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Jazzy (#75773)

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2017-10-24 18:57:02
P1 is annoyed when someone rings their doorbell late at night. When they answer the door, they’re even more annoyed to come face-to-face with their ex, P2. P2, typically smug and rude, looks panicked and makes a plea for P1's help. Bitter about the sour ending of their relationship by P2's fault, P1 is poised to slam the door shut in P2's face. Just before they can, a pint-sized kid peers out from behind P2's legs and asks to use the bathroom. P1 may loathe P2 but they aren’t heartless, so they let the child in and begrudgingly also P2. While the child is in the bathroom, P1 demands an explanation from their ex. P2 breaks down and explains that the child is theirs but they only recently found out. The kid was left at their door by their other parent and they’re freaking out because they have no idea how to raise the child, especially not alone. P2 came to P1 for help because they have no one else to turn to. P1 is sympathetic, mainly for the child, and only because of this does P1 agree to help.

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Edited on 24/10/17 @ 19:05:23 by Thea Queen(Jazzy)-Lights Off!- (#75773)

Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 12:34:20

Ainsley knew that the hold she had on Lucas' arm wasn't strong. He could easily break away if he wanted to, bit she was surprised when he didn't do that. Instead he opted to listen to her though he kept his back turned for the longest, letting the quiet fill the empty air. And she thought that maybe he wouldn't reply at all before she heard the soft sigh that left his lips before muttering that he knew she was sorry, but it didn't change a singe thing. And he didn't want to be bitter or mad, but he was. His words made Ainsley drop the grip she'd had on him, as she bit into her bottom lip. She knew that she had no right to be doing this to him, absolutely none but she couldn't help it. Part of her still wanted him, still loved him. Just because she left didn't mean that she had ever stopped. But Ainsley couldn't tell him that now. He finally turned around, and she saw his eyes full of water though a tear didn't drop. At his words, she looked at the ground for a moment, as if her feet would give her the answer before looked back at him, her own eyes beginning to water though she blinked furiously trying to make sure she didn't shed a tear. Ainsley was hesitant, as she raised her hand, placing it on his cheek. "You need to know that I never meant to hurt you. I was doing what I thought was right. And maybe my decision was wrong, but I was young and lost and confused. I didn't know what to do. My love wasn't fake Lucas, you need to know that. And you also need to know that I still love you."

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 15:40:02
As he looked at her, he could tell that she had tears welling up in her eyes but was being stubborn like he was and refusing to let them fall. When silence filled the room briefly again, he knew that the both of them had many thoughts racing through their minds. While he had barely an idea of what could be going through hers, he knew that even if he told her, or himself that he had gotten over her over the last two years, he knew he wasn’t telling the whole truth. He had gotten over the heartbreak he felt, he had gotten over her vanishing but a part of him still cling onto her. Ainsley was the only woman he had ever loved so much, who he kept no secrets from and he thought that she also never dared to keep secrets from him but he was wrong. At her words, he felt himself frown again and huff softly, ”We we’re dating for three years Ainsley and you didn’t even trust me enough to tell me? You didn’t trust that I wouldn’t leave you? No, trust isn’t the right word, you didn’t have any faith in me. I’m not and I was never the kind of guy to run away from a problem, or a mistake, you know that.” He didn’t even register when she said that she still loved him, he got stuck up on when she mentioned how young and lost she was. Really, he had thought that he grounded her but apparently that wasn’t how she saw it.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 15:50:16

Her words didn't come out right, and she knew that as soon as he started talking, telling her that they'd been dating for years and she didn't trust him, no didn't have faith in him to tell him the truth? Her hand left his cheek, as she bit into the inside of her cheek, shaking her head and looking at the ground for a minute as she waited for him to finish. He sounded... disappointed in her. And he had a reason, she knew it, but she wished...she wished that she could take back what she had done. But she couldn't. What was done was done and she couldn't change it now. Ainsley looked back at him when he finished, her head had stopped shaking. "You know I trusted you!" she argues fiercely. "I gave you everything I had, everything I was! I trusted you more than anyone else and loved you more than them as well! I told you everything, and you know it!" she exclaims, hating that he doubted what the two of them had. What they had was the greatest thing that had ever happened to her, and he wasn't going to look down at it! She wouldn't let him out! "You were young Lucas! You weren't ready to be a father. You had barely started living your life, and I didn't want to tie you down just because one time we were fooling around and forgot protection! You had so much to look forward to, and I was giving that to you." Tears ran down her cheek now. "I hate you for doubting how much I loved you and trusted you! You can be mad at me but don't doubt what we had!"

