Posted by Harry Potter-RP Thread

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 09:31:00
Welcome to the RP Thread! Here are the rules:

-No power playing or god-modding. I understand that certain spells, such as Avada Kedavra, can be used, but please talk it over with the other player first before using it. Otherwise, you must give the other person a chance to block it.
-I allow cussing, but please don't use a curse word like three times in each sentence.
-18+ situations? I couldn't care less, but don't be TOO explicit, if ya know what I mean...

Lyanna Malfoy
Kate Blackthorne
Stella Lovegood
Tala Nightstorm
Mercury Black
Alexandria Yaeger

Gerrit Woxworth
Ashleigh Okumura
Alice Weasley
Conis Kirn

Lyle Osteen
Celeste Leving
Damien Lucas Black
Maple Sallese

Nicole Torqui

The roleplay will start with the students boarding the Hogwarts Express :3. Let us begin! XD

Character Sheets

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 14:42:43 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 10:22:55
Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

"Don't you dare insult my family like you just did, ass!" She roared, her attitude suddenly changing. One thing she could not ignore? Hatred towards her family. "I just did you a damn favor! Don't you ever say something like that again!" She yelled, her eyes gleaming with her animagus form's irises, sending her into a rage. She snarled and her snake hissed, and she backed up, leaning against her cousin. He was the only person she could go to when she was upset about something, as he technically was her only friend. He acted like he didn't like her at times, but she still stuck with him. Why? She thought as her cousin wrapped his arms around Gerrit's middle. She felt sick, but she hid it as she stare at the supposed Black heir's enraged face. She found his mood amusing, and smirked slightly.

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Edited on 09/12/15 @ 17:23:43 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 10:24:30
Mercury Black//4th year//Slytherin//Homosexual

The insults to his family didn't phase Mercury, he has been trying to destroy it since he was five. Rolling his eyes at the Malfoy drama queens, he grabbed Mars and checked him over. He wasn't hurt but the glare he was giving the Malfoy boy could have rivalled a basilisk. Giggling slightly, not that he would admit it, he said "Easy there, love. You can try your glare later." Turning towards the Malfoy boy he added "You know, had my cat been hurt I would..." He chocked suddenly and became dizzy 'Oh hell, another one' Closing his eyes and making sure his Occlumency shields were up, he grabbed his luggage and put Mars in his shoulders, the cat knowing his master was receiving a vision and purring in comfort.
Mercury started to pass the other ones, already feeling how his eyes started glowing. 'Dammit! I need to get out of here'

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 10:40:09
Alexandria Yeager | 6th Year | Female | Bisexual | Pureblood | Slytherin |
Gerrit Woxworth | 6th Year | Male | Bisexual | Pureblood | Gryffindor | Tagged: Andrew, Lyanna, and Mercury.

Gerrit sighed slightly, running a hand over his face before slipping on another dazzling smile. He couldn't help but chuckle when both of the Malfoy's came and almost hid behind him. He rolled his eyes slightly at Andrew's attitude, unsure exactly why his friend was so attacked to him. Didn't Slytherins and Gryffindors usually not get along? He wasn't complaining though. He was usually a pretty good difuser of situations, though this one seemed to be settling down on its own. He watched as Mercury gathered his things, his smile slipping slightly when he noticed Mercury looked off.

"Hey there. You alright?" His voice was laced with concern. He had no hate towards the Black of the Malfoy family. He wasn't exactly sure why they always fought, but he just wanted to make sure the kid was okay.

Alexandria chuckled gently at the bickering, a little shocked that the Andrew kid knew parceltongue, but not letting it phase her for long. She almost rolled her eyes as they threw their last names back and forth. Her's was an ancient pureblood line that has died long, long ago, but somehow got revived fairly recently. She never liked bringing statuses or last names into conversations though. She'd caught enough flack as a younger kid, she didn't ever really feel like bickering with people. She'd insult or fight them all she wanted, but standing around dropping family references left a bad taste in her mouth.

She definitely couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the site of the two Malfoy's behind the tall blonde Gryffindor though. That sure was a site to see.

