Posted by Enitan x Seiden - Pokemon adventure

Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-09-11 21:48:03
WesHe hasn't been there for a while.
Jaded already, the man lift his glaze to the high buildings of Goldenrod City with a sigh. He had left Johto several years ago to go back to his native region, Orre, and he never missed the huge concrete blocks of this modern city. He's born from the desert and always avoided big cities and large concentrations of people. After having left his land to get a house in the capital city of Johto, some years ago, he never stopped to wonder what could have convinced him to do so. Was he trying to escape to some bad memories?

His look darkens while he was recalling the intense memories who marked the few years he spent in this city, so far from his home. Maybe he went back for those heavy memories. Maybe he was trying to find back something important he lost in there, to recapture what he loved, to find back those strong feelings, being positive or negative, he only met in there, or maybe was he there to fight against his misses and forget them. To untie him from all of them once and for all.
But, in Goldenrod City, only remains those cold concrete buildings and a crowd of strangers.
The man's look left the high roofs to come back to the ground. With a raging kick, he made the dust fly away around him, and turned around, turning his back to the white city, walking to the Route 34. He needs to allow himself to unwind. Maybe a fight may help. He observed the people around, looking for a trainer to challenge.


Actually just noticed I made a mistake within the roleplay : I confused two of his Pokemon and used a Houndoom he was supposed to have left in the PC.... So, here's the team he actually is using for this roleplay :
Espeon (stolen by the grunts)

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Edited on 21/12/15 @ 10:10:50 by Seiden (#31503)

Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-05 07:31:56
Sarah sighed, "Wherever I want to go. Move, I am going to get my pokemon back and you can't stop me." She crossed her arms and glared at them before pushing past them to get to another door and try that one. How she was actually going to find her Haunter was still a mystery but they didn't need to know that. Not to mention she had no pokemon to battle with and no idea where she was going. This was poorly thought out. But the other trainer seemed thoroughly annoyed with her and she didn't want to be a bother.

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-12-07 23:31:35
The three grunts ran after her, releasing their pokemons in the movement, and a Raticate jumped on her to put her down. They obviously would not let her run away this way.

While the girl was arrested by three of the team, Wes was figthing against the other three, using three of his Pokemons, Feraligatr, Absol and Umbreon, to fight against the three rocket Pokemons.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-08 04:14:16
Sarah yelped and looked over her shoulder, "Oh, really nice guys. Have a pokemon attack a person." She huffed and reached back, pushing the Raticate off and got back up, looking from one grunt to the next and slowly making her way to the door, glancing over at the other trainer to see how he was doing. He seemed to be doing just fine and she didn't want to bother him so she kept on her own way.

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-12-10 20:31:54
((just tell me if you want to stop the roleplay...))

The Raticate's owner laughed at her : "So you mean you don't have any pokémon any more? All right, I won't send my Pokemon on you, then!". Saying this, he just caught her by himself, grasping her left arm while another grunt took hold of her body by passing his arms around her stomach, flinging at her : "hey, where d' you think you're going?!". While the two rocket grunts were immobilizing Sarah, Wes' Feraligatr was taking care of his last opponent after the two other rocket pokemons fainted. Accompanied by his Absol and Umbreon, the male trainer approached. With a hand movement, he sent his Absol at the Raticate that was snarling at them, and spoke to the grunts : "So you're attacking girls, now? You got no pride at all?".
But while he was busy playing the saviour, he did not notice his Absol had fainted, having been attacked by three Pokemons at a same time, and his Feraligatr was not doing that good neither. Maybe they actually underestimated these grunt's level.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-11 04:18:34
(Why would you think I wanted to stop? I'm happy to keep going if you want to. Sorry I keep saying the other trainer by the way. I can't remember if they introduced themselves or not and I keep forgetting to look.)

Sarah squirmed against the hold of the grunts, "Hands off you brainless buffoons!" She kicked out, trying to hit one of them. She'd take a cheap shot if she could get one. Hearing the other trainer she looked over at him, "I'll be fine. Take care of your pokemon first. You don't want to loose anymore."

