Posted by Enitan x Seiden - Pokemon adventure

Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2015-09-11 21:48:03
WesHe hasn't been there for a while.
Jaded already, the man lift his glaze to the high buildings of Goldenrod City with a sigh. He had left Johto several years ago to go back to his native region, Orre, and he never missed the huge concrete blocks of this modern city. He's born from the desert and always avoided big cities and large concentrations of people. After having left his land to get a house in the capital city of Johto, some years ago, he never stopped to wonder what could have convinced him to do so. Was he trying to escape to some bad memories?

His look darkens while he was recalling the intense memories who marked the few years he spent in this city, so far from his home. Maybe he went back for those heavy memories. Maybe he was trying to find back something important he lost in there, to recapture what he loved, to find back those strong feelings, being positive or negative, he only met in there, or maybe was he there to fight against his misses and forget them. To untie him from all of them once and for all.
But, in Goldenrod City, only remains those cold concrete buildings and a crowd of strangers.
The man's look left the high roofs to come back to the ground. With a raging kick, he made the dust fly away around him, and turned around, turning his back to the white city, walking to the Route 34. He needs to allow himself to unwind. Maybe a fight may help. He observed the people around, looking for a trainer to challenge.


Actually just noticed I made a mistake within the roleplay : I confused two of his Pokemon and used a Houndoom he was supposed to have left in the PC.... So, here's the team he actually is using for this roleplay :
Espeon (stolen by the grunts)

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Edited on 21/12/15 @ 10:10:50 by Seiden (#31503)

Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2016-01-02 02:34:57
((I'm sorry, I was sure I answered to this already D: ))

One grunt grumbled while the other was trembling. Understanding what was going on, the big blue monster was staying close to them, looking at them with an aggressive face, growling and showing his large fangs to make them understand they will be better answering every question and not try to lie or run away.
Standing straight in front of them, Wes asked with a curt voice :
- So, one question and you're fine : where are our Pokemons ?
The two grunts looked at each other, unsure about whether they should answer or try to keep the secret, but the Feraligatr let a deeper growl out to rush them. The more nervous of the two let a little scream out and finally gave an answer, with a whining voice : "They're stored, we did not do anything to them yet. Please, I promise they're fine!"
Wes' smile enlarged in a weird grin, not looking nice at all. He insisted : "I asked where."
The grunt hesitated a bit, probably thinking of his punishment for what he is about to say, but had no other choice to reply : "The casino. The owner works with us. He gets the Pokemons and test them before sending them to the boss. I promise I don't know where the boss is, I'm just a low-level henchman."
Wes just left a "al right!" out before petting his Feraligatr to tell him the grunts would not be his meal for now. Turning to the girl, he said, with a nicer smile : "So, let's go gamble a bit to the casino, would ya?"

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-02 04:56:33
(It's okay, :) )

Sarah watched the exchange, he may not be the nicest but he was very effective when it came to battle and interrogation. She looked up at him and nodded, "Only one problem. How do we get out of here? Should we try going back through the vent?"

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Edited on 02/01/16 @ 11:58:49 by Enitan (#44449)

Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2016-01-10 03:41:08
Wes looked at the girl, trying to remember the size and position of the venture they entered by.
"Uh..... Nah. I prefer doors. More comfortable."
Going back to the coward grunt, he asked with an overly fawning voice : "My dear, may I ask where the exit is, mmh?"
The grunt answered with an anxious grimace, indicating an exit not far from there. Wes abandoned them to take the girl to the exit : "Let's go, lady."

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-10 05:07:00
Sarah followed looking back at the grunt then up at the man, "My name's Sarah, what's yours?" She followed him toward what she assumed was the exit, "Think your Houndoom is okay outside? It's been out there for a while on it's own. What if the grunts or worse found it?"

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2016-01-13 04:20:23
He did not even bothered to look at the girl while she was speaking to him, continuing to walk fast toward the exit. He gave his answer with an annoyed voice :
" Mmh? I'm Wes."
He pondered for a few minutes, trying to find who this name was linked to, being sure he once knew someone named Sarah, but could not catch it back. After a few dozens of seconds, he finally answered the girl's second question :
"He's a big boy, he's all right for sure."
He was not worried at all for his Houndoom, being sure he is strong enough and, mostly, aggressive enough to take care of himself and terrify any person that may want to approach him.

