Posted by Harry Potter-RP Thread

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-04 09:31:00
Welcome to the RP Thread! Here are the rules:

-No power playing or god-modding. I understand that certain spells, such as Avada Kedavra, can be used, but please talk it over with the other player first before using it. Otherwise, you must give the other person a chance to block it.
-I allow cussing, but please don't use a curse word like three times in each sentence.
-18+ situations? I couldn't care less, but don't be TOO explicit, if ya know what I mean...

Lyanna Malfoy
Kate Blackthorne
Stella Lovegood
Tala Nightstorm
Mercury Black
Alexandria Yaeger

Gerrit Woxworth
Ashleigh Okumura
Alice Weasley
Conis Kirn

Lyle Osteen
Celeste Leving
Damien Lucas Black
Maple Sallese

Nicole Torqui

The roleplay will start with the students boarding the Hogwarts Express :3. Let us begin! XD

Character Sheets

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 14:42:43 by Calla Nightshade (#76766)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-12 05:08:37
(:p I probably should have told you that I edited my post earlier and said she gave the wand back. :3 Totally forgot to tell you that, sowwie)

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2015-12-12 05:11:31
Mercury Black//4th year//Slytherin//Homosexual

Mercury woke up to Mars purring and licking. Staying for a while on the ground until the phantom pain disappeared, he thought of what he just saw. 'Spells everywhere, screams and...' Remembering the voice Mercury growled a little 'The voice of that idiot warning me of a war' Standing up and making sure Mars didn't fall he said "We will have to go with the centaurs, love. It wasn't a pretty vision" Petting Mars he tried to find his wand so he could take the barrier spell down, he saw it was under the seats and grabbed it. Saying the counter spell he curled up in one of the seats and let Mars rest on his head.

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Edited on 12/12/15 @ 12:12:24 by Crow(Kenow)-G.D.S.S (#67822)

Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-12-12 06:10:02
Alexandria Yeager | 6th Year | Female | Bisexual | Pureblood | Slytherin |
Gerrit Woxworth | 6th Year | Male | Bisexual | Pureblood | Gryffindor | Tagged: Lyanna, Maple, and slight Andrew.

Gerrit was a little shocked when the blonde simply moved onto another compartment. "He's usually all over me. Hmm." He mumbled to himself. A wry smile found its way to his lips when he heard Alexandria's comment, rolling his eyes at her description. "It appears that way, m'lady." Alexandria's lip curled a little at him words, hating that chivalrous attitude he always possessed.

"Why are you so kinds to everyone? Don't you hate people at least a little?" She snapped at him. Gerrit shook his head softly, a hand rubbing gently over Holly's back. "Nope. It's just my nature to treat everyone with kindness and respect. There is only one person I hate, and that person definitely doesn't go to Hogwarts." He turned towards the other girls in the room, smiling brightly. "Ahh, how rude of me. I know a couple of you, but I don't believe I've met the others. The name's Gerrit Woxworth. 6th year Gryffindor." He moc-bowed in the compartment, chuckling slightly before looking towards Alexandria.

She girl's lip twitched in annoyance before she let out a sigh. "Alexandria Yeager. 6th year Slytherin." She folded her arms across her chest after depositing Milly in her lap. She wasn't even sure why she was friends with this Gerrit dude. His 'everything is cheery love everyone' attitude really annoyed her. But that's probably why she was friends with him. He didn't automatically hate her cause she is a Slytherin, so that was nice. He always treated her like everyone else, even after she would insult him.

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Edited on 13/12/15 @ 01:32:11 by Dick Grayson (#34810)

Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-12 06:23:18

Andrew [Andy] Malfoy || 6th year || Slytherin || "It's a mystery."
Mentions: Mercury

(:P That would have been nice. xD)

Feeling the aura dissipate as the spell was broken, the blonde staggered to stand back up from his leaning position. Pausing at the door, he pondered briefly if he should knock or just open the door. Fuck it, he'll do both. Giving a loud knock, he pulled the door open simultaneously. Freezing up when he saw Mercury inside, Andrew briefly wondered why in the world he was always stuck in situations like this. Crossing his arms he glanced around uncomfortably. "Er, uh. Hey. I just wanted to warn you if a Teacher, or worse a Prefect had stumbled upon you setting up that barrier you would have gotten in serious trouble." he said calmly.

