Posted by The Great Wolf Migration - Main RP Thread

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 02:49:35
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Hunting Thread


You have left your forest home, left without your pack. The earthquake shook a massive hole in your life. Now, you search for the Valley of Hope and for a new pack to share your life with.

Before each post you must put this:
With Alpha's name's Pack
Character name || Sex || Age || Rank
This is to make sure there is no confusion.

Occasionally I will post plot updates, with weather/prey/landscapes coming into play. You’ll see what I mean after I’ve done this a few times. Every update will have ‘Plot Update’ written before it.

Please take your time with your responses, and allow at least couple of people to post their own replies before you post again, even if you’re only interacting with one person at the time. This makes sure replies are well thought out, nobody is controlling someone else’s character, and everyone has the chance to get involved in whatever happens before the RP moves on from that.

Pack hunts will be arranged every so often by the alpha. I will set up a hunting thread that I will link here. Once the alpha has chosen the hunters you will RP that your character has left with the hunting party, and then switch to the hunting thread to RP the hunt. This is so that characters in the hunt and in the rest of the pack don’t get confused about who is where. I find it makes things much easier to follow this way. You may hunt small prey alone here, but group hunting must be done away from the pack, in the hunting thread. You will then RP your return here, and either bring the prey or lead the pack to the prey, all in this thread. Only hunting will take place in the hunting thread.

My rule of at least four sentences per post is absolute. If you don’t follow this you will get a strike by your name. Three strikes and you will no longer be allowed to rp here. I may remove a strike if you post a lot of detail in your next few posts.

Nobody :3 let’s keep it that way, yeah?

The last thing to say is have fun everyone!

Current Plot Update

The wolf pack travelled across the soaked plains and have come to the base of the mountain. The rains have passed for now and the sun shines down. However, they must make the decision to either go around or over the mountains. They will soon encounter new wolves, but whether this be a good or bad encounter is up to their choice! Spring is still here and flowers will soon bloom.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 26/12/15 @ 11:14:46 by Rusty [Skyward 3.2k, Poop pls] (#39276)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 01:26:55
Misha|Female|2 yrs. 3m.|Lone Wolf
The brown-pelted wolf's muzzle shot up when she heard an answering call, this time, one that matched her prior howl in tone and question. However, it was bolder than hers', and much deeper. Her ears perked as she listened to it echo over the treeline in the near distance. It was in the opposite direction of the howl she'd heard earlier, but it's tone called to her more than the other. With an indecisive whine, Misha glanced in both directions and then leaped, wetting her legs and belly as she splashed through the pond.

Bounding through the woods, her tail fell straight out behind her, letting any that saw her know that she wasn't a submissive wolf, but she also wouldn't be giving orders any time soon. When she began to slow her pace, she noticed the cool smell of water somewhere in the distance; different than the pond she'd come from. Suddenly, the scent of brute wolf filled her nose, causing her to almost stumble as she came to a full stop. Glancing around, she resisted the urge to raise her hackles. At any other time, scenting a wolf would mean a fight, since she'd grown up in a tight-knit pack that protected it's territory well. But now... it meant possibilities.

When Misha turned her muzzle forward again, she caught the sound of soft pawsteps heading in her direction. With perked ears, the she-wolf cautiously approached the sound, until she saw a brown and white male padding through the underbrush. She felt an immediate pang in her chest, and froze where she stood, unsure of what to do, or even say. This was the first time she'd seen a wolf since her pack had been killed. And it made her stomach twist uncomfortably. Oh.
mentioned: Neil

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-05 06:34:21
Remington || Male || 4 years || Undecided rank
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

Remington growled to himself and then quickly bit at a bug that had bit his hind end. He looked to Luna again as he saw in her expression she lost her spirit and joy once he stopped playing with her. He nipped at her ear again making Kade wait for his response, he then smiled at Luna. "Once everything is settled out and has calmed down with us older, and more foolish wolves you can have me all to yourself to play with, how does that sound?" He winked to her hoping to make her feel better, then he softly sighed and turned to Kade.

