Posted by The Great Wolf Migration - Main RP Thread

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 02:49:35
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Hunting Thread


You have left your forest home, left without your pack. The earthquake shook a massive hole in your life. Now, you search for the Valley of Hope and for a new pack to share your life with.

Before each post you must put this:
With Alpha's name's Pack
Character name || Sex || Age || Rank
This is to make sure there is no confusion.

Occasionally I will post plot updates, with weather/prey/landscapes coming into play. You’ll see what I mean after I’ve done this a few times. Every update will have ‘Plot Update’ written before it.

Please take your time with your responses, and allow at least couple of people to post their own replies before you post again, even if you’re only interacting with one person at the time. This makes sure replies are well thought out, nobody is controlling someone else’s character, and everyone has the chance to get involved in whatever happens before the RP moves on from that.

Pack hunts will be arranged every so often by the alpha. I will set up a hunting thread that I will link here. Once the alpha has chosen the hunters you will RP that your character has left with the hunting party, and then switch to the hunting thread to RP the hunt. This is so that characters in the hunt and in the rest of the pack don’t get confused about who is where. I find it makes things much easier to follow this way. You may hunt small prey alone here, but group hunting must be done away from the pack, in the hunting thread. You will then RP your return here, and either bring the prey or lead the pack to the prey, all in this thread. Only hunting will take place in the hunting thread.

My rule of at least four sentences per post is absolute. If you don’t follow this you will get a strike by your name. Three strikes and you will no longer be allowed to rp here. I may remove a strike if you post a lot of detail in your next few posts.

Nobody :3 let’s keep it that way, yeah?

The last thing to say is have fun everyone!

Current Plot Update

The wolf pack travelled across the soaked plains and have come to the base of the mountain. The rains have passed for now and the sun shines down. However, they must make the decision to either go around or over the mountains. They will soon encounter new wolves, but whether this be a good or bad encounter is up to their choice! Spring is still here and flowers will soon bloom.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 26/12/15 @ 11:14:46 by Rusty [Skyward 3.2k, Poop pls] (#39276)

Jounist (#14257)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-05 12:51:44
Neil || Male|| 3 Years 7 Months || Rankless
Her glare stared down, tail lowering from her more dominant position. He was not one to lie, that he liked her behavior. His tail slightly lowered itself, only a tad as her body trembled. Neil had felt goosebumps go down his spine, fur sticking up like porcupine as his tongue settled itself inside of his mouth. He eyed her movements, but this time hadnt taken his eyes off of the she-wolf.

As her muzzle raised the males ears perked forward, he knew she was about to speak. They call her Misha? His tail wagged twice and jolted to a stop, Was she abused? Why was she submitting to me so quickly? The males lips curled up some and flattened once more, surrounding his teeth, providing a flesh wall. "I'm Neil. We can't stay long.. It's best to keep traveling." His head went into a normal position and she began to speak once more, her ears coming forward once more.

"Indeed.. Its been some time for myself. Are you hungry? If we where to travel together I'd want you to be well fed." No emotions where expressed on the males face, just a slight smile towards the fae, but it had disappeared. I'm willing to travel with her if she is.. His tail flicked as his fur lowered back on his live carcass. She had stepped slightly closer to him.. His immediate reaction was to play.. But he did nothing. Maybe if he had known the female a little more he'd be interested in such interactions. He gave one last wag of his tail and also moved closer. They where a step away and Neil stretched his neck out, maw above her's he smelt her cheek and pulled back. "Are you ready?" He was not interested in fighting the fae, but they would need to eat and rest to find the members that had howled earlier. At that moment a new howl was thrown into the air, his head turned... But faced Misha once more.
Actions:Friendly towards Misha. Inviting her to follow him in his travels.

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Edited on 05/07/15 by _My_Life_ (#14257)

FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 13:14:32
8VdBPmT.jpg?3Shaya Phansi|3 Years|Female Omega|Following Azazel Stupidly

Shaya padded along behind Azazel. What a kind male. Not only had he come out of nowhere, he was offering to lead her and Twist to find other survivors. "Azazel, sir, we should indeed get food. Omegas such as us should not need it for ourselves, but I am sure that we should allow you to eat, and we will eat too to better serve you." Shaya kept her tail down and ears low, slinking along the ground in a submissive crouch.

