Posted by The Great Wolf Migration - Main RP Thread

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 02:49:35
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Hunting Thread


You have left your forest home, left without your pack. The earthquake shook a massive hole in your life. Now, you search for the Valley of Hope and for a new pack to share your life with.

Before each post you must put this:
With Alpha's name's Pack
Character name || Sex || Age || Rank
This is to make sure there is no confusion.

Occasionally I will post plot updates, with weather/prey/landscapes coming into play. You’ll see what I mean after I’ve done this a few times. Every update will have ‘Plot Update’ written before it.

Please take your time with your responses, and allow at least couple of people to post their own replies before you post again, even if you’re only interacting with one person at the time. This makes sure replies are well thought out, nobody is controlling someone else’s character, and everyone has the chance to get involved in whatever happens before the RP moves on from that.

Pack hunts will be arranged every so often by the alpha. I will set up a hunting thread that I will link here. Once the alpha has chosen the hunters you will RP that your character has left with the hunting party, and then switch to the hunting thread to RP the hunt. This is so that characters in the hunt and in the rest of the pack don’t get confused about who is where. I find it makes things much easier to follow this way. You may hunt small prey alone here, but group hunting must be done away from the pack, in the hunting thread. You will then RP your return here, and either bring the prey or lead the pack to the prey, all in this thread. Only hunting will take place in the hunting thread.

My rule of at least four sentences per post is absolute. If you don’t follow this you will get a strike by your name. Three strikes and you will no longer be allowed to rp here. I may remove a strike if you post a lot of detail in your next few posts.

Nobody :3 let’s keep it that way, yeah?

The last thing to say is have fun everyone!

Current Plot Update

The wolf pack travelled across the soaked plains and have come to the base of the mountain. The rains have passed for now and the sun shines down. However, they must make the decision to either go around or over the mountains. They will soon encounter new wolves, but whether this be a good or bad encounter is up to their choice! Spring is still here and flowers will soon bloom.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 26/12/15 @ 11:14:46 by Rusty [Skyward 3.2k, Poop pls] (#39276)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-06 12:32:22
Twist || Female|| 4 Years || Omega || Following / talking with Azazel, Raoula, and Shaya

Twist stops, shock written on her face. This wolf was wearing on her nerves. She may have been treated as dirt all her life, but what right did he have to say such things? "When is the last time ether of you ate? You both look like you may fall over any second. You speak of hunting, and yet you both look like the walking dead. How am I, as a respectable wolf, to believe that either of you can hunt. And why so needy all of a sudden? Hardly anytime has past and you both start to act like pups. Foul, wretched, thoughtless pups. I don't know why I even tried to act kind before. Obviously neither of you deserve my respect. No one does. Only I deserve respect." She refused to be bullied by a wolf who knew nothing of her life, even if she had been taught to take anything thrown at her. This she simply would not stand for. She wasn't completely helpless, and it wasn't as if she couldn't hunt for herself. She's done so for as long as she could be weaned from the wretched liquid forced into her during her puphood. She straightens, her clear eye flaring and ears flicking forwards. This wolf acted as though he knew everything. As if. For all she knew, he was an omega who had decided to take the opportunity to become a dominant character. As she should have done, but hadn't. "I think you need to get down off of your high horse and realize that not everyone who is a bit beaten up is completely helpless. I may have been an omega, but now all of us are without a pack and are complete equals. Do not place judgment before you see what others can do. I've had to hunt for myself since I was a pup, as my pack never cared for me. I hunt very well, thank you very much. I think I've had enough of your shit, sir. I won't stand to be bullied by a wolf whom I know nothing of. I may act like a subordinate, and that's because I am, but I know that I am not a useless bag of bones, nor shall I be any less of a hunter than anyone else. Find your own capable companions. I'll find some others who are perhaps a tad more considerate than you." She growls, lips lifting in a snarl.

