Posted by Harry Potter-RP Thread

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 09:31:00
Welcome to the RP Thread! Here are the rules:

-No power playing or god-modding. I understand that certain spells, such as Avada Kedavra, can be used, but please talk it over with the other player first before using it. Otherwise, you must give the other person a chance to block it.
-I allow cussing, but please don't use a curse word like three times in each sentence.
-18+ situations? I couldn't care less, but don't be TOO explicit, if ya know what I mean...

Lyanna Malfoy
Kate Blackthorne
Stella Lovegood
Tala Nightstorm
Mercury Black
Alexandria Yaeger

Gerrit Woxworth
Ashleigh Okumura
Alice Weasley
Conis Kirn

Lyle Osteen
Celeste Leving
Damien Lucas Black
Maple Sallese

Nicole Torqui

The roleplay will start with the students boarding the Hogwarts Express :3. Let us begin! XD

Character Sheets

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 14:42:43 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

Amber (#76852)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 09:53:14
Tala groaned as she went on the train, it was crowded, it was stuffy. Muttering under her breath, Tala went to the back, where Slytherins normally sit. Flopping down into her usual seat, Tala took out a textbook and began reading it.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 10:04:50
Lyanna/5th Year/Female/Slytherin

Lyanna stood at the edge of the station sidewalk, her fingers twirling her hair and her other hand wrapped around the handle of the trolley. Her headphones were plugged into her tiny I-Pod, playing the song Roma Bangkok as she bobbed her head slightly to the Italian lyrics. Her snake, Delilah, tightened her body around Lyanna's neck, and she absentmindedly reached back with her hand, letting go of the trolley, and stroked the snake. The train would roar into the station soon and transport all the Hogwarts students to school, and she would probably have to speak to people again. She smirked at the thought of pranking all those people with Peeves, as that was her favorite hobby. She stood higher on her toes as she heard the whistle of the train, excited to see the train for the fifth time.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 10:09:53
Lyanna/5th Year/Female/Slytherin

Lyanna shoved her stuff onto the train, and holding her I-Pod, her cat, her snake, and a book, she trotted towards the back of the train. She nervously looked around, realizing most of the seats were taken. She lifted herself onto her toes again and peered around the back of the train with her brilliant blue eyes, searching for a seat. She spotted an open one by a girl with black hair and slivery highlights, and she made her over to her. "Mind if I sit here?" She asked her, gesturing to the seat across from her. Mystery immediately leapt into it, and she rolled her eyes.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 14:19:45
Stella Lovegood // Female // Asexual - Biromantic // Slytherin // 5th Year

Stella inhaled sharply as she looked at the train, clutching her trolley tightly. She made her way over towards the train and put her stuff on it. Grabbing a book and a cage, which held her owl, she made her way onto the train, searching for an empty compartment. She didn't have anyone to sit with this year, since her best friend had moved to another Wizarding school. It was quite crowded, but the blonde-haired girl managed to find a free compartment, and she sat down with a sigh. "You ready for your 5th year at Hogwarts, Lusio?" She mumbled to her owl, fondly stroking his feathers through the bars of his cage.

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Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 06:38:43
Lyle Osteen || 5th year || Ravenclaw || Demisexual - Panromatic

Lyle slunk into the muggle train station, his arms full with old Loep. The gray tabby, despite his age, had simply refused to be caged, so Lyle had been forced to carry the tomcat into the loud building. He didn't really know what else he expected - The exact same thing had happened last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. Still, each year he wished that the cat would simply give up and allow himself to be stuffed into a cage, for Lyle got numerous strange looks from the people around him who were blissfully ignorant of the wizarding world. It wasn't every day that they saw a lone boy walking around, one hand dragging a luggage case behind him and the other clutching a very old-looking cat to his chest.
Ignoring the looks, Lyle focused his gaze on the wall that was between stations nine and ten. He knew the drill - run a cart into the wall and suddenly you appear on platform 9 and 3/4. Unfortunately, Lyle never felt the need to get a cart, since all he had was one single luggage container that held the Hogwarts cloak and the hand-me-down books his father had given him from his time at school. They weren't too bashed up, but there was some slight wear and tear. It didn't really matter, however, as the books served their purpose.
Hiking Loep higher to his chest, Lyle started running straight at the wall, shoulder naturally sliding forward in expectancy of impact. The familiar click, click, click of his luggage as it accelerated across the floor was the last sound Lyle heard before bursting into platform 9 and 3/4. He skidded to a stop feet outside the entrance to the platform and turned his head to catch sight of the large scarlet train that waited patiently for all its students to embark.

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-05 07:15:20
Maple Sallese|Ravenclaw 5th year|Girl|Muggleborn

Maple got onto platform 9 and 3/4 after a rushed goodbye to her muggle parents. She carried her brown leather suitcase with one hand and her cat Ivy with the other. Maple got onto the train and sat in one of the last empty compartments, she threw her suitcase above her and sat Ivy on the seat next to her. Then, Maple sat down. She took out a book, Fantastic Beasts and where to find them, and read holding the book with one hand and fingering her long, red hair with the other hand.

