Posted by ใ€Š ๐•‹๐•™๐•– ๐•‹๐•ฃ๐•š๐•“๐•–๐•ค rp ใ€‹

๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-08-26 00:38:05

โ–ช๏ธŽ๐•‹๐•™๐•– ๐•‹๐•ฃ๐•š๐•“๐•–๐•คโ–ช๏ธŽ
become part of the forest tribe and see the world through their eyes

Hey, I'm so happy this reached you! Welcome to a warrior cat related/based roleplay! As you might have noticed, this isn't about the clans but the tribes, mostly based on the Tribe of the Rushing Waters, however, with different traditions and culture. It's more like the name inspired the roleplay. Maybe you could give this a chance? It's still very new so I'm very sorry for any mistakes or problems that could occur, please let me know so that I can fix them!




What this roleplay offers
- (better be) a fun and friendly environment
- a safe place for ALL
- LGBTQ+ relationships โ™ก
- Occasionally forbidden relationships! (Ask tho!)
- High ranks!

To join
1. Create your character in the character Sheets!
2. If you want a high rank, message me first!
3. Begin roleplaying, interactions are highly recommended โ™ก
4. Have fun


Tribe of the Rivers:

Tribe of the Deserts:

Tribe of the Forests:


discuss anything here please!

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Edited on 09/03/24 @ 07:01:51 by ๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-09-10 21:21:12
Flight | Forest + Shaman | Forest Camp| Blood

Flight had just left the mother's burrow when she heard a weird 'thumb, thumb' as if something was jumping through the camp clearing. First she couldn't detect what it was and so she just stood there, until a scent flodded into her nose; Blood! Following the scent the blind cat followed the other cat that seemingly limped back to the Warrior's burrow. Quickly Flight followed...

"Blood? Wait!"

Flight finally caught up to the other and let her whiskers direct her to stand face to face with the other she cat.

"Why are you jumping around camp? Did something happen?"

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Edited on 11/09/23 @ 10:40:14 by ๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-09-11 10:38:02
Moon | River + Healerโ€™s Future| River Camp |Mentions: Ash

She licked her lips, not sure how to answer his question. She tried to hunt after her wounds were healed, despite her mother and the healer suggesting it might be better if she did something different. Sure her other senses are better than before, but it was different than actually seeing the prey. What Mede it even more difficult that it happened just at the beginning of her training and she hadnโ€™t quite got the hang of hunting. If she had been an experienced hunter, maybe it would be different thenโ€ฆ She didnโ€™t want to think about it further. โ€I tried.โ€, she simply said after a moment of silence.

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Bay_Cat_108 (#272711)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2023-09-16 12:10:58
((I'm sos orry, i've been really unmotivated lately, but I'm back :D What's happened since i was gone?

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๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-09-16 12:26:42
(I'm glad you're back! Well Blood fainted at some point and Flight is trying to figure out why and Ash and moon have something going on aswell :D Please use the OOC next time though! <3)

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Bay_Cat_108 (#272711)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2023-09-16 15:02:00
Creek l Forest + Healer l Camp l No-one

The dark tabby med cat sorted through their herbs, picking out the dry and useless ones. Their tail swayed as they became immersed in heir tasks.

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Silence of Silence (#290511)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-09-17 05:43:30
Ash | River + Hunter | River Camp | Moon

โ€œOhโ€ฆโ€ Ash mumbled a few seconds after Moon spoke. He felt bad again. That was probably too far. He shifted his paws a little, looking around. What else could he say to save this disaster. โ€œAt least youโ€™re not-!โ€ He cut himself off abruptly. No. Bad Ash. โ€œWhat I meant is uh- at least- at least you can still do something you enjoy..! Right?โ€ Maybe he should go find something else to do before this goes to far. Ash had thought he was doing a good job, but now he had a revelation. What type of warrior would bring up such a sensitive topic to talk about? Especially to a cat he didnโ€™t know all that well. But itโ€™s not like Ash is going to worry about that, he just needed to scoot on to another topic as quick as possible and maybe he could salvage this interaction. โ€When were you planning on going out herb hunting?โ€

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Bay_Cat_108 (#272711)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2023-09-20 18:20:20
Creek - Forest + Healer - Forest Camp - No-one

The large brown tabby cat stood and shook the dead leaves and berries from their pelt. As they yawned, the smell of fresh-kill invaded their senses, and they licked their maw in anticipation. Turning from their post, they did a once-over, silently counting up what they had plenty of and what they would have to forage for.
Having taken their mental notes, Creek trotted out of their burrow, squinting their eyes as they were met with the sun's glowing welcome. They stood there, content to warm up in the inviting rays, before following their stomach to the prey pile.
(Open for interactions.)

