Posted by ♥ Ramune's Feb. Event Tracker

Ramune [BO Jelly
Proj] (#46341)

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Posted on
2023-12-28 20:48:19

Ramune's February Madness Tracker

I couldn't help myself and did a silly little doodle.

A little preface on this thread - I wanted to make a little journal to detail my February experience. I will log how much time I spend exploring per day, what items are used, and if I figure out something that absolutely works great or terribly. I'm starting with my own 'quick-start' guide on what has worked best for me for grinding events to give a peek into my daily routine for grinding events. :3

Additionally, please feel free to add your own logs here! :D I'd love to see what others do on the daily. *You are always doing an event right as long as you have fun with it!*


Lofty Feb Goals
Oh boy. This is either a lowball or an extreme highball for expectations. Whichever one it is, we will find out!

My inventory for Feb:
- 550 energy boosts
- 19 Level-ups
- 40 roasted lambs (30 additional are being saved in case there is a Jaglion hype boost like there was for Tigons :3 May end up using more, however!)

My Hopeful Breeding Items Goal:
- 420 Yohimbe Barks (12,600 HS) - Minimum
- 100 Buffalo Scrots (6,000 HS)
- 1,400 HS for decors, BGs, apps, and lion scrots!
For a total of; 20,000 HS. I am hopeful I can surpass this, but it is all down to RNG with event encounters and how much time I am actually able to spend grinding! I'm planning on compacting my exploring as much as I can to a 6 or so hour period a day, so we shall see if I'm able to even half-way meet it! If not, I'll have energy left over for other events. :3
Goal has been met!


Daily To-Do's and Reminders

Let me preface this with; this is what works for ME. These are my little "notes to self" for daily 'do's' and 'don'ts.' You may have methods that work MUCH better for you, and that is fabulous! I am not presenting this as a 'this is the best way to do Feb' but as a 'this is how I'm approaching the event for tracking. If any of it helps you, I'm happy!'
I also prepared well ahead of time with a SILLY amount of energy boosts. I was able to make sales and invested it directly into energy boosts because I was ABLE to at the time. You can STILL have a wonderfully profitable Feb by just exploring once in a while casually. You can spend 0 GB and end up with 50 GB worth of buffalo scrots by just exploring an hour or so a few days of the month. It adds up!


Encounter quick guide
- This info is also on the wiki! :3 It's just easier for me to sift through in this layout PERSONALLY.


- BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE, set alarm for every 15 mins to flirt (set backup alarm for every half hour or hour in case you get distracted - I am easily distracted, and this is a necessary step for me!)

- DAILY: Gorilla Enclave: Choose ENERGY

- DAILY: bone marrow

- DAILY: keep word doc up with best yield of HS (when in doubt, CHECK IT OUT) - NOTE: The wiki already has this information laid out beautifully. It is just simpler for me to have a word document up with only the best option visible. It cuts down on my time as there's "less to look at" per encounter.

- Roasted Lamb or Red Bull every 8 hours (use at the TOP of each hour within the first 5 minutes - set timer once used for 8 hours).

- CANDID Personality - Candid personality gives you +3 energy return for every successful NCL claim. Battling does not tend to yield enough HS to worry about (if you have enough territory, you not only might get and complete the 50 lioness quest for a potential +100% energy, but you also tend to get WELL over 30 energy per day - better than the hyperactive daily boost!) Update with hyena butter; definitely exceeded the hyperactive boost on a few days, today included (day 1 Feb). I recommend if you have the territory!
- HYPERACTIVE Personality - If you do not have enough territory to cycle through ~10 NCLs an hour (claim & chase after their cooldown is up), Hyperactive will be your best bet! This number is only if you are not running through a LOT of energy at once! It's probably closer to 30? if you're using several boosts in a row. It will give you a +30% daily boost!

- Remember to check slap/flirt page every handful of minutes - I've missed notifications before!

- Level ups before energy boosts!

- NEW: Coffee Beans! - Give yourself a kick of espresso when you KNOW you have 15 minutes and a full energy bar at MINIMUM for exploring. This will guarantee you at least 50 steps in explore vs a guaranteed 34 if the maximum amount of energy is used per step! Best used if you have 2+ energy boosts.
[Note; I am planning to see how many energy boosts I can go through while REASONABLY farming the best options of HS with the coffee beans. Obviously speed clicking isn't the way to go as you have to select options, so it will take some math to figure out how many energy boosts is feasible and reasonable to burn through with coffee beans active.]