He walked over to Kade standing quite a bit taller then her, and decided to sit down to be level with her eyes to keep eye contact with her respectively. "I do not have to be told that I should apologize, and I do not understand what has happened. I am frustrated to be honest, if we are all going to be honest with each other. Elihu and I were not going to fight and it is in a males nature to do that, we didn't establish "ranks" and we both completely respect each other, I respect him right now more than he probably respects me. I really would wish that you and Dementris would stop referring it to as fighting, because its not. I was not even that aggressive and was never planing to lock my teeth on him. Now I will not apologize because you said I should, and I will not apologize with you. I will apologize to Dementris when she wants to come back, she got away from me for a reason and I do not want to invade her space. We might all be forgetting we just met each other, now I know the earthquake affected you all in some way, lost a pack, family, friends, home everything I get that, but keeping are wits about and staying calm and honest is the most important thing right now. If I had intentions of fighting anyone I would not hesitate to clench your throat right now, but I am above that. So please tell Dementris when you go to apologize that once she wants to talk to me let her know she can come to me, if she doesn't then I understand and that's her choice. I understand you females before me are strong and I think of us as equal but commenting on our male way of things is not solving anything. Let us males be males please that's all I ask. I want to have everyone be able to talk to me and feel happiness again. Please don't follow me for me, follow me for yourself."

He nodded to Kade and stood up and bowed his head to her and lifted it high puffing his chest out, and looked to Elihu and nodded to him as well. He then went over to Luna and nuzzled her and smiled then walked passed Velvet and nodded. "I want you guys to do what is right for you, just within a couple hours drama has already started over nothing, and I don't want to stick around if I am not needed or wanted, so I am going for a walk and will be back at dusk to hear what you guys want. Whether I stay and help, or I leave to be on my own again, you guys make the call its alright." He nodded to everyone once more, and started off at a slow trot into the forest leaving them to decide hoping what he said to them went to their hearts and minds.

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Edited on 05/07/15 by Nature Paw (#64491)

Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-07-05 06:41:53
Banshee|| Female || 3 Year || Undecided

"Ah but that is just it. I am a blind wolf and what should I do if I pass this to my future young?" She asked, stopping beside a tree and stepping up onto a large root that settled itself maybe a foot above the ground. It was hick enough for her to sit on, and so she did. "I was born with this issue and I don't want to do that to my own children, so how do I gain a family with that fear?" Banshee flicked her ears, sightless eyes settled on the ground as she just seemed to stare down at it.

She could tell the male had been stumbling into things due to the vibrations he was causing on the forest floor and thus gave them a break. "At least you, a kind and strong male like yourself, kind pass on good enough genetics that a female would be proud to bear you pups." Taking a deep breath to release a sigh she shut her eyes, picking at he bark of the tree with a claw. "Oh well, lets get to these places I keep hearing about."

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Edited on 05/07/15 by Nephthys (#14065)

Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 07:12:57
Kade || Female || ~5 years old || Undecided rank || Going to apologize to Dementris

Kade sighed in slight irritation. "Did he not hear me?" she muttered. "Someone please let me know if all males are this hardheaded, or if it's just this one." With another snort of annoyance, she trotted easily over to where Dementris was.

"Hey. Dementris, was it?" she said, softly. "I just want you to know that I apologize if I made you feel like your opinion didn't matter. Everyone's opinion matters. We're all on edge right now, and you're right in that fighting won't help anyone, but it is how males are. Remington says that he'll apologize when you're ready to go back and talk."

She didn't really want to stick around, so she nodded again to the other she-wolf, and walked off in the direction of the pond one of the wolves had told her about a little earlier, intending to get the dried mud out of her fur, and think a little bit. As she slipped into the cool water, she reflected on the conversation of earlier, with Remington. He didn't seem like he would make a bad alpha at all, but she had no intention of bending her head to another. They would respect each other as equals, or there would be no respect.

Of course, the she-wolf would be very happy to be alpha, herself, especially considering that she had the upper hand in experience. Actually, she didn't know about any of their pasts, so maybe he had been an alpha and she just didn't know. No matter what, she decided, he is no one to make an enemy of.

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Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-05 07:29:38
Neil || Male|| 3 Years 7 Months || Rankless
Some fur stuck up from the brutes pelt, fur that he had no control of. Neil had stopped, sitting down for a moment to take a breif break from his travels. His eyes slowly closed as his tongue lay out of his mouth, panting due to the sun that had yet returned to the earth. His ears perked up as he heard a females pawprints. Was it canine? The males eyes narrowed as his neck turned to see a brown-pelted fae. His golden eyes studied her figure before lifting up his body from the ground. She hadnt seemed aggressive.. His tail raised, and his ears relaxed and laid back. Cocking his head to the side the male was now interested.

A white patch lay on the females chest as his posutre staightened. "Whom might you be?.." His voice was firm, studying any movements that she might do. His nose lifted up, with almost a nodding motion to his head he soaked in her scent. Neil then shook out his fur, the sun getting the best of him. He had traveled quite some distance from where he was, but it hadnt been enough... I'll loose their trail.. The male rolled his eyes some shaking off his worries for a little longer. If he could properly introduce himself maybe these two could survive together until they meet up with more canines? He would no longer have to scavenge for rodents.. They could hunt a more filling prey.

