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๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-08-26 00:38:05

โ–ช๏ธŽ๐•‹๐•™๐•– ๐•‹๐•ฃ๐•š๐•“๐•–๐•คโ–ช๏ธŽ
become part of the forest tribe and see the world through their eyes

Hey, I'm so happy this reached you! Welcome to a warrior cat related/based roleplay! As you might have noticed, this isn't about the clans but the tribes, mostly based on the Tribe of the Rushing Waters, however, with different traditions and culture. It's more like the name inspired the roleplay. Maybe you could give this a chance? It's still very new so I'm very sorry for any mistakes or problems that could occur, please let me know so that I can fix them!




What this roleplay offers
- (better be) a fun and friendly environment
- a safe place for ALL
- LGBTQ+ relationships โ™ก
- Occasionally forbidden relationships! (Ask tho!)
- High ranks!

To join
1. Create your character in the character Sheets!
2. If you want a high rank, message me first!
3. Begin roleplaying, interactions are highly recommended โ™ก
4. Have fun


Tribe of the Rivers:

Tribe of the Deserts:

Tribe of the Forests:


discuss anything here please!

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Edited on 09/03/24 @ 07:01:51 by ๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-08-26 00:40:06
Reserved! Welcome to the roleplay! It has opened and interactions may start as soon as you have made a character sheet! โ™ก

Please use this onto of your roleplay message!

Nickname | Tribe + Rank | Location |Mentions:


Flight | Forest + Shaman | Forest Territory | Tears/none

Thank you!

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Edited on 26/08/23 @ 21:21:31 by ๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-08-26 23:20:44
Flight | Forest + Shaman | Forest Burrows | none/open!

The sun shone onto Flights dark brown pelt. Although the rays didn't wake her up, she literally couldn't see them, she could feel the warmth burn into her body. It was mid Sun's dance (check terms โ™ก) and awfully hot the whole day long. The cats of the Tribe had been sent out to get water with moss bundles for the Wisesests of the clan. Although it was a necessary practice, everyone came back more tired, needing sleep and shadow more than anything. Flight couldn't do much but wait for the ancestors to send her a vision. Perhaps about the future or maybe a new rule they had to follow? Sometimes she received the command to meet with other shamans of the other tribes. She like those commands, it was always interesting to hear what the other tribes had to tell.

Flight got up, shaking her fur out. A couple of moss pieces from her nest fell from her fur, before she walked to the exit of her burrow. It was common for the Shaman to share a burrow with the healer of the Tribe. Both of them were there to heal cays, although the shamans job was more on the mental side. As she could talk to the ancestors she could also receive advice and messages from deceased Tribe members that might want to say something to their living mates, relatives or friends. It brought the small cat comfort to help the other Tribe mates.

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ChaingSheng (#340857)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 00:41:05
Wind | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp | None

Wind finally woke up after a long sleep. She let's out a small yawn and stretched a little. She looks around in the nursery to find it quite empty. "Hm." Wind shrugs it off then stands up on her small legs. She begins to walk out of the nursery.

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Edited on 27/08/23 @ 04:36:38 by ChaingSheng (#340857)

๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 01:50:45
Flight | Forest + Shaman | Forest Camp | Wind

Flight stopped abruptly when a slight scent crossed her nose. She quickly identified Wind, a kit from it. The sweet scent of the caring cats lingered on the kit. She walked over to it and looked down at the cat.

"Good morning Wind, how are you doing? Don't you think its awfully warm this Sun's dance?"

(Please use the example at the top of the message so we know who, where and who the cat is interacting with :D)

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Edited on 27/08/23 @ 01:51:36 by ๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

Bay_Cat_108 (#272711)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2023-08-27 04:10:53
Creek | Forest + Healer | Forest Burrows |Open

The large brown tabby sat in their den, sorting the herbs and picking out the dry ones. They noted with a disappointed flick of their tail that they were out of rosemary. Rising from their spot on the den floor, they made their way out of the burrows and into the camp, squinting as the sunlight hit their eyes

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Posted on
2023-08-27 12:01:43
Blood | Forest + Warrior | Forest Burrows| She-Cat|Open

The beautiful sunlight hit Bloodยดs red coat as she opened her pink eyes As she got up she saw Flight, Creek, and Wind. Which made her feel better considering she is still getting over her mother's death. Her Red and Black Striped tail flicked, The scent of more caring cats filled the air making her shiver. She then got up and walked towards Flight feeling a little different than usual..