She turns to Shaya, quite proud of herself. She had never had the guts to stand up for herself, an didn't know why she had this time. "Shaya, if you wish to come with me, I'd be quite honored. However, if you'd like to stay with him, I'll think no less of you." She woofs softly to the other female, hardly giving Raoula a glance as she appeared from the forest. She had felt powerful, finally speaking up, and she loved this new feeling. She was certain it would wear off and she would resort back to her lowly position once she left, however for now she was quite happy. This wasn't like her, but she didn't care. It was wonderful to be able to speak aloud, without having to worry about an angry alpha coming to wound her once more. The sunlight seemed to grow brighter, the bird songs sweeter, and her heart seemed to burst with joy. Just the little thing, it made her incredibly vibrant.

(Twist broke her character a bit here, but she deserved a bit of authority for a moment before I kick her back down to size :P)

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-07-06 17:08:36
Raoula|Female|4 years old|Undecided

Raoula shrank back as the male snapped at her, ears flattening against her head. For a moment, she considered running. Surely there were other, less intimidating survivors. But could she survive until she met them? She had heard a few howls, but those alone weren't enough. "My name is Raoula, sir," she said, averting her eyes and lowering herself to the ground. Of course she would be submissive to this wolf. He looked like he could tear her apart.
As one of the omega-looking wolves stood up, Raoula's eyes widened in shock. She looked defiant. When she started to speak up for herself, Raoula cringed, expecting the strong wolf to attack her. A growl rumbled in her throat. The male's attitude towards her had been less than pleasant when he noticed her. For a moment, she was tempted to stand up for herself too.

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-07 09:03:15
Remington || Male || 4 years || Undecided rank
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

As Remington trotted his way back, his pelt soaking in the rain and his paws starting to sink in mud he thought he saw a wolf in the forest beside him, but he shook it off and kept trotting back. As he got to the clearing of what looked like the group together and getting along he shook out his pelt and yawned stretching out his front paws along the ground.

Right as Remington made it no sooner was he greeted, the pretty female Kade shouted his name and said they wanted to go on a hunt for food and wanted him to go along with them. He hesitated before answering the question. Remington knew it wouldn't look good for him to refuse a hunt, but also he had never hunt with anyone else other than himself and didn't want to cause more problems. His ear flicked away a fly, and he replied hesitantly, " Sure why not! There is a clearing a little ways to the East where herds of deer raise there young and most of the does are young and not very wise, but if you would like we could follow the scent you have." He smiled to her hoping he didn't sound to hesitate and that he didn't make it sound like he didn't believe that she could hunt it down. He stood before her and glanced over at Dementris and looked back at Kade, Remington walked over to Elihu before Kade answered him, he walked pass Dementris and jumped up onto the boulder that Elihu was laying on and laid down next to him with his head high and his tailed limp off of the boulder. From the stump he looked to Kade waiting for her to see what she wanted to do.

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Edited on 10/07/15 by Nature Paw [Unranked] (#64491)

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 09:26:20
(Once everyone leaves for the hunt go here, keeps things neater ^^)

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 09:51:46
Kade || Female || Five years old || Undecided || Hunting with Remington and Dementris

Kade grinned and hopped down from the rock with a spring that she'd lacked before. Something told her that her previous mood had to do with hunger, so the prospect of eating made her much happier. "We may as well go ahead to the place you mentioned," she said. "I don't know if I can find the scent again, with this drizzle."

Before she followed, she said, "I think we should call one more time, and after we get food, so if there's any other survivors nearby they'll know." She knew that if she were hungry and someone else was hunting, she'd like to know. And she was hoping that more wolves had survived, because, even though it was incredibly unlikely, she nursed a hope that Yorrin had survived. He had been in the den that had been crushed, but maybe he'd managed to get out.

Yeah. It was probably impossible, but she couldn't help to hope, so she threw her head back, letting loose a powerful howl. "We're here and we're going to have something substantial to eat soon!" her howl communicated. Her own voice, when howling, wasn't as light a musical as many females', but it projected a sort of power and steadiness.

