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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-10-24 18:57:02
P1 is annoyed when someone rings their doorbell late at night. When they answer the door, they’re even more annoyed to come face-to-face with their ex, P2. P2, typically smug and rude, looks panicked and makes a plea for P1's help. Bitter about the sour ending of their relationship by P2's fault, P1 is poised to slam the door shut in P2's face. Just before they can, a pint-sized kid peers out from behind P2's legs and asks to use the bathroom. P1 may loathe P2 but they aren’t heartless, so they let the child in and begrudgingly also P2. While the child is in the bathroom, P1 demands an explanation from their ex. P2 breaks down and explains that the child is theirs but they only recently found out. The kid was left at their door by their other parent and they’re freaking out because they have no idea how to raise the child, especially not alone. P2 came to P1 for help because they have no one else to turn to. P1 is sympathetic, mainly for the child, and only because of this does P1 agree to help.

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Edited on 24/10/17 @ 19:05:23 by Thea Queen(Jazzy)-Lights Off!- (#75773)

Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 19:49:30

Ainsley could tell that Lucas was allowing her full control of the kiss and to do whatever it was that she wanted to do. One of his hands went to his waist, a tight but loose hold, as he kept her against him, and she liked the feeling of being in his strong arms again, having missed it more than she knew. When they were a couple, they could spend all day like this, and she remembered that some of her favorite things to do were clear an entire day and make it free before watching movies with him all day, and they would always end up making out several times before remembering that a movie was on and trying to focus on that. It had always been hard, but those memories were some of her favorite. Her lips became more demanding before she heard the sound of Tommy's screams fill the air and immediately pulled away from Lucas, speeding into the living room to see what was wrong. But, it was nothing. He was screaming at the television, his eyes glued to the scream, as he laughed, obviously amused. She looked at what he was watching, some kiddy show and grinned, shaking her head, looking at her, no their son. She turned back to face Lucas, a small smile on her face. "I really want to make this work," she whispers. "Tommy needs to have his father in his life."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 20:06:15
It felt to him that just as fast as the kiss had happened, was as fast as it had ended, just when it was starting to get a bit heated but he wouldn’t have ignored Tommy’s scream either. Glad to see that nothing was wrong with their son and he was just screaming/laughing at something on the TV he let out a soft sigh of relief, feeling his head clear up a bit now that Ainsley wasn’t pressed against him. Lucas had a small smile on his face as well as he watched the kid and looked down at Ainsley to see her expression matching his. Nodding, he motioned his head to the kitchen, telling her that they could talk there instead, intending on actually eating this time. ”What do you want Ainsley, I want a final word, we’ve been going back and forth about this since last night, about everything actually so tell me what you’ve decided on.” He said in a soft tone, cutting a slice of the quiche for both of them, glad that it was still quite warm. The same couldn’t be said for the miserable omelet though.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 20:34:11

Ainsley was happy to Lucas rushing to the opening with her to see what it was that was wrong and smiled at that. If she hadn't left, where would the two of them be? They'd be so happy, blissfully happy, she knew. He was going to be a great father, and she couldn't wait to see that happen, it already was. At her words, he nodded, agreeing with her before nodding toward the kitchen, wanting the two of them talk in there. She sent one more glance to Tommy before following him, thinking it'd be better to talk in there also. Ainsley heard his words and watched, as he started cutting them some food. He really was just a sweetheart. He truly hadn't changed. It was her. "I want Tommy to have a complete family," she tells him surely before swallowing and looking him in the eye. "Tommy and I will move in here, and I'll teach you everything you need to know. And I will never take him away from you again. I want Tommy to know you and to love you. I don't want him going any longer without his father."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 20:47:03
After plating a piece of quiche for each of them, he handed one to Ainsley and took out two forks as well. Then, he sat down at the kitchen counter next to where she was standing and listened to what she had to say. With no mention of what had just happened between the two of them, he looked down at his food, hiding a small frown, unsure of whether to bring it up. Taking a forkful and putting it in his mouth, he chewed slowly, swallowed before looking up, the frown gone from his face. "Thank you...and I'll make sure to be the best father I can be." He promised, showing a small smile before eating another bite. He couldn't help himself though, he just had to ask, "And what of us, what do you want to happen between us?" She wouldn't have kissed him for no reason but he hoped that her answer wouldn't lead to her saying that she regretted it happening at all, even though she had already said that Tommy wouldn't be taken away, Lucas still had some hope that Ainsley's earlier words weren't true. About them not clicking anymore.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 21:12:35

Ainsley looked at the food he handed her and a small smile graced her lips. His famous quiche. Before, shed met him, she had no idea what in the world a quiche was and never would have found out, but after getting together with him, she was used to him making the bacon and cheese pastry and had found herself quote like them. She took a taste of the amazing food, moaning when she found that it was as delicious as it used to be. For a while, she had thought he would begin pursuing a career in being a chef, but he'd taken a different route. She still believed he could be one if he decided to change his mind. At his words about Tommy, sh turned to face him and saw the small smile on his face. She nodded. "Trust me, I believe you. I know you will." And she took another bite, looking at hime once more when he asked what she wanted to happen between the two of them. She chewed on the inside of her lip before running her fingers through her hair. "I don't know," she tells him. "What do you want?"