Biting his tongue Andrew finally let his eyes land on the cat that had nearly jumped on his head. "I suppose since I'm here, I want to apologize for hanging your cat by the ceiling. I'm kinda allergic to their fur, and would have puffed up like a balloon had it touched me." he stated awkwardly. "Ah, I just wanted to let you know cause like, I do like cats, but they uh... kinda make me die." he stated with a short quiet self loathing laugh.

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2015-12-12 06:43:14
Mercury Black//4th year//Slytherin//Homosexual

Jumping a little at the sudden noise, Mercury and Mars turned his head and saw that the Slytherin boy was in the door of the compartment. Listening to the warning he nodded, he knew that but a detention was better than anyone finding about the visions. When the Slytherin boy apologized Mercury flinched a little, he hadn't wanted to be mean to him. He giggled though when he mentioned the balloon and at how awkward he looked. "It's okay, I didn't mean to insult your family, it's just..." He patted Mars and looked down "Mars is what keeps me sane. Living with my family is hell, and if it weren't for Mars I would have gone insane a long time ago" At the end of the sentence his voice dropped into a whisper.

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Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-12 14:25:07

Andrew [Andy] Malfoy || 6th year || Slytherin || "It's a mystery."
Mentions: Mercury

Wincing partially when Mercury mentioned when he had insulted his family, shifting his gaze once more to a nearby wall. "I know what you mean. It's not easy when your entire family is trying to set up your life hmm?" he asked. Shifting uncomfortably, Andrew almost asked if he could sit down although thought better of it. "At this point I'm unsure if my father if pondering throwing me at Lyanna to marry, only for the reasoning of no one actually wants to marry me," he said with a bitter snort. A quick flash of Gerrit crossed his mind, and Andrew nearly bit his tongue so hard it would have scarred. Of course the Gryffendor didn't like him. Andrew was a Slytherin and the other blonde was a Gryffendor, and Gryffendor's unanimously hated Slytherins.

Hydrobius Black || 6th Year || Gryffendor || Demisexual + Panromantic
Mentions: Maple, Lyanna, Gerrit, and Alexandria

Having been wandering around looking for a place to sit, the raven haired male gazed around the empty hallways with a kind of bored look. Finally stopping in front of a partially cracked door, apparently whoever had been there last hadn't shut it all the way, he peeked inside. Spotting two familiar figures well one familiar figure, he knocked softly on the door in hopes Gerrit would hear it. Cracking the door open an inch more, he weaseled his head into the crack. "Um, so... I know it's full in here, but I was wondering if you could spare me some room? I'd rather not be stuck sitting in a room with first years again this year." he explained in his soft voice.

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Edited on 12/12/15 @ 21:53:39 by Usa-chan (#2703)

Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2015-12-12 16:10:55
Lyle Osteen || 5th Year || Ravenclaw || Demisexual - Panromantic
(Sorry I disappeared for a while. uwu)

Lyle glanced up in confusion as he saw Damien rushing towards him - Then the two were immediately pushed onto the train, luggage clutched haphazardly in their hands. Well. That was quick. Lyle spent a few seconds checking to make sure all of Celeste's luggage was in his hands, as well as his own. He looked to have everything, but then again, he didn't know all of Celeste's luggage by sight, so he may have been missing one or two things. Oh well.
When a girl with a snake suddenly slammed into Damien, who was ahead of Lyle, the tall blonde nearly dropped the bags in surprise. The girl was an animingus - A fox one at that! Lyle had always been intrigued by animingus's, and this was the first time he had ever seen one with his own eyes. He hadn't even known there had been animinguses at Hogwarts. Interesting.
The girl left before Lyle could inquire about how the girl had learnt to become an animingus. Maybe he could find her later, or ask Celeste to find her.
Luggage still taking up most of Lyle's hands, the boy looked to Damien, expression clearly questioning. Where was the compartment that they were headed too? Lyle knew that they picked the exact same one each time - It always had the same smell - but he was horrid at remembering, and forgot each year which compartment was which. Hopefully Damien remembered - These suitcases were getting heavy, and Lyle wanted to put them down.