- Hyena Butter on occasion - DO NOT PERCEIVE ME, LIONESSES (if lioness encounters seem very frequent and it is getting in the way of event encounters - I usually save this after I've gotten well over the +30 energy a day!)

- Fermented Marula Fruits - Use at 0% energy, make sure your +20 isn't about to go off!

- Do not forget to spend your HS. I set a calendar reminder for the 26th each February so I do not forget.

- Additional daily note: If you find yourself in need for emergency funds, don't forget to play Serengeti Shuffle and Reptile Roundup! The decors sell nicely from RR and if you score 3500+ on SS, you can win items worth 1-2 GB. HS is extremely cheap compared to the items' actual "values" as HS is rather easy to get. Playing for the long haul will earn you more GB!

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Edited on 16/02/24 @ 18:36:37 by Ramune [G1 2xRos Jelly] (#46341)

Space Spots (G1
x2ros Stellar) (#308368)

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Posted on
2024-02-06 16:54:55
item count: 241 fermented fruit, 5 meat pies, 2 hyena butter, 5 grubs, 3 roasted lambs, 25 coffee beans & way too many energy boots (81)

main account: 2200 hs
side account: 0

i feel like I should have more for the number of items I've used

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Ramune [BO Jelly
Proj] (#46341)

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Posted on
2024-02-06 16:59:35
Not at all! In fact, I usually have to nap a good 6-8 hours during the day (sleeping disorder XD) and get to bed around 1 a.m., MAYBE 2 a.m.

My day usually goes like this;
Wake up at 6 a.m., start a roasted lamb - grind for an hour
7 a.m. get kiddo to school - grind out the energy, then do laundry/dishes/whatever other household chores need doing!
Grind until about 9 a.m. after I'm done
Sleep until 12-3 p.m., depending on how hard I'm hit with the sleepiness
Grind until kiddo gets home at 4 p.m.
Help him with homework if he needs it, get dinner ready if I didn't start it in the morning (crockpots for the WIN), and sometimes get to shiny hunt with him.
Grind from around 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. or 12 a.m.
Sprinkle in some grinding before I fall asleep. Rinse and repeat!
So it's usually 5 hours of grinding at most a day and I'm FREQUENTLY distracted during if I grind that much. Honestly most of my lambs and bulls go to waste! It's TOUGH for me to get to sleep at night and even when I do, if I go to bed any earlier than midnight, I wake up super duper early and can't get back to sleep (2-3 a.m.) so the later night grind is usually my best bet, but even then, it's pretty 'casual' for me.

My secret is... exploring very quickly and having a ton of energy boosts. I'm able to read very quickly/register the images fast and know what to click so I get through an energy boost a minute, maybe two minutes! Add that in with coffee beans once in a while and I get a lot more encounters. :3 It takes money to make money sometimes, and I applied that with this event! I'll make out in the green on GB spent on items vs how much I could sell all the HS for. Only by a tiny bit if I bought all yoh barks and sold them each at 4 GB a pop during the event - but if I was grinding purely to sell out of the event, I'd have made around 4.5k profit at this point at 15 GB a pop! At this rate too, I'll have leftovers from the RLC heats I'm needing to do and I'm going to be getting around 2k GB from sales from clones/heats as well.
(Which will all then subsequently be wasted on Jaglion hype/CRBs. XD) BUT I'll still have items left over too to sell after the event ends, so all in all it was a decent decision I think to stock up ahead of time!

TLDR: it boils down to SPEED. I spend honestly very little time actually actively grinding during the day. Most of my lambs 99% of the time go to waste. I think I only sat through one full lamb ONCE this event, the first day. Normally I get 3 hours actively, maybe 4 or 5 at best, out of it but not often. :3

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𝓱 🫧 (#131967)

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Posted on
2024-02-06 17:08:31
Ramune I think once my kids are in school half days it'll be easier (I'm staying home until the youngest is in full time so I got a few years) but I use an energy boost in about 2-3 mins because someone is always hitting or has a midlife 3yr old crisis I need to fix. Or big feelings. Lots of big feelings and biting.