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Edited on 05/12/15 @ 19:38:10 by Mapleivy (Love them poops! XD) (#28542)

Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-05 09:43:46

Damien Black || 5th year || Ravenclaw || Demisexual + Panromantic
Mentions: Lyle and Celeste

Damien had shown up way before he was suppose to. Sitting in the booth he and his two friends had long since claimed on their...was it their second or third? Eh, fuck if he knew. Sprawled out, clothes loosely hanging to his form as he kicked back waiting for Lyle and Celeste. The seat across from him sat a rather eye catching Short Eared Owl by the name of Anise, who was currently preening herself. Running a hand through his not spiked mohawk, the raven haired male pondered when the two other Ravenclaw's would show up. His mother, being the pure patriot of the stars and stripes had packed two bags full of goodies for the other halfbloods just so she could claim: "I NEED to know what they like for when they come to visit!"

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 11:43:20
Lyanna/5th Year/ Slytherin/Bisexual

Seeing as her cat took the seat without permission, Lyanna followed suit, plopping down in the seat and promptly swinging her legs onto the table, propping her lace-up, black, sleek, military style boots onto the booth table. She threw her blonde hair over her shoulder and pulled her snake off her shoulders, laying her across her knees. Delilah promptly began to tighten around her knees, locking Lyanna's legs in place so she couldn't move them. The snake extended her body and laid her head on Lyanna's stomach, and she began to stroke the snake's head with her thumb and, using her other hand, search through the songs on her I-Pod. She threw it down next to her on the seat and turned to the girl sitting across from her. "So," she started, popping a Drooble's Best Chewing Gum into her mouth, "Who might you be?"

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Amber (#76852)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 12:57:18
Tala|5th year|Slytherin

Tala stared quizzically at the other's strange device. Only rendering the question after a beat "I'm Tala, 5th year, Slytherin." She answered briskly "And you?" She added on, remembering her manners. Shoving her face back into her book, Tala was perplexed, why would anyone want to talk to her? She gives off the 'holier than thou' vibe all the time, at least, she tries to. Tala sighed and put her book away, instead, she began feeding Noctuna, her owl, treats.

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Summer (Ebony Quad
Celestial) (#59192)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-05 13:05:14
Celeste Leving || 5th Year || Ravenclaw || Bisexual || Mentions: Lyle and Damien

Celeste heaved her luggage up into a trolley, gently placing her small owl, Henry, on top. She was very excited to finally see her two best friends, Lyle and Damien, again. The trio had known each other since first year, and for Celeste it was torture staying away from them over the summer. Brushing a stray piece of hair out of her face, she beamed at the thought of seeing them in a few short minutes. She pushed the heavy trolley through the crowd, towards the entrance to the platform. The air was chilly in London that day, but the bustling crowd heated the station to a more comfortable temperature. When she finally spotted the ticket booth in between platform 9 and 10, she skipped a couple steps than dashed at the solid bricks. When she was about ten feet away, she stood on the small supporting bar under the trolley and rode through the wall, a gleeful smile on her face. The cart with a vey happy Celeste on it passed through the wall smoothly. On the other side, Celeste first saw the huge scarlet train that would ferry all the students to Hogwarts. She secondly saw Lyle standing right in the entry way, in the way of her speeding cart. She swiftly stomped her foot down on the ground, stopping the cart abruptly and nearly knocking an annoyed Henry to the floor. Celeste didn't seem to notice as she stepped completely off the cart, and dashed at an unaware Lyle. She did a flying leap and latched onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck loosely and her legs around his waist. She squeezed him in a full body hug, nestling her head into his neck. When she was finished, she looked up. "Hiya, Lyle! Miss me? I bet you did, let's go find Damien. I haven't seen him yet." She said this in a rushed tone, so happy to be back with her friends again. She then stretched her head around to plant a kiss on his cheek, which she was 100% sure he would hate.

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Edited on 05/12/15 @ 20:30:41 by Summer (Ebony Quad Celestial) (#59192)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 13:22:43
Lyanna/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna regarded Tala with a perplexed look before raising her chin and speaking confidently-she never really was as confident as she seemed, but sometimes she tried a bit too hard to act like it-and answered Tala. "My name is Lyanna Malfoy. I'm a fifth year Slytherin as well. My family has been in Slytherin for generations. Yours?" She asked, stroking her cat. She began to speak before the girl could give her answer. She had to know. "Why haven't I seen you around school? We should've had the same classes, at least, some." She asked, tipping her head.