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 16:05:50
Lucas hadn’t noticed her hand on his cheek either until she took it away which made him stare at the hand for the longest time before his piercing gaze moved back to her eyes. No longer did he have tears in them, it felt like the anger and the rage burning inside him had steamed them all away. Shaking his head upon her mentioning that he knew she trusted him, he took a step closer to her, almost so that they were touching but there was still an inch between them. ”Then why, if you trusted me so much, why would you keep our baby a secret from me? I was 23 when you left, I was an adult then and I’m still one now, it would’ve been a different story if I was still a teenager but we were both adults, I had finished university two years prior and I was doing very well off for such a young person. You talk about not wanting to burden me with fatherly or parenting responsibilities but yet you put double the burden on yourself by deciding to raise Tommy up on your own for two years. Do you get how backwards your thinking is?” Lucas wasn’t yelling like Ainsley was, he was pissed, but he wasn’t yelling. When she said that she hated him for doubting what they had, he looked to the side, trying to co troll his breathing. ”I don’t think you realized how much I had to change of myself so I wouldn’t be reminded of you every single day you weren’t here. My hair? I know you used to love my hair long and you would always say it but every single time I looked in the mirror, it felt like something was cutting me open just seeing myself with long hair. I don’t doubt what we had but now I do doubt if you really trusted me enough.”

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 16:37:12

Ainsley saw Lucas' gaze on her hand before it returned to her own eyes. The old Ainsley, the one that he knew, would never have made such intense eye contact with him unless she was challenging him either really or playfully. Lucas And Ainsley had been the star couple, the one that people looked at and said that was what they wanted, but they'd still misunderstandings every once in a while. But only twice had they really argued. One of them would always give in and apologize, and that was just how the two of them worked. Nothing could have changed that. Ainsley watched as he took a step closer to her, getting rid of the space between them until there was only about an inch left. And right now, she knew this was their third official argument, couple or not. Lucas didn't raise his voice, but she could still tell just how upset and frustrated and infuriated he was. He was pissed. But he'd never been one to raise his voice unless it was the last resort, and it'd never been directed at her the one time she did hear him yell. At his words, Ainsley felt her eyebrows furrow, as she shook her head, jaw dropped. She closed the distance, as she pressed a finger to his chest. "Don't you dare talk to me about my thinking! I did what i thought was right! I didn't want to make you do this! I wanted to give you a chance to live your own goddamn life!" she exclaimed, continuing to stab him with her fingers. "And if you want to talk about anyones thinking it should be your own! You talk the talk about having looked for me, but did you really? Cause my parents knew where I was, seems like you didn't care enough to call them! Didn't love me enough, heck you were probably happy! Now you weren't tied down!"

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 18:51:13
Lucas looked down incredulously when she jabbed him in the chest with her finger, it didn't hurt him, heck he felt like it would be more likely to hurt her finger than anything but it didn't do anything to help his mood. The audacity of her. Spitting out stuff she had no right saying and he didn't know whether it was just her mind being fogged up with anger that she would say such things or if she really did mean it. How could she even assume that he was happy when she left? He'd called her parents first after trying to get a hold of her and they didn't pick up, he went over to their place asking if they knew of their daughter's whereabouts but they said they didn't and there was no way he could force them to tell him especially because he thought they were telling the truth. He even tried to contact any of her friends but of course they didn't know either. He checked with everyone he could think of and he knew he had been missing work because he was worried sick but then somewhere along the way, he realized that maybe she was the one who left and he didn't know why. She was the one who left on him, not the other way around and to him, she had no right to come back and yell at him for reasons that she was making up in her head. Not once had he given her any space to think that he didn't love her but she proved that she didn't trust him by walking out on him. He was deathly quiet as he grabbed her hand to stop her from poking him any longer but given the space between them which was next to none, he held her hand against his chest, that way she couldn't continue assaulting his chest. He knew she would be able to feel his rapidly beating heart. He was done talking, done with listening to their back and forth insults, so to shut her up, and maybe even prove a point, he gripped the back of her head with his free hand to keep it in place and mashed their lips together. He knew this wouldn't fix anything and eventually they would be back to where they started but he was sick of arguing and it was quite late.

