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🦉𝕆𝕨𝕝🦉 (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-08-26 00:38:05

▪︎𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕖𝕤▪︎
become part of the forest tribe and see the world through their eyes

Hey, I'm so happy this reached you! Welcome to a warrior cat related/based roleplay! As you might have noticed, this isn't about the clans but the tribes, mostly based on the Tribe of the Rushing Waters, however, with different traditions and culture. It's more like the name inspired the roleplay. Maybe you could give this a chance? It's still very new so I'm very sorry for any mistakes or problems that could occur, please let me know so that I can fix them!




What this roleplay offers
- (better be) a fun and friendly environment
- a safe place for ALL
- LGBTQ+ relationships ♡
- Occasionally forbidden relationships! (Ask tho!)
- High ranks!

To join
1. Create your character in the character Sheets!
2. If you want a high rank, message me first!
3. Begin roleplaying, interactions are highly recommended ♡
4. Have fun


Tribe of the Rivers:

Tribe of the Deserts:

Tribe of the Forests:


discuss anything here please!

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Edited on 09/03/24 @ 07:01:51 by 🦉𝕆𝕨𝕝🦉 (#406677)

Mirro (#215181)

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Posted on
2023-08-28 22:56:52
Alder | Forest + Warrior | Forest Camp | Flight, Marsh

”I did…”
Alder slowly turned to the direction from which the yowl could be heard. He passed Flight and then rushed after Marsh.

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☆♡ (#434770)

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Posted on
2023-08-29 18:06:57
Blood | Forest + Warrior | Forest Burrows| She-Cat|Wind,Marsh,Alder

Blood quickly ran after them worried about the sound but also angry, As she ran she smooshed mushrooms and shoved prey along the way, She quickly caught up with them and started to slow down but still moving quickly ¨OUCH!¨ Yowled the she-cat She lifted her paw to see it was bleeding from a Stinging nettle ¨gosh dang it!¨ she said limping to a stump and sitting down still holding her paw up. ¨Brush it off Blood I mean our name is BloodStripe and you currently bleeding!¨"SHe said standing up and continuing to follow the cats as the green and reddish trees swayed to the wind..

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🦉𝕆𝕨𝕝🦉 (#406677)

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Posted on
2023-08-29 21:46:36
Flight | Forest + Shaman | Forest Camp | Alder + Marsh, Wren, kits

Once again she was left standing in the middle of camp, as the two other cats ran past her. 'Okay, calm down. The cat isn't in camp and you haven't received any warning. It must be an accident, something the ancients couldn't inform me off....' The she cat wondered what cat it would be and if the others would bring it back to camp to speak to their leader or advisor at least. Now she just had to continue normally. Flight decided it would be a good time to visit the mother and the kits. The small cat trotted over to the mother's burrow and gently meowed ro ask if she could come in.

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[she/her] - hiatus (#428818)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-29 22:00:44
Frost | Forest + Kit | Forest Camp; Nursery Burrow | Flight

"Who is it? Flight, is that you?" Frost mewed quietly from inside. She hoped it was Flight, and not some scary cat.

[going offline now! ]

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Edited on 29/08/23 @ 22:01:24 by olliewollie [she/her] (#428818)

Mirro (#215181)

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Posted on
2023-08-29 22:21:05
Alder | Forest + Warrior | Forest (I think?)| Blood, Marsh

Alder heard steps behind, as one more cat joined the rushed. He glanced behind him for a second to see who it was. The characteristic color of the Blood’s fur that caught his eye the most at that short time confirmed his guess. Knowing that just in case at a place will arrive 2 more warriors, he decided to pass the group and try to reach it before them.
But before managed to put his plan into action dark tom heard the cry of Blood behinfd him. Her short scream caught him off guard and caused a conflict with himself; Does he should keep running or stop and see what happened?
Alder wasn’t thinking for too long. Instead of deviate from the group, he slow down to catch up with Blood. “Everything alright chum?” He asked her.

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Edited on 29/08/23 @ 22:28:47 by Mirro (#215181)

☆♡ (#434770)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 16:30:28
Blood | Forest + Warrior | Forest Burrows| She-Cat|Wind,Marsh,Alder

¨Y-Yeah I´m alright¨ The she-cat responded face turning red due to her embarrassment and fluster. ¨Should I tell him?!? No don´t Blood I don´t want to ruin our friendship.¨ Blood thought to herself looking away and trying not to look obvious.

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Paju 🪶 [G6 Frail
Pie] (#370820)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 16:37:17
|Bright|Desert + Leader|Desert Territory|Sunset| (Would you like to just skip, sorry I've been MIA)
Bright looked over at Sunset, a playful look in her eyes. She gave a small purr, tilting her head. "Ready to leave, Sunset?" She asked, smiling.

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[she/her] - hiatus (#428818)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-08-30 16:38:07
(no, it's good! I'll can wait a bit longer..)

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Lola (#340834)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 16:52:07
Sunset | Desert + Warrior | Desert Territory| Bright

((Sorry I been away))

Sunset looks over at Bright and nods, "Yes. I don't like leaving flower by herself even though she can take care of herself." She snorted a little, Sunset is quite protective over her clan mates and doesn't want them hurt.

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ChaingSheng (#340857)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 16:55:08
Wind | Forest + Kit | Forest Burrows | Frost, Flight

"Huh, Flight?" Wind looks up at the warrior. Her tail flicking, "Is everything okay?" Wind ears perks up a little.

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☆♡ (#434770)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 17:56:11
Blood | Forest + Warrior | Forest Burrows| She-Cat l Alder

Blood had a flashback of her kittenhood seeing her mother and father slain in battle with The desert Tribe made her tear up. She then excused herself and went behind a tree and let and a sad cry hoping no one heard her but somebody had definitely heard her, Blood wiped her tears and walked back towards Alder.

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#1 Mel fan | -4r1-.
he-him. (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 18:17:56
(idk what im doing but here)
marsh|forest+warrior|forest burrows|tom-cat| idk

mzrsh was still running to go find that yowling cat in the woods, occasionally pricking his paws on sticks and stuff on the forest floor

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Mirro (#215181)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 20:09:38
(4r! if you don’t know what you’re doing maybe it’s time to move on and find out who is yawling? I personally right now don’t have good idea to continuing the chase)

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Edited on 30/08/23 @ 20:13:35 by Mirro (#215181)

#1 Mel fan | -4r1-.
he-him. (#378108)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 20:16:41
(i just meant that my reply was probably gonna be shitty- and storm'kit is the one yowling btw)

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Mirro (#215181)

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Posted on
2023-08-30 20:36:45
Alder | Forest + Warrior | Forest| Blood

Alder waited for Blood to come back. When she did, he noticed that she was a little bit sad for some reason. “If it hurts badly, go back to camp and let yourself rest“ he advised her “Unless you want to keep going?

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