Posted by Harry Potter-RP Thread

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 09:31:00
Welcome to the RP Thread! Here are the rules:

-No power playing or god-modding. I understand that certain spells, such as Avada Kedavra, can be used, but please talk it over with the other player first before using it. Otherwise, you must give the other person a chance to block it.
-I allow cussing, but please don't use a curse word like three times in each sentence.
-18+ situations? I couldn't care less, but don't be TOO explicit, if ya know what I mean...

Lyanna Malfoy
Kate Blackthorne
Stella Lovegood
Tala Nightstorm
Mercury Black
Alexandria Yaeger

Gerrit Woxworth
Ashleigh Okumura
Alice Weasley
Conis Kirn

Lyle Osteen
Celeste Leving
Damien Lucas Black
Maple Sallese

Nicole Torqui

The roleplay will start with the students boarding the Hogwarts Express :3. Let us begin! XD

Character Sheets

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 14:42:43 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

Amber (#76852)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 08:37:41
Tala|Slytherin 5th year|Female|Mentions: Maple

Tala needed to get away, she had the tight feeling in her chest again. Lightly picking up her things as not to disturb the other, she walked briskly away, searching for someone else to room with. Eyes lighting up at the sight of another fifth year, she tapped lightly on the compartment window, asking to sit down with her. After all, she was upper-class, raised to be mingling to the cream of society.

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-09 08:41:46
Maple Sallese|Ravenclaw 5th year|Girl|Muggleborn|Mentions: Tala

Maple looked up from her book when she heard a tapping noise on the window. Maple saw a girl she had maybe seen once or twice in her former years at Hogwarts, the girl looked the same age as her. Maple nodded to the girl to let her know she could come in.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 08:42:33
Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna began to stand, ready to get up to go to the bathroom. She spotted her cousin, Andrew, who simply gave her an extremely lame hello and trotted off to another compartment. Rude, she thought, slightly annoyed at his attitude. "I'll be back." She told Stella, and placing Delilah around her neck, she swung across Stella and hit the ground on her toes, trotting off to the bathroom with Mystery loping along behind her. She reached the bathroom quickly, on the way spotting a Ravenclaw that was absolutely annoyed with the questions a large group of first years were shooting at her. She smiled at her and turned the corner. Right when she exited the bathroom, the train jolted. She groaned loudly, as she knew that she would have to miss the pretty scenery on the outside of the station. She quickened her pace into a lope, looking left and right to make sure she wasn't missing the hallway to the Slytherin compartment she had been in. Right when she turned around, however, she ran smack dab into a tall slim, dark haired fifth year with a mohawk. She toppled onto the floor, the collision scaring her so much that she sifted into her Animagus form, a fox, and the snake toppled off her shoulders, hitting the floor and curling up, snapping and hissing. Lyanna leapt to her paws, and realizing she had changed, managed to shift back. "I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, reaching down to help the boy up. "I didn't mean to hit you, I just wasn't watching where I was going!"

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 08:42:47
Gerrit Woxworth | 6th Year | Male | Bisexual | Pureblood | Gryffindor | Tagged: Maple and Andrew.

Gerrit moved aside as a bunch of first years piled out of the room he had been peeking in. He lifted his eyebrow at the girl who was now engrossed in her book. "You interested in some company, m'lady?" His voice was rich and smooth, a dazzling smile settled on his features. He turned quickly upon hearing someone talking near him. He turned quickly, a frown dancing on the edge of his lips before it warped back into a smile.

"E'llo Andy." He couldn't help but roll his eyes at his friend. Always the flirt. He thought to himself, a gently chuckle escaping him. "My summer was good. I'm definitely glad to be back though. I'm currently trying to see if this lady would like a cabin-mate." His voice rung softly through the hallway, his soft blue eyes turning back into the compartment, a questioning gaze motioned towards Maple.

Alexandria Yeager | 6th Year | Female | Bisexual | Pureblood | Slytherin | Tagged: Gerrit, Andrew, and Maple.

