Posted by [FEB] In-game Sexual Art Toggle

Firenkyo 🌼 (#128989)

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Posted on
2023-01-09 20:54:43
So, February has a lot of sexual art. For many users, it is awkward, uncomfortable, and/or disturbing to see. I am proposing an in-game toggle that just removes the art from these encounters but keeps the text. So, for instance, the mating achromatic and melanistic lion decor would just show the explore biome background and no character art, but would still show the usual text and options.

I am aware that there is a tutorial on the wiki ( to block the sexual images. However, many other users probably are not, and it is not stated on any event posts or on the event page. This method also requires an extension to be downloaded, and will not work on mobile. I know several lioden players, myself included, that play on mobile and would really like to stop seeing all that. Yes, this game is 16+, and no genitalia is shown, but users can still feel uncomfortable with it.

There are already in-game toggles for a variety of things, like pregnant images, custom decor on lions, and of course the marking censor. There is also the opportunity to opt out of the event entirely, but seeing as not all of the encounters are sexual and the event is a major money maker for players I don't think it's a valid option for people just interested in losing the sexual art.

To restate - a toggle, perhaps on the event page or on your user profile, that gives the option to remove sexual images from explore encounters. If not that, a link to the wiki page about blocking images would be nice on the news post or event page.

I'm not sure how difficult this idea would be to implement, but I think it might be a good thing to think on for future Feb events!

Additional suggestions!

From Lunarmoon - the mating encounter is hidden behind a bush
From Taevali - the mating encounter is replaced by a black screen or a nsfw warning to prevent the player from skipping over the encounter by accident
From Fern [side] - this toggle or another one would also block out extreme gore like that seen in the March event

To restate, this would be a TOGGLE, so users that prefer the explore to be the same would simply not turn the toggle on. It would not affect their gameplay in any way.

This suggestion has 716 supports and 96 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/02/23 @ 18:58:03 by Firenkyo 🌼 (#128989)

𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 10:48:25
Az -
While I get your point, the coding for Wolvden is VERY different from that of Lioden. Its far newer and far more refined. For Lioden to have many of the things it has, the site needs a full overhaul - though iirc, staff are working on that anyways. But past that, you can't compare the two sites, because while they may be relatively similar from a user level, they're incredibly different monsters from a developer level.

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Az [Incense 3/31/23
NRLC] (#120781)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 11:09:01
Quantum Racoon -

Yeah, just saw xylax's clarification about that. That makes sense a lot of sense. Hopefully, they do address that completely in its own post, as opposed to hidden in the replies, because I'm not sure how many people saw that.

But yeah, I wish they had at least acknowledged it because until now it kind of seemed like favoritism towards wolvden :/ (obviously I don't hold that opinion anymore, just to clarify lol)

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🪼Eli ☆
🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 (#244875)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 11:53:13
I think that they should just either censor the encounters with like, bushes and stuff until the recode (this would probably be around next year, so only 1 feb with the censor) and then just add a toggle after the recode, its SO MUCH simpler.

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Firenkyo 🌼 (#128989)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 12:39:58
"This only has so many supports because it's advertised a lot!"
You're SUPPOSED to advertise suggestions..??? If anything, the advertising makes it MORE open to no supports because I am bringing up something that people don't like, where they can easily find it and no support it.
Is it so hard to believe that people actually support having an in-game option to curate your own experiences?

Also, I think that most of the "don't change it!" votes are because lioden is CONSTANTLY putting new unnecessary things onto their workload. People want male poses and jaglions, not for artists to distract themselves drawing...the aftermath of mating? It's a ridiculous option for the poll. Adding like...a bush in front of it would be better and less work intensive.

And I am constantly seeing "ooooh no now people will ask for toggles for things that make them uncomfortable!!"
So? Let them! They either get accepted or rejected. Why would it matter to other players if there's an option to toggle spiders or snakes? They can keep them in and the people that don't like them can keep me out.
I chose to make this suggestion about February encounters because they tend to be the most awkward for the most demographics. Some people don't like seeing mating animals and some people explore in public (it's slightly more awkward to explain "nooo this mating animal art is for a game" than to explain "oh this gore art is for a game").

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BeautifulDisaster07 (#96801)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-01-27 13:09:32
Having a third option for the poll is ridiculous. It’s sabotage!! It’s a way to again say, ‘we tried!’
But it’s unfair. It’s skewed. So devs, can you really say you tried when the poll didn’t offer a toggle option? Additionally, if the toggle is difficult to implement, then the bush option or a black screen with the text would suffice.