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Edited on 06/07/15 by FantasyDragone (#54330)

Astraia (#62667)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 14:47:47
Elihu || Male || 2 years old || Undecided ||Alone. Near Dementris, Luna, and Kade

Elihu watched silently as his potential pack fell apart before him. His narrowed silver eyes and surveyed the damage. Just like the forest behind him, this "pack" had been uprooted in an instant. The black wolf got to his feet and thought back on Dementris' words. ..."Elihu is gonna let Remington take over, something a male of his build wouldn't be able to cope with." He shook his head and flattened his ears as the words echoed in his ears. Was that supposed to insult him? Why had she glared at him? Had he upset her? He had been nothing but polite. It didn't make sense for him to challenge Remington for alpha leadership. He was a young wolf and Remington looked to be a few years older. Clearly, Remington had more experience. Sure, they were both males, and they would have most likely been evenly matched in a fight. They were both evenly matched in strength, although Elihu was slightly slimmer and Remington a bit taller. If they had fought one of them could have been seriously hurt, maybe even killed. He was grateful that Remington had agreed on their terms of mutual respect. It prevented unnecessary bloodshed, and had saved the two males from potential injuries.

He was puzzled and frustrated with the others around him. Hadn't Remington asked if they wanted to start a pack? He listened thoughtfully as Remington explained himself to Kade. He agreed with the male although he didn't voice his opinion.

Male wolves sorted out their ranks together and then the most dominant wolf became the alpha male. It was the same with the females. One female wolf eventually asserted herself enough to become the alpha female of the pack. It was part of the great law of nature and the Spirits. It was tradition. It happened in every pack. Perhaps there were just too many alpha females in this part of the forest. Some would have to submit, although it might take awhile by the look of the females before him.

The black wolf watched as Remington walked away and then listened to Luna's rant. He looked down at her as she furiously defended Remington. He was slightly offended by her rant, but figured it was just her emotions getting the best of her. Remington was a kind wolf, and it was good for him to be compassionate with the pup. However, he was annoyed that Luna hadn't greeted him. He had acknowledged her, even lowered himself to her level, when he introduced himself, which was a risky move, as Remington could have taken the opportunity to attack him, a strange male.

Not only that, but if she thinks she has the right to yell at me, an unknown male, then she is wrong. Any other male would have grabbed her by the scruff and given her a good shake. You do not talk to strangers in that tone, especially strange males. Her parents would probably have given her a good talking to if they had been around. He thought to himself, annoyed. He watched as the angry pup ran off to the trees and curled up to nap. He sighed then, and watched as Velvet, the beautiful female trotted off in the direction Remington had gone. Did anyone have control of their feelings these days? What happened to putting the good of the pack before yourself? Wolves hunted in packs, they worked together. They weren't selfish and proud. If a selfish wolf tried to grab extra meat from the kill, the alpha was on him in an instant, making sure there was enough food and scraps even for the omegas.

Elihu was left by himself in the clearing by the stream. Alone. Kade and Dementris stood in the stream talking amongst themselves. Remington and Velvet had gone off who knows where, doing who knows what. Perhaps they were off to start a pack of their own. That happened occasionally, although it was rare. The skinny pup, Luna, was sleeping under a shady tree.

The midnight wolf with the silver eyes was alone again. He looked around the clearing and noticed a large, triangular boulder near the edge of the clearing, which overlooked both the clearing and the stream. He walked over to it, and leaped up the few stones leading to the base of the giant rock. He climbed up the smooth granite and settled himself at it's peak, so he could watch the area around the clearing. He had a good view of the forest and beyond the forest, the plains. Miles and miles of grass stretched out before him. The wolf watched, poised, as the sun sank towards the horizon and the colors changed. Greens became golds, golds, became orange. The shifting colors was dazzling, and the clouds in the sky were a mirage of colors.

Then, the sun hit his rock and Elihu became alit with heat. His shiny black fur gleamed as the rays struck him, and a cool breeze rushed through the plains and struck him, circling around him, stirring the leaves, and Elihu's fur into a frenzy. A flock of birds exploded from the trees, sensing the end of the day as they searched for their roosts. The sunset was beautiful and Elihu's heartstrings were torn as he feared the potential pack had been lost. He remembered the wolf howls he had heard before and decided he would try to remind the wolves of their great ancestry, and call up to awaken the moon and stars and greet their ascendance.

