Posted by Private 1x1 RP

UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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2021-02-25 16:23:08
A time where vampire myths are commonly believed, and suspicion of the undead is high.
You reside in the town of Rivercrest, which seems like just another town, but when night falls it becomes far more sinister.

You are a vampire, and now it's time you have to choose whether you'll be swayed by your immortal bloodlust and feast to your undead heart's content, either manipulating your way to the top, using your wits to avoid being caught, isolating from the mortals and only interacting when it's time to feed, or simply slaughtering all those who oppose you. Or, you could try your best to shun who you are, and feed as little as possible, or only on consenting humans. But without feeding, you'll soon begin to find your immortality dwindling.
But, it's not just human hunters you have to worry about, werewolves will stop at nothing to rip you to shreds, if you're not careful, the toxic rays of dawn could soon turn you to mere ashes.

Notes on Vampirism.
A vampire in this roleplay is practically undead, they have no heartbeat, no breathing, and are cold to the touch apart from after feeding on human blood. The longer a vampire goes without feeding, the more they begin to look like a corpse, and the colder they become. If they go too long without feeding, a vampire will enter a 'bloodstarved' rage, and attack anything living on sight. Animal blood can be drank, but it does not reverse the effects of starvation or the inevitable blood rage, merely holds back the cravings for a day or so. A fed vampire may look like your average human, however when intense emotions are shown, or when feeding, their irises will turn crimson and their pupils constrict into catlike slits, and of course their fangs will be visible.

All vampires are immortal in the aspect that they cannot die from illness or aging, however they can still be killed by sunlight, decapitation, total destruction of the head, removal of the heart, or destruction of the heart. Any other injuries will regenerate depending on how recently they fed, a starved vampire will struggle to heal even the smallest injuries, but a fully gorged vampire could regenerate entire limbs in an hour or so.

The abilities a vampire innately has is, enhanced reflexes, speed, strength, enhanced senses, and night vision.

To turn a human into a vampire, they need to be completely exsanguinated and then made to drink a vampire's blood, it's not a process without risks however, as it can fail and either the human will stay dead, or they will become a mindless ghoul that has to be put down.

Notes on Lycanthropy.
Werewolves can vary drastically, but your average werewolf in their 'beast' form is around 7 foot tall, and can come in many different colours, but grey is the most common. In their human form, a werewolf will be harder to identify than a vampire, however a few traits such as more 'wolf-like' mannerisms, more muscle mass than your average human, and for those with more than human senses, the smell of dog, can be identify a Lycanthrope.


Matilda Blythe - Tavern maiden - 19 - Single (Werewolf)
A chipper yet naive young woman with long golden hair, fair skin, and green eyes.

Sibyl Blythe - Seamstress - 43 - Widowed (Werewolf)
A quiet and stoic woman with greying once blonde hair and blue eyes. The mother of Matilda Blythe

Margary Curtis - Baker - 30 - Married
A kind and courteous woman who loves painting and has a young son called Hugo and is married to John Curtis. She has long brown slightly curly hair and hazel eyes.

Godyth Morrison - Seamstress - 62 - Widowed
A cynical and capricious old woman, mother of Margary Curtis and Sarah Morrison. She has dark grey neatly kempt hair, often worn in a bun, and hazel eyes.

Sarah Morrison - Chandler - 32 - Single
A solemn and lazy woman who is known to be overly critical, she has medium length brown hair, and cold blue eyes.

Cecilia Campbell - Blacksmith - 21 - Single (Werewolf.)
A rebellious, and unkind woman who despises children, she has auburn hair, and green eyes.

Anabel Meredith - Fishmonger - 23 - Single
A strong and caring woman who tries her best to treat those who cares about with the utmost respect, yet anyone her hurts her will soon grow to regret it. She's tall and lean with cold blue eyes and light brown hair. She's the sister of Rose Meredith.

Rose Meredith - Merchant - 20 - Single
A flirty and charismatic young woman who adores attention and enjoys being social. She has blue eyes and brown hair. Sister of Anabel Meredith.

Gemma Bennett - Weaver - 43 - Married
A kind woman with a big and bubbly personality, she's usually friendly to whoever she meets. She's quite short and stout with brown hair and blue eyes.

John Curtis - Blacksmith - 34 - Married
A cautious and somewhat suspicious man, he cares deeply for his family, which causes him to be severely paranoid about possible dangers. He has short cropped brown hair and brown eyes, his face in covered in tattered scars.

