Posted by 1x1 with Queen of the Pride

jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-01-07 09:23:45
The idea for this is similar to Romeo and Juliet, although, there isn't the inevitable, horrible tragedy at the end. There is, however, a forbidden romance, between two lions. One, a male, who is the heir to his pride, a wealthy, powerful pride, too. The other, a female, perhaps heir to the queen, or destined to be the wife of the king, or the heir to the pride, which would be a smaller, weaker one, but strong nonetheless. It starts with our characters meeting as adolescents, and becoming friends. Gradually, they develop feelings for each other, as they grow older and become adults. They'd confess their love, and their prides would not be happy, as there could be a war brewing, and separate them forcefully. The war would break out, and the two lovers would have to fight. They, of course, refuse to fight one another, and run off together during the chaos, their love, and themselves, must then survive without their prides.



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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-01-08 10:44:39
"Just warning you, it may hurt." Azisa said, laying down by her, to get a better look at her paw. Gently, he sort of held her wounded paw between his two front paws, inspecting where the thorn was. He frowned a little when he spotted it, but leaned his head forwards, gripping whatever part of the thorn he could in his teeth. Then, he sort of jerked his head back, pulling the thorn out easily, and spat it out, still holding her paw, though. But he wasn't quite sure why.

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Queen of the Pride (#79470)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-08 10:50:47
Milan nodded at he told her. She got ready. When he pulled the thorn out she whimpered. It did hurt but not too bad. As he held her paw longer, she looked into his eyes. They were beautiful eyes. She smiled at him.

"Thank you Azisa." She said with a big smile. She never had someone look at her like this except for Kian, but Kian's was an evil look. Azisa's look was gentle and kind. She started into his eyes longer wondering what to do.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-01-08 11:06:54
"You're welcome. It didn't hurt too bad, right?" Azisa replied, smiling at her. He gazed right back at her, in her eyes. Her pretty eyes, if he was honest about it. He didn't seem to notice, that he was still holding her paw, at all, either.

He decided to take a little bit of a chance. If she wasn't okay with it, well, it wasn't like she was in his pride, so it wouldn't be very awkward, for him, anyway. Disappointing, if anything. Azisa moved a little closer to her, and then sort of wrapped his tail around her. Then, he leaned his head forward just a bit, and lightly nuzzled her cheek.

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Queen of the Pride (#79470)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-08 11:12:39
"No not really." Milan said, still holding the gaze. She kept the gaze as he moved closer, wrapping his tail around her. As he nuzzled her cheek , she nuzzled a little back. her pride would be so ashamed of he now, but she didn't care. Azisa was a kind, gentle lion. He had beautiful eyes. She looked at him after the nuzzle holding the gaze.

She didn't know how or why, but she really liked this lion. There was something about him. She couldn't explain her feelings. She never felt them, so how could she know. Milan still held the gaze, staring into Azisa's eyes. They were a beautiful crystal-blue.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-01-08 11:29:06
"Good." Azisa replied, smiling just a bit more at her. "I wouldn't want to hurt you." He said to her. His pride would not be happy about this, him even being within a few feet of a lioness from another pride, much less laying with her.

He liked her, he really did. Azisa didn't think he'd ever been in love, or ever even really liked someone very much, so he didn't exactly know what it felt like. But, maybe this was what it was like? It wasn't a bad thing, at least. He moved just a little closer, their fur brushing now.

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Queen of the Pride (#79470)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-08 11:36:04
As he spoke, something fluttered inside of Milan. As he moved closer, brushing his fur against hers, she took a small chance, she leaned in and licked his cheek. She really like Azisa. He was kind to her like no other lion was. If Kian was here, he would rip Azisa to shreds.

"You have beautiful eyes." Milan whispered to Azisa. She took a chance to speak. She gazed into his eyes. She didn't know what this feeling was. Was it love? She didn't know. She had never liked someone like this. She never liked others much at all. No one liked her, but it seemed like Azisa might.

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Edited on 08/01/16 @ 18:36:32 by Queen of the Pride (#79470)

jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-01-08 11:49:21
Azisa smiled, as she licked his cheek. He did the same to her in response, licking her cheek back. His father would certainly not be happy about this, not one bit. Azisa knew his father had plans, when it came to him having a mate. He probably wanted him with some princess from another pride, or something. Someone he didn't love. He certainly did not want that. Not one bit.

