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Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-09-20 01:08:54

Main Roleplay Thread



Β· All of Lioden's rules apply.
Β· Three sentences per post, per character minimum.
Β· High ranks must be approved by me, ranks lower than Medicine Cat do not need approving.
Β· You may have as many characters as you like, but may only start with two high ranking characters.
Β· God-modding, mary-sues or unrealistic characters/circumstances are prohibited. If your character dies, it dies. You cannot roleplay other people's characters.
Β· Gore, sensitive topics, birthing and mating are to be censored properly or not mentioned at all. Once your characters become mates, they will be given the option of kits after one week. This requires no steamy scenes, sorry.
Β· Allow for at least two people to reply to the thread before posting again.
.If you do not respond to the roleplay thread within two weeks your characters will be presumed dead, unless you post in OOC that you will be missing.
Β· More rules will be added if needed.



Italicized ranks are open, bold ranks are closed.


Leader: Leopardstar.

Deputy: Pebbleleap.

Medicine Cat: Dawnstream.

Greatwings, Brokenpeach, Redcrow, Snailwhisper, Dovepool.
Shallowkale, Wavestorm,

Kestrelpaw, Berrypaw,





Leader: Swanstar.

Deputy: Silverheart.

Medicine Cat: Mothlight.

Flurrymoth, Dovegaze, Paintclaw, Smokeclaw.
Sunstorm, Cricketleap,

Fawnpaw, Heatherpaw, Sootpaw, Maislpaw, Thornpaw.





Smile, Asmodeus, Sharpwhisper, Blade, Sin, Sturgeon, Fern,


This is only a template, feel free to add or move things to your liking.

Delete everything in parentheses.

Relationships: (Relatives, kits, friends, etc.)
Appearance: (Photo or Description.)

Image Sources:

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Edited on 12/10/21 @ 21:41:42 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-09-20 01:34:34
click the image for it's source

β€œHate looks like everybody else until it smiles”

Name: Swanstar. Formerly: Swanflight, Swanpaw, Swankit.
Gender: She-cat.
Breed(s): Domestic Shorthair.
Age: 48 moons. 6/9 lives left.
Clan: GreenwoodClan.
Rank: Leader.
Apprentice: N/a.
Sexuality: Bisexual, Biromantic.
Mate: N/a, open through roleplay.
Family: (Open to half-siblings.)

Open - Half-sister - Alive. In Coveclan. - Hatred.
Sunstorm - Half-sister - Alive. - Neutral/dislike.

Skystar - Father - Deceased. - Hatred.
LilyPelt - Mother - Alive. - Strong dislike.


Swanstar is a tough character to cope with, keeping her opinions in the open but her emotional well-being walled off from others. She says what's on her mind, when it's on her mind, and gives little thought about what effect it will have on others. Her bluntness is especially present when she's in a foul mood, which is more often than not. Despite her filter-less mouth her words are usually full of underlying meaning, whether or not others can pick up on that isn't her problem.

She makes a full time career out of tough-love and deals it out with heavy-handed iron claws. This can sometimes, well, almost always come off as overbearing or domineering but Swanstar doesn't typically mean it in that way. She truly cares for the members of her clan, though she has an odd way of showing it. As for her other emotions, she seems to be a bit detached from those as well. It's a rare sight to see this inscrutable feline shed a tear or become embarrassed. It isn't as if she doesn't feel the emotion, they just can't seem to make it to her face.

She is a very opinionated and stubborn individual, arguing with her can be compared to fighting with a brick wall. Once her mind is made, it's typically made for the remainder of her life. This mindset applies to her foes as well. Once she's begun holding a grudge she will remain holding onto it, without falter, for as long as possible. Her verdicts on others are usually baseless and ill-advised, something as small as an average verbal dispute can result in her writing you off as an enemy.

Swanstar's appearance favors her mother more than her father, a fact that she detests to this day. Her coat is porcelain white, aside from the faintly visible peach-coloured stripes that are present on her tail and backs of her ears. Her skin is a soft coral pink, eyes a muddled variant of sky blue.

She is an average height and weight for her gender and breed. She matches that with a standard range of fighting prowess and hunting skills, though what she lacks in skill she makes up for in sheer relentlessness. Her coat is seemingly untarnished by scars or damage, despite her many brushes with death and mistreatment. She walks with a subtle limp in her step, a result from the back injury she sustained soon after becoming leader of GreenwoodClan.