He hunched his shoulders, lowered, his head and braced himself to the wind as he threw his head back and released the deep, carnal, howl of his kind.
He had been the singer in his family, and now he sang for himself, as well as the others who had been lost in the earthquake, in his attempt at a memorial.

"This heart of mine runs on and on;
My alpha, my father, orders the stars,
Our bond of love will never be torn;

This strength of mine runs on and on;
My beta, my commands, bear the stars;
This test of mine, I will surely pass;

This spirit of mine runs on and on,
My omega, my rock, ease my pain;
How can I bear the weight of the stars?

This love of mine runs on and on;
My pack remains while I go to the stars;
Without my pack I could never have witnesssed the moon."

He finished his song and felt a bit better. The story of the wolf who had reached the stars with the help of his pack was an ancient one. He hoped that at least one of the wolves would recognize it and remember that cooperation was necessary for a pack to succeed. It was taught to pups in his pack when they were learning the importance of each of the wolves in the pack, and to remind them that a place in the sky awaited them when they died. The alpha, the leader, commanded the pack. Alphas guided the pack to safe hunting grounds, chose what to hunt, and protected the pack from danger. The beta, the enforcer, made sure there was no rebellion. Betas advised the alpha, helped in hunting, cleaning, preparing dens.The omega, the rock, helped the pack relieve tension. Omegas could help clean dens, train pups, or even scout if necessary. Theirs was a cruel way of life, but it was necessary to prevent aggression from turning the pack on each other.

With that, he lay down on the edge of the boulder, and looked to the stars as they began appearing in the sky. He smiled softly, but grieved quietly for the wolves who had been lost in the disaster. The playful pups, the curious adolescents, the caring mothers, and protective hunters. The strong warriors, and watchful scouts. Each a star, they would shine forever more, to him. He whined at the innocence lost in the earthquake, and the frustration he felt with those around him.

((Sorry, guys I know it's long. But a lot happened and I needed to catch up. And Elihu needed to do something. X) Hope you don't mind.))

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Edited on 05/07/15 by Astraia (#62667)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 14:48:40
Misha| Female| 2 yrs. 5 m.| Undecided| With Neil
Neil. His name was Neil. It'd probably be best to remember that. She listened to him speak, her ears curving forward and occasionally twitching at the different sounds his voice made as he asked her a question. She'd eaten a mouse that morning, but she wasn't feeling particularly hungry; and she didn't know if it was because of the trauma she'd been through when the earth shook and broke apart. "I'm fine. Unless you're hungry..." when she responded to him, she lifted her head an inch and met his eyes with her own.

"Yes, I'm ready-" the howl that cut her off threw a shiver up her spine, making her fur bristle slightly as her hackles rose. She glanced in the direction of the sound, her ears moving forward and then back. The sound tore at her heart on some level, but it made her stomach twist as well. It made her want to turn tail and run, actually. "T-there were more wolves in that direction," she tossed her head in the direction she'd come from, lowering her head again as she met his gaze. With a small flick of her tail she bounded a few steps in that direction, then turned around and wagged her tail at him, asking him to lead the way in the direction she'd provided.

Come on, she thought, mentally urging him on. She hoped he wouldn't want to go after the single wolf who's eerie howl made Misha feel uncomfortable; and she couldn't explain why, which bothered her even more. In some sense, it might have been because she'd never heard something quite as sad as that before. Slapping her front paws softly on the dirt, she gazed at him with half eager, half expectant eyes.

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 18:11:10
Raoula|Female|4 Years old|Undecided

Raoula rose to her paws and padded after Azazel. The cringing and groveling of the other wolf confused her momentarily. What wolf would think so low of herself? Both the other wolves appeared to be omegas, and the male was leading them somewhere, taking them to meet other survivors. As the male walked, she couldn't help noticing his sleek fur. Quickly shaking her head to rid it of such thoughts, she glanced up and down the path, ears twitching. Even though she felt safe with these other wolves, she still fell into her old habits of checking for danger.