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Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 10:13:43

|:|Male|6 Years Old|Undecided|Talking to: Da Group|:|

The guard hairs on the back of Azazel's neck stood at attention. His tail bristled in fury as the lowly female walked away. The fact that she was stupid enough to defy him, only showed that she wasn't worth his time. He told himself this as her disappearing figure only left him, Shaya, and this new female. With his tail curled over his back, he snarled at the place that Twist had once stood. Omega's opposing their superiors. It's like everything that was good in the world has been thrown away. The Gods seemed just as upset by this travesty as he was. Shaya and Raoula seemed to be the only wolves with a half a brain. Without speaking, he turned back towards the sounds of the howls. With every step he made, another curse was spat at Twist's expense. The rough pads of his paws felt no pain as he walked across the drying needles and wood splinters that had long since fallen from the trees. Creepers and the small ferns that had managed to go unscathed glistened in the setting sun's light. The small drops of water that had managed to cling to their leaves shined like that of a thousand stars. Azazel had always loved the way that the forest could always retain it's natural beauty. No matter how bad the circumstance, it's pride pushed it to still look its best. Much like himself, he thought absentmindedly. A grey and black blob caught his attention, but it had been in his peripheral. He had just missed seeing whatever it was, but from the smell it was another wolf.

Perhaps I've found this little gathering that I keep hearing. Swinging to the right, he followed the wolf's tracks. Once close enough, he noticed that there were a few more than he had bargained for. Slowing his trot to a creeping walk, he stood just out of view. It seemed as if they had all become quite friendly. This made him wonder just how long they had been with each other. Scanning quickly over each one, he noticed the very odd colored wolf that must have been the blob from the forest. He also took note of the fact that there seemed to be more females than males. One of these females seemed particularly odd. A completely brown pelt with scars scattered throughout. She made him feel different. The others didn't seem to have this effect, it was only her. After examining her for a couple minutes, he brushed it off as deja vu. Deciding that it was better now than later, Azazel made his appearance known. He trotted out from behind the brush, head and tail held high. "Hello all, I am the one and only Azazel." His voice was saturated in confidence, as he dipped his head slightly in greeting. "And I wish to join this... gathering." Azel wasn't quite sure what to call it as he didn't know if it was an actual pack or not.

(I almost had him say "What the heckie?" When he's looking at Kade, but I figured that would be to much. xD )

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Edited on 07/07/15 by Being as an Ocean (#41430)

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 10:56:54
Velvet || Female || 4 years || Undecided rank
Velvet’s appearance

Velvet frowned as she heard Kade’s howl. Packs were based on hierarchy, and wolves refusing to submit to each other would only cause problems later on. ”I agree,” she nodded to Elihu, ”The structure is what makes a wolf pack able to create a territory, and survive.” She listened to the male’s words, nodding along. While he turned to talk to Kade, Dementris reappeared and mentioned a hunt. Her own stomach growled at the thought of food, and she realised it had been a fair while since she’d actually eaten something substantial.

”I’ll join you for the hunt,” she told the other femme, walking over to her. She sat, waiting for the others to organise who wanted to join the hunt. Drops of rain began drizzling over her and she closed her eyes, lifting her head to enjoy the feel of the cool liquid on her face for a moment. When she reopened her eyes she saw that Remington had returned.

A new male appeared after Kade’s call, introducing himself as Azazel. Velvet trotted over to him, leaning into his personal space. ”Hello there, Azazel,” she spoke in a flirtatious purr, ”My name’s Velvet, and you’re more than welcome to join us.”

(shorter post because I'm very tired. Also ready to watch Velvet get completely ignored by Azazel because Azazade is <3 )

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 11:06:16
Kade || Female || Five years old || Undecided || Hunting with Remington, Velvet, and Dementris

Kade looked over as a new wolf came in. "Hello," she said. "I am Kade. We're going hunting, if you'd like to join us." She looked him over, finding that he was actually quite good-looking, but she could tell by the way he introduced himself that there was an ego problem there, and she would be having none of it.

