Posted by Let's.... talk about the July Event

Lex 🦋 {Brief
Hiatus for Work} (#56485)

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Posted on
2021-07-08 10:05:13

So...the July Event

Please read before commenting!
I am AWARE that the "full version" of the event is not available and it will not be until next year. I am AWARE that the admin and art teams put in a lot of work for this event. I am very thankful for them. Xylax, Deertush, 7th, you guys are amazing and I love you. This thread is in no way meant to downplay your skills or capabilities, because your art is fantastic and i and everyone else appreciate everything you do for us to keep the game fresh and beautiful. This thread is being posted because I would like to hear suggestions and input from the rest of the community, because i am aware that myself and most of my friends very much dislike what has happened to the July event in terms of the rehaul.

The Mechanics

I'm not even sure where to begin with this.

Event Currency is Participation Currency.

Asking the community to pay a tax from their currency in order to participate is, quite frankly, a little bit outrageous. It would be like having to pay stink bugs in order to leave poop in other people's dens. It would be like having to use Khepri beetles in order to fight with your deity, How is anybody supposed to save for items for the event shop with this model?

Battling Sucks.

There's not much I can say other than this. Battling NPCs is a mechanic that not many people on Lioden like to do, but now the only way to get major event currency is to fight for it on a RNG based system that you have in order to access. With enemies that don't seem to be scaled correctly at all. It isn't even a "you lose so you lost energy try again later" situation. You're physically paying event currency to have your ass beaten by space dragons. And don't even get me started on the bosses, please. How am I supposed to beat a boss when random NPCs are killing me in three hits?

What the fuck is going on?

There's just so much I want to say but I don't know how to put it into words.
It feels like there's been little to no communication from the staff team and it frustrates me because of how much I love this game and how much I loved this event.
This isn't Wolvden, but it sure feels like Wolvden is starting to bleed in over here. July really right now feels like a glorified Lunar event, and I don't like that that's been done.
When the delay news was posted, that was just fine! Like I said, I love this art team, But... this isn't what was expected. I was expecting a delay for the entire event to be posted. This wasn't communicated at all and now people are confused on all fronts, from currency to what's going on to everything else.
I really, genuinely think most people were expecting different storylines from different perspectives from the characters we've been fawning over for years, with Tefnut up first. This isn't what anybody wanted.

On the Topic of Characters

I don't even understand why anyone thought tossing all of the July NPCs out would be a good idea or where it came from. Nobody in the community asked for this. There was so much that could have been done, that I think most people expected. When Tefnut's backstory was teased, everyone was so excited! I was super excited to learn about the celestial world of the lions we loved. We watched Menhit grow up! She's my favorite NPC in the entirety of Lioden and now she's just... gone? So i can fight some random space dragons? I'm just...confused. Like why should Where is Tefnut's backstory? Apollyon's? Apedemak's? Obviously there was more to learn about him, since one of the explore encounters talked about how he was some crazy guy talking to the sky which implies our character has no fucking idea who Apedemak is from the jump.

In closing


Comments I would like to point out





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Edited on 08/07/21 @ 12:10:44 by Lex (#56485)

Agryo [Quitting] (#70050)

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Posted on
2021-11-01 18:46:25

October just ended, another battle heavy event, and one with its own share of fantasy encounters. Comparing how this grind felt compared to July, even with *so* many mechanics and valuables and factions to juggle... it's a no brainer, October was a lot of fun to participate in. Its rewards cover a broad swath of interests (Crunchies, SODs, cool apps, tons of different decors for so many looks), I completely forgot how much Trick or Treating eases stress later in the event when you're starting to tire, and the battles aren't ludicrously difficult or gimmicky.

I was able to use a Roasted Lamb every day, meaning I had to check in more often to use my energy, on top of Rabies capping out energy at 80, and? I honestly enjoyed it a lot, and don't feel nearly as burnt out as July left me.