History: TW: Abuse.

Broken Crown.
But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate.

She was gifted the following virtues from Skystar: Certainty and mercy. However, her hatred has clouded these traits from ringing true. Her negligence is certain to spark the wrath of Starclan if she continues down her current path.

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Edited on 09/10/21 @ 14:07:24 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-20 01:42:48
click the image for it's source

"All I wanna do is quit."

Name: Kestrelpaw. Formerly: Kestrelkit.
Gender: Tom.
Breed(s): Maine Coon x Domestic Shorthair.
Age: 9 moons.
Clan: CoveClan.
Rank: Apprentice.
Mentor: Pebbeleap.
Sexuality: Panromantic, Unknown.
Mate: N/a.




Kestrelpaw, upon first glance, appears to be your average, dutiful, apprentice. After knowing him for a short time though it becomes apparent that he's far from that façade. Quite clumsy, awkward, and easily confused, Kestrelpaw still has a lot to learn. His ungracefulness is mostly apparent when he's training, more often than not falling flat on his face trying to do the simplest of tasks. He backs up all of these unhandy traits by being quite the dreamer, often times air-headed, but sweet nonetheless. That is, if you can get past his feigned aloofness.

Normally, Kestrelpaw meanders about camp and tends to the elders and queens. Not trusted much elsewhere, he only gets time away from these duties when he slips away and goes on his own adventures. He spends a surprisingly large amount of time away from the clan despite being only an apprentice. He thoroughly loves Coveclan but due to his young age he still tends to make rash decisions.

When faced with quarrel, Kestrelpaw is a pretty big coward, not that he'd ever admit it. When it comes to other cats, however, he can be a stubborn idiot. He's used to regular scolding from the older cats but never fails to argue back. Most of this is age-related angst and after a bit of sulking, all is forgiven. In all reality he relishes any praise that is given and would likely thrive if a parental-type figure were to enter his life. At the moment though he is just working with what he knows.

Kestreleye is a sightly cat, tall and sleek. His coat is stark black, like the night sky in the twolegplace. His irises are bright, orange-yellow in hue, and oddly intuitive-looking despite the lack of thoughts that go on in his head. He's sub-par at hunting, at best. His gate is odd and he tends to cross his paws over one another when he walks, resulting in tripping or falling quite regularly.


Kestrelpaw's history is short and origins mostly unknown. He was born outside the clans to a pair of kittypets, getting abandoned by his twoleg owners merely days after he had been born. He was found stashed away in a box by a passing warrior and brought back to Coveclan where he had lived since. Many clan cats dealt a hand in raising him, though none solely became his guardian. Due to this he looks at most of his elders as "parents" but not quite. This confusing dynamic has resulted in his skewed attitude and lack of skill.

Boys Will Be Bugs.

click the image for it's source

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Edited on 09/10/21 @ 14:14:24 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

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Posted on
2021-09-20 01:48:34
click the image for it's source

β€œTrue love doesn't exist, for, love is always true.
If it is not true, then it is not love at all.”

Name: Lilypelt. Formerly: Lilypaw, Lilykit.
Gender: She-cat.
Breed(s): Domestic Shorthair.
Age: 96 moons.
Clan: GreenwoodClan.
Rank: Elder.
Apprentice: -
Sexuality: Heterosexual, Heteroromantic.
Mate: Deceased Closed

Swanstar - Daughter - Alive


Old age has made her mind cloudy and feeble but she was once a feline to be loved and respected, then feared and hated. Now she has trouble remembering what it was she ate for breakfast when the sun slid into the sky, or even remembering when the sun had made an appearance. What day is it again?

Some cats never seem to change and in this case, she still wields a lot of her worst traits. Stubborn, argumentative and sometimes demeaning at times she is a force to be reckoned with when she's angry, but give her some time and she'll forget why she was angry in the first place. From time to time she can show a kinder side, usually to younger kits of the clan. It's hard to tell if that's only a façade or if she's genuinely sweet and the anger has a deeper source, though it's a sad truth either way.

Occasionally she will forget where she is or who her clan mates are, or she will have delusions to when she was younger and Swanstar was just a kit. Either way, she's pretty harmless during these spells and the worst thing that can happen is another cat getting mistaken for her daughter or deceased mate.

Lilypelt is quite a petite figure in stature, not in weight. She has gained a few pounds as she has aged, though she carries it well. Her coat, once beautiful and untarnished, is now riddled with scars. Her ears, so badly damaged that they have lost their correct shape. Her eyes are the same soft blue as her daughters, though one has an unmistakable cloudy hue due to blindness.