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 22:07:19
Velvet || Female || 4 years || Undecided rank
Velvet’s appearance

Velvet raised an eyebrow at the male and shook her head. ”That’s not what I was looking for at all,” she told him, ”I wasn’t looking for survivors, I was seeking company to distract me from the loss. Truthfully, I don’t know that I’ll ever be comfortable in another pack, but I know myself, and I know I wouldn’t be able to survive alone. The Valley of Hope is my destination to try and find an easy life for myself around other wolves, but the only way I can see myself thinking of a pack as one I’m part of is if I ever have pups born into that pack.” The loss of her whole family was still too much to even think about moving on from her old pack, but the thought of a future and a new family put a slight smile on her face.

”I do wish to follow you to the Valley. I won’t speak for the others as I don’t know them, but I would much rather make a journey to somewhere that definitely exists with you than end up alone again looking for a place I know only from rumours,” she glanced sideways at Remington, ”At a time like this arguing with each other helps nobody. We’re wolves, we’re built to be of a pack, we should look out for each other.” She fell back at his final sentence, shoulders dropping and letting out a sigh, when he padded on ahead of her. Accepting defeat, she turned and started to walk back to where the others were.

As she approached Velvet heard Elihu’s song calling out through the woods. For the first time since the earthquake she felt slightly better with regards to her pack’s fate. The song was one she’d been taught as a pup from a lone wolf who stayed with her pack for a short time. She was comforted, remembering that her pack was not gone, that they’d always be there in the stars watching over her as she slept. When Elihu came into sight she stopped and lifted her head to sing one of the verses her own pack had added to the song, a reminder that the wolf should sacrifice everything for the pack.

”My pack runs on, and joins the stars,
My soul goes with them though I stay behind
My howl rings out, guiding their journey
Their light shines on, leading me home.”

She looked over at the younger male and sent him a soft smile, ”Thank you. Hearing that song again makes me feel slightly better.” A drop of rain fell on her muzzle and she startled, looking up at the sky. ”Looks like the rains are returning.”

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 22:53:40
Twist || Female|| 4 Years || Omega || Following / talking with Azazel and Shaya

The female flinches, turning her head away. More capable companions. Of course. She wasn't with this male because he wanted them as companions. He saw her just as her pack had. She knew that she deserved such treatment, but she also wasn't completely useless. However, at the same time, she was completely useless. She had been raised to be, in any case. She glances fleetingly at the scars and wounds covering her once-beautiful pelt. The worst was where her tail had been; the wolf who had done it had done so quite messily, resulting in horrible scarring reaching as far as half way up her spine.

Twist shakes her head, clearing it of all self pity. She crouches, slinking along behind Shaya and the other wolf. She keeps her ears lowered and eyes cast on her paws, one mangled and the other near clean of any abuse. Oh, how she wished she could stand proudly now. But alas, would never be. She knew it in her heart, even if her song drove her to be greater than a pile of bones. "E-excuse me, sir. B-but p-perhaps we should find some f-food? I can h-hunt for myself, of c-course. I don't e-expect anyone to d-do it for m-me." She offers quietly, hardly raising her head to do so.

For a fleeting moment, she allowed herself to imagine standing up and acting as though she owned the entire forest, as this wolf seemed to do. How wonderful that would be! To relieve the cramping in her back, the aching in her splayed paw, the horrible feeling of being inferior to everyone. Her dreams could never be answered, for she would always be the lowliest of creatures. Was what her pack instilled in her, from a pup to the day they perished. But that's just it. What was stopping her now? The ones who knew of how awful she was were dead. These wolves merely knew her by her actions thus far. No, no. She had to follow the path her pack had lain out for her. For that was what the stars had wanted, was that not correct?

(Twist is having an identity crises xD)

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-05 23:59:08
Kade || Female ||~5 years old || Undecided || Near Luna, Elihu, Velvet, Remington, and Dementris

Kade's ears swiveled to Elihu as he sang. It sparked memories of running with her own pack and drove her to raise her own voice in song.

I need a family
a kinship, a clan,
A home wherever,
A mate by my side,
Nothing to hide,
I need a family.

I need to run,
to hunt, to play,
To be one with my family,
Sisters by my side,
Territory to find,
I need to run.

