Posted by Royal Roleplay

|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 03:03:11
In the woods, several miles away from the palace is a small, poor town. They don't have enough of anything. Food, clothes, shelter. In that town is a girl. She illegally hunts in the forest though if she gets caught by the guards it could mean death, but they rarely patrol that side of the forest, so she risks it. But one day she meets te prince, not knowing it was him. After that encounter, they end up meeting more and more times but what happens when she finds out who he really is?

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Edited on 29/01/17 @ 11:47:25 by 🐺Wolfpup🐺 |Maybe Away| (#53309)

|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 08:25:23
Huffing, he went back to get his horse and mounted up, going after her loudly through the woods. "Wait," he ordered again once he could see her, "Who are you?" Adam sat nobly on the horse and looked down at the woman. He knew that horses were rare and valuable, but she could know that he was wealthy.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 08:40:36
Jo turned around quickly, facing the man, as she sighed. Did he not know when to quit? She looked over the grey horse he had. It didn't look weak or old. It's pelt was shiny, and the horse wasn't even breathing hard. A beautiful horse. Who was he to have such a fine horse? Surely someone rich? Jo shook her head. She didn't care who he was. She again got Ann arrow from her quiver and put it onto her bow, aiming at him. She narrowed her eyes a two him. "You leave me alone, or I tell you this Adam. I never miss." With that she lowered her how and began walking again.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 08:43:57
Nudging his horse with his heels, Adam reined the stallion so that he cut in front of the woman. "I've told you my name, the least you can do is tell me yours, where are you from?" He asked. Something about her intrigued him and he didn't know why. She wouldn't dare to actually shoot him, she was just bluffing.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 08:54:23
A scowl lit up Jo's face, as Adam pulled his horse in front of her. Why wouldn't he leave her alone? Couldn't he take a hint? She readied her bow once more before aiming it at his head. Jo really wanted to let the arrow leave her hands, but e probably thought she was bluffing. She exhaled before moving the arrow a bit to the left and releasing it from her fingers. There was nothing for a while before a loud squawk was heard, and something small hit the ground. She had gotten the raven. She glared at Adam. "I told you I never miss. Now for the love of everything good, leave me alone."

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 08:57:25
"No," he said stubbornly, "I want to know your name. I know that not many come out here anyway and I already told you mine." Adam had winced badly when she shot the store and swore that he felt the wind from it in his hair. Still, he was going to find out about her if he had to follow her back. "Are you really going to eat a raven?" He asked and wrinkled his nose.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 09:13:18
Jo rose an eyebrow at Adam. "You're not from around here." It wasn't a question. It was a statement. Jo knew because the people around here would never had saud such a thing. It was hard to get food around here, and often people in her town weee skin and bones, so yes she was about to hunt a raven if it meant providing food for her family. Jo put her bow over her shoulder. "If I tell you my babe will you leave me alone?"

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 09:18:36
"Maybe," he said and gave her a smirk, "You are the first other person I've seen in the forest. What can I say? I'm curious," he then shrugged and looked down at her, not really planning on leaving her alone. If she was desperate enough to eat a raven, Adam knew that they were starving. Back at the cattle he always had as much beef, pork, it chicken as he could want.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 09:53:39
Jo eyed the man for a moment before sighing. She returned her how to around her shoulder before beginning to walk towards the place she had shot the raven. "Jo," she called before trying to disappear into the shrubs nearby, wondering who in the world that guy was before shaking her head, hoping she never saw him again.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 10:37:58
((should be go after her again or do a time skip? For when she finds out, maybe he is with the other royalty giving some food/supplies to the poor?))

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 11:08:57
(( I think that she will be the one to convince to feed the poor after they meet severall times, and we can do a time skip. ))

The sights around her almost made Jo want to cry and scream. It made hatred course through her veins. She hated the royals. Hated how they lived so fancy, yet the people She lived around were barely able to eat a meal a day. How is that fair? Not to mention, it was getting closer and closer to winter which meant it was getting harder and harder for Jo to catch game. Usually, she made trades with others in her town, but she hated how she could no lingering do that because there was barely enough. And Jo knew that it was family above all else. Her last most successful hunt had been about two weeks ago when she'd met that Adam guy. She'd gotten two squirrels, two birds, and even a deer foal. But even that had taken about the entire day.

The forest was eerily quiet, as Jo walked through it, hoping desperately that she would run into something. Anything. She didn't care how skinny or fat not like she really did ever. Her bow was perched on her shoulder, and she was alert, listening for the slightest sound of an animal.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 11:26:55
Adam had managed to sneak away from the castle walls again and was out in the woods to hunt. It was the first time in a couple weeks because they were getting ready for his coronation that would have officials from surrounding kingdoms and a week long feast. The whole time they arranged it, he just couldn't stop thinking about the girl that was willing to eat a raven.

Still on his stallion, he came to a little stream and saw a small herd of deer not paying attention. Hearing just the soft twang of his crossbow string, the fat buck fell and the others scattered, but Adam just whooped and dismounted, going to the kill. He obviously had venison whenever he wanted and he might've just taken it to the kitchens before, but there was a village not too far from here.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 18:29:34 by 🐺Wolfpup🐺 |Maybe Away| (#53309)

Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 12:18:16
(( I think we should go a bit slower into the story. Cuz I don't want it to end or for us to get bored with it too fast. I think the prince should ease into the idea of giving them food and helping them out and he gets there with te help of Jo))

The crunch of her feet against the snow was the only thing that could be heard. It was a soft sound, and Jo took her time, walking quietly and stealthily, her eyes scanning the area. This was Jo's first year hunting alone without her father. And she had to admit, even with his coaching, things were still hard. And Jo missed him, not only to help hunt but him as well. He was her father and she loved him, but she knew she couldn't look weak. She had to stay strong for her family, and that's what she would do.

A squeal pierced the silence, and Jo stopped for a moment before recognizing what sound it was. A deer. She hadn't seen one of those in days. Quickly, she ran, her feet softly hitting the ground, as she tried to make it towards the location she'd heard the deer. But when she got there, there was only one deer. And it lay dead on the ground with a familiar guy with black hair and blue eyes standing above it. Jo growled. "What are you doing here?!" She snaps, wondering how she had managed to see him again.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 12:24:15
((I'll have him just offer or to her this time, then he can stay really thinking about everyone else in the villages too.))

"Hunting a buck," he smirked and went down to look at the animal, "Have you had any luck today? I just got here and hadn't even gotten off of Silver yet." Adam more hunted just for sport, so he was looking at the antlers on the creature. "This is the largest one I've gotten yet," he said half to himself. He didn't actually know how to butcher it, though, so he would need to put the while carcass on his horse.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 12:56:32
Jo glared at Adam for more than one reason. One being that he had caught something before her in the two hours she had been out here. And second being that it seemed like he was bragging about it. She'd never bragged about something she had caught. Because she was too thankful. Too happy that her family and others. And for her to have caught something as large as the buck Adam had. She would have been estatic. But Adam. He was far too used to getting these type of game. And his longing looks at the deer's horn didn't go past Jo. She glared at him. "You make me sick!" She points a finger at him, narrowing her eyes at him.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 13:03:22
"What?" He asked, surprised at her outburst, "The were three more does with him, they all ran south, if you want them. I'm just going to have a hard time getting this one back to the... Back home." He almost said, 'Back to the castle,' but he had barely caught himself in time.

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