Posted by Royal Roleplay

|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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2016-12-22 03:03:11
In the woods, several miles away from the palace is a small, poor town. They don't have enough of anything. Food, clothes, shelter. In that town is a girl. She illegally hunts in the forest though if she gets caught by the guards it could mean death, but they rarely patrol that side of the forest, so she risks it. But one day she meets te prince, not knowing it was him. After that encounter, they end up meeting more and more times but what happens when she finds out who he really is?

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Edited on 29/01/17 @ 11:47:25 by 🐺Wolfpup🐺 |Maybe Away| (#53309)

Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 13:10:45
Jo rolled her eyes at how shallow he was. She scowled at him before stepping up to him and pointing a finger at his chest, touching him for the first time. "You think all of this is a game! You idiot because while you prance around your house with deer horns above your fireplace, people like me will sit in their homes, starving, wondering if they're even going to make it." Jo shrugged. "But you're rick, so why would you care?" She turned to walk away.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 20:12:14 by LexiLife (#101978)

|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 13:15:50
He pouted and looked at her, huffing, "Take it if you want it, as you've pointed out, I don't need it. Jo had guts, that was for sure, but Adam wondered what she would do if the woman knew that she had just jabbed the heir of Calax in the chest. Leaving the stag on the ground, Adam angrily picked up his crossbow and sent back to his stallion.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 14:20:48
Jo looked towards the buck on the ground, actually considering his offer before he shook her head and kicked it a bit towards Adam. "Oh no you don't," she exclaims before stomping up to him and getting into his face, so close they were breathing the same air. And she put a finger to his chest. "You take your stupid deer because I would rather starve than eat anything that was killed by you." She glared at him, finger still on his chest.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 14:27:46
Rolling his eyes at her, Adam mounted Silver and said, "Well, it's going to rot there if you don't take it. Do you want all that meat or not?" He really funny care of her took the buck back, it would just be a pain to try to get on the horse anyway. Her village was probably closer than the castle and she could figure out some way to get the thing back without the guards catching her.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 14:34:46
What was Jo doing? She was getting worked up and for what? She looked at Adam. Over a cocky, arrogant jerk that she didn't even like. She did a small smile though there was no actual humor in it before she looked at Adam for what she hoped was the last time. "Why don't you take your buck and leave. And never come back." Then she turned around and walked away.

After walking for a bit, a sound caught her ears. It was a soft, singing that was beautiful. She quickly recognized the bird and turned, aiming her bow at it before she realized what kind of bird urban really was. A larvae. They were rare birds with black and dark purple feathers. And they could sing like angels. They were almost extinct now, but as a little girl her dad has always told her ever to shoot one. That they were too pure for this world. Jo dropped her bow to the ground, as a tear ran down her face and she sniffed. Because for the first time, she was crying because of her fathers death.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 14:41:52
Adam left the buck where it was, he didn't feel like wrestling with the thing, but he left Silver there and started just following Jo as quietly as he could. Hearing the bird, he almost thought that she was aiming the arrow at him at first venue she dropped it and started crying. He was confused, but didn't know if he had missed her hurting herself somehow. "Jo?" He asked, coming out of the undergrowth.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 14:50:31
When Jo heard Adam's voice, she quickly looked up before wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, making sure to get all the tears away. And just like that, her mood changed. She was again hostile but didn't look as mean as she did before since she had puffy eyes and a red nose. She glared at him, and if looks could kill, Adam would no longer Ben on this earth. She crossed her arms and tried to hold her chin up to look a soft intimidating as she could. "What are you doing here?!" She asks. "Did you follow me?!"

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 14:55:34
"I'm waiting for you to come to your senses and go get that buck before some predator does," he retorted, instantly matching her mood again, "All your yelling is going to scare prey away anyway and I'm willing to bet that that's the first buck you've seen in a while." She was stubborn, but something about her refusal just made him want to push more. The meat was supposed to be a bit of a gift, but she was wasting it.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 15:14:17
Jo felt her hands ball into fists, as her nose scrunched up and she frowned at Adam. "Who do you think you are? You think you know me because you've talked to me twice?" Jo shoved him backwards, not only to be violent and aggressive, also because she just needed space to think to herself and this cocky arse in front of her wasnt allowing her much of that. "Well let me tell you something Adam," she says his name like an insult. "You don't know me, so You can take your deer and skidaddle because I don't want it!"

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 15:18:16
"Stubborn woman," he huffed and took a step back, "I know where my next meal is coming from, can you be honest and say that you do? That deer is still going to be there and I need to go get my horse." Adam had his fists clenched at his sides as he angrily walked away back towards where the stream was. He was barely holding back his temper from telling her exactly who he was.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 15:31:36
A groan left Jo's mouth, as she swung her arms around her. "Stupid, stupid man!" She shouts, loud enough, wanting Adam to hear before she considered his words. He knew where his next meal was coming from, big did she? Jo had to admit that she didn't. All of their meals were on a whim of whether or not Shen could catch something, so she didn't know. And that buck he'd caught. It would last then for a long time, not to mention the covers they could make from its fur that wouldn't last throughout the winter. Did she really want to starve her family and risk their survival because of her pride? Jo waited to make sure Adam was gone before she began to drag the deer back home.

The next day, everyone had been happy. Her brother had skinned the thing while her mother and sister had began cutting it into sections, to save into longer, and cooked it. So for the next few days, Jo didn't have to bother with hunting. But after about a week, she knew their supplies were running short and found herself in the woods once more with her bow and arrow. But this time she was actually a bit curious to see if whether or not, Adam would make an appearance.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 15:35:58
Adam had angrily avoided the woods for a while, but he soon came back and checked where the buck her been before. He didn't see bones or anything rotting, so he assumed that she must've gotten it. The weather was colder and he was wearing a fine red wool coat that could probably feed a family for a few months. Adam had been born into the wealth and he normally didn't think about it, but seeing Jo so thin and desperate was really showing him something different. His father always told him that the poor were poor because they were lazy, but Jo was always out hunting.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 15:46:01
Jo had actually gone hunting later than she usually did. The air was still brisk and cold. The wind was rough and sharp. The sun was higher in the sky than it usually was when she went hunting, indicating it was closer to noon than dawn. Her feet barely made a sound, as they moved along the fluffy snow that almost came up to her thigh. A sound from behind caused Jo to take an arrow from her quiver and put it on her how, quickly aiming at the thing the sound had come from. She wasn't surprised when she saw who it was. She put her arrow back and threw her bow back over her shoulder before rolling her eyes. "We've got to stop meeting like that," she states.

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|Maybe Away| (#53309)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 15:49:57
"Then stop trying to shoot everything that moves," he laughed, having barely flinched that time, "I would've thought that you would see this bright red or my horse." Adam was holding Silver's reins as he approached her and then nodded to where the buck had been, "I see that you got it, out of curiosity, how did you get it back into town?" There were supposed to be guards making sure that citizens didn't hunt on the royal ground, but he assumed that they weren't doing their job of Jo came so much.

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Oliver Queen (#101978)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 15:56:42
"Yeah because I was looking for bright red behind me," Jo says sarcastically before looking at the spot where Adam was pointing. At the spot where there had been a large buck that he had given her. She smirks at him which was the first time she had done a facial expression towards him that wasn't a frown or scowl. "That's for me to know and you to find out. And as for the guards. When they are doing their jobs, which is rare, it's still quite easy to sneak past them. The prince and king don't do very good jobs in training," she snorts before looking at the spot once more. Her next words were low answer quiet and hard for her to get out. "And thanks for that uh deer." Jo hated when people had to help her because in a way it meant she owed them one, and she hated being in debt to someone.

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