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Edited on 21/11/17 @ 18:52:56 by 🔔Thea Queen(Jazzy) (#75773)

Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 21:08:29

Lucas grabbing her hand ended Ainsley's little rant, as he held her hand in his own, deathly quiet. A pin drop could be heard from the silence in the room, and it kind of scared her. It made her wonder if she'd gone too far, if she'd cross some line she didn't see. And she knew that she had. She shouldn't have said what she said. She knew that none of it was true, yet she couldn't help it. Ainsley didn't want to feel like the entire blame was on her even if it was. Lucas pressed her hand against his chest like he used to when they were younger, when they were together. And she could feel his heart beat. It was fast, almost no stops, like he were out of breath. Slowly, her eyes came up to meet his and when they did he gripped the back of her head with his other hand before smashing their lips together. Ainsley was surprised and in complete shock, but it felt so right. The kiss still electrified her, as it had done when they were younger. On instinct she wrapper her arms around his neck, getting on her tip toes to make kissing her easier, and she kissed him back. Maybe what they were doing was wrong, but it didn't stop it from feeling right. She really had missed him. Her fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck, as the kiss intensified.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-21 21:34:00
Lucas didn't know whether Ainsley would've pushed him away or if she would respond, albeit slowly but neither happened. She was shocked and he knew that, he could feel her freeze up momentarily but she responded quickly, not having taken too much convincing. When her arms wrapped around his neck, he put one around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer to him. Still cupping the back of her head, he let her stand on her tip toes for a little while longer before walking forward, pushing her against the wall. He knew he was near the room but other wise, he hadn't bothered to check exactly where they were. Groaning lowly when she played with the hair at the nape of his neck, he bit on her bottom lip softly, asking for entrance into her mouth though knew he was less asking and more demanding it.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-22 19:00:22

And just like that, it was as if nothing had changed, as if nothing could ever change. Things had picked up exactly where they left off. Nothing had changed between the two even if neither side wanted to accept it or say it out loud. Ainsley knew that no guy would ever make her feel as Lucas made her. And she was okay with that because she didn't want any other guy besides him. She knew he hadn't kissed her because he wanted to be with her but because he wanted her to shut up and stop talking. And even knowing this, she didn't care. Ainsley was fine with it because frankly being close to him, touching him, was good enough for her. And maybe, she sounded desperate but she couldn't find it in herself to care. She felt him wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her body even closer to hers, keeping one hand on the back of her neck, deepening the kiss. Oh, she hoped he would learn to forgive her. And then he was walking forward, pressing her back against the wall, pressing his body against hers, making her moan in response. She heard him groan before biting at her bottom lip, that being his way to ask for permission. She quickly gave it to him, slowly grinding her hips into his own, a whimper leaving her mouth tat the friction.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-22 19:49:16
Lucas knew, even though he didn’t say it, that to this day he still missed Ainsley, he still loved her. Maybe not as he had once with the burning passion but he still cared about her. As they kissed, he could feel his body responding to it, his heart was beating quicker than it was before and his breathing was uneven, almost as if he were excited. He knew that he wasn’t excited though, this kiss wasn’t gentle either. It was almost like he was taking out his anger, being almost rough with her. When she gave him the access he wanted, he didn’t waste any time invading her mouth with his tongue. It had been so long it felt like he was exploring her mouth for the first time. His grip tightened upon her slowly grinding her hips against his and by complete instinct, the hand that was cupping the back of her neck moved down to one of her legs, lifting it up so she was more open to him before he pressed his hips into hers, repeating the action she had done.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-22 19:55:56

The kiss became rougher, unlike any kisses they had shared in the past. And it became apparent to Ainsley just why he was doing this. She doubted he loved her anymore. No, after all the time away, he must have gotten over her. Maybe he wasn't with someone else, but that didn't mean he wanted to be with her. He was putting her in her place. And maybe it should have been okay. Maybe she shouldn't have cared because he was touching her and kissing her liked he used to. Maybe she shouldn't have cared. But she did. How could she not? This man, who she thought was the same, really had changed. The old Lucas that she knew and loved would never have done this to her, he never would have used her. Maybe he would be rough because he had a rough day or was upset, and she wouldn't have minded. But this would be nothing more than a fling, and she felt her eyes begin to water up. His tongue invaded her mouth, exploring, his grip tightening on her before he lifted one of her legs, so he could grind into her. The new feeling sent excitement through her bones, bit she couldn't enjoy this. She wouldn't. She would be no man's toys. Quickly, Ainsley pulled away, slipping through his grip. She wiped the tears from her cheeks before quickly bounding to his bedroom and locking the door behind her. Then she turned her back against it before sliding down, wondering what had just happened.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-22 20:19:19
He had felt it, Lucas had felt tears rolling down her cheek and thought for a moment he was imagining things but when she pulled away from him as much as she could and slipped out of his grip, he noticed her wiping said tears from her cheeks before going to his bedroom and locking the door. He found his head clearing up, wondering what in hell he had just done, he obviously wasn't thinking. Lucas stood frozen there, his head against the wall as he calmed his breathing. He was such an idiot. He hadn't meant for that kiss to go anywhere except for shut her up but it had turned into something else. It had turned into him throwing all his anger into that kiss and he didn't mean for that to happen, but it did and he knew it hurt Ainsley. He had just treated her like a tool, something he would never have done if he wasn't so mad. "I'm such an idiot..." He muttered quietly to himself, hitting the wall with a fist before making his way back to the couch, giving Ainsley space since he knew the both of them needed it.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-22 21:05:11