Her gate is usually that of a skittish, wounded animal and she often times skirts about camp in a feral fashion unless she's lazing about somewhere in the sunshine. Her spine hunches over due to her age and her coat has begun to thin and tarnish in some areas, taking on a dingy appearance and off-white hue.

She met Skystar when they were both only kits, born into the same clan near the same time. It was an instant connection and the two grew up together with a seemingly inseparable bond. It was no surprise that they settled down and became mates, nor was it surprising that Lilypelt became pregnant rather quickly and gave birth to a single kit whose snow-white pelt reminded Lilypelt of the beautiful plumage swans adorned.

The love and happiness she felt with her newborn and loving mate felt like a dream, and it was. She quickly came to realize that love was nothing more than a façade, so easily made up and broken down. She doesn't quite recall when it was she noticed her mate's unfaithfulness and she doesn't particularly want to recall. Maybe she noticed it in the way his eyes lingered on the CoveClan's leader, or the purr in his voice when he spoke to her.. or the loving gaze he gave her kit when she so proudly brought her to their clan meetings.

Spite. She felt it in her heart and soul and wondered what she had done wrong to be treated like this. Her hate soon turned to words she spat at her only daughter, whom she adored. She knew it was wrong, though the anger spewed out of her like a festering wound and she couldn't contain it. More and more, up until her daughter had enough and sunk her claws into her own mother's face. Enough was enough, it was the wake-up call Lilypelt needed. She and her daughter's relationship was torn beyond repair and Lilypelt blamed her mangled features on a passing fox to keep her daughter out of trouble, she had troubled her enough.

When her mate passed she felt little to nothing, she didn't sit beside her lonesome daughter at his vigil nor did she cry when his body was put into the ground. It was expected, of course. Many cats in the clan knew of his fickle ways and those who didn't had their suspicions. It's been many years since she's even looked her daughter in the eye and with her oncoming age it doesn't seem she will ever spur the courage to speak to her again. Only time will tell if their bond can ever be remotely mended.

Wild Child - Expectations
It's your fault for all I do
As if you don't suffer too

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Edited on 09/10/21 @ 14:14:52 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

aristos (#206934)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2021-09-20 16:15:31
Click photo for its source

"And even if it costs my life, Llorona, I won't stop loving you."

Name: Flurrymoth [Formerly: Flurrypaw, Flurrykit]
Gender: She-cat
Breed: Mixed [Rough percentages: 20% Maine Coon,50% Norwegian Forest, 20% Turkish Angora,10% Ragdoll]
Age: 24 moons
Clan: GreenwoodClan
Rank: Warrior
Sexuality: Biromantic, Bisexual
Apprentice: N/A(Open in rp)
Mate(s): N/A(Open in rp)

(Open in OOC)


Flurrymoth takes after her larger ancestors in all but frame, taking after the statuesque build of an Angora, albeit with long legs, and a coat that gives off the illusion of a much larger cat. Her appearance shows off Maine Coon ancestry, what with the she-cat's long pelage, and well-defined muscles. Flurrymoth’s height may come off as slightly intimidating, with the molly standing at 16 inches, but she moves with all the elegance in the world. Each step seems calculated and dignified, though Flurrymoth doesn't mind getting her claws dirty.

Her neck is short, masked only by a large ruff of fur that drapes to her shoulders, while her head is triangle-shaped, with almond-shaped eyes like that of a Wedgie. Her rounded ears are larger, set high on her head, and tufted. Like nearly all Norwegian Forest Cats, the she-cat has webs set between her paws, fur masking them, as well as sharp, half-moon-shaped claws. Her tail is long and plumed, tipped in dark gray.

The dame's coat is rather insulating, and water-repelling, uniform for a feline her size, with a rather fluffy coat that is generally soft and warm, though this varies according to season. In winter, her coat is fairly dense, soft, and has well-developed underfur, which in turn leads Flurrymoth to not mind leaf-bare as much as she ought to. In summer, her coat is not much shorter, but instead lacks a significant portion of her underfur, though her tail remains bushy.

Compared to her family's genetics, her coloring is rather deceiving. Flurrymoth is a blue smoke, the color of clouds on a stormy day, with silver undertones that dapple her fur, nearly overtaking the darker gray that coats her back. Faint, nearly onyx tabby stripes cover the inner and outer surfaces of her forelegs, along with the top of her head, framing a set of eyes of a moss-green hue.