"Remington, lead the way."

She wasn't sure how to feel about this new wolf with a big ego and pretty eyes. Looking at him made her ears tingle, which could be a sign of danger telling her to stay away, but it was a new sensation. Somehow it reminded her of Yorrin and she pushed the thought from her mind, and trotted over to Remington, muscles tense, in case Azazel showed any signs of attacking. She doubted he would, as he was far outnumbered, but this abnormal ear feeling was not one to be ignored. She was standing a little closer him than the may normally, her instincts urging her to stick next to the biggest male if she felt she may be in danger. Something about the wolf was off, more than his ego problem.

(Azazade <3 my favorite drink)

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Truthful Pride (#64473)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 11:08:44
Luna || Female || 1 year || Pup

Luna remained under the tree even through all of the singing from the other wolves keeping her ears pinned ignoring there loud songs. She never cared much for singing to her young ears it was just loud piercing squeals. Luna heard them mention a hunt, at that point she lifted her head high and stood up shaking out her fur. She looked around for Remington not seeing him anywhere she frowned and whined pacing. As she her Kade yell Remington's name she barked and ran towards him. He was wet and as he shook out his pelt she was attracted to his appearance even more. She looked to Velvet to see her run to him, but instead a bit after hen another male arrived saw her run to him and be by his side. Luna growled seeing that she didn't like one male but any she could flirt with she would. She ran to Remington greeting him with joy jumping around him in a playful stance barking and wagging her tail high in the air.

Luna's stomach still growled of hunger even after the large meal Remington had given her earlier. She sat and groomed herself as Remington and the rest of the wolves organized the hunt, and kept her eye on the new wolf. She didn't catch his name, and didn't have a good feeling about him he seemed rude and she most certainly did not want to be near him.

As the wolves were ready to leave for the hunt she jumped around Remington again pleading and begging to join, wagging her tail panting from the humid air.

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Edited on 07/07/15 by Truthful Pride (#64473)

Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 17:54:36
Raoula|Female|4 years old|Undecided

This large gathering of wolves slightly worried Raoula. She hung back, letting the male go first. When the wolves seemed to be friendly, she emerged herself, making a conscious effort not to hang her head and drop her tail. She forced herself to walk confidently to the other wolves. There were a lot more of them than she had expected, but they didn't look like they would readily attack her. After looking around, bewildered, she slowly walked over to Kade and Remington. She had heard Kade mention a hunt, and knew she was quite good at hunting. Perhaps she could show her skills to these new wolves, so they would more readily accept her. "Can I hunt too?" she asked.

(Sorry for short post!)

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Edited on 08/07/15 by Samba CC (Lilac Love) (#28104)

Astraia (#62667)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 00:28:15
Elihu || Male || 2 years old || Undecided Rank || With Remington, Velvet, Kade, Dementris, Luna, Raoula, and Azazel

Elihu smiled as Remington came to sit beside him, and he dipped his head at the male wolf. He turned his head and bristled his fur as new wolves entered the clearing. A male and two females. Elihu looked at Remington as the new male introduced himself wondering how he would handle this. He then looked at the new male and found that something seemed a bit off about his eyes...

Elihu stood up on the boulder he had been laying on and introduced himself, "Greetings Azazel. I am Elihu." The black wolf barked. He felt a bit tense about this new wolf, he hoped the males wouldn't have to go through another display of dominance. Elihu would fight for the beta rank. The massive black wolf then stepped slightly closer to Remington, showing Azazel that he and Remington were friends, and if the wolf tried to attack Remington, Elihu would attack him.