Ainsley kept her back against the door for the longest, tears streaming down her face, and she waited to hear his footsteps, signaling that he was walking away. He really wasn't the same Lucas that she remembered. Her Lucas would never leave something unhandled. He would always make her talk to him and talk to her when they had a disagreement. But then again, the Lucas she remember wouldn't have done such a thing to begin with. The man in the living room was a stranger. She didn't know him, she didn't love him. How could she love someone she didn't know? Once Ainsley was sure that he was gone, she got to her feet, wiping away the tears on her cheeks. She crawled into bed, wrapping the covers around herself before quickly drifting off. When she woke up the next morning, it was because of the soft buzzing on her phone. Usually she would feed Tommy around this time, but she hadn't brought any food with her. She would need to go and buy him some baby food. Ainsley got up and ran her fingers through her hair before slipping on her shoes. For a moment she considered leaving Tommy here but quickly decided against it. Since it was warm outside, she decided that leaving on his onesie and putting on his shoes would be good enough. So Ainsley did just that, as she went to his room. He didn't make any fuss and quickly fell back asleep, as she put him in his carseat. She quietly walked through the living room, careful not to wake Lucas, knowing what he'd think if he saw her leaving. She had Tommy's diaper bag, leaving no trace that the two had been there. Ainsley knew she'd be back soon enough and didn't think leaving a note was necessary. She went through the front door before making it to her car. She strapped Tommy in before getting in the drivers seat.

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Jazzy (#75773)

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Posted on
2017-11-22 21:24:44
Lucas hadn't gotten any sleep at all, he had been too busy hitting himself, metaphorically speaking, for what he had done. Sure he had changed a bit but never did he think he would do such a thing to Ainsley, but he did and he only expected her to hate him for it, he even questioned if he still had to right to be angry at her after that but even if he didn't have a right, he knew he still wasn't over it. He needed more than just a night to get over it. In the morning, he had an arm slung over his eyes so he wouldn't be blinded with the light but he was fully awake. He could hear the soft pitter patter of her feet and he also heard the door opening, then closing. He found himself staying completely still though, he didn't go running after her and he didn't know why. Did he really trust her not to leave? Even after he told her that he didn't trust her, he knew that she wouldn't betray him a second time and he hoped that his gut was telling him the right thing. Lucas got up from the couch not long after, feeling quite sluggish as he made his way to the kitchen and preparing a breakfast for the two of them, purposely doing so because he knew she would be coming back, and that thought was enough to keep him calm.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2017-11-22 21:46:04

Ainsley didn't really know her way around here and found herself pulling into a gas station not too far into the drive. She didn't want to text and drive especially with her baby son in the car. She had always been con text and drive. Once she found a nearby store, she put it on her GPS before starting the car back up and driving to her destination. Once there, she let out a sigh. She hated to wake up Tommy, but she wasn't going to leave him in the car. Once woken, he yawned before looking at her with those eyes that resembled his father's. She smiled, as she picked him up, a grin on his face, as he waved to some of the other people walking by. He really was such a social baby. Ainsley quickly got what she needed before leaving, not wanting Lucas to start worrying again. She rolled her eyes, wondering why she even cared about his feelings towards her after what he'd done. He obviously didn't care about her regardless of what he said. The drive back wasn't too bad except when Tommy started crying. She tried to quiet him, knowing he was just hungry. Once parked, she put his diaper bag around her shoulders before picking his entire car seat up and going back inside of the apartment, putting all of the stuff in the room Tommy had slept in. The smell of breakfast filled the house, and she'd seen Lucas in the kitchen, cooking away. He had always been a good cook. Deciding to be courteous, Ainsley took Tommy and his food into the kitchen so she wouldn't make a mess in the bedroom. Grabbing his baby spoon, she sat him down before beginning to feed him, not ackwnoedlging the baby's father in the room.

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