Alexandria collected Milly, her five year old siamese, mumbling an apology before slipping the small cat into her carrier. Gathering the pet carrier in one hand, and her bag in the other, she headed out of her apartment, hailing a cab to help on her journey to the train station. Her cool smile stayed permanently on her face when she stepped from the cab, paying the driver before heading towards the same place she had gone the last five years.

Her heart rate picked up slightly as she slipped onto the train, ignoring most of the student, and only saying hello to fellow Slytherins. She walked down the isle's at a leisurely pace, brushing past some younger students none-to-gently. She wasn't quite sure who she was looking for, but she was sure she'd know when they came up.

Her sly smile stayed planted on her lips when she stopped just on the edge of a slight commotion. "Andy." He was a fellow pureblood Slytherin, so she didn't really have a problem with the guy. Her eyes narrowed a little at the site of Gerrit though. "God you two." She looked towards Andy. "You're still flirting with this guy?" She motioned a slightly disgusted hand towards Gerrit at her words, wondering why on earth her fellow Slytherin was so enamored with this tall blonde freak.

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Edited on 09/12/15 @ 15:49:35 by Dick Grayson (#34810)

Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-09 09:04:07
Maple Sallese|Ravenclaw 5th year|Girl|Muggleborn|Mentions: Gerrit, Andrew, Alexandria

Maple looked up. "Oh, hello," She said to the older boy (Gerrit) "Come right in," Maple noticed two others behind him. "Your friends are welcome as well,"
Maple pulled Ivy off of the seat across from her and set Ivy on her lap.

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Edited on 09/12/15 @ 16:25:54 by Mapleivy (Love them poops! XD) (#28542)

Amber (#76852)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 09:11:57
Tala|Slytherin 5th year|Female|Mentions: Maple, Gerrit, Andrew

Tala smiled, for a bit, and sat down, she had noticed the other Slytherins, though she didn't know them well. Eyeing them, she decided to greet them, after all, what better place to make connections than school? Letting out a sigh, she began "Hi, are we going to introduce ourselves of what?" She asked, still looking doubtful about saying anything.

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 09:18:35
Mercury Black//4th year//Slytherin//Homosexual

Avoiding some first years, Mercury tried to find a compartment. While walking down the isle he saw three Slytherins , a Ravenclaw and a Gryffindor 'If I ignore them they'll ignore me, hopefully' Getting close to them he tried to slip past them when Mars decided he didn't like the cage and that one the girls's hair looked comfy. Mars leaped out of the cage, pouncing on the girl's hair and making himself at home. Cursing him internally Mercury calmly apologized for his cat, he tried to grab Mars, only to have the cat jump off the girl's head and pounce on the Slytherin boy. Seeing it was a Malfoy, Mercury couldn't muster enough worry. 'You're getting a treat, fluffball of hell'

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-09 09:34:25
Maple Sallese|Ravenclaw 5th year|Girl|Muggleborn|Mentions: Mercury, Tala, Gerrit, Andrew, Alexandria

Maple cleared her throat when the Slytherin girl suggested they introduce themselves. "My name is Maple Sallese and I'm a fifth year Ravenclaw," Maple introduced herself.
She noticed out of the corner of her eye a boy walking by. The boy's cat seemed in awe of something, before she knew the cat was out of control! The cat first leapt onto the other girl's hair then settled down.
Maple heard the owner apologize. Maple stared in shock as the cat flew onto another student's head.