(Note to Remington, Elihu is laying on a boulder, not a stump ^-^)

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Edited on 09/07/15 by Astraia (#62667)

Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-08 04:08:16
Remington || Male || 4 years || Undecided rank
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

As Remington lay there on the boulder tired, he nodded to Kade as she would be okay with going to the place he had suggested. He yawned standing up shaking out his pelt again and hopped down off of the boulder. Then he was alarmed by the sound of another wolf just walking in on them introducing them self, this wolf said he was Azazel. Remington was wary about this wolf he could sense there was something wrong or different about him that he didn't like, but he kept it to himself. As Kade and Elihu stood by his side, he nuzzled Kade to just let her know she would be fine, looking up to Elihu narrowing his eyes letting him know to be on guard and careful of this new wolf. In the back of Remington's mind he was upset that Velvet was so flirtatious, he was not sure who she had feelings for and was not sure if he wanted to have feelings for her. He let out a quiet sigh and looked at the other two females present that arrived with the male. He could smell that they were nervous and were trying to hide it, so in no way was he worried of them attacking.

As Velvet sat by waiting to head out with the rest to hunt, he was startled when Luna jumped in front of him begging to come, he shook his head and looked down at her. "I am sorry Luna, but to be on the safe side I would feel better if you staid and kept watch here." He bit at her ear playfully and spoke up finally to Azazel, "Hello Azazel, I am Remington, they seem to want to welcome you to hunt so I guess you may tag along." He watched Azazel's movements carefully of any sign that he should worry, but he didn't see any obvious signs so he turned his attention to the female that approached him, nodded and welcoming her allowing her to join the hunt.

"If everyone is ready, lets head out on the hunt?"Looking to Luna, "We will be back soon Luna please stay put" He smiled and looked to everyone to see if they were ready to leave.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 04:43:19
Kade || Female || Five years old || Undecided || Azazade4life || Hunting with Remington, Velvet, Azazel, and Dementris I'm too lazy to put all of them seriously. I almost wrote Azazade instead of Azazel.

Kade relaxed slightly at Remington's touch, feeling more secure in the knowledge that they were more of a pack now and even if this new male attacked he would be outnumbered. She flashed a grin at her friend and said, "If you'll tell me where, I'll go ahead and scout it out." After being around other wolves for the majority of the day, she needed a little bit of time by herself, and wasn't sure what she'd do if someone offered to come with her.

She glanced around. The rain seemed to be letting up, but every few seconds, a several drops fell onto her already drenched fur. The air smelled cleaner, like a fresh start, and that's how she decided to see it. New friends, a new pack, new family. She would have to learn them all, how they hunted, how they reacted to situations, how they handled attacks and how they attacked, but maybe it would be enjoyable.

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 05:20:57
Raoula yawned and shook herself, already feeling more at ease. These wolves were obviously friendly. "I'm ready to go now, if the others are," Raoula told Remington. She sat down and began to look at the other wolves, taking in their scents and trying to glean what she could about them through their appearance, behaviour and posture. There was a big, blue merle male, a black male who seemed to be slightly submissive to him, and many more females. The black male seemed tense about the arrival of Azazel, as if he didn't want to fight for a high rank, but would if he was pressed to.
She took in the other wolves at a glance. One frail-looking pup caught her attention, and she let her gaze linger on the pup for a while. What was a pup doing with grown wolves? Eventually, she turned her attention back to Remington. "Also, may I ask your names?" she said to the group.

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-08 08:39:31
Twist || Female || 4 Years || Omega || Going Hunting

Twist snorts, stalking into the forest. Once she was out of the other wolves sight, she relaxes considerably. The female bounds away into the ferns like a pup, her head high. Alone, she could allow herself to act as though she were on the same level as all the rest. She leaps into a patch of flowers like a fox hunting for mice in the snow. Flopping onto the ground, she rolls through the wildflowers. Twist jumps to her paws, shaking the pollen from her black pelt. She decided to go hunting, as she hadn't eaten in several days. Her pack had allowed her no time.

[Switching to hunting topic to run into the hunting party :P]

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