Posted by Mane Markings: MORE COLORS.

Hok-Z |
π‘Ήπ’‚π’π’π’Š (#170947)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 04:38:14
Y'all, Mane Markings have been unloved for years. It's time we change this. I sifted through "mane marking" results in Newsposts to figure out exactly where the love began and where it ended.

Relevant Newposts:

2016-2017 was the best year in terms of quantity to the game. Personally though... I only enjoy Noctis, White / Quartz and Whisper Mane Markings. :(

There was a four YEAR gap between Mane Marks being added between 2017-2021. Currently, we've gone two years without a Mane Mark update - despite Orchid being on the list. Please... I beg. Bring Orchid Mane Marks to us

Here's some colors I personally feel would make WONDERFUL additions to the Mane Marking Colors:

Breed-Only / RMA
- Algae
- Cimmerian
- Ebony
- Fiery
- Orchid
- Citrine
- Elysian
- Maroon
- Prune
- Ebony
- Slate
- Ashen

- Arctic / Glacial
- Bloodstone
- Blue Poinsettia
- Fuchsia
- Green
- Harvest Moon
- Hibiscus
- Haunted
- Ice
- Kunzite
- Labradorite
- Merlot
- Opal
- Peach
- Ragdoll
- Rough Ruby
- Styx
- Spectre
- Unholy
- Water Hyacinth

Now personally, I'm a huge Cimmerian fan so I decided to do a couple mockups of what Cimmerian could look like. I didn't change the marks - I was lazy. If anyone else wishes to do mockups of what these mane markings could look like, that'd be wonderful.

This suggestion has 41 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 27/02/24 @ 18:42:27 by Hok-Z (#170947)

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 05:11:55
Mane markings may gain popularity once the Spirited pose is added, since default male pose is kind of ass lol. And females don't really display mane markings, so for a lot of people they're rather irrelevant. But it'd be nice to have more variety for those who do enjoy them, so I support!

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Talmoi (#16689)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 05:28:23
I usually only use onyx and white mane markings but some new colourful choices would be great!

Would love Briar, Citron and Arctic Mane Markings!

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Fuego (#41825)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 06:36:22
Mane markings are an issue for 2 reasons. They are really only visible if you choose the male look, and they take up a valuable marking slot. Mane markings should have always been their own separate category. They tried to kind of fix it back when they opened up the option for 10 additional slots, but this is nearly as unpopular as it is really expensive and cumbersome, and by default 11+ are hidden in offspring that just makes it continuously more expensive.

I really do love mane markings, here is looking at you, low flow and duskfall! Plus all that mocha love. But I'd rather that space be taken up by a really nice T2 or T3 marking. If it were its separate category I'd definitely use them more!

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Hok-Z |
π‘Ήπ’‚π’π’π’Š (#170947)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 14:34:35
Couple things to address quick ^-^ I'll put these solutions/comments in the main post and reorganize it a bit since this was a very quick post at like 4am.

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101) ~ Very true! There's no real desired timetable since well.. they're not something the masses seem to remove them if they're RMA'd.
I saw a different suggestion where Mane Genetics would be present on females in the form of their tail tuft shape - which would be a wonderful way to make them visible on part of the lioness!

Default Males might not be adored, but there's undoubtedly individuals out there who can't afford a female & posed king/queen. I would've loved more mane marks back in the day. Additionally - Adols, Primal, Smilus, Ferus, Felis & Dorsal Fur could take advantage of the mane markings.. not just default male poses.

Fuego (G1 Cameo 12BO) (#41825) ~ This issue you're presenting isn't within the scope of this suggestion since I feel it would be suited for the Game Development: Existing Feature Adjustments forum.

But for sake of discussion, I don't feel like dedicated slots are necessary. If you have twenty markings, how many of them do you actually see on a lion? Chances are you'll only see the topmost 8-10 marks with bits of underneath showing through. By the time some people load up their king with 20 marks, the base isn't even visible. More mane marking colors would allow people to have their main male's mane be integrated better into their overall designs.

The upgrade is expensive to... dare I say dissuade everyone from having all 20 marks while allowing those dedicated to a specific design to show them or at the very least, have them be an inheritable but invisible trait. If every lion had 20 marking slots available and shown, it would probably cause quite a bit of site strain.

However, I'm sure value, demand and appreciation for mane marks would increase if more mane mark colors were T2 or T3.. I believe they're all T0 or T1 right now... which probably has something to do with why they're so undesired to begin with.

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Fuego (#41825)

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Posted on
2024-02-27 14:45:16
This issue you're presenting isn't within the scope of this suggestion since I feel it would be suited for the Game Development: Existing Feature Adjustments forum.

Sure, that's fair, but I was merely responding to your comment about the markings being unloved for years.

But for sake of discussion, I don't feel like dedicated slots are necessary. If you have twenty markings, how many of them do you actually see on a lion? Chances are you'll only see the topmost 8-10 marks with bits of underneath showing through. By the time some people load up their king with 20 marks, the base isn't even visible. More mane marking colors would allow people to have their main male's mane be integrated better into their overall designs.

I feel like this is a contradictory response, or maybe I am confused with it and I am sorry if I misunderstand. I was stating the +10 mark addition is nearly as unpopular, and why that is. The mane markings are essentially irrelevant here when it's already a pain to pay for the marks and down the line with cubs. This is why dedicated slots, specifically for Mane Markings, make more sense. Perhaps this column only shows up when a lion is male if it's too much information, I don't know. But it should have always been its own category. I agree the suggestion belongs in another forum but just stating why I currently do not utilize them.

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Edited on 27/02/24 @ 14:45:38 by Fuego (G1 Cameo 12BO) (#41825)

AshFire(Main) (#206242)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 09:56:12
I think some have forgotten that mane marks are loved on Mane mutation females, male gons, Male pons, and Primal variants.
I've used them plenty of times to make the manes have a bit more texture or flow better into the base. It's a choice I like to have ❀️

The only reason I see mane marks being so unused is bc the t0-t1 cost 3gb to be placed... It's more expensive than their worth. So to gain more mane marks that might be BO or are apps (lilac and whisper) would be awesome!!

Plus we need more variety in colors!!! Up vote from me 😎

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Hok-Z |
π‘Ήπ’‚π’π’π’Š (#170947)

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Posted on
2024-02-28 15:05:51
Fuego (G1 Cameo 12BO) (#41825) - I see how it's contradictory, my bad.
I had meant to convey that if a majority of kings use Slots 1-10, that's okay. Chances are people want those 1-10 marks to mean something on their design while also being valuable BO, Event or RMA-Only marks.

If our future mane markings were any of those three categories than bottom-of-the-barrel T0-T1, then maybe more people would integrate those markings without it feeling like such a sacrifice.
I still stand by 1-20 marks being the only ones we need without dedicated mane mark slots.. because if we add the current mane marking shapes as different colors it doesn't expand it by that much.

However.. if they were to add different mane markings in the future - such as Vitiligos or Streaks or patterning similar to spotting etc, then maybe additional / dedicated slots could be useful. For the goal of this suggestion it doesn't feel necessary.

I hope this clears my earlier post up ^^' I'm sorry it was so disorganized.

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