Posted by Riverclan [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-03-09 10:18:29

If you have a character, feel free to begin RP-ing!

For those who have no character: Join here to get in on the fun!

Current Riverclan Event: RABIESSS! Watch out, always look back, and find the cure!
November Beginning: Starclan ancestors are visiting this month! What do they have to say about disbelief among the clans?

Note: Chatter is NOT allowed. Visit the Lounge to discuss anything about your RPs please.

POSTS MUST BE 4+ LINES OF WRITING. Players need something to work with!

Lion Name - Rank - Mentions - Current Whereabouts


Character Sheets

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Edited on 14/11/17 @ 14:33:13 by Quake #Smomiah (#69866)

CyberFeline (1.4k
Ice 3xRos) (#106124)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-03-10 04:05:46
Pondpaw|She-cat|8 Moons|Apprentice|Mentor: None(Can be arranged)|Camp| Mentions: Open/Fallenheart, Whispersong, Poisonfur, Ravenstar, Squirrelfang, Opalpaw

Pondpaw watched Opalpaw traipse back to the den, and decided it was in her best interest to follow her fellow apprentice. Sitting down next to the other she-cat, Pondpaw gently taps Opalpaw with her tail, then scratches at the ground twice and purrs softly, coughing a little afterwards. She was trying to ask if Opalpaw had seen either of their mentors when she had gotten up, as Pondpaw had been listening to the other warriors.

Although she knew that Ravenstar had already called for two patrols to be made, she couldn't help but wonder where the two cats that helped train them were. She didn't know too much about her mentor, despite having been an apprentice for two moons. They were a capable cat, however, and one that taught her what she needed to know!

(Same as Opalpaw, need a mentor. Feel free to shoot me a PM!)

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Edited on 10/03/17 @ 11:14:36 by MechanicalFelidae (#106124)

(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2017-03-10 04:15:08
Whispersong / 26 moons / Female / Warrior / Mentions: Everyone / Location: Camp

Whispersong purred as the Clan gathered around, Ravenstar's nervousness radiated off of him and the calico she-cat chuckled in amusement. She lashed her tail as everyone sat down when Ravenstar began to speak, his voice trailing off in a low whisper at times. She hummed before curling her black and orange spotted tail over her snowy white paws; "What about the apprentices? They need mentors." She informed the reddish leader before her emerald eyes swung around to look at Opalpaw and Pondpaw in confusion, it seemed they were convinced they already had mentors.

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-03-10 04:20:57
Sunflare - Warrior - Camp

Sunflare awoke to the sound of his best friend. Oh no, got to move...
He scrambles up from his sleep, running towards the middle of camp to attend the clan meeting. He gulps down the lump in his throat, acting like he had been sitting there the whole time.
"I'll volunteer to lead a patrol," he says, loud enough for his leader to hear.
He quickly stretches out the muscles that didn't pop during his awakening. Sunflare laughs to himself, but him and Ravenstar both knew what a hard sleeper he was. All their apprentice-hood, Sunflare would be the last one awake, while Ravenstar would be one of the first. He misses the old days, where there were no worries.

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Fuzy (#95092)

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Posted on
2017-03-10 04:28:17
Opalpaw quickly turned to Pondpaw "No.. Perhaps they're out hunting with the hunting patrol?" she suggested with a smile, her tail swept across the den floor, flinging dust up into the air in a large cloud, she sighed *not again..* she thought to herself, *they'd probably have to go and search for them, but.. They were probably only out hunting so no need to worry* Opalpaw thought.

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Edited on 10/03/17 @ 11:29:10 by Hoka (#95092)

CyberFeline (1.4k
Ice 3xRos) (#106124)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-03-10 04:34:36
Pondpaw|She-cat|8 Moons|Apprentice|Mentor: None(Can be arranged)|Camp| Mentions: Open/Fallenheart, Whispersong, Poisonfur, Ravenstar, Squirrelfang, Opalpaw, Sunflare

Pondpaw gently shook her head to her colleague's suggestion, motioning with her head and ears towards the crowd. No patrols had left yet, although she had heard Whispersong say something about their mentors.
Noticing the dust that was swept up she giggled softly, throat twinging in discomfort from the action. She gently nudged Opalpaw's tail away from one of the empty nests and began to sweep the dust off of it with her own, looking towards Opalpaw and mewling gently for her to follow. Didn't want to cause any trouble with the other apprentices, they wouldn't really appreciate dust in their ears when they went to sleep later!