Hugo Curtis - Child - 6 - N/A
A small child with brown fluffy hair and hazel eyes, he's a typical happy-go-lucky kid. His parents are John Curtis and Margary Curtis.

Godfrey Atkinson - Carpenter - 24 - Single
A coarse and vulgar man who spends far too much time in the tavern, he has sunken green eyes and thinning blonde hair.

Christopher Ward - Farmer - 31 - Widowed
A quiet and somewhat mysterious man, he doesn't usually interact with people at all. He has red hair and blue eyes, he's a well built and tall man.

Alexander Bennett - Butcher - 19 - Single
A charismatic and charming man, who can be overly confident or even somewhat arrogant at times. He has dark brown hair and green eyes.

Henry Bennett - Armourer - 42 - Married
A considerate and polite man, he isn't overtly friendly, but he won't treat you poorly either. He's a very community orientated man, and he'll help out anyone in need. He has red hair and green eyes.

Andrew Lister - Stonemason - 25 - Single
A realistic and reserved character, he keeps to himself and keeps to his work. He has thinning copper hair, and grey-ish green eyes.

Stephen Payne - Farmer - 30 - Single
A jealous and industrious man, who solely craves for land and wealth, he's not afraid to sabotage his competition. He has grey hair and blue eyes.


Estrid Chamberlain - Dame - Approximately 800 years old - Looks 27 -
An ancient vampire who has gone by many names over the years, she is quite distant, cold, reserved, and territorial. She has long slightly curled red hair, often pulled back into a braided bun, extremely pale skin, quite harsh facial structure, and intense emerald eyes.

Walter Kemp - Innkeeper - Approximately 100 years old - Looks 23 -
A relatively young vampire, he's a surprisingly caring one too, but he still obviously has to feed, and often does so on animals and occasionally guests sleeping in his Inn. He tries his utmost to not kill if possible. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Randolph Payne - N/A - Approximately 50 years old - Looks 30 -
A wild and somewhat uncivilised vampire, he lives alone outside the town and only interacts with humans when hunting, he has no qualms with killing women, children, men, all alike. He has grey unkempt hair and blue eyes.

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Edited on 26/02/21 @ 06:24:33 by UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2021-04-14 15:34:43
Estrid suddenly stopped, putting a hand up in a commanding gesture. Not a single sound could be heard in the deafening silence, her eyes scanned the surrounding forest with intense focus for a second before she lightly whispered. "We have company." The fiery vampire growled softly, her hands darting to her sheathed daggers and pulling them out, long thin blades with fine carvings that looked razor sharp.

Walter protectively stepped closer to you and the others, his fists balled tensely. Suddenly, a twig snapping could be heard, which sent Estrid whipping around the to noise, as the sound of heavy footsteps and deep animalistic panting could be heard thundering in the darkness.
"Anabel, Walter, Ambrose. Get up a tree, now." The elder commanded, still focusing on the sounds surrounding the group.

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Edited on 14/04/21 @ 17:57:15 by UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

🍄wormwood🌈 (#142785)

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Posted on
2021-04-14 20:45:17
Ambrose froze, his eyes widening at her warning. He looked around frantically, but he couldn't make out specifics, the oppressive darkness like a blanket over everything. He drew his knife from his bag and held it at his chest.

He jumped at the sudden noise. Hearing Estrid's command, he darted for the nearest tree, adrenlaine urging him onto a low branch. He clambered upwards, kicking splinters off the bark as he went. He ended up perched between two branches and he turned to help Walter and Anabel up, reaching one hand down and gripping his knife with the other.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2021-04-15 06:40:47
Walter thanked you as you helped him up, however it seemed he really didn't need it as he nimbly made his way up with ease and precision. Anabel however clambered quite clumsily, so Walter quickly lent a hand by pulling her up.

With a sudden burst of speed, a large hulking shape on all fours came rushing out of the undergrowth, and Estrid was nowhere to be seen, seemingly completely vanished, the beast now looking confused and furious as it's disgusting dark grey pelt rippled with muscle. It was huge and bestial, the smell was that strange mix of human and dog as Estrid described. It's eyes gazed towards you, sniffing the air distastefully, a murderous gleam in it's burning golden eyes.

