Posted by The Wings Of Liars

Magic Man (Audrey
II) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-04-02 21:13:06

Main Roleplay Thread


Pyrrhia Territories:

Jade Mountain (Nigtwings)
Mountains (Skywings)
Rainforest (Rainwings)
Forest (Mudwings)
Dessert (Sandwings)
Ocean (Seawings)
Arctic-like Land (Icewings)

Dragon Tribes


-Dark scale dragons, ranging from black to dark gray. Some has tints of blue and/purple. They can blow fire, but they don't usually 'get their hands dirty'. Mysterious and shady.


-Shades of red scales thought them. They have strong wings and can also blow fire.


-Green color changing scales to match their environment and others at any time. They were once lazy and gullable, but now they are just as mysterious and strange as Nigtwings once were. In defense, they spit acid that can melt through anything but heavy metal.


-Brownish red scales, strong muscles, and they breathe fire as well.


-Pale yellow to yellow scales. On the end of their tails they have a bartender, poisonous blunt like a scorpion. It can kill any dragon if stabbed or cut, sometime another immediately. They are stubborn and impulsive.


-Blue to cyan-like scales. They can make the edges of their wings and body light up with different kinds of lights, used as secret communication under water and above land. They haven't been seen for almost a whole generation.


-White scales dragons that could fatigue easily in heat and has a great advantage in the cold. They blow a blast of icd instead of fire, which can freeze anything if touched almost immediately.

Nightwings of Pyrrhia
-Darkbringer (Temporary Lord)
- Swiftflight (animus) dragonet
-Scarletnight dragonet

Dragons Outside of Nightwings
- Prince Icicle of the Icewings (Icescales) dragonet
-(dragons 1/12?)
-(Animus 1/3)
-(Blood red Egg 0/1)
-(Firescales 0/1)
-(Icescales 1/1)


-Animus: A dragon who has learned magic and can use it whenever he or she pleases. With every attempt, successful and failure, a part of their soul is whipped away and it can possibly shorten their lifespan.
-Blood-red Egg: A mudwing egg that is the color of blood-red and hatches on a full moon. The dragon within it is to have fire-proof scales.
-Dragonet: A dragon who is under 10 years.
-Firescales: Very rare condition where a dragon will be born with twice the fire heat in their body. If you touch them, you will burn yourself and get scared, if they touch you, you will be burned and scares. This is a curse, not a gift as some dragons would assume. Only dragon species who breathe fire can have this.
-Icescales: Very rare condition where a dragon will be born with twice the freezing air within their body. If you touch them, your hand won't ice up on the outside, but the radiating freeze within will paralyze your hand. Not a gift, but a curse. Only dragons who breathe ice can have this ability.
-Scavengers: Human prey that can be found almost anywhere. They can be pesky and attempt to kill or steal from dragons.


-At least semi-litterate. 3-4 lines.
-You can't kill without permission.
-You can have as many characters as you'd like!
-Please kill off your dragon if you plan to be inactive for up to 14 days or if you are leaving.
-Slots that are limited can not open up until a dragon in that spot dies and it has past its cool-down.
-Once you post your sign-up, you are free to roleplay, even if I haven't put you there yet. Please follow the sign-up orders.
-Dragons have names relating to their surroundings, scales, or personalities. Nothing like Jack. Nightwings names have to be prefix and suffix, sometimes explain what they do; Brightmind (smart and intelligent), Clawscather (long sharp claws that took the life of many dragons), etc.
-All nightwings are MALE currently. Keep that in mind. Plus, this is a Nightwing roleplay, you should at least have one Nightwing if you dont want to be ignored most of the time.

Sign up

-(Appearance and personality)
-(anything important to mention? take up an open slit besides an average dragon? Other? Add here)

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Edited on 05/04/19 @ 06:16:45 by Audrey II (#169528)

Boreas (#169125)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 06:15:56
(male)(5 years old)
(swiftflight is a jet black nightwing with white flecks all over his body.)
(animus close to darkbringer)(courageous, kind, and loyal.)