Flurrymoth was born as the oldest in a litter of three, to two well-respected Greenwoodclan warriors by the names of Dawnbreeze, and Thicketdrift. It was no surprise to the clan that the two became mates, and after a few moons, Dawnbreeze was expecting her first (and only) litter. Flurrymoth was born named Flurrykit by her mother, within the safety of the nursery den. 'Ambrosia' lived that pampered life for merely two moons, until her mother decided to leave her home in search of her mate, taking her kits with her. Madelyn and her kits were reluctantly accepted into GreenwoodClan with the assistance of Rowanclaw, though this came at a price. Rowanclaw's reputation was stripped away at the discovery. Ambrosia was then harkened Thornkit while her mother chose to keep her name. While some of Greenwoodclan was not a fan of the new additions to their clan, and they were a little bit more accepting towards the kits, though that couldn't be said for their mother. Greenwoodclans distaste for kittypets made no exception for her, which took the kittypet by surprise, and she struggled greatly with it.
Madelyn was a wonderful mother, and even her father put effort into caring for his kits despite the backlash, but she eventually returned to her twolegs, after weaning her kits. Thornkit was wounded, but she promised her mother she'll be a great warrior and intends on keeping that promise to this day, even if her clanmates might not accept her fully.

Remember Me
Remember me
Though I have to say goodbye
Remember me
Don't let it make you cry
For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart

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Edited on 09/10/21 @ 13:51:37 by |{|GWolf|}| (#206934)

aristos (#206934)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2021-09-21 10:40:58
Click photo for its source

"Stop punishing yourself for being someone with a heart”

Name: Thornpaw (Formerly: Thornkit, Ambrosia)
Gender: She-cat
Breed: Mixed [Oriental Shorthair(50%) & Domestic Shorthair]
Age: 7 moons
Clan: GreenwoodClan
Rank: Apprentice
Sexuality: Not sure
Mentor: N/A(Open in rp)
Mate(s): N/A


Thornpaw looks to be a rather serious feline. Though, under that, she does have moments that show a mischievous personality. Although she tends to daydream, usually to escape reality, she secretly has an optimistic outlook on life. Additionally, she can be rather charming, twisting words to her purposes at times.

To Thornpaw, strangers are people to keep an eye on, so she remains withdrawn until she deems them worthy, or until they talk to her. And the situation about the border is something she finds relatively silly, a paw-step over the border won't kill something for Starclan's sake, but perhaps that is just something she has retained from her kittypet ancestry.

Yet, once she considers someone to be her friend, the she-cats demeanor changes rather drastically. With those she's close to, Thornpaw is easily excitable and rather exuberant. Additionally, she's even friendly and more animated around them, and unafraid to jump into a conversation and crack jokes that can occasionally be inappropriate for a decent company, or instead just make horrible puns. In a sense, her body language makes it obvious that her opinion of that cat has changed.

But don't believe for a second that that is all Thornpaw's disposition is, like her sister, she carries herself with dignity, preferring to keep her tail off the ground, and has learned to turn her words into her weapons, only using claws as a last resort. Sarcasm can and will lace her words, sometimes as a joke, or other times as something serious. And, it's better to not annoy her or hurt her family, then you'll see just how harsh she can be, but that isn't exactly something that happens often.

That being said, when she is alone, this female's personality slightly modifies. Thornpaw hates total silence and will do any number of things to break it, mostly chattering softly to herself. She also enjoys playing with her food, tearing it, and tossing it over her shoulder.

Thornpaw knows she has to work harder to prove herself, but all in all, she's a relatively good apprentice, and loyal to her clan.

Thornpaw takes after her Oriental ancestors quite a bit, retaining a statuesque build, with long legs, and a well-maintained coat that creates a regal-looking she-cat. Her appearance shows off Siamese ancestry, what with the she-cat's longer pelage, lithe figure, and well-defined muscles. Her height is rather average, with the molly standing at 11 inches, but she moves with all the elegance in the world. Each step seems dignified, though Thornpaw doesn't mind getting her claws dirty, unlike her sister.

Her neck is shorter, while her head is triangle-shaped, with almond-shaped eyes, and high-set ears. Like nearly all Orientals's the she-cat has rather dainty-looking paws, as well as sharp, half-moon-shaped claws. Her tail is longer than most and slightly plumed, tipped in dark brown.