From above, diving soundlessly from out an especially tall oak tree, a black shape came down upon the hulking beast with inhuman force, two razor sharp blades in hand. The creature yelped in surprise and pain as Estrid's weight hit it's back, her daggers sliding precisely around it's throat, then slashing with furious force. She jumped back from the dying beast, flicking the blood off of her blades with disgust, her eyes glowing hellishly with such a deep hatred it almost took you aback as she looked upon the dying mutt.

It crumpled to the ground with a pathetic whimper, boiling crimson blood spilling out the two deep wounds. Estrid looked up to the tree that you were in, silently noting that everyone was unharmed.
Walter just looked pitifully at the beast while Anabel sat there shock still.

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Edited on 15/04/21 @ 07:28:02 by UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

🍄wormwood🌈 (#142785)

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Posted on
2021-04-15 17:03:33
Once Anabel was safe in the tree, Ambrose turned back to the path, looking at Estrid worriedly. He hid his face when the creature showed up and was promptly disposed of - once he was sure it was over, he peered through his fingers, eyes going wide at the sight of blood.

Slowly, Ambrose edged down the tree, landing on the forest floor silently. He approached Estrid and the body, still holding a knife in one hand.

"So that's a werewolf..." he said breathily, voice barely audible in the cold air. He turned to stare into the woods. "Do you think there's more?" He seemed shaky, but whether it was from adrenaline or fear wasn't clear.

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Edited on 15/04/21 @ 17:03:44 by 🧪wormwood🏳️‍🌈 (#142785)

UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2021-04-15 20:16:40
Estrid turned to you, the red in her eyes still burning bright. "Most probably. But we should not linger to find out. If those beasts have even a speck of sense, they'll retreat now they've realised we are not their prey." She said with an odd calm.

Walter and Anabel rejoined the group, the young vampire still looking shocked and tense. "Come on. We need to keep moving." The ancient vampire commanded once more. The forest was deathly silent, which somehow made it even more tense as you begin to walk, noticing Estrid still held her daggers tight, as if expecting another attack.

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🍄wormwood🌈 (#142785)

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Posted on
2021-04-16 19:08:00
Ambrose nodded dumbly. When Anabel and Walter joined them, he moved to Walter's side, feeling safe beside his friend. His eyes were so wide that they hurt as he stared at the surrounding forest.

It was a little comforting to be on the move again. He walked quickly, nervously, glancing from the path to the trees every few moments. For a long time the group walked in silence. Finally, Ambrose leaned over to Walter and whispered, "How big is Hartrock?"

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2021-04-16 20:17:47
Walter stayed silent for a second, clearly thinking as the soothing light sound of the dirt path now covered with leaf litter underfoot eased the anxiety a small bit. "This road should be the quickest one through. We should be out soon." He gave a weak smile, clearly trying to calm you down but you could tell he was also nervous and on edge at the whole situation, his eyes flicking left and right in an alert fashion.

After a while of more tense walking, the treeline began to break off, the road inclining up out of the woodland onto a rocky hillside. A sense of relief visibly washed over the group as you could see far better than in the thicketed forest before, the wind however becoming harsh and lashing as the path inclined more and more into the countryside.

Walter turned to you, looking more composed than he did before. "After our business is done in Farncombe, would you like a tour around the town? I'm sure it hasn't changed too much since I was last there." He offered, that same charming smile on his face as before, he looked exhausted and almost gaunt, a tired and solemn depth seemed to be held in his eyes, but his demeanour was still so genuinely kind and radiant, his voice always staying at that gentle and calming low tone.

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🍄wormwood🌈 (#142785)

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Posted on
2021-04-17 15:42:30
Ambrose nodded and fell back into line. He knew Walter was trying to help, but he couldn't help feeling nervous after the encounter. He'd never seen a werewolf in real life before... the great dark shape was burned in his memory now, a reminder of what they were trying to stop.

As they left Hartrock, he sped up, eager to put distance between them and the trees. At one point he glanced back and could've sworn something moved between the trunks, but then it was gone, and he was glad to be past the forest.

He turned to Walter. "Of course!" he said, smiling. "When did you leave Farncombe, anyway?" He kept his voice quiet, but felt more comfortable speaking here.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2021-04-18 18:47:48
Walter responded softly, his eyes growing nostalgic as he walked. "I haven't been there for.. 120 years? Give or take. When you put it like that, it sounds like a long time. Sure doesn't feel like it." He chuckled lightly, looking a bit less weighted down as he did a few moments prior.

in the distance, over the rocky crags and fells you could see the outline of an old church and a few buildings, even lower down just barely in sight you could see the sea, dark stygian blue shining with the moonlight, the sound of distant crashing waves ringing in your ears in a comforting drone. "Not too far now." The blonde vampire commented, a wistful smile on his lips.