I need to love,
My pack, my friends,
Those who matter most to me,
Brothers by my side,
New happiness to find,
I need to love.

"I have made my decision, and I will join your pack," she howled, "But I have no intention of being less than equal with you, Remington." She dipped her head to Dementris, and stepped out of the water, shaking out her now-wet fur, before she walked over to Elihu's rock. It was bathed in sunlight and the perfect place for her to dry off, and it was big enough for the both of them, so she hopped up and lay down.

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Exodus~Path (#61524)

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Posted on
2015-07-06 02:05:44
Dementris|Female|Undecided Rank

Sighing, Dementris started to regret her ignorant words, and quickly ran back the group.She noticed Elihu perched upon a boulder but Remington not in sight."I apologize for my dramatic scene, I didn't mean to ruin any of you guys' excitement."Sitting on her rump, Dementris decided to wait for Remington's return, wanting to direct her main apology towards him.Rising to her paws, the bulky feminine decided to follow the hybrid by scent, which was mixed in with Velvets. She let out a slight bark, trying to catch their attention just in case they were nearby.

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-06 09:28:57
Remington || Male || 4 years || Undecided rank
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

Remington was silent as Velvet spoke, but was definitely listening his ears turned towards her listening to every sooth word she said. He didn't look at her but out of the corner of his eye he saw her shoulders drop and sigh. He listened as she trotted back and kept on his way walking.

He lifted his head as he hear Elihu singing a song and then others there singing there own songs as well. Remington looked down at the ground again and sighed. He started speaking to himself trying to help him deal with his issues better. "They sound like there getting along much better when I am not there. I would go back to the group now, but I would not blend well for I do not know any songs like that but a rhyme that I made up, since I was a pup and sang it to the stars." He kicked rocks as they hit his paws and kicked up dirt as he walked further and started growling loudly at himself. "Why should I even help or be near any of them though! I mean I am not one for ignorant and worthless drama. I just wanted to help these strangers and it has blown up into a disaster. I could just leave them now, and let them figure things out on there own and live my life like I did before, makes no difference to me; or at least I don't think it will. He sighed frustrated and then stopped when he realized he had made it to the edge of a steep cliff. He looked down it watching vultures fly and the smallest of creatures scurry and a small river flow of fresh water.

Remington laid down crossing his paws and thumping his tail to the side and stared up at the stars which seemed to always be dancing and having a great time. Even though he did not loose anything in the earthquake like the others it was bring back the worst of memories dug up from the graves of his mind. He hated remembering the past, but it wouldn't stop and hit him like a freight train. He looked straight up into the sky as his beautiful smooth howl echoed through the valley below him sending small pebbles rolling of the cliff, his one strong howl probably was heard by anyone nearby. As he finished his howl and lowered his head he looked along the horizon envisioning himself as someone different, his parents and sister still by his side, and a pack of peace and happiness, but it quickly turned to grey and slipped away. As he felt he needed to connect to his pass he started signing his song in his deeper, but charming voice:

"I look to you of the shining haven for joy and wisdom,
I lay here by myself wishing I were you,
Glistening so bright so high up there,
where I down here am nothing but alone,
But when I look to you I see my family once again with myself,
Running, playing, hunting, just loving,
I might be alone now but I have you,
So please watch over me as I need you to,
No tears, or fights, disease, or bights,
Just watch me grow.

I am still all alone, all on my own but as strong as ever,
If I never looked to you I would have joined you,
My soul is owned by you from the debt of saving my life,
Please tell my family its not time,
I miss them and wish they stood by my side, but I must go on and earn my stripes

For I though promise you that I will never cry,
for I am part of the stars, the night, and the sky.

Remington smiled as he felt better saying his poem he has made up when he was young to himself. He stood up and shook out his pelt and started on his way back to the group, more proud, strong, courageous and faithful as ever. He wanted only to help them, so if they do want the help he will pay his respects and leave. The sky was getting dark as some drops of rain hit his muzzle, still a while away from the group he went into a trot hoping to get back before it poured.