The dame's coat is rather insulating, though short, with a rather smooth-looking exterior that is generally soft and warm, though this varies according to season. In winter, her coat is quite a bit denser and has developed a bit more underfur, though she can still feel the cold. In summer, her coat lacks the portion of her underfur she grew, though her tail remains the same.

Compared to her family's coloring, Thornpaw looks more like her father than her mother. The she-cat is of a caramel brown hue, better classified as chocolate smoke, with lighter undertones that brush along her undercoat and stomach, a white diamond-shaped patch perched on her chest. Darker brown mackerel tabby stripes dance across her body, along with the top of her head, framing a set of eyes of a yellow-green hue.

Thornpaw was born to a well-respected Greenwoodclan warrior by the name of Rowanclaw, and a pampered and proper kittypet, Madelyn. The tom had fallen for the molly when they crossed paths near the border, and for a while, his affair with the kittypet went unnoticed. Although, it was inevitable that Madelyn would be expecting his kits. Thornpaw was born as a kittypet, named Ambrosia by her mother, within the warmth of her mother's home. 'Ambrosia' lived that pampered life for merely two moons, until her mother decided to leave her home in search of her mate, taking her kits with her. Madelyn and her kits were reluctantly accepted into GreenwoodClan with the assistance of Rowanclaw, though this came at a price. Rowanclaw's reputation was stripped away at the discovery. Ambrosia was then harkened Thornkit while her mother chose to keep her name. While some of Greenwoodclan was not a fan of the new additions to their clan, and they were a little bit more accepting towards the kits, though that couldn't be said for their mother. Greenwoodclans distaste for kittypets made no exception for her, which took the kittypet by surprise, and she struggled greatly with it.
Madelyn was a wonderful mother, and even her father put effort into caring for his kits despite the backlash, but she eventually returned to her twolegs, after weaning her kits. Thornkit was wounded, but she promised her mother she'll be a great warrior and intends on keeping that promise to this day, even if her clanmates might not accept her fully.

There will come a poet
Whose weapon is His word
He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord
He will slay you with His tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord

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Edited on 09/10/21 @ 12:11:27 by |{|GWolf|}| (#206934)

yoWAi mO (#238465)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2021-09-21 16:25:35

Name: GreatWings [Formerly: GreatKit, GreatPaw]
Gender: Male
Breed: Mixed [Rough percentages: 30% Turkish Angora, 50%American Wirehair, 20% Havana Brown]
Age: 39 moons
Clan: CoveClan
Rank: Warrior
Apprentice: N/A [contact ooc]
Sexuality: Biromantic/Heterosexual

Relationships: GreatWing's children are open to be roleplayed as! Contact ooc for more info [friends, lovers, children (adopted), siblings (biological/adopted) open - contact ooc]

Personality: GreatWings is a passionate, easy-going individual. He loves most cats and loves it even more when they return his friendliness. Not being one of the brightest cats ever, he is gullible and easy to charm. He dislikes fighting, but that doesn't mean he won't. If ordered to, or if absolutely necessary, he would fight with his life. However, he isn't the best fighter. He is rather clumsy in the spur of the moment and gets side-tracked easily, leading him to being a much better nursery tom. He enjoys spending time with kits and personally hopes to have some more of his own in the future.

Appearance: Image

History: GreatWings was born into CoveClan and has been there for all of his life, loyalty to the clan never wavering. He lived a happy life, with two loving parents. His parents passed away peacefully in their sleep due to old age when he was two years old, but it never seemed to bother him. After his parents' deaths he found a mate, SpringStep, who he happily had kits with. However their relationship only lasted two years, when she suddenly left the clan and took their children with her. From time to time he wonders if his kits and former mate are still alive, but doesn't dwell on it, because like many other things, their departure never seemed to particularly trouble him. GreatWings currently lives contentedly with his clan, hoping to form a family once again.

Speaks with a British accent that's hard not to notice- he also uses some very English slang. (bum, bird [she-cat], rubbish, etc.)

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Edited on 26/09/21 @ 23:17:31 by πŸ‹ (#238465)

samaelπŸͺ½ (#237217)

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Posted on
2021-09-21 18:04:48

"May you forgive those who have wronged you, but never forget. Unless you have amnesia."