His tongue continued to hang out of his mouth as he panted, awaiting this females reply. His orbs staring into her's, with an occasional 'look away' motion. His hackles stay lowered as his front paw lifted up and ran across his ear. He wasnt quite worried of any dominant signs being shown by this female for she seemed to only seek company.
Actions:Speaking with Misha, showing some dominance but not aggressively. Keeping calm.

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Edited on 05/07/15 by _My_Life_ (#14257)

Truthful Pride (#64473)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 07:38:08
Luna || Female || 1 year || Pup

Luna's eyes widen as she had never seen before a male want to be respectful and be at eye level with a female. In her old pack females were run by the males and the females were fine with it they were very submissive and loved the idea of being ruled. As Remington started to speak she listened in closing fidgeting, as Remington finished she watched him closely. As he stood up and said his last few words to us Luna started whining and couldn't hold back her movements anymore it was so hard. As Remington trotted away she barked at Velvet, Elihu and Kade before she left to see Dementris. "Listen I know I might be a pup and no one is paying attention to me, but he is! Out of everyone here Remington has made me feel the most welcome he saved my life by giving me probably his only food he had left, he has played with me to cheer me up and even helped me clean my disgusting pelt! He barely knows me and he is being this kind! And then there is also this drama on ranks, and females don't have to bow to males and such?! I get it I am not stupid because I am a pup, we are all equal and he just said that, he even sat to make eye to eye contact with you Kade and even bowed to you and nodded as he left! If that is not respect then what is? He has done nothing but been kind to all of us, and hello think he was here minding his own business resting when I came up pleading for help, then Velvet, then Dementris, Elihu and you Kade. So I am not sure what the rest of you are going to decide, but if it comes down to it I stand by Remington. He has shown love, humor, strength, charm, knowledge, wit and bravery and so much more! He even knows where the Valley of Hope is or at least something close to it and offered to bring us, and again he barely knows us all. As she finished ranting she growled and walked to rest under the shady tree and curled up to nap.

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Exodus~Path (#61524)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 07:39:34
Dementris|Female|Undecided rank| After Kade

Dementris watched as Kade left, following her pursuit.She saw the other female in the water and finally spoke."I accept your apology though it wasn't needed.I walked off in anger of Remington.I don't think he should be alpha because he's a male or strong.Im not accustomed to taking orders and if he thinks otherwise, then he's already made an enemy.And although he says he won't give us orders and he wants us to follow him because we want to, that's just to make a good impression.We all know he's gonna end up taking this position to the next level which is why I'm thinking of leaving.And, maybe its a male thing, but from my perspective its stupid and if he's expecting me to walk up to him to basically submit at his knees fr an apology, then he can go take his wannabe good guy attitude somewhere else"Dementris hadn't noticed how long she had been talking, and layer down, flicking an ear towards the group.

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Edited on 05/07/15 by Exodus~Path (#61524)

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 07:47:27
(wow this has moved on quickly :P I've almost finished unpacking so will be back to normal soon ^^)

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 07:50:34
Kade || Female || ~5 years || Undecided ||Talking to Dementris

Kade inclined her head slightly and nodded. "We don't know the true nature of his character," she said softly. "He seems kind enough to me. I will be the first to admit that I want to be the alpha. I've been doing it for two summers and I have no intention of submitting to him, but there is no need to fight with him, either. There's two alphas in a pack and I fully intend to be one, because I have experience. Many wolves know not how difficult it is to lead a pack, especially one as different as the one we may be forming."

As she'd heard Luna's barking, she smiled knowingly. "So what do you think of that crush Luna - that's the pup's name, right? - has on Remington? He has to be three summers her senior, at least. Pups are strange, but I must say, I'd like a litter for myself," she said, laughter entering her voice. She'd seen pups fall head-over-heels in love with some battle-scarred warrior. They often grew out of it quickly.

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 08:45:48
Velvet || Female || 4 years || Undecided rank
Velvet’s appearance

”It isn’t the thought of them fighting that I’m enjoying,” she replied to Dementris, ”It’s them showing off their obvious strengths. It certainly makes a difference from the normal lone males that approve me anyway.” She thought over her past suitors, about how she’d rejected them all as they seemed incapable of looking after her or a family. It was a refreshing change to know there were worthy males out there. Velvet listened to Kade’s words, nodding in agreement; voting was a bad idea for leading a pack. An alpha needed to be strong, able and care for the wolves. Besides, this group barely knew each other.