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Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 15:06:10
Lyle Osteen || 5th year || Ravenclaw || Demisexual - Panromatic

Lyle froze as a figure literally wrapped itself around his back, hanging off of him like some sort of backpack. He usually disliked people touching him, since such intimacy was viewed with disapproval by his family and him. For the time being, though, Lyle didn't react with displeasure because he knew it was Celeste who would have leapt onto him like that. Celeste was the only one who was outgoing enough to tackle him in a crowded building. He had grown used to the girl's tendency to be touchy-touchy feely-feely. As first years, when the trio that consisted of Lyle, Celeste, and Damien had meet, Lyle had tried to fend off the numerous hugs and physical contact, but it had only seemed to make Celeste more eager to poke him and touch him. Now, in their fifth year, Lyle had stopped pushing Celeste away - It usually made her let go of him quicker.
His suspicious that the person was Celeste were quickly proved to be true, as her voice immediately began spouting off words right near his ear. Something about how they had to go find Damien. Lyle chose not to respond, as he didn't have anything worth wile to say.
When Celeste leaned forward and pressed her lips against his cheek, Lyle frowned in irritation. This, he wouldn't ignore. Such public days of affection, even if it was platonic, were uncomfortable for the boy to deal with. Therefore, he silently lifted Loep in his arms and over his head, to unceremoniously dump the old cat atop Celeste's head - She was still clinging to his back, so her head was within easy reach of his long and spindly arms.
Once Loep was dropped on the brunette, the old cat feebly dug his claws into Celeste's hair, in an effort to keep him from falling off. Even so, the old gray tabby was slowly leaning to the side of Celeste's head.
While Lyle had dropped the cat on Celeste, the boy picked up his own luggage and dumped it into Celeste's cart. Then he grasped the cart with both hands and started towards the train. It was quite a strange sight - A boy who was pushing a cart with an ungodly amount of luggage in it was being clung to like a sloth by a girl with a cat on her head.

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Summer (Ebony Quad
Celestial) (#59192)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-05 15:27:32
Celeste Leving || 5th Year || Ravenclaw || Bisexual || Mentions: Lyle and Damien

Celeste yelped in pain as Lyle's grumpy old cat dug its claws into her scalp. She spent no time reaching up to dislodge the cat and toss it her trolley Lyle was pushing for her. Reaching up she gently ran her fingers over her scalp several times, fixing her hair. She wrinkled her nose in discomfort as the scratches started to sting slightly, and she pulled her wand out and said a short spell to heal them up. She was slightly mad at Lyle for putting his stupid cat on her head so that it would scratch her just because she kissed his cheek. As Lye walked she became more uncomfortable, his gait dislodging her from her koala-like position on his back. It was because of him being inconsiderate with his cat and gait that she jumped off, gently landing on the ground. She dashed away before he could make her push her own luggage, towards the booth in the train that Damien would most likely be sitting in. "Thanks for ruining my reunion with you, killjoy!" She shouted this over her shoulder, slightly hurt that he had seemed so...not happy to see her. Oh well, she thought. That's Lyle for you. She went straight to the compartment near the back, in the 'Ravenclaw' section. The three friends had claimed this booth as their own a while ago, and she was sure Damien would be in there. Sure enough, when she slid the door open there was Damien, slouched on the seat. "Damien! " She happily exclaimed, dashing forwards and throwing her arms around his neck. It was slightly awkward, bending over to attempt and hug his slouchy form, but she was fine with it, as long as she got to hug him. "Lyle is being an idiot. He threw the cat on my head, and other than that he ignored me completely. And I was clinging to him like a little koala bear!." She complained to him, sitting right next to him an clinging to his arm, making sure he wouldn't up and leave. She bit her lip nervously. "Do you think his parents told him to not hang out with us this year, and he actually listened to them?"

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Edited on 05/12/15 @ 22:32:47 by Summer (Ebony Quad Celestial) (#59192)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 15:51:05
Stella Lovegood // Female // Asexual - Biromantic // Slytherin // 5th Year // Mentions : Tala & Lyanna

Just as Stella had settled down and had begun to read her book, a large group of Gryffindor second years came into her compartment without asking and began to talk loudly. She huffed in annoyance and tried to ignore them, but she soon snapped, and she stood up, her hand clenched tightly around her book. "Shut up!" She yelled in an irritated tone. Everyone went silent in an instant, and they were all looking at her, shocked. Embarrassed, Stella grabbed her owl and stormed out of the compartment, making her way to the back of the train where she knew the Slytherins usually sat. She opened the door of the compartment to see two girls about her age. "Hello. Do you mind if I sit here? Some obnoxious Gryffindors seem to have invaded the compartment I was sitting in earlier." She asked politely, one hand holding her book, the other keeping a firm grasp on her owl's cage.

(Sorry for any typos, I'm on mobile.)

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-05 16:15:09
Lyanna/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna looked up to see a girl with blonde hair standing over her, asking to sit. "Sure thing!" She told her, moving over so the girl could sit beside her. "I'm Lyanna Malfoy, Slytherin." She told her, squinting from the light streaming through the window and chewing her gum. Lyanna glanced down at the girl's owl and covered her eyes with her hand. "Nice owl you've got there. My sister owns a barn owl, but unfortunately, she's too damn selfish to share the damn thing, so I can't use it to send mail to my friends. Not that I have any." She chuckled, her mood souring slightly. She shook the thought out of her mind. Get yourself together, Lyanna, she scolded herself. She was always doing that lately. She found herself holding Delilah and lifting her against her chest for comfort. She seemed to like cuddling scaly animals more than furry animals; Mystery, however, was an exception.

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Edited on 05/12/15 @ 23:15:46 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

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