Name: Fawnpaw Formerly, Fawnkit

Gender: Female

Breed(s): Pure Calico Cat

Age: 8 Moons

Clan: GreenwoodClan

Rank: Apprentice

Apprentice/Mentor: Unknown, ask in OOC

A bit deeper...

Sexuality: What'?



Fawnpaw, with much room to develop her personality, has always been adventurous from the start. In her younghood, as a kit, she got into much trouble with sneaking out of camp constantly with no restrictions. Yet it never stopped her heart from exploring the outside. Often running into risks and trouble, she has died down on the rebelliousness and is slowly learning that not everything will be friendly for her as she has grown.Β 

Usually likeable, she is able to reassure others in their doings. Allowing herself to get along with others and comfort them when in need. Some would call her social, but she just thinks that communicating lots and sharing your feels is the way of life. Some doubt that she'll keep those qualities when she grows to become a warrior, or anything even above that if she ever does.

She is a helpful individual to her friends, mentor, and elders. (Fun fact; Fawnpaw considers warriors or older cats, elders no matter whether or not they are an elder.) Yet sometimes, her help can be a curse. Incredibly squirmy and easy-to-get-bored, she doesn't stay in one place. If things get too boring for her, she goes poof. For this trait is why she is so adventurous as she believes she can't live her life without surprise and learning new things. The good surprises, of course. And as much as she loves exploring, she is a fast learner and catches on things quick. Allowing her to be proficient in almost any task given to her.


TW; Mentions of death


Adult ref; pexels-photo-2645486.jpeg?auto=compress&cs=tinysrgb&dpr=2&h=650&w=940


Not added yet.



Child ref; Here.
Adult ref; Here.

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Edited on 26/09/21 @ 13:18:19 by Sen. πŸ¦‹ (#237217)

yoWAi mO (#238465)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-21 19:34:00
Name: DoveGaze [Formerly: DoveKit, DovePaw]
Gender: Male
Breed: Mixed [Rough percentages: 60% Norwegian Forest, 25% Maine Coon, 15% La Perm]
Age: 31 moons
Clan: GreenwoodClan
Rank: Warrior
Apprentice: HeatherPaw
Sexuality: Homoromantic/Homosexual

Relationships: [friends, kits (adoptive), parental figures, cousins and lovers open - contact ooc]

Personality: DoveGaze is a sweet, quiet cat who, surprisingly, loves to cause mischief every now and then. He enjoys playing games with kits and teasing CoveClan by hopping back and forth across the borders. Despite being playful and a bit of a trouble-maker, he cares very much about his clan and tries his best not to seem insensitive. He would fight a war for his clanmates and would likely be saddened if any one of them passed- even if he rarely spoke to them. He has selective mutism, only feeling comfortable speaking to certain cats. He would speak more if he could, but at times, he finds that he simply can't talk at all. It causes some horrible miscommunications sometimes, but he tries to find ways around that by using simple motions and gestures.

Appearance: Image

History: Dove was born a parentless loner due to maternal mortality, but was found by GreenwoodClan cats very quickly, since he was born inside of their territory. He was cared for by the clan and eventually grew to be an extremely loyal clan-cat, knowing nothing of the circumstances of his birth; he'd always assumed his parents were clan-cats that had passed away when he was young and never bothered to ask. He now serves GreenwoodClan whole-heartedly, loyalty wavering not once. Sometimes he thinks about finding a mate and forming a 'complete' family, but hasn't put the idea to action in any way, as he is perfectly content with caring for his adopted daughter, AceKit.


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Edited on 27/09/21 @ 00:09:09 by πŸ‹ (#238465)

murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

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Posted on
2021-09-21 20:28:15

Name: Acekit (Acepaw, Acewing)
Gender: Female
Breed(s): Medium Hair
Age: 4 mths
Voice: Karen Fukuhara
Clan: GreenwoodClan
Rank: Kit
Apprentice/Mentor: None
Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Acekit is a silly, goofy little kitten. She is extremely naughty and after sneaks into CoveClan to say hello, which most cats don’t mind, as she is excellent company. WIP
History: WIP
Other: Uses male terms, β€˜She’s their brother!’
Theme- A Million Dreams
Adult Ref-

~image 1 credit~
~image 2 credit~

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Edited on 23/09/21 @ 18:56:54 by βš”Murderthistleβš” (#230278)

Ellesmera ( Semi
Inactive) (#236564)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-09-21 21:39:28
siam-2726108_960_720.jpg Source
" I live in the dark to keep others in the light."
Name: Paintclaw