(Sorry this one is so short)

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-12-21 03:17:04
((Oh, I'm sorry, I misjudged it then. I just felt like you were annoyed by my character's rude behaviour. But it's fine then :D also, I'm sorry for having been so long to reply, I got lots of exams))

Wes looked over his shoulder. Being sure his Pokemons were unbeatable, he was surprised to see them struggling against their opponents. Without showing anything, willing to appear confident and strong, he just called his Absol back in her Pokeball. Noticing his Feraligatr may eventually faint as well, he decided to release all of his Pokemons, launching his two remaining balls on the ground. The first one opened into a green dragon who bumped his head against the ceiling, and the second one just remained closed, reminding the trainer he actually forgot his Houndoom outside of this building. He grit his teeth, cursing himself internally, but decided his Flygon and Feraligatr will be enough and took his attention back to the girl. The two rocket grunts were trying to put her to the ground.
" Brutes. No respect for the ladies, eh?"
Saying this, he caught the two arms of one of the grunts, forcing him to release the girl, letting her deal with the second grunt. Wringing the grunt's arm, he made him fall.

((you don't have to be sorry for the post's length, I don't care at all. Even a single line is fine to me.))

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-21 03:58:16
(It takes more than that to annoy me, don't worry about it. And there's no need to apologize for the absence, reality is more important than a game. Especially exams.)

Sarah turned, tripping the grunt then dropping all her wait on his gut, knocking the wind out of him before standing. She turned to the other trainer and grinned a little, "Thanks. Um, I've got some Super Potions if you wanna use them on your pokemon. Mind if I hang around long enough to get out of here at least?" Then she looked around startled as an alarm went off, "That can't be good. I think we better get moving."

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-12-21 05:57:40
Wes was standing straight on the grunt's head, pressing his head against the floor. He was rather surprised to see how the girl handled the second one, being sure she would need help with this one as well. Maybe she could be more useful than he thought?
- Well, if you have potions, I can't refuse your help. My guys will need them indeed.
But for now they had no time to take care of the injured Pokemons : there were still four rocket grunts to defeat. Luckily, two of them were immobilized against a wall by the Feraligatr, angrily growling at them after having defeated the last rocket pokemons, but the other two were approaching. They seemed hesitant, not sure of their possible victory now that all of their pokemons fainted, but they were ready to fight no matter what.
Wes sighed exaggeratedly, seriously irritated by all of this. Turning to the girl, he asked :
- Should we kill them, or would you be traumatized by a murder ?

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-21 06:19:51
Sarah shook her head, "No murder! We're in the middle of their hideout. If one of them turns up dead the whole place could go on lock-down and we'd never get out. Assuming it didn't get locked down already." Sarah looked around, "Um, how about that door? We're running out of options here."

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-12-21 06:31:58
Wes was not sure of her answer, considering an alive grunt may call for help, but he agreed on not wasting more time in there.
- Al right, let's try that door. Samaël, please get these guys off!
The Flygon nodded and jumped between the grunts and the two trainers, making a barrier of his body. Spreading his wings, he snarled at them, making them understand he would not hesitate to rip them off if they tried to approach his master. The grunts having no Pokemon left to counter the dragon, Wes and Sarah would be able to continue their exploration, looking for their stolen friends.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-21 07:33:04
Sahra went to the door, opening it quickly and heading through, waiting for the trainer and his pokemon to follow as she looked around the place. "Where would they keep the stolen pokemon? Should we look for some kind of training place or something?"

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-12-22 02:20:04
Wes followed her, only accompanied by his Umbreon. His Houndour having been left outside, his Espeon having been stolen, his Absol having been defeated, and his Feraligatr and Flygon being in charge to watch the grunts, he only had his staller left. The two trainers would have to hope they will not face any other opponent. But for now, they should focus on finding their partners.
- I'm not sure they're using them already. Maybe they just stocked them somewhere, waiting to transfer them elsewhere, or maybe they did it already. Maybe we should actually ask the guys ?

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-22 03:30:31
Sarah facepalmed and sighed, "That would be a big help and time saver. Should we go back and talk to the ones your pokemon are holding?" She turned to him, kind of ashamed she hadn't thought of that herself. In fact going into a base of criminals without being properly prepared was probably a really bad idea.

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-12-23 00:16:03
He addressed her a slight smile without really looking at her, kind of amused by her reaction.
- Yeah. Yeah we totally shou'd.
Saying this, he went back to the room they just left, where his Pokemons were still holding the Rocket trainers. The grunts were looking angrily at the two Pokemons but were not trying to defend themselves, knowing they can not do a thing against the beast's claws and fangs. Wes addressed them a false smile, the kind of smile that express more contempt than empathy, and warned them about what would happen next :
- So guys, we have a few questions for you. I hope you like to talk, because my boys are hungry.
Saying this, he petted the hard belly of his Feraligatr who let his fangs appear in a deep growl.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-23 03:01:00
Sarah sighed softly but listened as the grunts answered the questions. The method wasn't her favorite but now was not the time to be picky. They needed to find their pokemon, her especially since Phantom was the only one she had.

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