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๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-09-20 22:22:41
(I'll make flight move on from blood so that she can interact with you Bay)
Flight | Forest + Shaman | Forest Camp | Creek

As Blood hadn't been able to talk, perhaps due to the heavy breathing or because of how frightened she seemed, Flight had brought her to a small den and let her rest there for now. She wasn't really sure what to do now, so the small brown cat walked across the open clearing of the camp until her senses told her another cat stood close to the prey pile. Flight's stomach grumbled, she hadn't eaten the whole day and slowly but surely she became more tired just because of that. With a quick decision the she followed her senses towards the prey pile, which carried the smell of the freshest pieces, before using her whiskers to find a smaller animal, a mouse. Flight took the rodent between her fangs and carried it a couple steps backwards, where she lowered herself to the ground. Still the scent of the other cat lingered in her nose until finally she identified it! It must had been the hunger that hid the cat's name from her.

"Creek?.. would you like to come and eat beside me?"

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#1 Mel fan | -4r1-.
he-him. (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-09-21 11:49:34
marsh|forest+warrior|forest camp
marsh was just walked up to the prey pile, setting down a squirell

(idk what I'm doing sorry TvT)

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Edited on 21/09/23 @ 11:49:44 by ♥4r!♥ ΘΔ (#378108)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-09-21 13:57:25
Moon | River + Healerโ€™s Future| River Camp |Mentions: Ash

At first she didnโ€™t say anything, didnโ€™t now what else to say. Then he said that she could at least do something she enjoyed. Butโ€ฆ did she really enjoy being a healerโ€™s future. She never really thought about that. She wanted to be a hunter, but then she couldnโ€™t and she had adjusted to it. She took another bite of the mouse. She didnโ€™t really want to think about it now, but she probably should think about it at some point. She was glad then his question, when she would go gathering herbs, snapped her out of her thoughts and that he changed the topic. โ€I still have some time, before I need to go.โ€

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Bay_Cat_108 (#272711)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2023-09-21 16:00:49
Creek ~ Forest + Healer ~ Forest Camp ~ Flight

The large tabby perked their ears as the shaman spoke to them, and they nodded happily. Picking through the pile, they chose a water vole for themself and trotted to join the Flight. Tucking their paws under them, they began to settle down to enjoy their meal, basking in the sun's rays and the songs of the forest.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" They said to the small brow tabby, looking at her through half-closed eyes. a content purr emitted from their throat. This was paradise.

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[she/her] - hiatus (#428818)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-09-21 16:15:03
[I know I haven't been saying anything, but that's just because no one has been mentioning me! I'm always ready to RP! ]
Frost | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp; Nursery Burrow | Blood, Flight, Wind

Frost watched as Flight left the mother's burrow. She had been hiding in the corner, just in case Flight had been a big scary cat. She stepped out from the corner and looked at Wind, "I'm going to follow Flight," she mewed softly, "I just want to leave the den for a bit, maybe I'll practice my stalking skills.." She left the den and followed Flight until she saw the she-cat run up to Blood. Frost stalked closer, staying hidden in the shadows, hoping her white pelt didn't spoil her stalking. Woah, Blood looks pretty scratched up! thought Frost, looking at the red she-cat's wounds and limp. As a very young kit, she had never seen her tribemates injured before and it broke her heart to see Blood now.

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Edited on 21/09/23 @ 16:19:53 by olliewollie [she/her] (#428818)

[she/her] - hiatus (#428818)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-09-21 16:23:04
Flower | Desert + Mother | Desert Camp | Sunset + Bright

Flower sat inside of the mother's den and waited for Bright and Sunset to get back. It was getting dark. I hope they're not hurt! worried Flower. Flower decided to go out and hunt just in case they hadn't found any fresh-kill on their adventure. She padded out of the den and to the oasis, there was usually some sort of prey there.

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๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-09-22 07:20:11
Flight | Forest + Shaman | Forest Camp | Creek, Marsh, Frost

A slight purr erupted from Flight as Creek mentioned the wonderful day. It was true that the forest's song were especially hypnotising today and the warmth surrounding her made Flight feel protected. The brown she heard Creek began eating so she followed suit. Flight had noticed Marsh who had come to the prey pile aswell and Frost who had followed her out of the nursery when she saw blood, she wondered where the kit was now....

"Is Frost around here somewhere? I would have located her myself but the smell of the freshkill blocks my senses."

She laughed as she turned her head to Creek. They seemed happy today, another reason why she herself was too.

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Silence of Silence (#290511)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-09-22 09:48:50
Ash | River + Hunter | River Camp | Moon

โ€Oh nice! Iโ€™m thinking Iโ€™ll head out to him soon. Gotta stretch my legs, catch some prey!โ€ He grinned and slid his front paws out in front of him, flexing his claws. โ€But before that, I gotta ask what do you think of the other tribes? Yโ€™know from Gatherings. I personally think itโ€™s goofy how everyone keeps getting into border fights and stuff. Donโ€™t get me wrong, fights here and there are fun, but those full out battles?โ€ He shivered, sitting back up. โ€just seems like unnecessary injury and death. Think about how much more cats we could chat with if our tribe had all the cats! Then we could have fun little fights and drama! Oh it could be so cool!โ€ He let out a content sigh. โ€what do you think?โ€ He turned back to Moon beside him.

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Edited on 22/09/23 @ 09:49:14 by Northe (#290511)

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