greatest, and...," she shook her head. "Tomorrow I was going to take Tommy home and stay there. I mean you can see him whenever you want, but I think it's best...," she trailed off, hearing her son's cries once more and she gave Lucas an apologetic look. "We can't talk now. He needs a bottle." And she left, going to the bathroom before quickly making him a bottle and shaking it up and giving it to her baby who suckled for a few moments before falling asleep. Relieved, Ainsley walked back into the bedroom, slipping her shirt, no Lucas' shirt off, as she searched for her own clothes.

((hehe maybe he walks in?? hehe))

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-19 22:20:02
Lucas let out yet another sigh when she rejected the offer and stood there in his kitchen, knowing he didn't explain himself well. It was just the most practical thing he could think of and he didn't think it was fair that she would make him drive for two hours whenever he wanted to see his son. She could've easily said that Tommy belonged to her more than anything but it wasn't his fault, he knew and so did she. Once the cries died down again, he made his way to his room where Ainsley was and opened the door as he started to explain but whatever he wanted to say died in his throat the second he noticed she was completely naked except for her panties. Making a face that resembled complete shock, he stuttered with an apology but turned around quickly with a hand at the back of his head, knowing he was the one with pink cheeks, completely embarrassed, "I'm so sorry, I didn't think you would be changing and the door was unlocked so I just assumed that it would be fine to walk in without knocking but then you were changing and....I'm just going to shut up now." He was breathing quite heavily, that was what the amount of embarrassment he was feeling right now did to him.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-19 22:25:33

Ainsley really wasn't happy that she was changing. Her clothes weren't near as comfortable as his shirt, and she knew it'd be harder to fall asleep, but she wasn't going to complain. He'd offer her the bed. That didn't mean she could roam in his closet too, that was unfair of her. And seeing her like that must bring up memories for Lucas, that she knew. She decided not to think more about it and leaned down to pick up her shirt when she saw the door open. Her eyes widened, as they met Lucas'. Immediately his cheeks turned pink, and he turned around, as a squeal of surprise left her mouth. She pushed the shirt against her body, covering herself, watching as he scratched the back of his head, rambling an apology. She smiled, thinking it was cute. He always rambled when he was nervous, and she'd always liked that about him, it was nice seeing that hadn't changed. "It's fine," she tells him, slipping her clothes back on. "It's not anything you haven't seen before." And he'd done more than just see. She blushed thinking of everything he'd done to her body before. Ainsley turned. "I'm decent. What did you need?" Her voice is soft, her eyes searching.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-20 09:02:32
After regaining his composure again, he took a deep breath and said, ”I just don’t think it’s appropriate now, otherwise you wouldn’t have covered yourself.” He had caught a glimpse of her jumping and covering herself before he turned around, and he also heard the loud squeal that left her mouth. Turning around when she deemed herself decent, he saw another blush on her cheeks and really couldn’t tell if it was because he had seen her very close to being naked or if it was because of the thoughts going through her head. He assumed it was a combination of both. ”We need to talk about how this arrangement is going to work. I want to spend time to get to know Tommy but I can’t be driving out two hours every time I want to and it’s going to be at least once a day.”

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-20 10:01:16

At his words Ainsley nodded, understanding what he was saying. It wasn't important because now wasn't then. Now he couldn't walk up to her and kiss her and run his fingers down her body. Now, she couldn't tangle her fingers in his hair and tug, as he pleasured her. Things were different now, and she needed to get that through her head. Once she said she was decent, he turned around, eyes looking at her as if she had grown another head. Ainsley briefly wondered if he'd been with anyone since her and found herself getting jealous at the thought though she knew she didn't have the right to. She had left him. Ainsley had decided to walk out of his life. He began talking, and at is words she nodded, biting her lip, already not liking the words about to leave her mouth. "Maybe I get him through the week, and you get him over the weekend?" she suggested, knowing that was what a lot of parents did though she had to admit that she didn't really like the thought of not seeing her baby throughout the weekend. That was when she spent the most time with him, and switching homes wouldnt be good for Tommy. She hoped he saw the flaw in that plan as she did.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-20 10:41:46
When she suggested that she would get Tommy over the week and he would get him on the weekend, he shook his head almost immediately, knowing that it was going to come up since no other option seemed reasonable. If she were to move in with him, she still had a life where she lived and vice versa, not to mention that it wasn’t exactly the best time to start living under the same roof, with how their relationship was at the moment. ”That would be I won’t be seeing him for five days and you won’t be seeing him for the two days of the week that matter the most, and I don’t know anything about taking care of a child on my own yet. That’s not going to work Ainsley.” He said softly with a frown, not really knowing what else they could do.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-20 10:50:43