Gender: She-cat

Breed(s): Siamese Mix. ( Some tabby blood and some Savannah Cat)

Age: 26 Moons ( 2 years and 2 months)

Clan: Greenwood
Rank: Warrior

Apprentice/Mentor: None ATM ( Ask in OOC)

Sexuality: Pansexual

( will be added in rp and through OOC)

PaintClaw is seen by most as heartless. She had a very hard time as a kit, and that hardened her to what she is today. At a first meeting with her, most cat's think she is dangerous and mean. Which, is sometimes the case. Paint can, and will severely injure you if you do something she doesn't like, which could be any number of things. Hurt her Clan, Hurt her Kits, Hurt her loved ones. Honestly, don't touch any of the things she calls her and you'll be fine.

Those that are in Greenwood call her the protecter. She is always looking out for everyone in the Clan. Paintclaw always eats last, and makes sure the kits are safe. She barely sleeps because she's to busy looking after the other's to look after herself. Paint is usually found wander around the Clan territory in the middle of the night. Trying to protect everyone from everything.

History: WIP

Main: She Used to Be Mine by Sara Bareilles;
"She's imperfect but she tries
She is good but she lies
She is hard on herself
She is broken and won't ask for help
She is messy but she's kind
She is lonely most of the time
She is all of this mixed up
And baked in a beautiful pie"
Side: WIP

Other: Based off my Lion oc. Vitchka the Murder gal. Sorry the image is so huge. HTML for resizing isn't working.
Voice Claim: Jena Malone

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Edited on 09/10/21 @ 14:19:36 by Ellesmera ( Lights Off) (#236564)

Ellesmera ( Semi
Inactive) (#236564)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-21 22:32:10
" If you love the world, the world will love you back."
Name: RedCrow

Gender: She-cat

Breed(s): Mixed to far to tell.

Age: 12 moons. ( One year)

Clan: Just joined CoveClan

Rank: Doesn't have one yet. But probably just Warrior.

Apprentice/Mentor: None ATM ( Ask in OOC when she's older.)

Sexuality: Bi.


Personality: RedCrow is a very loving and sweet she-cat. Sometimes, Red act's like a kit. Playing around with the kit's and causing some trouble. But that's a new thing. She missed out on a lot of her kit hood, and is making up for it now. When she grows out of that stage, she'll become a more calm and relaxed She-Cat.

Red is very trusting. Like absurdly so. It works out sometimes, but half the time it doesn't. She has the scar's to prove it. Red bonds quickly to other cats.

History: WIP

Main: WIP
Side: Baby Shark

Other: Huge WIP

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Edited on 24/09/21 @ 05:24:46 by Ellesmera, That Talking Crow (#236564)

Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-22 18:26:27
click the image for it's source

He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none.

Name: Brokenpeach Formerly: Brokenpaw, Brokenkit.
Gender: Tom.
Breed(s): Unknown.
Age: 25 moons.
Clan: CoveClan.
Rank: Warrior.
Apprentice: N/a.
Sexuality: Homoromantic, Asexual.
Mate: N/a, open through roleplay.

Specksnout - Mother - Coveclan NPC.
Pepperpuddle - Father - Coveclan NPC.

Open to siblings his age or younger!


Brokenpeach has a flittering personality, depending on the season and the current mood of the world around him. He is open minded, kindhearted, and quite soft-spoken though his words usually hold immense value when he speaks. He has a serine and pure air to him but can get rather distracted by his own thoughts at times. If you catch him in the right moment, he can even act a bit air-headed. He adores others cats, finding immense happiness by being in the presence of his clan or even complete strangers. His adoration and obedient nature can lead him to being mislead or even used by the felines he puts his trust into.

He genuinely loves living, loves the world, and everything in it. Seeing the death or struggle of any other living being pains him beyond words and he's quite finicky when it comes to killing his meals. Due to his love of nature he finds himself quite depressed when leaf-bare rears it's ugly head, burying all the beautiful plants under it's icy weight. During this time he can act quite melancholy, relying on his clanmates to lift his spirits. Likewise, he is often around to soothe their nerves if they are in need of a kind word.

He has a strong dislike for himself. Actively avoiding any way of seeing his reflection or speaking about his worries, he does anything he can to keep the attention off of him. Constantly plagued by self-doubt, he has little confidence in his abilities and rarely takes compliments seriously. (WIP.)