It’s ludicrous to add to an existing heavy workload by saying we will redraw encounters.

When you think of it, really stop and think about it, the poll should’ve had TWO options..
HIDE the encounters
Leave the encounters the same.

That’s it. Adding the third, imo is again sabotage. Because as was previously stated those that selected the second option nullified their votes.

So to be fair — loop both option 1 and option 2 votes together. Doing so paints a picture, a large population of your members want change!!! There’s still a large majority that wants to change things about February encounters. The gap between those that want change{even those voting option 2}, is still very close. So close it’s hard to disregard.

To add insult to injury, the wording of the third option.. I strongly dislike. It’s a very opinionated, slanted statement that pushes a narrative that carries a very negative tone!!

“Leave the encounters, they are fine as they are.”

Really??? So is Anyone NOT fine with the encounters somehow lacking???
I think it’s obvious many people have taken issue with this.

I was the biggest supporter of believing the devs cared. I stayed positive. I chose to believe and hope that our voice would be heard and something would be done.

Now I no longer believe that. This poll is, I have no words. This poll is damaging. I feel completely disregarded.

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Edited on 27/01/24 @ 13:11:06 by BeautifulDisaster07 (#96801)

[ heartbroken ] [ G2
] (#209190)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 13:31:25
Xylax responded to the toggle suggestions on page 7 of the news post- linking it here so it's easier to find: clicky

Given that a toggle isn't a feasible option until after the site recode, the poll makes a lot more sense- they're definitely at least addressing that yes, there is an issue with the encounters, and to me it seems more like they're giving us our current options and further code-based solutions are something to revisit after the recode. Imo it's a lot less that the admins don't care and more that they just miscommunicated this one really badly :'D

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Firenkyo 🌼 (#128989)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 13:37:00
A lot of other people in the news post said that they're fine with waiting for a toggle, as long as admins are transparent with it. It seems like a LOT of the polls recently have been misleading (jaglions vs spirited pose with no updates or progress on either shown) and it's pretty annoying. I wish they'd at least mentioned it in the post instead of a random news page. Also, adding two options for "we don't like this!" splits it up more so that the "we like it!" stays on top.

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𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 13:37:07
Hard agree with Heartbroken. Its not that they don't care, its that they have limited options with what they can do and so they're at least giving those options instead of fully disregarding everybody. And sure, the options aren't great. And yeah, they need to clarify more that there is a limit to what they can do. But its kinda shitty to get mad at them over something that really isn't much in their control. This site is getting up there in age - hell, give it a bit longer and it'll be older than some of its users.

So maybe, instead of being loudly and vocally upset over the poll, just accept the fact that at least your concerns are being addressed, y'all. Because face it. Are you the one working with the code? No? Then you don't know what the site is and isn't capable of supporting. And that's like getting mad that an '03 Santa Fe doesn't have the off-roading bounce mode.

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Equagga|G5 Harbinger
DHR Felis (#105402)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 13:44:32
Majorly, majorly miscommunicated. If not for this thread I wouldn't know there had been admin response. Sometimes I think the news achievement needs to be retired because actual conversations about the news are swamped with people posting NEWS!.

I sincerely hope an explore image filter is coming in the recode. Xylax didn't say so in his reply, only that with the existing code it is not easy. I think all everyone wants (in general) is more transparency about why things are being done. Encounter art won't be done by the same artists working on jaglions and the spirited pose, and that wasn't put in the main message either, leading people to worry adding to the art workload would push those very desired things back even further.

"This week's poll: some members have been asking for a way to toggle certain event images in explore. That's not possible with the way the site's current code is, but will be included in the recode. For now, what would you like to see done with February's more suggestive imagery? Note that a different team handles art for encounters than the one working on jaglions and male poses.
Option A: Just put bushes over the existing art.
Option B: Redraw the encounters to be solidly SFW."

No 'I don't care about other people' option included, lmao.

That is what I wish the poll had been. I'm not even put off by the images myself, nor do I play at work... But I might if I didn't have to worry about stuff I don't want my coworkers seeing and making assumptions about.