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🍄wormwood🌈 (#142785)

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Posted on
2021-04-18 21:01:29
"120?" His reply was shocked, and he looked at Walter with wide eyes. "I... thought you were younger." Ambrose went quiet. He perked up again when the town came into view, and he quickened his pace, eager to sit down.

"It'll be longer to Elmchester, huh?" he said, trying to lighten the mood. "I haven't seen the ocean before. We won't have to go on a boat, will we?" The air carried a tinge of salt, and he figured it was from the sea, considering what he'd heard about it.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2021-04-19 05:44:35
"I was still human when I was last here." He gave a mirthless smile. "I left when I went to join the military. It'll be good to be here again." Walter quickly responded, clearly trying to brighten the mood.

"Elmchester is a very long way from here, but it won't be the farthest place Estrid is taking us. We will most probably have to go by ship. And really? You've never seen the ocean?" He said with a slightly playful tone, however he began to close off again, his voice dropping once more. "I used to love watching the sun rise across the horizon. It would turn the sea such amazing shades of orange and red. And that was before I was a vampire. I'd do anything to experience that just one more time. As a vampire, the way we see the world is far different from when we were human. Even a song that may have been just noise to us before, you can hear every single note, feel the vibrations of every string plucked. That's one part of this.. Condition, that I truly love."

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🍄wormwood🌈 (#142785)

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Posted on
2021-04-19 18:26:08
Ambrose listened patiently as Walter talked. "It is nice," he admitted, "Having heightened senses. The ocean sounds beautiful, the way you described it. Maybe you could bring me there?" He smiled lightly. Around them, the grass was thick with shadows - Estrid and Anabel walked ahead, a few feet away, allowing them to speak in relative privacy.

The moon was beginning its descent now. In two or three hours, it'd be gone completely, replaced by the deadly sun. Ambrose was glad they'd be safe in town by then.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2021-04-19 19:15:17
"It would be my pleasure." Walter gave a genuine smile, his presence was soothing as you walked, however a gentle melancholy seemed to hang in the air . A low blanket of fog beginning to form on the moors, Walter giving a near inaudible sigh as he turned to you with surprising openness. "You know, it's.. Strange, being back here. I still remember most of my childhood. The hopeful young lad going out to join the army that never returned. All my family knew; all my husband knew was that I fell in battle." The older vampire said softly, you could see it meant a lot to him that he could get this off his chest.

"It was better off that way. Better them to think the man they knew died an honourable, soldier's death in the name of protecting them. But, I realised not long after I was turned, I was more use to the world like this, to our people, to humanity, than being truly dead. It's the burden we have to bear, but we can do what the living cannot."

The town was coming into view now, cobbled houses and streets, a large and ancient looking church looming on the corner of town. And most noticeably, the docks that seemed to stretch on for miles even past where the townhouses ended. The smell of seasalt and fish hit your nose in an instant, the abyssal black sea churning grimly in the darkness.

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Edited on 19/04/21 @ 19:19:27 by UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

🍄wormwood🌈 (#142785)

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Posted on
2021-04-19 20:12:10
He turned to Walter, surprised to see his friend being so open. His eyebrows furrowed as he listened, eyes full of sympathy. He reached out a comforting hand to Walter's shoulder.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly, "That's awful. I... wish I could've met him, he sounds like a good man." After a few moments, he took his hand away, turning to gaze out at the fog. The town seemed oppressively close, bringing their conversation to its end.

Before they were fully among the buildings, he said suddenly, "I'm sorry if this is intruding, but... maybe we could find the cemetary? To pay our respects. Only if you'd want to, of course." He seemed awkward and unsure, like he was scared of stepping on Walter's boundaries.

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2021-04-20 04:58:19
Walter didn't shrug away at your soothing touch, thinking over what you said in silence before finally replying. "I was going to head there, anyways. My husband was buried back in Rivercrest, where we lived. But my family will be there." He gave a grateful look as you walked. Estrid clearly heard the conversation as she gave no question when Walter veered off the main path onto a side alley.

"But, you wanted to see the sea, right?" He weakly smiled, continuing to walk down the alley into the expansive docks. The smell of fish and salt was almost unbearably strong now, a couple ships were docked, barrels of fish and produce on them.

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