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Edited on 10/03/17 @ 11:35:09 by MechanicalFelidae (#106124)

OTTB LOVER (#103145)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-03-10 04:41:43
Fallenheart// 18 moons// Tom// Warrior// Camp// Mentions: Everyone

Fallenheart stretched and stood up from where the his fish had been. He moved closer to the gathering group in time to hear about apprentices and patrols. Rather quickly he blurted out, "I can mentor an apprentice if need be... You all know I'm a competwnt warrior even if I do like to have a bit of fun." The last part was added wit ha somewhat defiant look around the small gathering. He WAS a good warrior after all...
Though it might have been all in his head, the black and white tom was still paranoid that some in Riverclan questioned his pace in the clan. He still feared some him as an outsider since his parents were unknown. Maybe showing he could train future warriors wouod show he was more than just an orphan taken in out of pitty.
Rembering the patrols he snapped out of his thoughts of his birth. "I would be more than happy to go hunt or check the borders. I feel a need to go do something other than waste the morning talking like elders." The tip of his tail twitched impatiently in the air as if to emphasise his statement.

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Fuzy (#95092)

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Posted on
2017-03-10 04:45:42
Opalpaw quickly got up and padded towards Pondpaw curiously, *what is she trying to show me?* she wondered to herself softly, Opalpaw slowly approached Pondpaw and whispered so only she could hear it "...Wonder if it's gonna be something odd" she watched Pondpaw with curiosity, as she stood there the dirt dug deep into her fur, burying itself into her soft paws, but she was used to this feeling as she was always padding across the dirt or standing around, waiting to be given directions while the dirt nestled into her fur.

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Edited on 10/03/17 @ 11:47:23 by Hoka (#95092)

Lizz (#8260)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-03-10 05:26:45
{Male - 7 Moons - Apprentice - Mentor: Unknown - Location: Camp - Tagged: Everyone }

Cinderpaw snored softly, as he shifted in his nest. He had been out late, though no one needed to know that. He wasn't supposed to be out of camp at night without a warrior with him but he just couldn't drag one with him to practice fishing, he would be scolded for it, so he had snuk out. He had been having trouble with fishing. See he wasn't particularly fond of water, it made his pelt slick and clumpy and just plain uncomfortable, so he didn't like getting wet, which in turn turned into him being teased for it. So he thought that if he could practice without being teased, maybe he could get over his uncomfortable tendencies. Though it tended to make him to sleep in, and thus this is what he was doing as the sun filtered through the reeds.

Cinderpaw snorted one before scaring himself awake. He blinked into consciousness, sneezing as looked into the light. He sighed, it was morning, much too early in his opinion. He yawned as he stretched out his legs before rising to his paws and arching his back. He gave his chest a few licks before padding towards the entrance of the den, and peering out, squinting into the light, wondering what was going on, wondering if today he would get a mentor or perhaps go on patrol, as he spotted Ravenstar and the rest of the clan listening to him.

(Cinderpaw needs a mentor, I would be open to anyone ^.^)

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-03-10 05:58:33
(Holly molly.. gone for a few hours and the thread blew up XD I am trying to sort out the mentor thing.. XD how about everyone who wants an Apprentice pm me and then I will just make a note under my next reply who has who.. sound good? c:)

Ravenstar/tom/leader/40 moons/lives: 9/location: camp/mentions: everyone around him

He looked towards Whispersong at her comment, he had to figure that out.. yes.. but, right now patrols were on his mind. He looked towards his friend as he volunteered to lead a patrol and he dipped his head. "Ok Sunflare.. please take at least two other cats with you on a hunting patrol." He said,it wouldn't hurt to have more than one hunting patrol going out.. besides, he had to think about mentors and he purposefully kept quiet about mentors and apprentices. He was going to figure that out and then give apprentices mentors and fix all of this commotion. He looked across all of them, hearing everyone speak and sighing, he still was going to keep quiet about who will mentor who because he himself needed to figure out who would be best with who. But, he still kept calm and composed as he looked around once more. "With this all said.. this meeting for patrols is over.." He concluded, sun high was when mentors were decided so he had some time to figure it all out, it was a sudden occurrence to him that they did need mentors so, that was what he was going to devote to next.