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Dick Grayson (#34810)

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Posted on
2015-12-12 18:39:21
Alexandria Yeager | 6th Year | Female | Bisexual | Pureblood | Slytherin
Gerrit Woxworth | 6th Year | Male | Bisexual | Pureblood | Gryffindor
Tagged: Lyanna, Maple, and slight Andrew.

Gerrit glanced up when the door was pushed lightly open, a soft smile slipping onto his face. "Hey Hydrobius. Please, come in. You can sit next to me, I don't bite." A gently chuckle fell from the blonde's lips, smiling brightly at the Gryffindor. He glanced around the room quickly, speaking to the other room occupants. "As long as that's okay with you guys."

Alexandria eyed the Gryffindor, but with a soft sigh nodded. "I guess one more won't hurt." She pursed her lips before speaking. "The name's Alexandria Yeager. 6th year Slytherin." Her tone was flat, almost as if she was reciting a memorized verse, no joy or anger laced through it. Her and Gerrit both absentmindedly petted their siamese cats.

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 07:12:37
Mercury Black//4th year//Slytherin//Homosexual

(Congrats Usa-chan and Thistle! ^^)

Hearing the Malfoy boy talk about marriage Mercury shuddered,remembering his parents attempts at setting him up "I know the feeling" Tilting his head and making Mars fall on his lap he asked "Do you want to sit here? Even though I don't know your name" Petting Mars he added "And aren't you and that Griffyndor together? You make a cute couple" He smiled softly at the Slytherin.

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Usa-san (#2703)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-13 08:22:32

Andrew [Andy] Malfoy || 6th year || Slytherin || "It's a mystery."
Mentions: Mercury

(Thank you, Crow >u<)

Giving an awkwardly shy smile, he shuffled his feet to the opposite bench Mercury was sitting on. Sitting down he gave him a thankful smile. "Thank you for the offer, oh uh. My name is Andrew Malfoy, although I typically go by Andy." he said whilst rubbing the back of his neck. Freezing up at the last comment the other Slytherin mentioned he looked away with a hurt expression. "No, we aren't. I've been flirting with him since our first year, but all he see's us as is friends." he murmered softly. Shrugging, he attempted to dispel the feeling of hurt and replaced it with another awkward smile.

Damien Black || 5th year || Ravenclaw || Demisexual + Panromantic
Mentions: Lyle and Celeste

Swallowing nervously, Damien glanced back at Lyle with wide eyes as he slowly continued to their compartment. Hopefully Celeste was there still, maybe the dark haired girl would be able to break him of his emotional breakdown he could feel happening to himself. With shaking hands they finally made it to the room where he swung open the door and rushed in, slinking into the seat where Celeste's legs were. Sitting there with shaky hands, he took deep breaths as he tried to calm himself.

Hydrobius Black || 6th Year || Gryffendor || Demisexual + Panromantic
Mentions: Maple, Lyanna, Gerrit, and Alexandria

With a small smile, Hydrobius opened the door more for him to slip inside closing it behind him. Sliding up to Gerrit he sat down carefully, leaning up against the taller sixth year. "Thank you so much, Gerrit~" he basically purred. Turning his silver eyes to Alexandria he gave her a shy smile. "Ah, I know your name...we uh... have had quite a few classes together." he said softly. "But, my name is Hydrobius. 6th year Gryffendor." he said with a sly flirty look to Gerrit.

