Posted by Ban Forum Gambling Games (+270)

coolio ๐Ÿ„โ”ƒmaziwa (#149374)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 12:23:40

Ban Forum Gambling Games
because we're better than that

โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹…โ˜†โ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

Hello everyone! Welcome to yet another one of my suggestions, except this one is unfortunately not nearly as fun as the others. There has been a recent trend of an increase in a number of gambling games held on the forums. They take multiple forms, but are ultimately all a variation of the same idea. I am making this suggestion to call for a full-on ban of these types of games. I believe there is precedent to do so and I believe they are distinct enough to be able to enforce this ban. I am not going to link to specific games as to avoid making this thread appear as if I am targeting specific people. I am, however, hopefully going to clearly define parameters to be able to argue my point. I welcome all discussion, but please keep it respectful. Additionally if you are thinking, "coolio do you just hate fun?" The answer is yes so no need to bother with that question

โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹…โ˜†โ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

so what is a gambling game, and are they really gambling?

I am defining a gambling game as a forum thread in which participants use either GB or items to buy attempts at winning a prize. This is unlike a raffle in which participants buy tickets for a chance at a known prize, as the prize they will receive is unknown. They are characterized by the differential rates and qualities of prizes (i.e. the majority of prizes are lower quality, with a rare, higher quality prize being the "big ticket" item).

Now the question: are these threads really gambling? And the answer is dear heavens yes. What do you think of when you think of a casino? Flashing lights, bright colors, loud music. These threads are the lioden equivalent of that. They make use of flashy and enticing language like "diamond spins". They offer deals to get your foot in the door. You are most likely to get a lower-level prize, which encourages participants to try again. These games rely on the mentality of "just one more spin" or "i have to get it next time". The majority of the time, participants will receive a prize that is lower-value than what they paid with.

โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹…โ˜†โ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

why this is bad: legal precedent

Now now now. I know what you're thinking: the law?? Yeah, I'm not going to imply that the lioden admins are going to get thrown in the slammer for this. I am sure that the people whose career this is know more about the law than me. I am going to argue, however, that allowing these games goes against the intent of the law. See, Lioden follows UK law. And in the UK, according to the Gambling Act of 2005, minors cannot gamble. There are exceptions of course: lotteries (thats why we can do raffles, but I've already said why these games aren't those), private events (this is a public site, not your uncle's back porch), events at a family entertainment centre or traveling fair (again, this is lioden), or non-commercial betting. Now there's where you're probably thinking ah - loophole! And maybe, yeah, I dont know the law. But these games are primarily played with GB. It's not real money, but it is a premium currency, as in it only enters the game (except in very rare instances) through real-life purchases. I believe this is why it is ok for slots to exist, as it uses SB, a non-premium currency.

*edit: I am using "ok" as a legality term, not as a morality term. I want these forums games banned regardless of what currency they use. I don't want them to stay up if they only use SB

*another edit: For a much better explanation of these laws please read this comment. It is both incredibly more accurate and in depth than my brief summary here

Here's my point real succinct like. These games allow minors to gamble with premium currency that may or may not have been purchased with real-life money. And I'm going to take it a bit further. I believe these games target minors. Not intentionally, of course. But the nature of these games directly appeals to someone with less impulse control. It's why loot boxes came under such scrutiny. This type of gambling is custom made for a younger audience

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why this is bad: code of conduct precedent

But of course, who cares about the law. We got the liolaw. Let me reference Code of Conduct point 1.26: Do not scam players. Now, I can't argue that just because anyone decent at math can see that these game only benefit the person hosting them that there's scamming occurring. What I can argue is that there is absolutely no way to verify that these games are running in a legitimate fashion. See, the implication is that the host spins a wheel, and gives the prize spun. But how do we know that they didn't re-spin? How do we even know what the wheel really looks like? If the wheel lands on a hybrid cub, there is absolutely nothing stopping the host from saying that it landed on 10 GB instead. Could there be no horseplay occurring? Sure. But there is no way to provide there either is and isn't. Offering these games at a specific rate and then manipulating the rate behind the scenes should most certainly be considered scamming. And because there's no way to provide this isn't happening, I argue that it is better to eliminate the possibility of scamming all together.

โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ โ‹†โ‹…โ˜†โ‹…โ‹† โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

This is really long. Thank you for reading

This suggestion has 289 supports and 15 NO supports.

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Edited on 04/04/24 @ 18:03:27 by coolio ๐Ÿ„โ”ƒmaziwa (#149374)

Fenli (#232219)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 12:36:36
I do support your suggestion but on the other hand the slot machine exists. I'm aware it's more reliable than forum gambling since it's Lioden's official lottery, however many points you mention also apply to the slot machine as well.
It's just a thought though.