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Edited on 03/04/19 @ 11:27:36 by blizzard393 (#169125)

cass (POOP ME!) (#166237)

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Posted on
2019-04-03 06:21:31
-(Name)(Species): Icicle, Icewing
-(Gender)(Age) Male, 7 years old
-(Appearance and personality) Icicle is a blank, very cold dragon who has no emotions, or is said by many. Since he is an icewing prince, he was always pushed to his limits even as a dragonet, and that made him act like this, but no one really knew the truth that he has icescales.
Icicle has plain white scales with pale, barely visible swirls.
(im sorry I have writer's block sksksk)
-(anything important to mention? take up an open slit besides an average dragon? Other? Add here) An Icewing prince? Icescales?

Here's another one.
Scarletnight, Nightwing
Male, 8 yrs old
Scarlet has obsidian scales, tinted with a very, very dark onyx that strangely looks red at the moon's glow. He has beady, cunning eyes.
Scarlet is known for specializing in trickery and intelligence, he was trained to be a nightwing assassin before the fall of the tribe, thus making him best at thinking of solutions for problems. Scarlet is stubborn and nonchalant, and often overthinks, he remains calm at dangerous times, often irritating most dragons.
Basically nothing, he's normal.

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Edited on 03/04/19 @ 07:02:13 by Loey (#166237)

Magic Man (Audrey
II) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-04-03 07:37:49
-Beetlebite, Nightwing
-Male, 13 years old
-Black scaled nightwing with grey-blue eyes. His scales somewhat look a dark blue in the sunlight. The spikes along his back were small, except for the first three leading down his neck, which is large and sharp. His scales and teeth were dull. He's quiet and obedient, following orders without thought and hesitation.
-(anything important to mention? take up an open slit besides an average dragon? Other? Add here) Nah

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Simon (#101538)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-04-03 14:33:12
-(Coral Blue Scaled Seawing with dark purple eyes, Some scales have a faint purple tilt on them that is more visible in the water)
-(Mystic is Insecure and has a hard time trusting people, He does not have a good hold on his magic)

Is this ok?

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Edited on 05/04/19 @ 16:42:51 by Luna (#101538)

•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-04-04 06:23:29
(Shadowseeker )(Nightwing)
-(Shadow is a dark blue dragon, almost black. His silver scales freckle his snout as well as his wings. His underbelly is a navy-black, with silver scales speckled around there as well. His eyes are a storm-grey. Shadowseeker is a smaller dragon, but fast and smart. He’d rather use his brains then his brawn in a fight. He is “do-now” dragon, and can’t stand lazy dragons. He can seem haughty, but really just wants to do what’s right and do it now. His will is iron, so he seems stubborn (which he is). He is creative in battles, hence his size. Often times, he uses his words as well to disarm an opponent. He is loyal and if you gain his trust, he’ll be with you for life. If you break that trust, Shadowseeker will never trust you again.
-(he probably has some distant SeaWing ancestors based on his scale colors)

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Edited on 04/04/19 @ 07:02:14 by •Hurri• (#147819)

•L Ä M P
💡• (#152383)

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Posted on
2019-04-05 21:57:22
Name: Today's Fate,Ice/Nightwing Hybrid (Icescales/Animus)

-Female, undocumebted age. Believed to be between 10 and 13 years of age and some months

- Today's Fate is a very Tall, Lithe bodied, and long limbed dragoness, Who is rather graceful and calculated.
Fate's mottled, Indigo and white scales, Beautiful, hazel eyes,and Long, nicely rounded ears add a very distinguishable look to her, making her very noticeable when in groups of other dragons, considering she is of Nightwing and icewing blood.
Somehow...She evolved or at least tried to evolve an extra pair of antlers, due to a bit of confusion with horomones in her hatchling stages. This left Her with two extra and not very developed horns, nubs if you will. She is completely capable of defending herself or attacking with them.

-(anything important to mention? take up an open slit besides an average dragon? Other? Add here)
I'll add to this as I see fit!
Icescales, Animus