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Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-09 11:02:16

Andrew [Andy] Malfoy || 6th year || Slytherin || "It's a mystery."
Mentions: Gerrit, Alexandra, Maple, Mercury, and Lyanna

Lifting his head to glare daggers at Mercury, his gaze flickered over to Lyanna as he unwrapped on arm from around Gerrit's waist to grab the blonde girls arm and tug her towards him. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders he pressed his face against the top of her head in hopes of calming her. Lifting his head a few moments later he gave Gerrits cat a small smile before sticking his tongue out at it. Looking back to Lyanna, he spotted her python who seemed to be angry itself. "Delilah, can you keep an eye on Lyanna when she's in her room? he mumbled in Parceltounge.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 11:09:38
Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna smiled softly when Andrew wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He was the only family she had, after all; besides her parents and her sister, of course. Her sister never cared, however; she never tried to speak to Lyanna. Andrew began to hiss at Delilah, and she raised her eyebrow, wondering what he was saying to her. Delilah lifted her head, her tongue flicking out rapidly between hisses. Of course, as always. She answered back, laying her head back around Lyanna's shoulders.
(Short post, laptop died I'm on mobile, blaahhh >:/)

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 11:15:18
Mercury Black//4th year//Slytherin//Homosexual

Mercury managed to walk away from the older students, and he hoped he would manage to find an empty compartment, his vision was breaking his shields quite maliciously. Mars knowing that his master didn't have much time, jumped into a compartment and scared some first years out of it. Meowing to call his master attention, he saw worriedly how Mercury managed to stumble into it.
Putting up as many privacy wards and enchantments he knew, Mercury let the vision surface and prepared himself for the agony that always came with them.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 11:19:59
(Just a side note here, the Dark Wizard in this hasn't been chosen yet. Just a reminder. Anything from him or about him has to be spoken about with me first.)

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-09 12:23:35
Maple Sallese|Ravenclaw 5th year|Girl|Muggleborn|Mentions: Gerrit Alexandra, Andrew, Tala, Mercury, Lyanna

Maple watched the students outside the compartment bicker. Maple stared in shock when a boy began spitting out parcel-tounge and seemed to be in a deep conversation with his snake. The language had always freaked Maple out, she hated most snakes although she tried to cover it up. Maple watched the boy with the crazy cat stumble a bit, he seemed ill, then the boy walked away a faint glowing seemed to illuminate him.
Curiosity burned Maple from head to toe but she managed to stay put. Maple got out her book and began to read Fantastic beasts and where to find them to block out the arguing voices and the parcel-tounge.

EDIT: (Oops sorry about that!)

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Edited on 09/12/15 @ 20:05:34 by Mapleivy (Love them poops! XD) (#28542)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 12:33:07
(Maple, Andrew and the snake speak Parseltongue :3)

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-11 10:49:57
Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna hugged her cousin and grabbed her snake's head, turning her towards the front door of the compartment. She was too mentally exhausted to even try and find another compartment. She plopped down opposite to Maple and tossed her hair lazily over her shoulder, curling up on the seat. She soon decided that everyone's eyes were making her nervous, and straightening her black skirt, she nervously started to leave the compartment. Delilah promptly dropped herself off Lyanna's shoulder and landed next to Maple with a hiss. Lyanna attempted to pick her back up, but the snake hissed again. She had no choice but to sit, and she shoved herself into the corner of the compartment, nervously holding out her arm for Delilah to slid up. She didn't like being around people as much; it was all an act, and she hated keeping it up. The only thing she really enjoyed as far as people went was pranking and jokes. She stroked her cat, who had leapt onto her lap.

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Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-11 11:40:10

Andrew [Andy] Malfoy || 6th year || Slytherin || "It's a mystery."
Mentions: Lyanna, Gerrit, slight mention of Maple and the First Years

Watching Lyanna walk into the compartment with a tired look, his attention once again turned back to Gerrit. Wrapping the loose arm around the Gryffendor's waist, Andrew set his chin on the long haired blonde's shoulder- well the shoulder that currently wasn't being perched on by Gerrit's cat. Giving a tired sigh, he shifted uncomfortably on his feet. "Hey, tall blonde gorgeous Gryffendor. The Ravenclaw's compartment is about to be cleared out." he said, smirking when he saw the First Years scatter out of the room.

"You wanna go in there?" Andy asked, giving Gerrit a tired look.