I usually use my energy from the night before, start a lamb around 12pm and use it up, fix food, do laundry, find food for my kids (because it's the end of the month, so therefore my husband is done with Walmart and I'm done being creative in the kitchen). We have bedtime we gotta fight through at times, baths as well and if I do night time baths our nights are just ruined. They get them during the day whenever I feel like it.

I also haven't been motivated but if you sell any HS lemme know cus if I get two clones I would definitely sell one 😂

I've used about 75 gbs (with the ibfs I needed of course) and I'm saving the last 20 for when tier 3 opens so I can buy some stuff for cheap and get some more gbs when we pay bills and figure out what we need 😂 I'm tired my dude. I just can't fathom how you got so much already. You're already at my main goal somehow!

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Ramune [BO Jelly
Proj] (#46341)

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Posted on
2024-02-06 17:14:14
It definitely is rougher when they're younger! Honestly I never really was able to heavy grind until he was well past that age. Middle school age is the 'I'll let you know if/when I need something' I am always present but I am definitely not as cool as his friends so I can't blame him for wanting to game with them instead of me most times. Ahaha!

I am likely not selling any during the event but it all depends on my final count! And how well my girls behave. I've got 11? passes I need to force and my crunchy stash is not too much more over that. Dx So I may need to trade HS for crunchies. :[ Curse the bad crunchy luck I've had this year!

I am just stubborn and quick. Over 8 years of CRBing keeps me in a very 'mindless grind' mindset. Like when I do my daily stuff outside of event grinding.
RO, explore some to get energy regenerating again, check cubs/check for muts, chase fails, feed/play all, breed everything that needs breeding, send out hunters/patrolling, play RR, play SS, trivia, baoball, finish out energy.

I've also had a show I enjoy on in the background when I grind! I honestly am paying 90% attention to the show and like 10% on the grind. xD I can see the subtitles out of the corner of my eye (for some reason I 'hear' better when I can see the subtitles too) so it's less 'ugh got to keep going.'

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𝓱 🫧 (#131967)

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Posted on
2024-02-06 19:37:38
Mine are just 2020+ babies so I have a looong time before they're able to just chill😂 though I feel the "I'm not cool" aspect. My toddler won't let me play with him unless it's something like smacking the toy out of my hand. Like sir, there's no need for that.

I've been watching TWD but it's not suitable for toddlers so I can't put it on our wall (we use a projector because there's always toys flying in our house).

If I get at least ONE clone I will be so so happy and my February will be made. I can just crunchy her and sell a clone😅 but I'm also in love with that first ever Pecora and for some reason I am just waiting until it's time to start getting ready for it all.

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👁️👄👁️ (#212926)

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Posted on
2024-02-06 19:40:22
I have a few crunchies left for hs if interested

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Wishydane - G1
Charred Nefer (#452439)

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Posted on
2024-02-07 08:35:23
I'm going to run today with just a lamb and my normal energy snags like bone marrow and gorilla and whatnot on both of my accounts. I'm out of energy boosts lol. I do have like 50gb left to my name, so I can grab a few more boosts, but I also know I may have incidentals like my barked heat I need to pay for still with some GB. Also, if I can sell my 5 crunchies, maybe I can use that to get more boosts, but as it stands now, I'm not really going to be getting extra energy anymore. I still might hit 10k before the end of the month, even without extra boosts, but who knows. I'm already pleased with my progress, so whatever I end up getting will be fine with me.

ETA: so I'm at 270 gain for the day (so far) so I guess I'll probably be around 350ish I think for the day by tonight, which was more what Terrinthia was saying I would be at. I did use a couple fermented marula fruits I had on hand that probably cushioned my HS gain today too, so I guess 300 is more of an accurate estimate for both accounts with just 1 roasted lamb. But hey, I'm over 6100 HS now so honestly, that's not bad. Next February I'll plan better in terms of prepping for energy lol.

ETA2: 391 is what I got today. So actually closer to 400 HS which definitely isn't bad at all.

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Edited on 07/02/24 @ 18:05:23 by Wishydane - G1 Charred Nefer (#452439)

Ramune [BO Jelly
Proj] (#46341)

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Posted on
2024-02-07 20:35:01
400 HS in a day is absolutely fantastic! Everyone is doing so awesome this event.