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Edited on 09/12/15 @ 16:44:58 by Mapleivy (Love them poops! XD) (#28542)

Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-09 09:37:04

Damien Black || 5th year || Ravenclaw || Demisexual + Panromantic
Mentions: Lyle and Lyanna

Having quickly helped Lyle onto the train before it started going, the Ravenclaw nearly went 'splat' as the train started to move luckily enough he was able to catch himself on a wall. Giving Lyle an awkward smile, he lead the taller blonde in the direction of their compartment. Turning and opening his mouth to speak to Lyle once again he hadn't seen Lyanna come through the hallway, getting knocked back into Lyle's chest. Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion of the Malfoy shifting into her Animagus form, he gave her a blank stare as she apologized rapidly. Gaze flickering over to Lyle, Damien's look was one of an apology. Turning back to Lyanna, he simply stared at her with a confused expression as she apologized over and over. Shifting uncomfortable, the selective mute clenched his jaw in defense as he found he couldn't speak. Again.

Andrew [Andy] Malfoy || 6th year || Slytherin || "It's a mystery."
Mentions: Gerrit, Alexandra, Maple, Mercury

Smirking partially at the frightened looks of some passing First Years, his smile grew more at Gerrit's attention finally landing on him. "Ah, I bet your summer rocked. Heh, I'm glad you're back as well, wouldn't know what I'd do without you." At the end of the sentence and the mention of Maple, the blonde tipped his head sideways to look into the room full of First Years. "I think her cabin is full, unless you wanna call her out to find a new one?" he asked.

Looking around when his name was said, his eyes landed on the fellow Slytherin with a bored look. "Why wouldn't I be? I kinda like him." he stated calmly. Feeling an eyebrow twitch at the sound of disgust in her voice he gave her a dark look. "If you don't like him, then why are you still here?" he asked, voice dropping a bit as he went into 'protection mode.' Snapping out of it quickly as a cat jumped on her head, he stared at it with a pissed off expression. At the first signs of the stupid fuzzball starting to jump again, the Malfoy ripped out his wand saying "Alarte Ascendare." with a calm expression. Watching in amusement as it his the cat square in the chest and forced it to slam into the ceiling.

Rounding on Mercury, he pointed his wand at the freak. "You're next if you don't get that fucking cat out of here." Andy said with a dark look, yet calm demeanor.

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Edited on 09/12/15 @ 17:03:08 by Usa-chan (#2703)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 09:45:40
Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna swallowed and slowly leaned down to pick up her snake, the python still hissing with annoyance. Delilah promptly bit Lyanna's hand, but all she did in response was wipe her bloody hand on her jeans and mumble nervously. She hated situations like this; they made her feel horrible. She didn't know what else to do; with a confused look, she turned away and trotted back down the hall, towards the Slytherin section. Mystery followed with a soft mew, leaping onto Lyanna's shoulder, balancing on the still slightly angry snake. Lyanna rounded the corner, searching for her compartment, when she spotted Andrew tormenting a cat. She rolled her eyes, approaching silently on her toes, and snatched the wand out of Andrew's hand, giggling. She rolled it between her fingers as her snake hissed. "Oops." She purred, putting on hand on her hips and the other began to toss Andy's wand into the air, back to him.

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Edited on 09/12/15 @ 17:02:06 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 09:50:49
Mercury Black//4th year//Slytherin//Homosexual

Seeing his cat get slammed into the ceiling, Mercury had to exert a great self control to not go 'Mad Black' on the blonde asshole. When the idiot pointed the wand at him, Mercury decided that he would make his mother proud, for once. Seeing the new girl grab the blonde's wand, he almost sighed 'What is with people not letting me have fun?'
"Who would have thought it. A Malfoy actually dares to threaten the heir of the Black family." Smiling 'angelically' Mercury added "Let me explain you how will this go. You will bring my cat down and make sure he isn't harmed. I will continue into the train and apparent that a low blooded family's rat didn't dream of ordering me or threatening me." Expecting a fight to break out he let his wand fall into his hand "Or we could duel and see who knows more curses and hexes. Of course, after I beat you I will make sure my dear uncle knows of what exactly you did and tried to do. I do believe the Blacks have been searching for a way to get rid of some of you" Tilting his head he waited for the blonde's answer.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 09:55:46
Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