ยจGood Morning Flightยจ Blood said tiredly as her tail wagged from left to right Her body felt weird she wanted to be near people more especially the toms, She tried to shake it off but failed knowing that she usually disliked them which grossed her out she never wanted a mate she always thought romance was disgusting but maybe it changed...

(Sorry if thats a little yแธฑnow )

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ChaingSheng (#340857)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 12:40:08
Wind | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp | Flight

"Good morning Flight, I'm fine I guess. Yes the sun really is dancing today. How about you? Are you okay?" Wind tail would flick a little. She sits down. Wind would look up at Flight with her light green eyes.

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Posted on
2023-08-27 13:20:28
(Ima say this now but this is Bloodยดs first time having a )

Blood | Forest + Warrior | Forest Burrows| She-Cat|Flight, Wind

ยจGood Morning Wind I didn't see you there ยจ Blood said looking at the two then walking over and sitting nearby them forming a triangular shape, The she-catล› tail flicked as her eyes wonder looking up out the surrounding trees of the camp then to the beautiful sun beaming on her causing her head to turn away from the group.

*Thinking* What is this stupid feeling?!ยจ She asked herself in her mind She started to worry ยจ What if they can tell!?ยจ she kept thinking then snapped out of thought.

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Edited on 30/08/23 @ 17:57:07 by Simbathekingoflions (#434770)

GOOSE (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 13:58:22
marsh|forest+apprentice|walking around in the woods
marsh was walking around, looking for herbs, just in case of emergency situations, she spotted some prey while looking and pounced on it, all she got was a bird, but it would still be helpful to the tribe, so she brought it back to the fresh kill pile, she could smell blood (the cat) nearby, and wondered if she wanted to talk to the she-cat

(it's ur choice if u want blood to interact w/ marsh, if not she'll just keep looking around)

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Edited on 27/08/23 @ 13:58:32 by ♥4r!♥ ΘΔ (#378108)

ChaingSheng (#340857)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 14:16:43
Wind | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp | Flight, Blood

(Wait fr? Dang)

Wind looks up at Blood, "Oh hi Blood. You okay? You look different." Wind felt like something was wrong with blood. She looked at her body language with a confused face. Her ear flicked with she was now thinking what is wrong with blood.

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Posted on
2023-08-27 16:04:41
Blood | Forest + Warrior | Forest Burrows| She-Cat|Wind,Flight,Marsh

ยจHm? Oh Y-yeah I'm alright! ยจ Blood said nervously she looked as if she was being threatened. ยจOh hey, Marsh! How are you doing?ยจ SHe said trying to change the subject sweating a bit, pulling her tail closer to herself with her ears down.

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GOOSE (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 16:07:40
marsh|forest+med apprentice|forest burrows|blood

marsh walked over, "i'm doing good-" she cut off, seeing bloods' state currently, she seemed confused, "are you okay?" she asked blood quietly, she sat down next to her as they asked that

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Edited on 27/08/23 @ 16:08:02 by ♥4r!♥ ΘΔ (#378108)


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Posted on
2023-08-27 16:14:09
Blood | Forest + Warrior | Forest Burrows| She-Cat|Wind,Flight,Marsh

ยจY-yeah I alright.ยจShe said looking towards the den Alder was blushing when although her fur was red you could definitely see it.

*Thinking* Am I really starting a crush on Alder!?!?*Thought Over* She had though tears forming in her eyes but she tired to blick them away.

(Ahem Welp)

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GOOSE (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 16:17:21

marsh realized what was happening, and got up to leave the burrow, "you wanna go on a walk? looks like you need some air" she gestured for blood to come with her, as she began to walk out of the burrow, she waited at the entrance for blood

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Posted on
2023-08-27 16:24:35
Blood | Forest + Warrior | Forest Burrows| She-Cat|Marsh

ยจSureยจBlood said getting up and following Marsh but as soon as she left she felt like someone was watching her she sniffed the air she smelt a Tom a rogue tom...she quickly laid her tail and ears down ยจWhatยดs wrong with me ?" she whispered to herself eyes watering but she was able to blink them back this time...

(If you do not know what going on Blood is developing a crush on Alder kind of like Cinderpelt and Spottedleaf liked Firestar I'm probably going to have to fact-check that... )

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