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2015-12-11 12:56:23
Mercury Black//4th year//Slytherin//Homosexual

After suffering for a while Mercury woke up in an endless void. Used to this he started walking and tried to ignore the pain stabs he could feel all over his body. He was getting frustrated when he saw a dark red flash in front of him, following the red flash were green, yellow and red flashes, that slowly took the shape of spells. He could faintly hear the spells names while he watched the void take the form of a battlefield but, before he could attempt to recognize where he was and who was there the vision changed. He was now in a dark place and the only thing he could hear were tortured screams and pleas for mercy. The pain in his body reached a peak and the last thing he heard was a familiar voice whispering "The third great war approaches, be safe little kitten" Along with a hand ruffling his hair.

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-12-11 17:40:17
Alexandria Yeager | 6th Year | Female | Bisexual | Pureblood | Slytherin |
Gerrit Woxworth | 6th Year | Male | Bisexual | Pureblood | Gryffindor | Tagged: Andrew, Lyanna, Maple, and very slight Mercury.

(Alexandria also speaks Parceltongue. :) )

Gerrit let out a gentle sigh when Mercury ignored his question and kept moving. He truly hoped the kid would be fine. The frown didn't stay long though. It was kinda hard to keep it on when the other tall blonde in the group was hanging all over him. He took a step back as the first years filed out, lightly shrugging his shoulders in response to Andrew, making sure not to upset his cat, who was currently glaring daggers at Andrew for stealing one of her shoulders.

"Why not. Seems like we've got a pretty good group here." He waved his hand in a tired gesture, not really up for fighting about where to sit. He gently pulled Andy's arms from around his waist, grabbing his previously disgarded suitcase and slipping into the compartment, taking a seat on the same side as Lyanna, but on the opposite end of the bench. Holly decided now was a good moment to let out a soft meow, purring gently as she rubbed against Gerrit's head, her petite body barely wrapping around half of his blonde-covered head.

Alexandria was a little sad that she didn't get to see a fight, but didn't let it annoy her too bad. She would have plenty of time to pick on all these kids when they actually got to Hogwarts. At the moment she just wanted to get a seat and get her cat out from her carrier. She hated leaving the poor thing in there. Almost as if she knew Alexandria was thinking of her, a soft meow came from within the small pet carrier resting atop her luggage, the siamese cat blinking out at her.

Alexandria walked quickly into the room, sliding her luggage under the chair, but not before pulling Milly from her carrier. The siamese let out a soft purr, thanking Alexandria for freeing her. She couldn't help but chuckle slightly when she spotted Gerrit's cat. "Hey tall, blonde, and chivalrous, we've got almost matching cats."

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-12 04:43:34
Maple Sallese|Ravenclaw 5th year|Girl|Muggleborn|Mentions: Lyanna

Maple held herself back from recoiling as the snake dropped beside her. She bit her lip as she tried to not focus on the snake beside her and instead focus on Fantastic beasts and where to find them. "Basilisks are big creatures that resemble snakes. Their direct gaze will kill you however a reflection will only paralyze you. why did it have to be basilisks!
"Is this your snake?" Maple asked Lyanna, she tried to keep calm although she was sure the Slytherin girl would notice her fear.

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Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-12 05:02:01

Andrew [Andy] Malfoy || 6th year || Slytherin || "It's a mystery."
Mentions: Lyanna, Gerrit, Maple, Alexandria, and the room Mercury is in

Trying to not show the hurt on his face when Gerrit pulled his arms away, he simply gave Alexandria an exasperated smile as she took the last seat in the compartment. Shrugging, he closed the door behind her before decided he'd wander the halls of the train once again swearing under his breath that by the time he graduated he'd easily know every single hall and room of both the train and Hogwarts itself.

Pausing outside of a room that seemed to emanate a strange aura, he merely tipped his head to the side and gave it a strange look. With twitching fingers the Pureblood fought off the urge to try and break the spell he presumed was the cause of the aura, after all; Lyanna hadn't given his wand back. Instead he stood there staring at the door, pondering if it would be possible for himself to learn how to do magic without a wand, after all the barrier spell wasn't that powerful. Leaning against the wall he waited for whoever was inside to take down the spell before a teacher or prefect came around.

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