Posted by Hear My Whispers In The Dark. (1x1)

Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-03 15:07:52

Hear My Whispers In The Dark

He hated them. The females. Hated them like no other being on the planet. No one knew why the leader of the pride couldn't stand them. But, he couldn't. He saw them for toys. Cub breeders. Nothing more. Male cubs were celebrated and rejoiced. Female cubs were killed before their eyes were able to open. He hated them. He hated them all.

That is, until she came along.

She was different, even in his eyes. He didn't understand it. Maybe it was the fact she couldn't... Or didn't speak. Ever. Not one word. When she was imprisoned into the pride, she was silent. Like she was just a shell. No spirit. Just a body of a lioness. But that was perfect, since all he needed was a body to bear his cubs.

But what happens when he finds that he actually feels something for this lioness, after she saves his life from an attack?

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 05:35:39
Corintha licked the small cub as the Shamen agreed to assist, healing the cub, feeling the urgency in her voice. As the cub was healed, Corintha watched the pride from the distance, feeding, and snarled slightly. "Selfish." She thought, as. she picked the young cub up and brought him back. He was hers now.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 06:01:31

Natalya saw Corintha return and sighed with relief. "Thank you so much for saving my son" she said and took the cub from Corintha. She trotted away and nursed the hungry cub, licking him. Apollo watched as the cub was greeted by his siblings, smiling. He flashed Corintha a warning glance, fearing her reaction to Natalya taking her son back.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 07:57:34
Corintha bared her teeth at Apollo, signifying she wasn't going to take that, and if he wanted to fight her, she had no problem ripping him a new one too. When the cub was nursed, she approached his mother. "He needs to stay with me. For now. I can nurse him, but his wounds are still present, I have to take special care of him." She said, making sure her eyes were calm, when in fact, she wanted to scream and yell at this lioness for leaving the cub in the first place. She picked him up in her teeth, by the scruff, gentle like the cub was straw, and trotted back to her own den. "Your mine little one. I'll protect you, not leave you." She thought, as she put the. Little cub I'm a leafy bed, to keep him warm. She licked him happily.

Name: Nagato
Age: 0 seasons, new born
Gender: Male
Appearance: Nagato is an Inferno male, with what appears as going to be a black razor main. His markings include heavy spotting, celestial spots, due to his healing from the ancestors, and other markings as well, that will be described as the roleplay goes on.
Personality: Nagato inherits almost nothing from his father, almost nothing, except for the fact he will be a flirt. But, not a bad flirt. He's sweet with ladies, and shy, but when he likes one, he'll stick to her like glue, protect her, and make sure she's happy, just like his 'mother' has taught him to do. Towards his biological siblings, his sisters, he is very nice too. He plays with them and tugs their ears, and bites any mean cubs who make them cry. Towards Apollo, his half bother, he doesn't seem to care much. He respects him, but he doesn't really pay attention to anything leadery. He's too little, and has much too little an attention span for all that mumbo jumbo. All he knows is he is the back up heir for if something happens to Apollo, and he's not even really sure what that means yet. Towards his biological mother.... He really doesn't care. In his mind, Corintha is his mother, and who gave birth to him doesn't matter. Through and through, he believes Corintha is his mom, no matter what. She saved him and protected him, then raised him, where as his biological mother left him behind.
History: We've RPed out most of his history, but as for what's next.... Raised by Corintha, loves his honorary momma to death. xD

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Edited on 08/11/14 by The Screaming Jester (#10832)

tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 08:30:22

Apollo didn't respond to the threat. He only watched Natalya flick her ears back. Surprisingly, the lioness didn't retaliate. Instead she followed her. "Okay. On one condition. He will know who his real mother is" she responded, staring straight at Corintha. Apollo watched over the cubs, making sure that the pride didn't accidently trample them.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 08:35:46
"And he will also know that she left him to be trampled by his father." Corintha answered, licking the cub. "As far as I'm concerned, he's mine now. The shamen used my blood to heal his wounds." She said softly, staring at the little cub in wonder. "And, you left him to die. I saved him. If you had come back to the news he was dead, you'd be happily fine since you had your little daughters. I don't trust you with him. He's mine. If you'd like to fight me on this, I'm more than willing. But, he is mine. Not yours. 'real' mother or not. You left him without second thought. Your no mother to him." She said, holding her little cub. "And his name will be Nagato." She said, nosing the small cub.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 08:51:19
Natalya glared at Corintha and whipped around, stalking away. Apollo padded into the den, blinking down at Nagato. "How is he?" he questioned, tilting his head. He felt bad for his half-brother. He would forever be loyal and respectful to this lioness for saving his sibling.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 08:54:50
"Fine. And he will continue to be that way." She said, licking her new son, purring softly as he latched onto her to nurse, fast and needingly, nuzzling him quietly, curling around him so he would stay warm. "I hope you don't plan to fight me on keeping him." She said, as she licked the cubs ears happily, her tail thumping on the ground, and a purr rising from her throat as she felt the cub curl into her.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 09:09:29
Apollo shook his head. "Keep him. Nobody else wanted to nurse another cub of Zeus" he said, blinking his blue eyes. He shook his golden mane, sitting. "If you hadn't killed him.. He would have driven us to extinction" he murmured. "Thank you" he sighed, dipping his head in gratitude. Outside, the whoops and hollers outside drew his attention. "They are extremely happy you got rid of him" he said, returning his icy gaze to Corintha.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 09:14:51
"I didn't do it for them, or this pride. I distracted him to let the lioness get her cubs to safety. She left one, and he tried to kill him. That's why I killed him. Because he tried to kill something so small, and innocent, and loving." She murmerred as she nuzzled her little cub, "As far as I'm concerned, he is mine. He will not know his heritage, other than the fact the lioness that gave birth to him left him for dead. That's all I intend for him to know. Nothing else. Nothing else ever." She whispered. "He's mine. All mine." She nuzzled the baby cub happily, purring softly. "But, you're welcome anyway. But be warned. I know nothing about you. If I see you will be the same as him, and if you dare try to hurt a cub, I will show no mercy." She said, as she licked Nagato, who fell asleep happily, purring.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 09:32:20
Apollo looked down on the sleeping cub. 'He will never know he is related to me' he thought sadly, blinking away his thoughts. "Okay. If you need anything, do not be afraid to call me" he said quietly, exiting the den. The pride had dumped Zeus's body into a deep body of water, getting rid of any traces of the former king. He ignored the comments from his pride as he went into his new den, staring at the claw marks on the stone. No matter how hard the pride tried, the reminder of Zeus would always be there.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 09:43:15
"And you, if you prove yourself to be trustable." She thought to herself, as she watched her cub sleep. She nuzzled against him happily, and picked up the cub by the scruff of the neck, and carried him to the Apollo's new den. "Why don't you fill this in and make a new den? It's not a good idea, being in a den that has so much horrid memories." She pointed out, panting slightly, her wounds from her battle finally starting to retaliate on her, as she lay down, at a distance from him.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 09:54:13
Apollo looked at Corintha, his paws shuffling. "I don't suppose you expect me to sleep with the females, do you?" he chuckled at his corny joke. "Really, there is no where else to go except here or at your den" he said, looking down at his paws. "I guess I can sleep under the Ancient Tree" he shrugged, clearing his throat.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 09:58:01
"Come to my den. I could really care less. It's a good idea to have two lions, more eyes on Nagato." She said through her cub's fur, and shrugging at his attempt at a joke. "I don't know you. All I know is the genes you come from. So, who knows?" She asked, as she put her cub on her back carefully. "I just think this den should be filled in and forgotten. It would be best for everyone." She said, as she stood back up. "Come on, let's go."

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 10:06:19
Apollo flinched at Corintha's comment. "I'm going to try my hardest to make sure I am not like my father" he said defensively, he said. He stood and padded beside the lioness, helping her keep the cub on her back. Apollo noticed her ripped open shoulder. "You should get the elders to look at that" he said, looking at her wounds.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 10:21:36
"Later. My cub is sleeping. I don't want to move him more than is needed. And I don't want to disturb the elders anyway." She said softly, and licked his cheek softly, and then moved away. "But thank you for your concern. Perhaps you are trustworthy enough for him to consider you family." She said softly, nosing him and then walked to her den, laying down in her bed of leaves, making sure he had enough room to lay down.

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