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Edited on 06/07/15 by Nature Paw (#64491)

Astraia (#62667)

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Posted on
2015-07-06 10:01:36
Elihu || Male || 2 years old || Undecided rank || With Kade, Dementris, Velvet, and Luna

Elihu lay perched on the huge boulder and turned his head as he listened to the songs and stories of the wolves around him. He flicked his ears forward and wagged his tail slightly as he listened thoughtfully. It looked as though his ancient song might have inspired some reconciliation between the wolves. He looked down at Dementris and dipped his head to the pretty she-wolf. "I forgive you Dementris, it's easy to allow our emotions to control us." He smiled to her and then watched as she trotted away looking for Remington. Elihu hoped the male came back to the group soon.

He heard Velvet add a verse to his song and thumped his tail as the beautiful she-wolf appeared in the shadows of the trees near him. He looked down at the lovely wolf from his boulder and barked softly after she had finished speaking,"We all need a reminder of who we are once in a while. We are wolves and whether we like it or not we must unite as a pack. Some of us must submit to the others. So it has been, and so it will stay, until the very end of the age." He looked up contemplatively at the gathering darkness and then turned to look back down at Velvet.

"I will gladly join this pack and follow Remington as alpha male. But you females will have to find your own way of deciding who is alpha female. That doesn't have to be done right now! Usually more males will compete over the position, but right now it's just Remington and I. I would have challenged him for leadership if we were closer in age, but he's older and more experienced than I. Besides, we agreed to respect each other, what more could I want? When I am older, I will start a pack of my own." Elihu shrugged and then continued speaking,"The only one who will be equal with Remington if he becomes the alpha male, is the alpha female. The rest of us are not each others equal, nor his. There is a hierarchy in this world. We can support each other and be family, but we will not all be equal in terms of command. We must all heed Remington's orders if we are to be members of a pack with him as the alpha. If we do not listen we will be punished. It will only be matter of time. Surely, you remember watching the subordinates in your pack follow the alpha's order when he chose which deer to kill, or saw how he snapped at the omegas if they tried to eat before him. Or how he would guard his mate when she was in heat? We must be willing to listen to him if he is our alpha, and bow our heads if he wishes. We cannot each look him in the eye at all times, or we will surely fall into discord." He finished speaking and watched as Kade sang out her agreement to join Remington's pack, but only as his equal. He then turned and looked at Velvet with a cocked eyebrow. Velvet and Kade each wanted to be the alpha female from the black wolf's perspective. Eventually one of them would show more dominance and become the alpha female and Remington's mate. The other could become the beta female perhaps, or simply remain a hunter and subordinate. Elihu smiled to himself at the thought of the beta rank. He desired nothing more than that position in this new pack. Of course, it would be up to the alpha of the pack, but he would fight hard to gain the beta rank.

The night-black wolf watched as Kade climbed onto the warm boulder beside him. He turned and watched as the last rays of the sun caressed the grass before them, and then turned to look at the older she-wolf. What will you do if you don't become the alpha female? he thought to himself, and then spoke quietly to her. "You have been an alpha before, haven't you? You have the look of one about you. From the way you talk about the position and your display of dominance, it looks as though you have borne the burden of leadership before." He murmured quietly and then turned to watch as storm clouds crept over the plains, wiping away the last of the sunset.

He blinked as a soft splash of rain dripped onto his paws. Then he thought he heard the sound of pawsteps and stood up, looking back in the direction Velvet had come. The strong black wolf's tail began to wag, and he watched the bushes eagerly. Was it Remington? Had the male returned? "Look! Look, Dementris! Luna! Is it Remington?" Elihu barked breathlessly, excited for Remington to return. The sooner the male returned, the sooner they would have an alpha, and the sooner they had an alpha, the sooner they would have orders to follow.

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Edited on 06/07/15 by Astraia (#62667)

Exodus~Path (#61524)

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Posted on
2015-07-06 10:32:18
Dementris|Female|Undecided rank|Returning to Elihu, Kade, Velvet,Luna

Not seeing Remington any where, Dementris headed towards the others, deciding to wait for him and then apologize.Turning around, the mottled brown feminine tookoff at a steady, yet slow run.Eventually reaching the camp, she found a stump that had been destroyed by the quake and jump onto it, laying down with her head up.

Dementris looked at Elihu from where she lay, making sure as to not be noticed.He wasn't a bad looking male, better than the two or three suitors who were desperate for her attention rather than her affection.Shaking the thought away, she sprawled out across the stump, enjoying the sensation of ease in her sore muscles.