(Not gonna lie. I enjoy making my characters flirt with Gerrit xD)

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Edited on 13/12/15 @ 15:42:14 by Usa-chan (#2703)

Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 08:35:25
Mercury Black//4th year//Slytherin//Homosexual

Frowning at the hurt he could hear in Andy's voice he spoke "I'm Mercury Black, just call me Mer" He stood up and sat besides Andy "You shouldn't give up on the Griffyndor, they are really dense." Laughing he added "He probably doesn't realize that you're flirting" Grinning like a shark he said "I could obtain some information on him, and if I see he truly likes you, well...Why don't you try being a little more bold?"

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Mapleivy (#28542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-14 08:06:54
Maple Sallese|Ravenclaw 5th year|Girl|Muggleborn|Pets: Ivy (Cat)|Mentions: Hydrobius, Gerrit, Alexandria

Maple looked up from her book when someone introduced themselves. "Hello," Maple gave a half smile to the newcomer (Hydrobius). "No I don't have a problem with one more," She said to Gerrit. "Name's Maple Sallese, 5th year Ravenclaw," Maple then said to Hydrobius.
Maple went back to staring at Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. Maple thought while scanning over the Griffen section of her book, OWLS were this year and all summer when Maple had time she was studying. Maple calmly stroked her cat Ivy who had worked onto Maple's lap.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-14 08:56:12
Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna looked up when other people began to enter the compartment, including another Black, Hydrobius, as he called himself. She smiled at Maple nervously when she asked about her snake. Lyanna stroked Delilah and smiled. "Yeah, she was a gift. I love her quite a lot. Along with Mystery here, of course." She stated, stroking her cat, her collar jangling noisily. She mumbled nervously when people began to sit down, and she turned to look down the hall nervously, looking for her cousin. She ended up drawing her knees up and absentmindedly stroking her snake, who had calmed after the incident. She turned and pulled out a mirror from her bag, only to find that her eyes had become fox like. She growled nervously, as the stress was causing her animagus form to bounce back into her spirit state.
(Sorry for any mistakes; on mobile)

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Summer (Ebony Quad
Celestial) (#59192)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-12-19 06:16:38
Celeste Leving || 5th Year || Ravenclaw || Bisexual || Mentions: Lyle and Damien

Celeste looked at Damien in alarm as he came into the small room. He looked like he was on the verge of either a panic attack or an emotional breakdown. Se quickly sat up and scooted over so she was next to him. She reached out and touched his shoulder, "Hey Damien, it's going to be ok. We are nearly at Hogwarts, and everything will be fine. You can go hide in the common room, and Lyle and I will come up with you. We can probably sneak some food out o the feast. The riddle probably won't be that difficult, they wouldn't want the poor first years getting locked out." She didn't know what was wrong, so she just tried to reassure him everything was fine in a calm, soothing voice. She rubbed his shoulder, and looked over at Lyle with a worried expression, as if she was mentally asking him what happened. "Just take deep breaths, Damien." She didn't know if she was actually helping him calm down, but whenever her little cousin had a panic attack she had just talked to her calmly and rubbed her arm, and she would calm down pretty quickly. Dear Merlin, she hoped Damien calmed down quickly. If he fainted or something they would have to go find a teacher and then she would bet Damien would be pretty embarrassed.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 04:03:59
(Yay time jump! I think we have spent a little too much time on the train, and somebody requested a time jump.)
Lyanna Malfoy/5th Year/Slytherin/Bisexual

Lyanna jumped off the train and onto the boarding station in Hogsmeade, stroking her snake as she looked through the throngs of students nervously. She had no idea where Andrew was, but she had spotted him sitting with the same kid who had pissed them both off earlier. She hadn't wanted to get any closer to him, so she hadn't said anything to her cousin. She pushed her way up to the carriage and climbed on, waiting for someone else, but to no avail. The carriage began to move with just her and some strange Gryffindor she had never seen before sitting inside, pulled by the invisible horses. She darted inside when it stopped, heading towards the Great Hall. She weaved through the crowd yet again and sat herself down near the end of the Slytherin table, as she had given up on finding anyone.

(Sorry if it's short and fast paced; my computer literally busted so I'm getting a new one. My mobile phone is so hard to try and rolplay on.)

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