The combination of a lot of rewards to spend currency on, to fit any need really, and mechanics to ease grinding (Demonic Whip/Angelic thing/Trick or Treating) all kept it feeling no harder than September, despite being a busy, battle oriented event at a glance.

I'm not saying 'we need FIFTY unique mechanics for a battle event to be fun', no. May is... okay, for instance. But a mechanic that eases pressure is a godsend, as well as alternative grinding methods, more varied rewards (why couldn't the Firefly Shop be turned into a Meteor Shards Shop and keep those natural decors there??) and just... some encounters that aren't necessarily fight and actually interesting (dropping one space rock on my foot is not interesting). And encounters not being ridiculously hard to the point that *statting* is easier.

July, *take notes*.

(Also sidenote, but both July and June turning into battle events, when we already had October, January, March and May being battle oriented, kinda sucks? Like do the devs not know that these are usually way less fun than explore/interaction events? Now *half* the months in the year are spent juggling energy into fighting, using that god awful and tedious battle system... barring October, it's just not fun. Quit it or fix it, Lioden?)

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Edited on 01/11/21 @ 18:52:03 by Agryo [Private Stud] (#70050)

✨ Paipa | G2
Tri-Ros Pie (#98498)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2021-11-02 14:21:47
^ "(Also sidenote, but both July and June turning into battle events, when we already had October, January, March and May being battle oriented, kinda sucks? Like do the devs not know that these are usually way less fun than explore/interaction events? Now *half* the months in the year are spent juggling energy into fighting, using that god awful and tedious battle system... barring October, it's just not fun. Quit it or fix it, Lioden?)"

This and the whole comment is pure gold and what I can't express myself

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Cat (#223569)

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Posted on
2021-11-02 14:32:44
Been playing for less than a year, and I’m already getting tired of all these battle-heavy events!

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Ashy 🍑 (#56446)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2021-12-01 23:45:05
I hate battle events. TwT I don’t play the game for stats and I hear from ppl who do that the dragons were mega OP no matter what so,, I mean. I hope next year is better for this event.

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DawnStar (#166818)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-01-07 04:55:06
I actually came back for about two days in July. What I saw was so confusing. I just stopped playing because the event was so weird.

I love dragons so much, but they could have implemented them into a storyline with the lions.

Like. We came from he stars to help or something of that magnitude. I didn't particularly care about the storyline per say. But I did care about how it went down. I skip most of the story line anyways (because I saw it before) but to have a battle heavy event especially when may just happened a month previously (give me a battle event every two to three months in between) is kind of hars.

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miso (#167275)

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Posted on
2022-01-30 09:37:02
100000000000000000% agree with everything you said.

And also. Reviewbrah. Love it. XD

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UmbralAmaryllis (#125769)

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Posted on
2022-02-02 08:43:13
As someone who's been playing since 2017, I completely agree with this. The July event was one of my favourites, gave some of the best decor. Now they've thrown out a half-assed grindfest, that unlike the February or October event where you're rewarded with really good items for grinding, it just felt shallow and pointless, I also can't stand how we've gone from.. Storylines that are more grounded, to suddenly we're fighting space dragons. I hated the Vredefort crater side quest as it was like that, however it was still rewarding despite it's difficulty.

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felix - G2 NRLC,
4,4k (#252394)

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Posted on
2022-04-13 04:53:59
I joined recently, and I kept seeing people talk about Apollyon, Apedemak, Menhit, and Tefnut. So I googled them, asked around about them, and I got hyped. The event seemed amazing and I was really looking forward to it. Then a few of my friends told me it's actually been replaced by alien snakes and dragons, like wtf?? It's a LION game, not a fantasy RPG game for goodness sake. I understand and appreciate the work the devs put into it, but I think they should have discussed it with everyone to make sure everyone supports it. So basically what I'm trying to say is.. maybe bring back the characters everyone loves and get rid of the dumb snakes?

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Lunar Lords (#86479)

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Posted on
2022-05-29 14:18:33
Zephyr - "make sure everyone supports it"

What? I'm sorry, but there will *never* be a unanimous decision in a community this big. I for one hated the July story line, the super exclusive raffle, *and* all the characters. Good riddance. I hope they get rid of the raffle too. In my opinion any replacement of the July event is an improvement.