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CyberFeline (1.4k
Ice 3xRos) (#106124)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-03-10 08:39:12
Pondpaw|She-cat|8 Moons|Apprentice|Mentor: None(Can be arranged)|Camp| Mentions: Open/Fallenheart, Whispersong, Poisonfur, Ravenstar, Squirrelfang, Opalpaw, Cinderpaw

Mewling, Pondpaw motions towards her tail, "sweeping" what little dust had gathered on some of the nests. She noticed Cinderpaw had finally woken up and left, and made a small whistling noise to greet him. He looked a little drowsy to her, but she shrugged it off as another cat who wasn't a sun-up person.
Turning her head back Opalpaw, she let out another soft purr, then nudged or one of the first nests. She then proceeded to tap it with her tail, trying to say they should try to dust off the beds before going back out to see who would be brought along for the patrols.

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✩NeptuneNebula✩ (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-03-10 11:29:13
Poisonfur || Male || 20 Moons || Medicine cat || Camp || Mentions: Pondpaw

As Poisonfur adjusted to the awakening of the camp, he paid close attention to many of the cats, checking if there
was any signs of illness. Even though the snow was beginning to clear, afterwards came downpours of rainfall, leading to the same, cold nights that everyone would have to live through. While observing, he noticed Pondpaw wheezing. Earlier he had noticed that she had kitten-cough, by now it was going to get only worse. Sighing, he lifted himself up from his meal, and padded over to Pondpaw, greeting her with a nod of his head. "Hello Pondpaw... is your cough bothering you?" He mentioned, glancing back towards the medicine cat den, as if to say to come back to his herb store, rather choosing to keep silent to not start up a conversation with others, avoiding eye contact with any other cat.

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tibby (#105023)

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Posted on
2017-03-10 13:44:06
Whitefoot - Queen - No one - Camp

"Wow I slept in late!" Whitefoot stretched and went into the camp and took a mouse from the fresh kill pile. She had just recently moved into the nursery because she was expecting kits. She already felt heavier on her paws. She felt sad almost because she could never tell them who their father was. Oh well. She had a sad look on her face she hoped no one would see.

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Sunset Fissure) (#94512)

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Posted on
2017-03-10 13:54:38
Silentkit | Female | 3 Moons | Kit | Camp | Mentions: Whispersong, Opalpaw, Pondpaw.

Silentkit woke up from her sleep and crept out of the nursery. She quickly spotted Whispersong near Ravenstar and decided not to bug her, instead taking a peek inside the apprentices den to find Opalpaw and Pondpaw to see if they wanted to play. She found them still laying in their nests. "Hi Pondpaw! Wanna play catch the mouse?" It was always Silentkit's favorite game to play, she wanted to be the best hunter in Riverclan, even though they mostly caught fish it still wouldn't hurt to practice catching something else! She sat near the entrance, waiting for an answer while her paws itched to run.

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tibby (#105023)

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Posted on
2017-03-10 14:02:14
Whitefoot - Queen - Silentkit - Camp

She walked over to where Silentkit was sitting and said "Silentkit they are sleeping you may play later come on and eat you look hungary." Without looking back she headed over to finish her mouse. Once she finish she went down to the River to fish even though it was early and it wasn't really her job anymore. Soon she caught a fish and brought it back to camp.

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Sunset Fissure) (#94512)

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Posted on
2017-03-10 14:15:29
Silentkit | Kit | Camp | Mentions: Whitefoot

Hearing Whitefoot talk about food made her stomach growl, she figured she might look around the fresh kill pile to see if anything looked soft enough for her to eat. She ran over to where the fresh kill pile was and looked around, nothing seemed to really catch her attention so she opted out of it, there was so much playtime she had! She didn't want to waste a minute! She started going around camp, looking to find something to do when she found a soft feather to play with! She got distracted by a butterfly and chased it around camp until it went in the medicine cat's den. she knew she wasn't allowed to go in there, but surely a little peek couldn't hurt?

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