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𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 13:46:49
E-quagga -
I disagree, I do think that the 'the encounters are fine' option should have remained. Its not an 'I don't care about other people' option, and putting it as such just makes you sound like one of those petulant kids on tiktok who get mad over the existence of Yuribu. Not to say that you are a puriteen by any means, but just rather that calling it as such is rather unkind and childish. Especially when 'they're fine as they are' is the most popular poll option at present.

In all honesty, the poll options are good. You've got 'remove it', 'semi-remove it', 'leave it be', which is a perfectly good spread.

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Edited on 27/01/24 @ 13:50:41 by 𐂂Quantum Raccoon𐂂 (#164933)

𓃠 Skyward 𓅂 (#443402)

Epic Fail
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Posted on
2024-01-27 15:29:57
Quantum Raccoon, what the heck’s a “Yuribu”?

As the poll is now, it seems to me like if they change the art they won’t go back to the way it is now even if there is a toggle for other event art later, which is why I voted for the “leave everything as is” option. I wish the facts of that, and the reason for no toggle currently, was put on the poll page. I like how it was during the development update poll, where they said if treasure hunting was added during other months it would be for shorter than a month long in the news post and poll directly. I haven’t voted on a lot of polls because I didn’t know enough about the information.

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Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 15:37:21
This poll feels very much like a cop-out for admins to say "we tried".

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𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 15:46:57
Skyward -
It's an anime that's incredibly not child friendly. This isn't the place to go into detail about it (hence why I chose the name that'll be harder to find lmfao) but it was very...infamous awhile back. And a lot of children were very upset over the existence of a media that wasn't for them.

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Equagga|G5 Harbinger
DHR Felis (#105402)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 15:47:26
No. For one thing, I'm old enough I have no idea what you're referring to. Two, it's not even about the art at this point. Here's a better explanation about why I'm salty about the poll, since I think the way this kind of question is framed is important, more important than the content. 'What should we do about this?' and 'should we do something about this?' are two different questions, and they should be asked separately. If the admins wanted to know if people would like the February art toned down, that was a question they should have asked before. By lumping it in with a 'what should we do about this?' question, it comes across as if they're saying, 'we know this is a problem, but do we have to do something about it?' And when it comes to accessibility, that ain't the way to handle it.

It's a literal accessibility issue in that in deters people from using the site in public, and for a percentage of the userbase, because it genuinely grosses them out.

An RL analogy that might make my stance clearer: Say you work in a building that's old and has those steep, tall steps some older places have. They're okay if you're tall, but if you're short, they're a pain in the butt (literally, sometimes) to go up and down. The boss knows this, because people complain about it, and at a staff meeting presents the following options:
A) rebuild the stairs to be less steep and with shorter steps
B) put in an elevator
C) don't change them, the steps are fine.

From the perspective of the tall employees, the steps are fine, so if there's even a few more of them than short employees, then the short employees are likely to have their problem shelved because the short employees might have a divided opinion, with some wanting new stairs and some wanting the lift, so neither change will be the majority... even if the total votes for some kind of change are the majority when combined. But, that's great for the company, because now they don't have to devote time or money to renovations, and that's why you pose a question like that.

Do you see now why giving a 'do nothing, I'm fine' option at this stage in the game is weasel-y? The devs are acknowledging there's an issue, but asking the userbase to give them a way out of doing anything about it. If they had any question about how much of the userbase would like any degree of tweaking versus none at all, that should've been a separate poll. Based on current polling, it would be very close, and probably make more sense to tweak the art even if 'no change' won by less than a hundred votes.

Yes, this is a pet game, but this kind of thinking/not understanding why it's not useful is pretty pervasive in the real world and it is an issue. I'm not bothered by the Feb. art personally (but again, don't want my coworkers seeing it) but I am personally bothered by this kind of corner cutting. Even if it was unintentional, it feels sneaky, and isn't a good look for a dev team already under fire for lack of transparency. It probably was unintentional but well, that's not a great look either, frankly. I'd rather the devs worked a little slower and got things out right than the rushing that's happened lately (coffee beans not working on release comes to mind). This is minor in comparison, but again- it just doesn't speak well to the behind the scenes processes.

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🪼Eli ☆
🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 (#244875)

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Posted on
2024-01-27 15:54:58
the worst part is that the other option that isnt "its fine leave it" is SO, VERY, UNREALISTIC. can the art team redo all the encounters? NO. did the devs know that? YES. they put it as an option anyways because they KNEW IT IS A DUMB OPTIONS, they knew people woulnt vote for that because of ow inefficient it is!!

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