I am aware I'm in the minority. You don't have to tell me. I also wasn't here last year so I can't comment on the balance of the currency. But anything new takes time to achieve balance. I'd rather battle hard enemies for currency than rely on other players pooping in my den.

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Festive Stringworms
🎁 (#233091)

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Posted on
2022-05-29 14:23:31
I never got to see Apollyon or tefnut or any of the previous storyline, but i looked through the lioden wiki about the storyline, and i loved almost everything about it (Save for the obvious, of course). It would be so easy to go back to that storyline and just change a few things to make it less...the way that it was and more enjoyable to the players.

I loved seeing the lions, and it made a lot of the decor make sense. when i went through my first july event, i had no idea who Apollyon was, or why the shop was called tefnuts memories, or what was really going on at all. I'd like to be able to have an event with the characters, and i'm sure many others would to as long as the bad parts were removed!

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FlameHeart (#233839)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-05-30 17:40:02
They said the event was just a "baby event" when it came out. I can't wait to see what it is this year!

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SouthernCryptid (#25664)

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Posted on
2022-05-31 18:46:39
I'm excited to see turn-o-the-month just to get away from this dingly darn PVP event! I'm really not huge on June's theme either, but I am really ready for a change of pace.

I got June and July mixed up again event-wise and thought that this was going to be the dragon one for a bit there!

Personally, I was glad to let go of the old July Event. It felt like a fight of morality just to click buttons to get event awards. A big mess. I wouldn't mind seeing the NPCs reworked and made into small explore event encounters or something, but Good Riddance as far as I'm concerned.

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Edited on 01/06/22 @ 00:00:49 by Helicase (#25664)

aleph 🐍 (#281016)

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Posted on
2022-06-01 02:40:49
i remember playing in like....2018-2019 and starting in july of all months. lucky me! the storyline was pretty great honestly but i figured there's room for improvement. i miss my fellas apollyon and menhit ): i dont mind that apedemak was uh. ungodly unhinged. to put it lightly. but putting incest and rape in the storyline without like any heads up was a fucking WEIRD thing to experience for a petsim, even a 17+ one. yes i know what i'm getting into with a higher age demographic in mind and being in my 20s myself and generally liking things with much darker themes but SHEESH.
upon seeing this i didnt even know how bad the july event was considering i hadnt touched the game in years. seeing it compared to wolvden was hooo spicy (only played wolvden for a week and had to drop it. it's not fun at all). when i saw the new july decor stuff on the wiki it just instantly activated my monkey brain because i love weird space stuff and dragons didn't know it was such a shitshow to say the least. hopefully it's better this year and if it isn't i'll explode into blood or something

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Lynx (#157635)

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Posted on
2022-06-30 23:59:16
From the news all I'm getting is that they barely understood what we wanted as a community.

They brought the civil war storyline back despite multiple people saying that they didn't like what the storyline became. Unless these 'dialog changes' include removing all of the triggering content or at the bare minimum adding content warnings this is not what I've seen most people want.

The cost for celestial explore steps are still 5 MS each and unless they made MS way easier to get I find that ridiculous. There was also no mention of making fights easier, just adding new ones.

Also I'm a little bit upset that the storyline rewards are just marking apps, I get that a lot of people really like markings and stuff but I've never been a fan. It especially sucls considering previously you got a mane app and the Astral base. I'm pretty sure you won't get those now and that kinda sucks.

I dunno, thoughts? I might change my mind once I actually get to yk play the event but so far? Not exactly happy.

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[Stratosphere][Side] (#35372)

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Posted on
2022-07-01 00:16:09
Yeah this went from my most liked to my most hated event.

I’m out of shards now because I can’t seem to beat any enemy and.. it takes shards to explore lol.

Haven’t found any shards in normal explore either. I love entering the raffle for the new lionesses but that probably won’t happen.

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