"Forgive my cousin's attitude." She told Mercury simply. She then reached up and grabbed the cat, cradling it in her arms, and handed it to Mercury. "Nice cat you have there. I think Mystery seems to like 'em." She smirked in a friendly way, stroking her cat's head, which was leaning forwards to sniff Mars. She snorted when the cat promptly fell off her shoulder, and she picked Mystery back up, her golden collar jangling in the still silence. She hip bumped her cousin and grinned at him. "Be a little nicer, huh?" She grinned again, stroking the snake, who snapped her jaws next to her cousin's face. Lyanna whisked around so she could stand opposite of her cousin, stroking the agitated snake, shushing it quietly before she kissed the top of Delilah's head. The snake calmed, wrapping herself back around Lyanna's neck, her hissing ceased.

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-09 09:59:07
Maple Sallese|Ravenclaw 5th year|Girl|Muggleborn|Mentions: Gerrit Alexandra, Andrew, Tala, Mercury, Lyanna, made up first years

Maple glared at the remaining first years who were laughing at the out of control cat, then now at the Slytherin who was tormenting the cat. When the Slytherin Malfoy girl snatched the Slytherin boy's wand and began tossing it in the air the first years went crazy laughing, one fell onto the floor. The first years calmed down then got the message, their faces turned red and they walked out of the compartment.
Maple smiled at the other people outside the compartment. "Lots of room now, fancy a seat?"

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-12-09 10:02:42
Alexandria Yeager | 6th Year | Female | Bisexual | Pureblood | Slytherin | Tagged: Andrew, and slight mentions of Maple and Mercury.
Gerrit Woxworth | 6th Year | Male | Bisexual | Pureblood | Gryffindor |

Alexandria was about to retort to Andrew's protective snap, but her voice was cut off when a cat leapt onto her head. Her hand flew to her head, but the cat had already leapt out of the way, before getting zapped by Andrew. She smiled darkly at the cat, letting out a huff as she ran her fingers through her now messed up hair. She whipped around towards the owner, a deathly glare covering her features. She didn't think anymore talking was necessary though. That Malfoy sure could be scary if he wanted to be.

She was a little taken aback at the new kid's tone. He's talking to a Malfoy like that? That thought rang through her head, but she didn't voice it. She kinda hoped a fight would break out. It would be neat to see a couple Slytherins' going at it.

Gerrit couldn't help but chuckle at the scene unfolding in front of him. From a cat jumping onto the black-haired girl who disliked him for some reason, so it getting slammed into the ceiling, to Andrew's wand being taken from him and an almost fight. He raised his hands of slightly, hoping his voice would reach everyone. "Easy now. Easy. I don't think any harm was done, was there? A fight on the first day probably won't look good on our records." His petite cat sat atop his shoulders still, watching the whole thing with dull amusement.

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Edited on 09/12/15 @ 17:04:32 by Dick Grayson (#34810)

Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-09 10:13:12

Andrew [Andy] Malfoy || 6th year || Slytherin || "It's a mystery."
Mentions: Gerrit, Alexandra, Maple, Mercury, and Lyanna

Almost growling at Lyanna at her snatching his wand away, he gave her snake a glare before mutter horrible obscenities in Parseltounge. Eye lighting up at Mercury's threat he stalked over to the shorter male, grabbing him by his collar and hoisting him up be his shirt. "What was that you little shit? To scared to fight with your fists, that you gotta call on your dying family?" he sneered. "And sorry to ruin your little pompous attitude, but if you haven't met the other Black kid that goes to this school you'd realize you only are the heir to the dying side of the family. Oh yeah, lets not forget my mom is your uncle's sister. So I'd like to see what the fuck he'd do without my mom kicking his ass." he snarled, dropping him before sauntering back over to Gerrit where he wrapped his arms around the blondes middle.

"I hate everyone." he muttered angrily as he shifted his way to stand behind the inch shorter blonde. "Can you cool them off before I get seriously angry?" he asked softly, resting his head on Gerrit's shoulder.

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