She turned her attention to the male she was now sat beside, pleased to see he also thought traditionally on how an alpha was chosen. When he suddenly grinned and sent a wink in her direction she was shocked for a moment before a pleased smile spread across her face. Her tail began to wag, swaying slowly over the ground and hitting his with rhythmic thumps. To see that her advances were neither being ignored nor making him uncomfortable made things a lot more fun.

The femme’s expression softened as she watched him lean down to clean Luna’s neck. So, Remington was also caring towards young. That was certainly interesting. Her chest clenched as the scene reminded her of the many times she’d watched over her familys’ pups. Perhaps one day she’d be able to look back happily on the memories, but for now all they brought was pain.

At the male’s question Velvet nodded, looking him back in the eyes with a fond expression, ”I would like to start a pack with you.” Although she also meant to include the rest of the wolves there, she placed a little emphasis on ‘you’, directing the statement to the handsome pelted male.

Velvet’s ears twitched again as the same voice howled in response to her. It was a question, seeking their forming pack and asking to join them. She lifted her voice into a howl again, this time an enticing one, inviting any surrounding wolves to join them. The earthquake broke a lot of wolves’ families, and she wouldn’t want any of them to think they were alone in dealing with this. She was pleased to hear that the pup was also calling out, obviously thinking along the same lines as she.

As she finished her howl she noticed Remington in a long, heated conversation with Kade. As tensions seemed to grow her ears pinned back against her head and she gave a whimper. She didn’t want anyone to be angry. There was a difference between enjoying watching males show off their strength, and an actual fight. He walked straight past her, leaving the group, and Velvet’s whimper turned into a whine, wordlessly begging him to stay. Kade had gone in the other direction, following the way Dementris had left earlier, leaving a few of them in the middle.

Making a choice, Velvet got up and trotted after Remington. She slowed her pace as she caught up to him, bumping her head in greeting against his side. ”Hey, are you okay?” she asked carefully, ”I’ve been told I’m a pretty good listener if you want to rant.”

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 09:26:00
Lyall || Male || 3 Years || Undecided Ranking || Interacting with Banshee

The large male shakes his head slowly, a thoughtful expression on his features. He realized the birds had begun to sing once more, the air no longer still and foreboding. "I suppose that's a risk you would have to take, Banshee. You appear fine without your vision, why shouldn't your children be as well? They may not even inherit your blindness. I shan't say I've heard of being unable to see as being a hereditary thing. From what I know, blindness occurs if there has been a harmful additive while the pup is developing." Lyall articulates, relieved to be able to take a red from dodging sloppily through the forest. He would be much relieved once they finally arrived at their destination. After all, valleys were not considered as forested areas.

"So why should you not have a proper family, then? I'm sure you wouldn't find it a difficult task to find a suitable male. You are quite beautiful, and from what I've had the pleasure to acknowledge, you are a wonderful companion for any wolf. He sits at the base of the tree who's root Banshee had taken as her resting place. In his mind, the fae's logic was completely irrelevant. However, if she was uncomfortable, he supposed he should respect her decision. It was indeed her decision, after all. He had no say over what she chose to do with her life. Lyall simply found himself saddened with the young wolf's dilemma.

His belly rumbles remarkably, and the male smiles shyly. He hadn't managed to grab even a bite that morning, what with the complete destruction of his family, and currently he was starved. "Well, I suppose we should find something to eat. I know I would like to avoid dying of starvation. I don't know about you, though. I mean, if you enjoy that kind of thing, I won't force food down your throat or anything." Lyall jokes, flicking an ear. The rustling of the leaves in the trees caught his attention for a moment, however it was nothing but the wind flickering through the branches.

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 10:16:57

|:|Male|6 Years Old|Undecided|Talking to: Shaya & Twist|:|

The small amount of emotion that had been hastily plastered on his face left at their words. It had been a while since others had seen him for what he truly was. A higher ranking wolf. A perfect specimen. A wolf to be gazed upon. A god. His chest puffed out at the praise, and he stepped towards them. The tailless wolf had released the one who claimed to be Shaya from the thorny trap she had found herself in. The unnamed female spoke so lowly of herself that Shaya had felt the need to reassure her. This confused Azazel as she was only speaking the truth. He was surprised her previous pride had even allowed her to live. Nothing but dirt that had been given a soul. Then again, so was Shaya. The two were destined to meet as filth always attracts more of its kind. Their weak and cowardly demeanors only proved to him just how low they were. Of course, the male thought as he turned away from them. Of all the wolves in the forest, I found the two weakest.
"Come now, let us be off in the search of brighter tomorrows and more..." Azazel's looked back at them, his eyes taking in the wolves he had managed to find. "capable companions." Without waiting for a response he began his advance deeper into the dying forest. His ears stood alert on his head searching for signs of life. In order to reach true god status, you must bring us more sacrifices. More of your fallen brethren. The gods were never satisfied, though he couldn't blame them. A thirst for power was a sign of dedication and strength of mind.

