Posted by Hear My Whispers In The Dark. (1x1)

Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-03 15:07:52

Hear My Whispers In The Dark

He hated them. The females. Hated them like no other being on the planet. No one knew why the leader of the pride couldn't stand them. But, he couldn't. He saw them for toys. Cub breeders. Nothing more. Male cubs were celebrated and rejoiced. Female cubs were killed before their eyes were able to open. He hated them. He hated them all.

That is, until she came along.

She was different, even in his eyes. He didn't understand it. Maybe it was the fact she couldn't... Or didn't speak. Ever. Not one word. When she was imprisoned into the pride, she was silent. Like she was just a shell. No spirit. Just a body of a lioness. But that was perfect, since all he needed was a body to bear his cubs.

But what happens when he finds that he actually feels something for this lioness, after she saves his life from an attack?

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 14:31:09
Corintha was with her cub, licking it gently, having not reached to the border threat. As long as her cub was. safe.... And Apollo was, which she was sure of, he was smart and strong, she was fine. She waited patiently for his return, sitting in her den, waiting patiently.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 14:37:28
Apollo slowly padded back into the den. His ear was torn but that was pretty much it. But boy did his wound sting. Wincing in pain, the lion watched as the blood dripped onto his eye. He shook his head, hardly realizing there was a stain on his eyelid. "How is he this morning?" Apollo asked Corintha. He ignored Harlequin's gaze boring into his back. Knowing that Corintha was bound to notice, Apollo shifted sideways so there was no view of the angry lioness.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 14:40:52
Corintha had already seen, and was already near him. "Your half brother is fine, my king." She said, trying to sound as formal as possible, to ease the jealousy of the lioness. She bowed her head. "Shall I tend your wounds?" She asked quietly, as her cub toddled toward Apollo, landing on his paw.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 15:08:50
Apollo heard Harlequin storm away. "No thank you. I'll survive with this" he responded, trying to appear strong in front of Coritha. He looked down at the cub, unsure of what to make of the tiny scrap. He lifted his paw gingerly off the ground, not certain about playing with the cub. He heard the elders whispering and Harlequin venting off about him on her sister. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, his brain going fuzzy. All he could smell was in-heat lionesses. He gazed at Coritha, his eyes pleading for help. "I need to get fresh air" he panted, turning swiftly and racing out of camp.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-08 15:19:56
"Your tempted." She said softly, as she leaned back, picking up her cub to follow him quietly. "Slow down, come here. I can help you." She said softly, as she looked at him. She had a. Herb in her mouth, and putting the herb on the ground. "Rub your nose in it. It will blind you to any scent of heat. Except mine, but you don't need to worry about that." She said, licking him.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-09 00:02:31
Apollo turned and pressed his nose to the herb. "Thank you" he shuddered, licking the lioness's nose. 'I can't become my father' Apollo thought, lowering his head. "I'm sorry" he apologized, his golden fur ruffled slightly. He lifted his head and gazed at the border where Zeus water grave laid. He shivered and looked away, staring at his paws as all smells drifted away from his senses.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-09 00:50:45
"Your welcome. And at least your fighting the urges, that counts. That really does count." She said softly as she licked him, nuzzling him. Her scent was the only one that remained, as she licked and muzzled him. Corintha was purring as she rubbed up against him, her cub scampering slightly around them. Her body was rubbing against his chest.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-09 12:37:50
Apollo was unsure on how to react to the lioness's gesture. He stood stiff as a stone, looking at the scampering cub. He sat on his haunches and twitched his tail back and forth as the tiny thing swatted it. "He is growing nicely, Corintha. You have done a fine job raising him" he purred, nodding his head.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-09 13:58:58
"I'm glad you like his progress." She whispered with a nod, licking his cheek. "I'm sorry if I'm misreading signals here. Should I not rub against you?" She asked softly, her purr stopping. "I apologize if you don't wish to be touched by a commoner." She said, her eyes flickering down. She knew she should have asked. He was king, after all. "My apologies, my king."

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-09 14:34:02
Apollo sighed. "You didn't do anything wrong.. It's just.. I get so tongue-tied and nervous when I'm around you" he admitted sheepishly, watching his brother climb over his front paw. "Stupid, huh?" he asked Corintha. "I'm supposed to be the strong & mighty king that everyone expects me to be. Yet I fall head over heels for a lioness braver than me" he murmured quietly, his voice barely auditable.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-09 14:37:54
"I'm not that brave. It's easy to be brave when you have nothing to live for." She said softly. "Well, at least, in that moment I didn't." She said, watching her cub as she nuzzled against him again. "You don't need to be nervous around me. I... I like you, your nice. I like your fur. It's soft." She whispered, as she licked at his ears. "I'm suppose to be a mute. So, don't feel bad." She said with a small giggle.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-09 22:33:13
Apollo looked at Corintha. "You managed to fight for what you believed in and raise a cub. You are braver than I could ever be" he said, licking her nose. "Yes, my fur is the only thing you love about me" he chuckled, shaking his think golden mane.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-10 02:28:01
"I fought to save a cub. You would too if it came down to it. I have strong maternal instincts. I love cubs. More than anything. I always swore if i got a second chance to have one, I'd take it, and rip anyone apart who tried to take that cub from me." She said softly, licking him again. "And your heart. I love that too."

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2014-11-10 06:13:26
Apollo listened carefully. "I'd probably try to save it. But I am not sure that I could raise it. My mother told me before she died that me and my brother were like living hell. But she loved us no matter what" he said quietly. "Now I have no mother. No brother. No father. All I have is you. And I'm going to have a hell of a time trying to convince the pride that I'm staying by your side" Apollo said quietly. "Huh. Before you thought I was like Zeus. Now look at you. Your putty in my paws" he chuckled, licking her chin in a affectionate gesture.

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Sadness Soaked
Seconds (#10832)

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Posted on
2014-11-10 08:48:17
"You have a brother. Or maybe a son. Whatever you want to think of him as." She pointed her tail at the cub that was still scampering around. "And well, depending on how old the cub was. I highly doubt you have any milk to feed it. And if you do, I think we might have a problem on our hands." She teased softly, as she licked him again. "And, if you want another lioness, don't feel obligated to stay with me just because I like you. You're king. I'm... Well me. I don't expect you to be satisfied." She pointed out. "And I wouldn't say putty in your paws. More like... Slightly cuddled into your fur." She purred softly when she was licked, nuzzling him again.

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