Today's Fate is very kind. She is also very stubborn, but tends to put all her focus and frustration into her other attributes, pushing her to become rather prudent and intelligent, more than other dragons her age. Today's Fate loves dragonets, sometimes more than anything else, seeming to be more of a mother than the queen she plans to be, Also causing her to develop a high dislike for the cold hearted and bold enough dragons to tease her of her heritage. Often becuase of the abuse to her mother as a hatchling, Younger Fate forced herself to grow up too fast and be brave and courageous often to stick up for the icewing dragoness. This dragoness is a what you'd call a "Hothead" at times, Often downright refusing to follow the orders of others unless you have instilled a deep trust with one another. Due to traumatic events as a dragonet, The subject does not appreciate being pressured, forced, disrespected or put on the spot, Not to mention being cornered. In situations like this, it is best and important that you stay a safe distance away and give her room to breathe.
No warnings, Fuck up with her and she WILL paralyze you.
Otherwise She is usually an extremely docile, carefree,and if not a Loving friend, Patient if you will, but her patience runs out within a certain period of time, And Does not last long if she feels as if she is in danger or a potential mess, this makes Today's Fate a tad snappy and ferocious towards others, Including her counterparts, leading to intentional or unintentional harm towards herself or others, depending on the situation she is in. Other than so Today's fate is a very flirtatious, optimistic and motherly damsel almost 100% of the time and wouldnt harm a fly...on purpose anyway, heheh. Dont mind her jokes and immense sarcasm, Her bite is worse than her bark. Serious, straightforward, and irritable. She is always focused on her tasks and can be insensitive to others, especially to other dragons though she greatly wishes she could be close to others and make friends.
She often uses her animus magic as a joke, not believing in the myth of losing her soul.

Positive traits: Eh... [maybe later... ;-;]

Negative traits: Differences Between Other Dragons: Her movements are more exagerated and much more graceful. most other dragons have rough, harsh voices, while Today's is Soft and Airy.

Likes: Warm weather, Morning dew as a water source, tender grass,Playing with her animus magic, having suitors, flirting, Making friends with others, sparring with the other dragons, strangely.

Dislikes: many, many things.

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Edited on 06/04/19 @ 00:51:40 by ○《Livid》●[Liv/Alex& (#152383)

Magic Man (Audrey
II) (#169528)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2019-04-06 21:39:14
-Illwings, (Unknown name and species, so Queen Redfox of the Sky wings made one up for her)
-Female, 12-14 (undetermined)
-Two-headed half white half black dragon. The white heads' side has a few feathers frowning atop her head. The black ones head is normal. They both have a pair of horns that seem as if they are slowly growing out to a curve or spiral, but aren't there yet. They mainly look like some white icewing was merged with a pure black dragon, half and half. Their tails split at the end, making it look a bit like a forked tongue.
-(anything important to mention? take up an open slit besides an average dragon? Other? Add here)
The Seawings found the egg at the bottom of the ocean car away from Pyrrhia when a few of them were swept away by a storm. Declaring a peace treat, the Seawing queen gave Queen Redfox of the Skywings it as a gift, not believing it would ever hatch. After three or five years, it surprisingly hatched. They werent sure how old it was, seeing as it had grown a lot in the egg, even meeting with another dragon in there. Once the Queen saw the two headed dragon, she adore it. Once the dragonets were able to function, talk, and fly on their own, she locked them up so they would never leave. Eventually, the inseparable pair began speaking in rhymes. Only rhymes. This annoyed Queen Redfox, so she put a muzzle on the both of them. Since then, she saw their only worth was in battles, so she trained them to fight in the arena she had put together for her own prisoners to fight to the death. She calls them illwings, short for illusion wings. She wasn't sure what species either of them were, so she made up her own. The illusion of one dragon, but it being two.

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•Hurri• (#147819)

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Posted on
2019-04-09 16:16:30
-SandWing (mostly)
-Female/14 years
-Sahara is a tall,lithe dragon with beautiful silvery-tan scales. Her eyes are a deep brown, almost black. She has dark swirls tracing her spine across her wings. Her venomous barb is a bit smaller then average, and so is her back ridge.
-Sahara is smart. She thinks things through, but is very rash (aka, she analyzes things after they happen). She underestimates herself and other, and can be very judgmental and harsh. Sahara would often question herself and her descions after she did them. She also is very courageous and isn’t afraid to speak her mind. But she can be extremely cold. It takes a very long time to gain her as a friend, and she may not stay as one. Fiercely loyal to her honor and pride, she would rather defend that then another dragon.
-Sahara is the great-niece of the current SandWing Queen. Otherwise normal

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2019-06-15 09:15:28
-(Name) Torch (Species) Skywing
(Gender) female (Age) 6
-(Appearance and personality) Torch has bright red scales with speckles of dark red on her wing tips and neck. She has long curl horns and light blue eyes. She is very kind and shy towards others but once she gets to know someone she becomes very loyal.
-(anything important to mention? take up an open slit besides an average dragon? Other? Add here)

Torch was found near the rain forest where she was taken in once they had seen her mother and fathers burt up bodies and her dead sister who had steam around her. At first everyone thought she had fire scales which was a lie it was her sister who was from a different clutch. She was taken under a female sky wing named Sun who raised her up until she had passed away leaving Torch alone once more again. She is fear full of many things but that doesn't stop her from trying to see who she can be friends.