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coolio ๐Ÿ„โ”ƒmaziwa (#149374)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 12:42:23
Good point! Before posting this me and some of my friends actually did have a discussion over why the slots machine was allowed to stay in game. And honestly? I'm not entirely sure it needs to stay in game. It is also indeed allowing minors to gamble. I think the difference lies in that fact it imposes a limit and takes SB as opposed to GB, but I would not be opposed to seeing slots go as well

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๐ŸคŽ leon | semi
hiatus (#208511)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 12:47:21
I commented points like yours on a similar thread and got bonked. I'm glad someone else is talking about the gambling and minors issue in the main thread. In my opinion, right now, the most pressing issue is that these are just... kinda scams? People aren't allowed to profit off goodie bags due to the scams, and I feel like these "forum games" run along the same idea.

Arguably, the foundation of Lioden is a gambling game. You gamble for good cubs, good encounters, good luck. But the difference is that these are hard-coded odds, and some are transparent; e.g. special base pass rates. The site can't decide to reroll because it doesn't want to give you a prize. But the people running these games can, will, and do.

I don't think Slots is as bad as these "games" because, again, it's a hard-coded thing that can't decide to not give you a prize if you did roll big. But if they can implement its exclusive items elsewhere, I wouldn't be that upset about it going either.

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Edited on 28/01/24 @ 12:47:40 by leon ๐ŸคŽ ๐Ÿฎ (#208511)

๐Ÿชปcasper (#282338)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 12:53:28
I agree with your post, but I think it's worth mentioning that by excepting SB it presents a loophole - if only GB gambling is banned, the threads can simply switch to taking SB and continue scamming people like nothing happened.

I believe gambling should be banned altogether regardless of the currency used. This also applies to Slots, it using sb and having a limit is good and it's not quite as problematic as these threads, but I still think it sets a bad precedent that slot machines are presented as a fun minigame anyone can play without consequence.

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Edited on 28/01/24 @ 12:55:45 by ๐Ÿชปcasper (#282338)

Admiral Potato (#160098)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 12:55:24
Support, I'm not well informed with any laws too, but the big difference here for me is that you pull the lever yourself in the ingame slots machine and actually see it select the price you get.

If you would be on a fair (or fun fair? Is that the right word? I'm not english, sorry), paying for a spin on a lucky wheel, but the wheel is hidden behind the tent and the owner will go there without you and spin it for you, I would be quite suspicious too. That's kinda how I see all the gambling threads.

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Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 13:48:42
Yes please.

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๐ŸŸ whales0ng (#138230)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 15:07:29
iโ€™ve noticed the increase in these, too, and started to become concerned about the gamblerโ€™s fallacy and sunk-cost fallacy here, as it would be very easy and effective to scam people by taking advantage of these concepts.

all someone would have to do is have a participant win big just once, and that would be enough to keep people coming back while they intentionally only award everyone else with very scant prizes.

of course, iโ€™m not outright claiming that anyone is actually doing this, but with the way things are now, it would be extremely easy for someone to run a very serious scam.

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Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 15:29:34
Now I have more than 5 minutes I'd like to share my thoughts, this is going to be a long one so I apologise.

I am a UK resident, and to enter the lottery or even buy scratch cards you now have to be 18 - this was changed from 16 on the 1st October 2021 as part of the National Lotteries Act 1993 - it is illegal to gamble under 18 in almost all forms except Football Pools (where you bet the winning team of a football tournament).

I think the easiest comparison would be the UK's stance on Loot Boxes.

Loot Boxes as per UK Law.
Loot boxes have been defined as โ€œfeatures in video games which may be
accessed through gameplay, or purchased with in-game items, virtual
currencies, or directly with real-world moneyโ€. They often appear as chests,
crates, or card packs.

29. Purchases of loot boxes should be unavailable to all children and young people unless and until they are enabled by a parent or guardian.

Comparatively, the site's player base are using "mystery boxes", "mystery bags", "mystery spins" etc which as far as I am aware - given Lioden is technically a video game and these "boxes" are purchased with virtual currency - would make them a loot box under UK law in my opinion.

The UK government did do a review of 22 individual studies into the risks associated with Loot Boxes, and I'd like to raise the following points;

"101. 11 of the 15 studies used an adult sample population (aged 18 and over) and found a correlation between loot box expenditure and problem gambling. The remaining four studies used younger sample populations (ranging from 12 to 24 years old), which found similar associations to those observed among adults."

"102... These explanations include that loot box purchasers are heavily engaged in a range of gambling activities, that other factors, like impulsivity, drive this association, that loot box purchases exhibit maladaptive motives for their use, or that loot box purchase itself leads to gambling-related harms."

"103. InGAME found two studies that considered other factors that could explain the correlation with problem gambling. One study found that broader gambling behaviours explained the relationship between loot boxes and problem gambling. The other study found a persistent relationship between loot box purchases and problem gambling even after broader gambling and impulsivity behaviours were taken into account."

There is no doubt that gambling in the form of loot boxes - or in this case mystery boxes - is proven to be harmful to the developing mind.

