Posted by ใ€Š ๐•‹๐•™๐•– ๐•‹๐•ฃ๐•š๐•“๐•–๐•ค rp ใ€‹

๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-08-26 00:38:05

โ–ช๏ธŽ๐•‹๐•™๐•– ๐•‹๐•ฃ๐•š๐•“๐•–๐•คโ–ช๏ธŽ
become part of the forest tribe and see the world through their eyes

Hey, I'm so happy this reached you! Welcome to a warrior cat related/based roleplay! As you might have noticed, this isn't about the clans but the tribes, mostly based on the Tribe of the Rushing Waters, however, with different traditions and culture. It's more like the name inspired the roleplay. Maybe you could give this a chance? It's still very new so I'm very sorry for any mistakes or problems that could occur, please let me know so that I can fix them!




What this roleplay offers
- (better be) a fun and friendly environment
- a safe place for ALL
- LGBTQ+ relationships โ™ก
- Occasionally forbidden relationships! (Ask tho!)
- High ranks!

To join
1. Create your character in the character Sheets!
2. If you want a high rank, message me first!
3. Begin roleplaying, interactions are highly recommended โ™ก
4. Have fun


Tribe of the Rivers:

Tribe of the Deserts:

Tribe of the Forests:


discuss anything here please!

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Edited on 09/03/24 @ 07:01:51 by ๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

[she/her] - hiatus (#428818)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-27 18:37:53
Flower | Desert + Mother | Desert Camp | Bright, Sunset

Flower smiled as she watched Bright and Flower depart. "Bye, you two! Be back before dark!" She turned around and retreated back to the nursery, enjoying the shade on her thick pelt.

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Edited on 28/08/23 @ 20:04:52 by olliewollie [she/her] (#428818)

#1 Mel fan | -4r1-.
he-him. (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 18:46:10
(sorry again for being late)
marsh set down wind, "I'm not sure, but it's better safe than sorry, isn't it?" marsh responded to wind calmly, he answered to frost, "it's a possible attack, I have to go" he said to her before running out of the den, back to where blood was

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[she/her] - hiatus (#428818)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-27 18:48:40
[You're still good !]
Frost | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp; Nursery Burrow | Marsh, Wind

Frost sat silently, thinking about Marsh's words. She turned to Wind, "what do you think is happening?" she tilted her head, waiting for an answer.

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ChaingSheng (#340857)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 18:54:43
Wind | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp | Marsh, Frost

"I think their is a different tribe coming here. Probably either to attack us or I don't know. I just hope nothing bad happens." Wind looks over at Frost

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[she/her] - hiatus (#428818)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-27 18:57:07
Frost | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp; Nursery Burrow | Wind

"Me too." Frost shivered at the thought of an attack. She looked back at Wind. They sat together in a comfortable silence. I really hope it's nothing bad! she thought.

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Edited on 27/08/23 @ 18:58:12 by olliewollie [she/her] (#428818)

ChaingSheng (#340857)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 19:03:36
Wind | Forest + Kit | Forest Nursery | Frost

Wind waits along with Frost, Wind taps her paw against the nursery ground. Her tail swaying in a calm motion. She is trying to keep herself from panicking

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[she/her] - hiatus (#428818)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-27 19:07:23
Frost | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp; Nursery Burrow | Wind

Frost looks over at Wind, seeing the obvious signs of fear. "It's okay, Wind! I'm here!" Frost says comfortingly, placing her little tail on Wind's shoulder. Though she is much younger/smaller at 1 moon old, she tries her best to soothe her larger companion.

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Edited on 27/08/23 @ 19:08:46 by olliewollie [she/her] (#428818)

ChaingSheng (#340857)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 19:18:39
Wind | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp | Frost

"Thanks Frost." Wind smiled down at the smaller kit. Wind's body language is now calm and not panicked. She feels better now. Wind ears would perk up a little

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[she/her] - hiatus (#428818)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-27 19:25:20
Frost | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp; Nursery Burrow | Wind

"You're welcome," Frost purred. She tensed up, "wait.. can you hear that?" Her ears twitched, she could pick up the sound of cats yowling in the distance.

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Edited on 27/08/23 @ 20:25:37 by olliewollie [she/her] (#428818)

๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 21:38:36
Flight | Forest + Shaman | Forest Camp | Anyone around

Flight had not changed place when the other three cats got up to take a walk. She wondered what Blood was feeling. However her thought were cut short when a yowl could be heard from further away from the camp. Her fur fluffed up, not making her much bigger although. She got down into a type of hunting stance, thinking that this would probably be the vest way to protect herself. A shame she hadn't learned fighting. Wind and Frost ran past her, they seemed to run towards the mother's burrow... what should she do?...

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Mirro (#215181)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 22:53:24
Alder | Forest + Warrior | Forest Camp | Flight + open

Usually Alder was waking up before Sunโ€™s Dance to watch it slowly starting. However today something made him to stay asleep a little bit too long. When he woke up for a second he had a headache. Alder also felt that he didnโ€™t sleep well despite the long sleep. Although he had these minor troubles he managed to put himself together and get out from his hideout.
Tom went for a little walked around the camp to see . On his way he passed other cats from Forest tribe who were already awake and were talking lively with each other. Alder didn't approach any of them as he still didn't fully recover form his headache and didn't wanting to butt in into their conversations. However it changed when he saw tribe's shaman, Flight, walking alone away from the camp.

He approched her calmly, to greet her. "Hello Flight, how are you feeling today?" he asked.

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Edited on 27/08/23 @ 23:17:09 by Mirro (#215181)

#1 Mel fan | -4r1-.
he-him. (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 23:30:11

marsh heard the same yowl flight had heard, he ran over to it, worried that a cat from their was hurt, or that another tribe was attacking, he ran past alder and flight quickly to address this situation, passing multiple trees and rocks as he sprinted (idk what I'm doing)

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๐Ÿฆ‰๐•†๐•จ๐•๐Ÿฆ‰ (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-08-27 23:36:44
Flight | Forest + Shaman | Forest Camp | Alder + Marsh

Flights fur was still fluffed up, her claws digging into the soil. When a voice came from behind her she first turned her head in the wrong direction, the yowl had mixed her up. When she finally found where the voice was coming from her nose told her it was Alder who seemed to not have any idea about the yowl that had frightened her like that.

"Did you not hear the yowl?! What was that?!"

She nearly shouted at the other, not angry at him just scared of what the yowl had been. Marsh ran past them through the exit of the camp into the deep forest. Hopefully he'd be fine!

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โ˜†โ™ก (#434770)

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Posted on
2023-08-28 14:14:02
Blood | Forest + Warrior | Forest Burrows| She-Cat|Wind,Marsh,Frost

Blood could feel other cats around her as she got up.ยจIยดm going back to camp guysยจ She said wagging her long and red tail against the ground and walking away ยจSee you guys later..ยจLooking forward as she approached Flight and Alder confused ยจDid you guys hear that too?ยจ She asked..

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[she/her] - hiatus (#428818)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-28 20:07:07
Flower | Desert + Mother | Desert Camp | Bright + Sunset

Flower sat in the nursery, watching the sun set. Oh! That reminds me! Are Bright and Sunset back yet? She left the den, searching for signs of the two she-cats returning. I guess I'll just wait here, after all, they can't be gone long.. she sat down, and waited..

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Edited on 28/08/23 @ 20:07:19 by olliewollie [she/her] (#428818)

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