-(Name)FierceMind (Species) nightwing
-(Gender) female (Age) 6
-(Appearance and personality) normal looking nightwing but she has a purple scale freckles that are on her face that make her green eyes pop. She is very kind unlike most nightwings and loves to do anything she can to make friends. She is very veyr loyal and very smart.
-(anything important to mention? take up an open slit besides an average dragon? Other? Add here) she is open for a boyfriend

Take from her family at a young age to become smarter

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Wynter [G4 NRLC) (#49900)

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Posted on
2019-06-20 17:13:40
( Just a heads up but I'm going to change the forum format because I struggle with being able to read it, I can change it back, just PM me)

Name & Species: Queen Egret of the Mudwings
Gender & Age: 132 year old female
Appearance: Queen Egret is a massive, stocky mudwing. Her horns and scales are scratched and worn down from many years of combat. Her once bright and glistening scales now matte and dull from age. She has burnt umber accent scales that occasionally shimmer, along with lighter shades of brown in the sun. Her under scales are a deep, earthy shade of beige. Scars overlap on her wings and under scales, lumpy and in disarray from years of healing. She is described as a walking ancient, radiating firm and balanced energy. Queen Egret's eyes, however, contrast her dull scales. They are a brilliant, glittering shade of amber and gold. They are calculated and observant, as if they were stained glass windows into her many years of reign. In contrast to other Queens, she does not display her treasure through her choice in attire. Instead, she wears a simple, copper band around the bases of her horns.
Personality: As a young dragon, Egret had been burning with ambition. She had envisioned a future with her tribe being the most stable in Pyyrhia, powerful and well-secured, all with a powerful Queen to hold the tribe together: herself. However, during her reign, Egret had been mellowed out through her duties, through her victories and failures. As the decades passed, she became more calculated and dominating of her role as Queen. Although Queen Egret became more serious and authoritative as the years went on, she never progressed into a tyrant. She saw the tribe as she had seen them decades earlier: her siblings, her responsibility. She is nurturing when she sees fit, and is fiercely disciplining when she must be. She is calm and collected, using her many decades of experience to make decisions. She is open to interaction
and negotiations with other tribes, as long as they benefit the Mudwings. Unlike most Queens, Queen Egret lacks the constant aggression and fear of losing her throne. As a result, she makes more rational decisions, and is overall more diplomatic and understanding.
Other: Queen Egret hatched from a blood red egg, the first in her clutch. As a result, she has a steady resistance to dragon fire. Being the Bigwing in her clutch, she towered over her siblings, and over most dragons in her tribe.

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Edited on 17/05/23 @ 15:38:48 by Wynter [G4 NRLC) (#49900)

Feather (0/100) GB) (#175004)

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Posted on
2020-04-13 05:14:01
-(Name)Melon (Species) Rainwing
-(Gender) F (Age) 10 in human years
-(Appearance and personality) A bright blue when normal with slight white spots
-(anything important to mention? take up an open slit besides an average dragon? Other? Add here) Animus

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Edited on 17/04/20 @ 04:21:37 by Feather (#175004)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2020-04-16 13:19:34
-(Name) Nightshade (Species) Nightwings
-(Gender) female (Age) 17 years old in human year
-(Appearance and personality) Dark grey with tints of purple and blue, she has dark black horns and little scars on her neck. She is very kind and sweet but she is also flirty
-(anything important to mention? take up an open slit besides an average dragon? Other? Add here) open for a bf

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2020-04-16 13:22:19
-(Name)Seal (Species) icewing
-(Gender) female (Age) 18 in human years
-(Appearance and personality) a bright white female with lighter blue scales, she has bright blue eyes along with tints of black. She is sassy and hates being told what to do
-(anything important to mention? take up an open slit besides an average dragon? Other? Add here) open for a bf

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