Posted by Royal Roleplay

|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:03:11
In the woods, several miles away from the palace is a small, poor town. They don't have enough of anything. Food, clothes, shelter. In that town is a girl. She illegally hunts in the forest though if she gets caught by the guards it could mean death, but they rarely patrol that side of the forest, so she risks it. But one day she meets te prince, not knowing it was him. After that encounter, they end up meeting more and more times but what happens when she finds out who he really is?

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Edited on 29/01/17 @ 11:47:25 by 🐺Wolfpup🐺 |Maybe Away| (#53309)

|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:08:03
Name: Adam Locke
Age: 21
Personality: Adam is the only son of the king of Calax and he is used to getting what he wants. Even though he is spoiled, he still enjoys getting into mischief and doing things that his father and advisers might not approve of. His father is getting older, so he knows that he will become king soon, but he still treats the kingdom like a bit of a game.
Looks: Black hair and stunning blue eyes, about six feet tall and he keeps his hair pretty short. He is handsome and knows it, he almost always has an air of arrogance around him.

((You can add more, I just usually do rough character sheets and develop my character more))

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:09:40
Name: Josephine (Jo) Styles

Age: 17

Gender: female

Appearance: XYDlbYh.jpg

Personality: Jo is a very hard worker. She likes to get things done and hates when things are late. She is always on time and precise, but her attitude can be rather cold. She doesn't like making friends or netting new people. She likes to stand up for what she believes in. Jo won't do something that she think she is wrong and won't stand by it. She can be mean, rude, and often does have a smart mouth. Jo doesn't believe in giving second chances because obviously they weren't even good enough for the first. Jo is a fighter and doesn't mind doing the impossible to get what she wants. But if she allows you to get to know, there is a whole world left to be discovered.

Other: She lives with her mother and younger Brother an sister sister.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 10:10:17 by LexiLife (#101978)

|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:11:28
You found this one quickly lol, I was just about to send you the link. Do you want to do first post? What time period is this in?

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:14:41
Kind of a medieval, ya know. Maybe sort of related to hunger games time except all the killing and stuff isn't going on? And I can do first post.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:15:19
Okay, sounds good

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:22:08
A scream broke the silence of the house, as Jo felt her body shaking and shivering. Not too long after, a hand began shaking her shoulder. Instantly she woke up, as her blue eyes found her mother's honey colored ones. No words were exchanged because they both knew what she had dreamt. And neither of them wanted to talk about it.

Jo pushed the sheets away from her, wiping the sweat off of her eyebrow, as she inhaled a deep breath before looking at her mother seriously. "I'll be back soon." With that she tossed on her boots and a coat before leaving her room to grab her bow and quivers out of the front room. And with that, she left the house, feeling the cold wind around her, as she left the town, going into the forest to see if today would be a lucky day for her.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:27:41
Adam was on his horse, a handsome gray stallion, and had his crossbow at his side. His father and advisers, they may as well just be called his babysitters, hated it when he snuck out to hunt like this. Of course, it wasn't illegal for him, but he had enough to eat anyway and just did it for sport. Nobody bothered him in the woods and it was the way he liked it.

Dismounting, he tied his stallion to a tree branch and started on foot. He wouldn't get too far from his horse, but he knew his general way around the woods and it wasn't like the silhouette of the huge castle was difficult to see.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:28:07
((double post))

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 10:28:51 by 🐺Wolfpup🐺 |Maybe Away| (#53309)

Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:34:32
Jo walked quietly. She knew her way around the forest like she knew the back of her hand. She'd been in it since she was a young girl. Around eleven with her father. Everything she knew about hunting she knew from her father. Jo cleared the thoughts about her father. If she were going to catch anything, she needed to focus.

It was a bit later than dawn, Jo though. It meant not too many birds and squirrels would be out, but if she were lucky she might be able to catch a deer, thrush, or raccoon. She was almost silent as she moved through the forest, looking for any hints of animal life. She heard the crush of leaves and in a second had an arrow on her bow. She raised it but instead of her bow pountubf at an animal, it pointed at a man.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:39:16
Adam was obviously surprised to look up and see an arrow aimed at him, but he had his crossbow leveled at her in an instant. "Just put that down," he said quickly and hoped that she would obey. He was wearing a more simple shirt, jacket, and pants, not his normal royal finery, so he didn't think that he would be recognized.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:43:48
Jo scoffed, as she looked at the man in front of her. He had on simple clothes. Who did he think he was? She ignored his command, feeling no need to listen to him. "Why don't you out your down?!" She glared at him. "Who are you? Why are you here?" She kept her bow raised at him. She'd never seen him around here before and wouldn't be lowering her weapons in case he was a threat.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:47:45
"I'm Adam and I guess I'm out here hunting like you are. So that neither of us get murder added along with trespassing and stealing from royal ground, we'll both put the weapons down, alright?" He asked and started leaking over to put down his crossbow. He definitely wasn't going to tell her that he was the Prince, she would have nothing to lose by shooting him and it would be nearly impossible for the others to find him.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:53:18
Jo looked at the man, her bow still raised before she sighed and lowered her bow. She didn't have time to waste. She needed to find some game for her family. As soon as her bow was down, she turned around and started bounding again through the woods, listening for any sounds of animal life,knowing it wouldn't be dawn much longer.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:56:34
"Hey, where are you going now?!" He asked and went after her. She couldn't just leave like that. Even if she didn't know who he was, weren't most people a bit more polite than this? Adam didn't care that he was scaring away any prey with his noise, he just wanted to find out about this woman.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 04:01:21
Jo stopped, as she pressed her bow against his chest a bit aggressively. "Shut up!" She exclaims before shaking her head and turning back around. Jo couldn't stay around him. He was too loud. He would scare any of her chances away. "And stop following me!" She began walking again, trying to blend into the forest not only to get away from the man behind her, Adam he had said, but also to try and get game.

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