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Wishydane - G1
Charred Nefer (#452439)

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Posted on
2024-02-09 13:40:34
I'm double lambing it today for both of my accounts to see how that alters my HS collecting. I unfortunately won't be able to to use the whole of the 2nd lamb (it ends at 1130pm my time and I'll probably be passed out by then) but I have some extra lambs I can play with. Also my sleep schedule is all whacked up because my 6 year old had a tonsillectomy yesterday and I was up pretty much all last night with her and will probably have a repeat tonight. Yayyy....

It seems with a single lamb and all of my daily energy snags, around 400 HS is somewhere I can expect to be depending on RNG and how it likes me that day. Maybe I can expect another 200 HS for the 2nd lamb? I don't know if that will be worth it in the long run for the lamb, but we will see what happens today.

How is everyone else doing? Are you where you expect to be at this point in the month? Any idea when the T3 flirt shop will open? My leopon just entered her 1st heat and I don't think the T3 shop will open in time lol.

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Ramune [BO Jelly
Proj] (#46341)

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Posted on
2024-02-09 13:44:26
I'm a little behind, but I ran out of GB/boosts. I WILL be on track to definitively meet my 19k goal easily if I make a sale I'm hoping to though!

I'm definitely getting another 2,010 HS in sales/trades, hopefully up to 5k HS with the additional one I'm hoping for, which'd put me at 18k for this month! Which, is what I wanted to have to use on my barked breeds/save for later!

I am hoping for a week from now on T3, but it really could go a good bit faster or a good bit slower. D; I haven't really been paying attention to the past few days on the tier status! My lambs are, as always, going to mostly waste, but they really help when I'm awake. xD; Either way I'm enjoying the grind, and plan to prepare a little better next year!

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Azurin Shine
🩷💜💙 (#367628)

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Posted on
2024-02-09 14:19:36
I will be more prepared next year and use this as a guide. This is amazing!

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Ramune [BO Jelly
Proj] (#46341)

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Posted on
2024-02-09 14:20:32
I'm so happy you find it helpful!

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Wishydane - G1
Charred Nefer (#452439)

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Posted on
2024-02-10 08:37:09
Double lambing yesterday only awarded me an additional 175 HS which sure, is 175 more HS than I would have had, but overall I don't think it was worth it. So I'll just stick to using a single roasted lamb every day because that's more cost effective. Also I don't have enough lambs to double lamb all that often (I actually think I'm going to be unable to do 1x a day on both accounts for the whole of the month anyway.)

I have been making more sales on my food (not reliably, but more frequently) and I've been selling some nicer lions for some GB, so I'm snagging some extra energy boosts here and there. Not a whole lot, but some. Also on a completely unrelated note, knowing that T3 of the flirt shop wouldn't be open in time, I risked a GOP on my Pon rather than skipping her heat entirely, and she actually had 3 cubs and 1 was a pon and one of the others actually got my king's Nefer base. So woo, party time! Now I have 2 pons. My Pon collection is growing lol.

ETA: just gotta say, I don't usually keep track of my HS per energy boost, but I did just now and I got 40 HS on one boost. My highest so far. My next energy boost, I got 6. RNG in crazy lol

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Edited on 10/02/24 @ 10:41:09 by Wishydane - G1 Charred Nefer (#452439)

Wishydane - G1
Charred Nefer (#452439)

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Posted on
2024-02-12 11:26:13
Interesting. About 7 energy boosts is the same as an extra roasted lamb. Which actually the more I think about it, isn't that interesting considering a roasted lamb will give you "8" energy boosts spread out every hour. However, there is less stress with using energy boosts as I get those 7 boosts in one 15 minute period (during coffee beans) versus 8 hours trying to use my energy without it going to waste (and inevitably some does, even on my single roasted lamb days).

Anyways just a bit of a random thought. Roasted lambs are cheaper than 7 energy boosts by far (3-5gb vs 14gb) but the time commitment is more extensive.

I hope you all are doing well in your February plans! I'm on track to earn about 6800 more HS (if I average about 400 HS a day for the rest of the month) putting my total right around 15,000 HS for the month which isn't a bad haul for my first February if I do say so myself. Thankfully my food is selling again, so the few GB I earn I'm turning into energy boosts, which pads my HS collecting for the day. And I still have about 30 GB unplanned for anything that I'll probably turn into boosts before the end of the month as well.

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𝓱 🫧 (#131967)

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Posted on
2024-02-12 19:33:46
Ramune I know this isn't HS talk but I know you're well aware of the rarer RL - where can I find them?

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