However, I do disagree that slots/raffles etc should NOT be removed because it is regulated and with fixed odds controlled by the admins - but I do believe the odds should be disclosed like the Random Marking Applicator does.

I also know how thrilling it can be to chase the high of RMAs etc and I will admit I do have an addictive personality most likely because of this game coming into my life during prime development time. I have played since I was 16 and still play to this day at 24, and the human brain doesn't stop developing until 25 - so its safe to say this game and its content has probably taken quite its toll on me and my personality traits. I am guilty of buying GB just to gamble it away on RMAs, to the point where today I mentioned to somebody on this thread about getting the mod team to restrict my ability to buy golden beetles, and that's really hard to admit.

I digress, but going back to UK law;
When it comes to loot boxes the following SHOULD apply -

164. Types of protections and measures considered by the call for evidence include:

Probability disclosures
165. Probability disclosures provide information to players of the likelihood of receiving particular items, or categories of items, from a loot box, to help inform their purchasing decisions.

That's certainly something we don't have with player-run games of chance, especially as unlike gambling - there is no moderation or a "Lioden Gambling Commission" to make sure everyone plays by the rules.

These are running rampant and its honestly sad to see how many newbies get their sb/gb/valuables ripped off them in these games.

In addition, buying GB is no different than buying credits at a casino if you're just going to use it on games of chance, isn't it?

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Edited on 28/01/24 @ 15:34:55 by Fraekinn [Full BO 7xSeal] (#57572)

coolio ๐Ÿ„โ”ƒmaziwa (#149374)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 15:36:36
Oh my god, thank you for this comment! This is massively insightful. Iโ€™m American, so my knowledge of UK laws is relatively limited. Iโ€™m going to link this common to the main post so people can read it easily

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Fraekinn [Semi
Hiatus] (#57572)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 16:00:10
Here are a few things on-site I would personally class as gambling;

Breeding Items
Cotton Root Barks
Lion Meat

Because again, the odds are again not disclosed and there sure are a lot of failures for items people essentially pay for with real money.
For example the CRB text says;
"Her mutation chance will increase, as well as the lethality of the mutation."

Increase from what?
If the base chance is 0.1% and you're increasing it without disclosing it how does the player base know if its increased by 0.01% or 1%? It's a gamble every time you CRB a lioness.

Lion Meat isn't much better;
"Chance is much greater than 1% fertility would have, but lower than GMO cow."
Again, from what? Is the chance increase 0.01% or 1%?

GMO Cow is the only one with a set percentage, and thats "not 100%".
"Next breeding, high chance of mutated cub but not 100%"

What are these chances and why isn't Lioden choosing to electively reveal these like the UK government/gambling commission recommends?

I get that's not what this suggestion is about, but you can see how it links back to my earlier comment including the studies that showed game-based gambling did affect minors and increased their risk of becoming serial gamblers as adults - and these items are often the gateway. I remember buying loads of GMOs, Lion Meats, Barks etc when Leopons first released chasing them - it never happened and I kept trying.

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Edited on 28/01/24 @ 16:08:00 by Fraekinn [Full BO 7xSeal] (#57572)

Lollybugz | Unholy
๐Ÿต (#89010)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-01-28 16:06:59
I read all of this and you absolutely have my support. I share your view on this matter entirely.

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Sunny (#248338)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2024-01-28 16:09:41
I support! i read what people are saying, and i get why people feel this way. i support it

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vertigoat ๐Ÿฆค | G1
x2ros outlaw (#114297)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 20:25:28
yes PLEASE. there are so many gambling scams popping up on lioden all of a sudden it just takes advantage of new players who don't know any better. (not to mention there is a lot of minors on lioden!!)

at least with breeding item gambling or the slots machine gambling, you are going to receive what you "won" and rolled on. the RNG isn't going to see you rolled a G1 leopon and reroll, like people selling these gambling games are able to do. there is absolutely nothing tying them to actually giving you your prize, you may be unlucky and roll the worst option, or the seller just decided you won that. there's literally no way of knowing.

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coolio ๐Ÿ„โ”ƒmaziwa (#149374)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 20:28:06
100 supports on the first day? Come on y'all, hype up my other suggestions like that. Joking, joking, I think this is a good testament of just how much people care about this issue. Hopefully admins see this as a sign this is more than just a casual annoyance for us

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Edited on 28/01/24 @ 20:28:31 by coolio ๐Ÿ„โ”ƒcostco (#149374)

Merciful|G2 4.6k
Haze Primal (#447656)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 20:37:00
Support! I had no idea these forum posts as well as the undisclosed odds of breeding items could cause legal issues for the game. Thank you and Fraekinn for the in-depth descriptions. I was one of the minors that was affected by gambling in games, specifically gacha games like Genshin and Honkai Star Rail, and I was still throwing my money away without realising until very recently (not that I stopped, I just realised it ๐Ÿซ ). I truly hope something is done about the forum games soon, and the gameโ€™s gambling mechanics after the recoding.

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