As soon as the words left her mouth, Lucas was already shaking his head, displeased evident on his face. He didn't like the idea anymore than she did, and she didn't blame him. Not seeing her son throughout the weekend really wasn't that appealing to her. His words made Ainsley nod her head, not arguing with him. But with that ruled out, the only way he could see his son whenever he wanted was if the two of them moved in together, and she didn't think that was the best idea. She bit into her bottom lip, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking up at him from under her long lashes. "Maybe I can move closer? Just a few minutes away?" she suggests, biting the inside of her cheek, as her eyes looked from the floor and back up to him, fiddling with her fingers. "But until than I...we can stay here, and I can teach you how to take care of him?" she asks, not knowing whether or not he would like that idea, thinking he would rather opt for her to stay there altogether and although she didn't like it too much she had to admit that it was ideal. And it wouldn't be forever, only for the most at a year.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-20 11:12:14
Frowning, he didn’t notice her mentioning that she would have to leave her life behind, did she not have a job close to where she currently lived? Friends? He didn’t know the whereabouts of her family either but still she assumed that she had something she wouldn’t want to leave behind. ”Where do you work Ainsley? I don’t want you leaving your life behind just to move closer and if you really want to move, then why not just stay here, the house is big enough for three people. I’m sure of it.” She didn’t have to waste her money getting a new place and that way it would be easier for them both to be with Tommy.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-20 12:04:58

Ainsley saw the frown on Lucas' face and immediately she wondered what it was that she had said wrong. She'd thought that would be an easy compromise, but maybe not? At his words she inhaled sharply, not knowing what to say. Her eyes looked down at her hands. "Lucas, do you really think us living together is the way to go?" she asks. Ainsley didn't know about being with him, she didn't want to get to know a man who'd loved her with all his heart and now could hardly stand the sight of her, hated her for what he'd done. She didn't like it. At his question about her work, a small, shy smile came onto her face, as her eyes fluttered up to him. "I actually found a job writing," she tells him, knowing he knew how happy she would be about it. "It pays me well, well enough to have a baby and keep rent and food on the table as well as have some spending money. And I mostly work from home," she tells him, happy, as she thought about her career. Writing had always been a passion of hers and to have a job, doing something that she loved, was amazing.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-20 22:44:31
Lucas wasn't sure what he wanted, he thought that he was set on her moving in, he thought it would be the most ideal. That way he didn't have to go over to her place every time he wanted to see Tommy. He would actually be a part of the child's life and not just be a random visitor that would come by, spend a bit of time with the kid and leave after. "We can manage, we just need to clear the air. Things between us may be rough but we can learn to be friends again at least can't we? Even for Tommy? He deserves love from both sides and not to see us avoiding each other." He thought he was set on his words until she mentioned writing, making him suck in a deep breath. She loved writing when they were still in school, she would always talk about how she wanted to be a writer and she obviously made that a reality. Everything that had happened tonight seemed to remind him of the past, but this one made the hole in his chest infinitely deeper. He remembered all the nights he would stay up, reading some of the things she wrote, all the nights he would be lying in bed while she was busy furiously typing another good idea up. She spent a lot of time writing. Going completely silent, he looked down and pinched the bridge of his nose as he squeezed his eyes closed, "It's late, I think we should just discuss this in the morning when my mind is working in full gear." He says suddenly, his breathing getting shaky as he turned around and started making his way to the living room again.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 10:06:46

Ainsley listened to Lucas, her eyes finding his, as he talked. And she had to admit that she agreed with his words and she thought that he was right. They could manage as long as they were honest with each other. More importantly as long as she was honest with him and truthful. This had never been a problem between the two of them, had never been a problem until she left without telling him a word. And it wouldn't be a problem now she knew because she couldn't bare lying to him. Ainsley still cared deeply about him despite what she'd done to him. When he asked if they could be friends still for Tommy, so tommy was raised in the best environment possible, Ainsley nodded her head. "I'd like that," she whispers, running her fingers through her hair wondering if he was still upset wth her. Then she cleared that thought, knowing he was, and now wondering how angry he still was at her. She knew that Lucas was no trying to make the best of the situation for Tommy and didn't run her running away again. But once that wore off, would he give her the cold shoulder whenever Tommy was around or worse, not even acknowledge her?

And then she watched, as he pinched the bridge of her nose, squeezing his eyes shut which made her cock her head to the side, wondering what she had said wrong. He'd been more open a second ago, and now he seemed to shut down on her. At his words, Ainsley nodded and watched as he began to head into the living room once more to sleep, but she quickly stood up, grabbing his arm to stop him. "Lucas," she calls softly, biting her lip, blush across her nose, as she looked at him once more. "I'm so sorry for what I did, and I missed you," she tells him. He wanted honest, and thats what she would give him. "I still care for you."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 12:23:51
When Lucas had turned around, he took his hand away from his nose and opened his eyes again. He barely took a step before he felt a hand wrap around his arm, making him stop even though her hold on him wasn’t strong, it was more timid really, he still stopped instead of tugging his arm away but he didn’t turn around. The way she said his name, it was like she was pleading him to listen to her and he did. Lucas found himself unable to reply for a while though, frowning as he stared at the couch that he could’ve been sleeping peacefully on if he hadn’t bothered getting up. Eventually, he aight softly and muttered, ”I know you’re sorry, but that doesn’t change anything. I don’t want to be bitter about this but I can’t help it.” He then turned around to face her, feeling moisture rimming his eyes though he didn’t let any tears fall, ”I loved you Ainsley, I spent months after you left waiting for you to come back because I thought for some reason you would but you never did. You were gone for two years and just She I though I had gotten over you, you come back. With a child. Our child.”

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