Brokenpeach is average in height for a tom, though somewhat petite and "pretty" looking. His appearance is rather normal save for his missing eye. His coat is short, sleek, and a mix of peach fur with orange tabby stripes. White covers most of his undercoat, shoulders, and face. He has faint scars on his face and limbs, though none were what caused him to lose his eye. He was born that way naturally.

History: TW: Abandonment.

Theme and voice:

click the image for it's source

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Edited on 09/10/21 @ 21:01:38 by Sleep 🌱 (#44085)

yoWAi mO (#238465)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-22 18:53:26

"Everybody wants to be a hero until they realize
the heroes haven't got it any better than we do."

Name: DawnStream [Formerly: DawnKit, DawnPaw]
Gender: Male
Breed: Mixed [Rough percentages: 50% Abyssinian, 25% American Wirehair, 25% Aegan]
Age: 70 moons
Clan: CoveClan
Rank: Medicine Cat
Apprentice: BerryPaw
Sexuality: Aro/Ace

Relationships: [friends and siblings (biological/adopted) open - contact ooc]

Personality: DawnStream has an aloof, distant, and elusive personality. He does not speak to others more than a few words at a time and is not outgoing or sociable. He is very blunt and confrontational. He rarely takes into consideration if his wording is going to offend someone. He is serious and his sense of humor is equivalent to that of wet cardboard. Being a very literal cat, making jokes around him may not be the best thing. Despite being so bland, he is extremely loyal and hard-working and never gets annoyed when cats visit him.

Appearance: Image

History: TW: Mentions of murder, abuse/abusive relationships


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Edited on 09/10/21 @ 14:17:08 by β€πŸ‹β€ (#238465)

murderthistle |
they/it/any (#230278)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-23 14:38:52

Name: Mothlight (Formerly, Mothpaw, Mothkit)
Gender: Male
Breed(s): Norwegian Forest Cat ,Other Breeds Unknown
Age: 4 yrs
Clan: GreenwoodClan
Rank: Medicine Cat
Voice: WIP
Apprentice/Mentor: Fawnpaw
Sexuality: Unknown, he never talks about his feelings that much.

Personality: Mothlight is generally grumpy, stubborn, but he has a soft centre and won't say no to his Clanmates' asking for help. He wishes he could fight, be more than he is, but he knows that he must do what he can and do it to his best. He is a gruff brute most of the time.

Appearance: A long-fluffy furred cat with a white face an underbelly. He has a ginger-tabby blanket on his back, legs and cheek fluff. His eyes are a milky blue, as he is mostly blind, with pale scars scattered around his face. He was half blinded when he protected the Clan's youngest from an insane cat, now known as Blade.
History: WIP
Other: WIP
image source [Others are screenshots from the Warrior Cat game on Roblox, all models are coloured by me]

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Edited on 07/10/21 @ 20:08:28 by Murderthistle- πŸ•― Lights On (#230278)

samaelπŸͺ½ (#237217)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2021-09-26 13:16:14

"To be a hero, you need to die like one."

Name: Smokeclaw Formerly, Smokepaw, Smokekit.

Gender: Male

Breed(s): Pure Calico Cat

Age: 36Β Moons

Clan: GreenwoodClan

Rank: Warrior

Apprentice/Mentor: Unknown/None

Sexuality: Straight

Relationships: Ask in OOC.


Cold and blunt, he's quite brutal with his words. He speaks to the truth and the point. Rarely ever letting anyone bring him down, verbally. He isn't the most strong cat, but strategic and sly. Every movement of his is precise with accuracy and thought put into it. He doesn't allow many to straw close to him. Extra wary of he knows of the consequences. He gives off much of a high authority demeanor, even if he doesn't hold such role.

He isn't very social. Working with partners yet keeping a safe distance away from them. He isn't liked much, but nobody has said anything about him. It is unknown what makes him so distant and cold, but some think that he may be just afraid of getting hurt, they are skeptical themselves about the theory.

Diligent in his tasks and work, he is stale and demanding when it means business. He is able to quickly and efficiently do his tasks given to him and help out, when needed. His best skills are stalking, as Smokeclaw believes that the trick of surprise is the most helpful asset in his skillset. Being able to attack, or at least act, first gives him an upper hand during fights.


TW; Death



Not added yet.


Source: Here.

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Edited on 26/09/21 @ 20:58:21 by Sen. πŸ¦‹ | β˜„2x ros demi (#237217)

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