Almost falling asleep, Dementris set up to feel the pain of hunger rumbling once more in her stomach.Looking around she spotted Made and decided to talk to the felllow feminine.Jumping down, Dementris approached Kade and coughed to get her attention."I was wondering if maybe you would be up for a hunt?None of us look in good shape and I think we could all use a decent meal to regain our confidence and strength."

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-06 11:22:56
Kade || Female ||~5 years old || Undecided || Near Luna, Elihu, Velvet, Remington, and Dementris

Kade nodded to Dementris. "I'm actually pretty hungry right now," she told the other female, before turning her full attention to Elihu.

"I was the alpha female of my pack for the better part of two years," she told him. "And leadership may be a burden, but I find that I thrive under it. Yorrin and I were betas, and just sort of took over when the alpha pair died. I don't wish to have to fight for my place here, either, but I don't think I'll be challenged."

She looked over at Remington, who was coming back through the drizzle. "Remington! We're thinking of organizing a hunt for something larger than a rabbit. I think I caught a whiff of deer a bit earlier. It may be a bit harder to find in the rain, but I'm sure I can manage to track it," she called.

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2015-07-06 11:56:49

|:|Male|6 Years Old|Undecided|Talking to: Shaya, Twist, & Raoula|:|

Howls from other wolves finally reached his ears. The howls seemed to be those of acceptance and others of sadness. What pitiful creatures. The Gods had always spoken so harshly of other wolves, even though they themselves had once roamed the earth as one. Showing their weaknesses and trusting others to not betray them. Imbeciles. The day that the forest is run by a true wolf like you, is the day that you may join us. Their offer had been told to him time and time again. The words were now like a song that lulled him to sleep, comforting. Orderly anarchy, was that too much to ask for? All he wanted was to become an omnipotent being that ruled over every creature that dared to defy him. He only wanted to be able to stalk through the stars, and hunt with others almost as flawless as him. Instead he was stuck here for the time being. Treading alongside things that claimed to be wolves. Speaking of those things, one had started to speak. "E-excuse me, sir. B-but p-perhaps we should find some f-food? I can h-hunt for myself, of c-course. I don't e-expect anyone to d-do it for m-me." The words disgusted him as they poured from her small frame. Weak. The fact that she had even spoke to him was surprising in the least, but the fact that the other one had chimed in with her agreement was even more so.

Scoffing, Azazel came to a quick halt. "When is the last time ether of you ate? You both look like you may fall over any second." His words lacked sympathy as he spit them. "You speak of hunting, and yet you both look like the walking dead. How am I, as a respectable wolf, to believe that either of you can hunt. And why so needy all of a sudden? Hardly anytime has past and you both start to act like pups. Foul, wretched, thoughtless pups. I don't know why I even tried to act kind before. Obviously neither of you deserve my respect. No one does. Only I deserve respect." The rant left him breathless as saliva dribbled from his mouth. His breath left in heavy pants as a new sound met his ears. Head snapping to the left, he noticed another female. This one didn't hold herself like the others. She seemed confident. That would never do. Confidence had to be crushed and ripped away from those who didn't deserve it. From those that didn't speak directly with the gods. "And who are you?" He spat with the same anger that his voice had held when speaking to Twist and Shaya.

{ That last part is directed towards Raoula. }

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FantasyDragone (Camp
26-Aug2) (#54330)

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Posted on
2015-07-06 12:31:09
8VdBPmT.jpg?3Shaya Phansi|Omega Female|3 Years|Submitting to Azazel, as Usual

Shaya whimpered and rolled over. "Apologies, Azazel. Of course we are weak and useless. You are deserving of more respect than us, of course. I can hunt, but it is only in ambush. I would not hold a candle to your great, godlike ability. I know you are my superior and above me, I only eat so I may serve you." She wasn't as submissive as Twist, because of Twist's abusive pack, but she had spent some time as an omega before being kicked from her pack. Shaya knew every custom, each ritual. "I offer my apologies to my superior and hope for forgiveness," she said with closed eyes and belly exposed. At the least, she would be bitten or hurt. But maybe he would forgive her. She could only hope that soon he would accept her as his faithful servant.

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