The two trainers ended up finding the door and Wes lowered the handle, but it was closed.
"Are they fuckin' serious?!"

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-13 05:01:01
Sarah stared at the lock a moment, "Looks like a regular key lock. Kinda seems low tech considering the technology they used to steal our pokemon. Must be either a temporary or new base." She knelt down, pulling a bobby pin from her hair and picking at the lock until it clicked.

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2016-01-16 03:02:00
Wes stepped back and let the girl unlock the door. Of course he is able to unlock doors as well, but being lazy, he preferred to let the girl do the job. When the door opened, he just followed her outside without adding a word, walking toward the casino. His Houndoom joined them, nuzzling his leg, quite happy to find his owner back.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-16 03:20:38
Sarah smiled a bit, his Houndoom seemed really fond of him and anyone who's pokemon liked them that much couldn't be bad. She continued to follow him around the building and to the casino, "Want to stop and heal your pokemon first? I have the stuff to take care of them."

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2016-01-16 03:44:26
Wes just distractedly petted his Pokemon's head and kept walking, until his partner's question made him stop. He almost forgot most of his Pokemons were severely injured,
"Uuuh.... I guess I'll go to the Pokemon center before going any further. Would be cheaper than using all of your items."
Saying this, he changed his direction and walked toward the healing centre.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-16 04:24:52
Sarah watched him a moment before going into the bushes to keep an eye on both the front and back exits to the building. She thought it would be better she actually did something that might be helpful instead of just following him around like a lost Growlithe. This way she could see if the criminals tried to move or move things she would see.

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2016-01-19 21:59:23
While walking, Wes glanced over his shoulder to see if the girl was following, but just shrugged when noticing she was not and continued his way toward the Pokemon Center.
He entered it, letting his Houndoom at the door, and walked straight to the counter, not paying attention to some man that was staring at him from behind a magazine. He did not bother to answer the nurse's "good morning, sir!" and just gave her his five Pokéballs. She took them without a word and put them in the machine before actioning it. The usual music sounded and the nurse gave the trainer his Pokemon backs, bowing respectfully and thanking him for using her services. The rude man just answered "yeah, thanks" before turning around and going out the centre. He then went back toward the casino, followed by his loyal canine Pokemon.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-20 02:50:14
Nor long after the man had left some men dressed in the same uniform as the criminals came out with a box. They loaded it in truck, seeming to be in a big hurry. She followed the truck as best she could for a while before turning and going back to the casino. She assumed the box contained pokemon they were in a hurry to move after her and Wes more or less raided their base.

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2016-01-23 19:30:21
Not wondering any more about the girl, Wes continued his way to the casino. He stopped for a few seconds in front of the purple-coloured building, observing the ugly frontage. Then he approached the entrance, walking assured and confident, and the large glass door opened without a noise to let him enter. A man cheerfully welcomed him with a large smile, but the falseness of this smile was rather obvious.

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Enitan (#44449)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-24 02:22:22
Sarah watched the man called Wes return and stood up, going inside as well. She ignored the greeter at the door and went to the exchange counter, climbing up and standing on top of it. She looked around a moment before shouting to get everyone's attention, "These people are stealing pokemon! Check yours to make sure you still have them! Don't believe me? Check the black door, it leads right into their base!"

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Seiden (#31503)

True King
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Posted on
2016-01-24 02:38:01
The girl suddenly reappared in Wes' field of vision, climbing on the counter. The man stopped, staring at her, wondering what she may have in mind, when she started to talk. Right, the surprise attack is not an option any more.

The casino players reacted rather quickly to the girl's sayings. Some just starred at her suspiciously before focusing back on their gambling, while some others started to panic and check their bags and pockets. Those who does not have Pokemons just started to talk with people around them, asking for their opinion about what was going on. Most of them would not easily believe an unknown young girl and would rather trust the casino that has have been in town for decades.
Any way, a security guard had to intervene and grasped the girl, easily lifting her to put her back on the ground. He asked her with a loud voice :
"What the hell are ya' doing?? What's your problem, kid?!"

Letting her struggle with the sturdy man, Wes did not react at all, not letting any one think they may be together. He just observed the indoors, hoping to find something interesting.

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