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-24 21:22:22
Lucas knew that Ainsley was now quite familiar with this dish that he made every so often, not too much so they would've gotten sick of it but enough so she knew it when she saw it. She'd always liked his cooking, saying he could become a chef but it had always been a passion of his that he liked to do on the side but he'd never thought of pursuing it as a serious profession. He'd never thought he was good enough, just slightly better than the average. Now he was the manager at a bank, having gone into the business route and was now an accountant, a pretty good one at that. He knew he was good at his job, he met the monthly goal and surpassed it always, never dipping under. That's how he managed to get such a good position. It paid him more than enough to afford the mortgage to his house and be comfortably living at that. Lucas found himself looking down again when she said that she didn't know what she wanted, to be quite frank he didn't know either. "Well friends would be nice but friends don't kiss like that and that felt we would kiss years ago. Casual but heated." He took another bite, looking up to meet her eyes once again.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-26 12:35:22

Ainsley heard Lucas' words and knew that she had to agree. Being friends with him would work out for both parties. It wouldn't be too much of a stress, and it'd be beneficial for Tommy, having two parents, who although weren't together, were very civil to each other. He'd know that his parents loved him and didn't need to be together to prove that. But what child wouldn't prefer for their parents to be together? Would it not be easier for the both of them? They already were going to live together, and that kiss had been something else. It was just like the ones they used to share. And she couldn't lie and say that the feelings she had for him had just disappeared. Because they hadn't. They were still there, and they would stay. She took another piece of the quiche into her mouth, swallowing before turning to face him. "So friends isn't an option? What is?" she asks, cocking her head to the side.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-26 13:32:01
Lucas knew what he wanted the answer to her question to be but it was quite forward, and given how hesitant she seemed, he doubted she would be up for it, at least in the near future. He wished they could just jump back into where they left off, he wished the two year gap didn’t exist but he would never wish for Tommy to be gone. He knew she loved the child and he knew he would grow to love him too. ”I don’t know Ainsley...” Therefore was his answer, ”The question is, do you want us to be more than friends. Start off with a ‘clean’ slate?” Maybe it was the best option for them right now.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-27 15:08:40

At Lucas' words, Ainsley found herself taking another bite of the quiche, trying to think about what it was he was saying. Did he want them to be more than friends? Of course, she wanted two loving parents for Tommy and thought being together would be the easiest thing for them, but did the two of them even click anymore? She knew they did physically. The kisses they'd shared since the two had been reunited proved that easily, but did they still connect on an emotional level? When they'd been together, she easily could've told anyone exactly what he was thinking at any given moment. Could've told them if he was happy or what he wanted by just looking into his eyes. Now, she couldn't do that, but maybe he'd put up barriers? And was that not reasonable? Ainsley knew that she had hurt him, and was he not just trying to protect himself? Ainsley pushed the rest of her quiche away, having finished most of it. She faced Lucas. "I want what's best for Tommy," she tells him, that being the only thing she was sure about. "And there are so many things going on and so many thoughts going on in my head, and I'm not too sure about anything but I'm sure of Tommy and what he needs. And what he needs is you. What I need is you." Ainsley bites into her cheek. "Maybe...we can give it a try? Have a trial run?"

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-27 21:48:17
Lucas could already tell, even before she said it that she had lots of thoughts going through her head. He was the same as well, he didn’t know what to do, he knew he shouldn’t still hold a grudge against her, maybe it would’ve been reasonable for him to but what was the point of him staying mad at her? Sure he might still have some sort of resentment but he wouldn’t show that. Finishing up the last few bites of his quiche as she talked, he nodded and stood, taking both of their plates to the sink. Then, he sat back down next to her again, his fingers crossed over each other on top of the counter. He couldn’t help a small smile when she said that she needed him, and he knew he needed her too but he kept that to himself for now, it felt too early to say that. ”A trial run...that sounds like the most reasonable option. I would like that.”

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