{ Short reply is short. I forgot just how weird playing a slightly demented character was. I still dig him though. c: #IpromiseI'mreallyniceinperson }

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-05 10:41:12
Remington || Male || 4 years || Undecided rank
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

As Remington trotted off he sighed. He looked up around the trees and as the wind blew through his ears he lifted his head smelling the air as his pelt blew in the wind. He looked as if he was part of the trees in wind. After his short pause he continued on his way walking until his ear twitched responding to the sound of an approaching wolf. Earlier Remington had made to imprint Velvet's smell in his mind so he knew she was coming up behind him. His ear just flicked listening and his tail swayed. Then he felt Velvet come up beside him rubbing herself into and along his side. He smiled lightly acknowledging her that he knew she was there and kept walking with her by his side.

He kept quiet for a bit and spoke purely from inside his voice sounding meaningful and full of honesty. "You really should have staid behind and watched Luna and kept yourself around the rest of the wolves, you found what you wanted other survivors just like you." He never made eye contact with her and just kept his walking pace either looking straight before him or at the ground. "Thank you for the thought though of keeping me company and making sure I was alright it was kind of you, but really I am fine. I do not rant, complain, or whine I deal with it myself by listening to the voices within the wind, listen to the wind gives you the most knowledge you could ever have and lead you in the right direction. He said he was fine, but how could a wolf always be positive and fine? Remington then lifted his head up slightly glancing at Velvet then back forward, "you know I never asked for this anyway right? All I did was help a pup and now I have a wolf that hates me, a pup that adores me, a female who is in between, and a male that I respect and respects me, and of course you." He smirked as you said Velvet's name last and referred to her as you. I thought it would be the right thing to offer a couple of you to follow me and I could take you to a place of peace like you wanted and now its blown up into this huge drama. I just want you and the rest of the wolves to figure out if you want me to show you the way or not, if not fine and I will be on my way living as I did before. Meaning darling you should go back and see what everyone wants to do you, Elihu, Luna, Kade, and Dementris. He looked back up at her and waved his head back from where they came signalling for her to go back. He nodded to her and kept walking farther into the forest.

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 12:27:15
Misha|Female|2 yrs. 3m.|Lone Wolf
As soon as the brute's golden eyes settled on hers, Misha glanced down instinctively, her tail lowering from it's straight pose. When she glanced back up, the male was watching her with a cocked head and curious eyes. She felt herself begin to tremble against her will and turned her ears back on her head in a sign of submission. As he straightened and raised his nose, she found herself accepting his demeanor of dominance with very little protest, and even lowered her head a few inches. Being a subordinate in her own pack, Misha found submission to this brute as easy as howling.

At his question, she couldn't help but turn her ears forward again, taking in the deep tremor of his voice. Still shaking slightly- for heaven knows why- she raised her muzzle a bit to answer him. "I'm Misha." Her voice came out soft, but a lot more calm and collected than she currently felt. "I... I..." The she-wolf suddenly felt a wave of emotion crash over her, and her voice was choked from her body, leaving her unable to speak even though there was so much she wanted to say. I lost my pack, and I'm so lost and lonely that I don't know what to do anymore. You're the first wolf I've met outside my own family and I don't know how I'm supposed to act, much less what I'm supposed to say. Her pale green-grey gaze shifted from his towards the dirt beneath her paws.

"It's nice to finally meet another wolf," she was able to say, though her chest still felt tight. With her tail low, the female slowly took a few more steps closer to the male. Curiously taking in his scent, she was sure to keep her muzzle lower than his, and her ears turned back unless he addressed her again. After she'd familiarized herself with his unique scent, she gave a small tail wag and sat down, satisfied that the male wouldn't turn on her, at the very least.

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Rubinyan (Ruby) (#40145)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 12:42:48
Zillia|| Female || 2 years 5 months || Undecided

Zilla was walking through the forest looking for a place to clean up. She woke up not a couples hours ago laying in a puddle of mud on the cave floor. Sighing in disbelief, the wolf glaced around. It's been awhile since she smelled that scent. There were wolfs near, the scent was still strong. Deciding it wouldn't hurt to try, Zilla threw her head back and howled in a soft sad time hoping a wolf would hear her call.

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