"Thank you." He replied, gazing right back at her. "You do, too. Though, all of you is beautiful, really." Azisa said, smiling. At least, she didn't reject his advances. She seemed to accept and embrace them, if anything, making advances of her own.

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Queen of the Pride (#79470)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-08 11:54:36
Milan smiled and blushed a bit as he said those words. Azisa did like her. She didn't know how much but he did. She liked him too. He was so good looking. She nuzzled him, more this time. If anyone saw this, they would ban her from the pride, or worse, kill her and Azisa. He smelled sweet. She liked him, a lot.

"You're so handsome, and gentle, and kind." Milan whispered. And he really was. Her stomach rumbled but she ignored it. She didn't want this to end. She could wait to eat. But all that mattered was this moment.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-01-08 12:12:40
Azisa smiled at her, as Milan nuzzled him. He nuzzled her right back each time she nuzzled him, or he licked her cheek. He liked her a lot, he really did. He knew that she liked him back, obviously, but he did wonder how much. It seemed like quite a bit, though.

"You're beautiful, nice, and very sweet." He whispered back, smiling. He managed to get closer, if that was possible, their flanks actually making contact, not just their fur, now.

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Queen of the Pride (#79470)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-08 12:18:48
Milan loved it when he nuzzled her and liked it even more when he moved closer. What was this she was feeling? She didn't know and didn't care. She was with Azisa and that was all that mattered. When he spoke, her heart skipped a beat. She moved as close as possible. Milan put her head against his.

"I never want this to end." Milan said. And it was true. This moment was amazing. She would remember it forever. She faced him and looked into his eyes. She held the gaze, then licked him. She smiled as she did so.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-01-08 12:34:54
"I don't, either." Azisa replied, smiling at her affectionately. He was sure of it, now. This was love. It couldn't be anything else, really, or at least didn't seem like it. "This is what love is, right?" He whispered, partly to himself.

He wondered what his father would do if he saw them, or his mother. His father would probably slaughter Milan, or simply drag him away from her, and then deal with her in secret, whatever he may do. His mother, though, would probably think it was adorable that her son was in love, and obsess over it for days. How different his parents were still shocked him, really.

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Queen of the Pride (#79470)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-08 12:42:46
Milan smiled to herself. She heard a whisper, but didn't hear what he had said. Milan wondered what would happen if they were caught. Would they be killed or banned from their prides? Her father always told her to never disobey him or the pride. He said I'll be banned or killed. But would my parents ban me or kill me? My father probably would, but my mother, I don't know.

"Who are your parents?" Milan asks. She knew he was thinking the same thing.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-01-08 12:58:02
"Kosan, the king of my pride, is my father. He's selfish, believes he's better than most, treats my mother unfairly, and always wants me to train by doing dangerous things." Azisa said, frowning a little. "Siphokazi, the queen, is my mother. She was forced to be my father's queen, solely so their prides could merge into one, which is my current pride. She's overprotective, doesn't know how to defy my father in any way, and does not approve of me fighting anything." He said. He didn't necessarily like talking about his parents, but, Milan wanted to know, so he didn't mind. "What about yours?" Azisa asked her.

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Queen of the Pride (#79470)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-08 13:06:53
Milan looked down. She could tell this made him uncomfortable. Her father was a cruel lion, but her mother was loving.

"My mother, Aella, was a gentle lioness. She cared about every cub and protected all of us. I was lucky to have her as a mother... but not lucky to have my father, Barabbas,... he would always push me to do things. He never admitted this but i heard him talking to my mother. They were fighting on why my father killed my sister. She was younger than me. We would always play with each other. She was the best. I haven't told anyone and if someone asked if i had siblings, i just say no. He killed her because..." Milan didn't want to say no more. Tears welded up in her eyes. She loved her sister very much and when she passed, it tore her heart out. Tears fell down her cheek as she closed her eyes.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-01-08 13:14:02
Azisa listened to her talk quietly, and gave her a sympathetic kind of look when she started crying, though he did not like seeing her cry. "Hey.. It's okay, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I won't force you." He said to her gently, nuzzling her cheek.

"I am sorry that they died, though. I don't have siblings, or cousins or anything, but I think it'd be awful. I can't even imagine how awful, really." He said, nuzzling her cheek again, smiling a little, hoping he could soothe her.

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