Posted by Riverclan [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-03-09 10:18:29

If you have a character, feel free to begin RP-ing!

For those who have no character: Join here to get in on the fun!

Current Riverclan Event: RABIESSS! Watch out, always look back, and find the cure!
November Beginning: Starclan ancestors are visiting this month! What do they have to say about disbelief among the clans?

Note: Chatter is NOT allowed. Visit the Lounge to discuss anything about your RPs please.

POSTS MUST BE 4+ LINES OF WRITING. Players need something to work with!

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Edited on 14/11/17 @ 14:33:13 by Quake #Smomiah (#69866)

LioVance (#103422)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 14:23:42
Owlflight | 18 moons | Warrior | Camp | Mentions: Ravenstar

"Oh, it's nothing serious! Just another one of Fallenheart's pranks." Embarrassed, she turned her head and gave a few quick licks to her pelt. Despite her young age, she was quick to adjust to Ravenstar's odd behavior. She knew he didn't have any ill will towards her, so she was confident it was just how he usually was. "How are you?" Owlflight didn't want to come off as rude either, so she made sure she asked how her leader was doing as well.

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tibby (#105023)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 14:27:27
Whitefoot - Queen - No one - Camp

As she lay down to sleep she felt sad. She would see Darktail tomorrow and that was something good to look forward to at least. She settled down and drifted off to sleep. She dreamed about running in a field with Darktail she felt soo happy. They just kept running and running and running on and on and on.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 14:37:28
Ravenstar/tom/leader/40 moons/lives: 9/location: camp/mentions: Owlflight (Sunflare)

He tilted his head slightly to the side as she said it wasn't serious.. what was that supposed to mean? Then she said it was another one of Fallenheart's pranks.. great.. that tom is a great warrior but, sometimes went a little overboard in Ravenstar's opinion. "What do you mean it isn't serious? Did you get hurt?" He didn't mean to ignore her question, this was more important to him.. he may sound cold but, he would try to get Owlflight to go see Poisonfur if he thought she might benefit getting checked out. He saw his friend pad into camp and straight to the warriors den, he silently wished Sunflare sweet dreams and then turned his head back to Owlflight, the worry was in his eyes, just not his tone..

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✩NeptuneNebula✩ (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-03-11 14:46:15
Poisonfur || Male || 20 Moons || Medicine cat || Camp || Mentions: Pondpaw

Poisonfur glanced around his shoulder to check that the apprentice was following him. Despite the cough not spreading yet, he was still concerned about everyone. He didn't have the time to cure every cat, noting it was a pain to maintain the clan to a low level of peace in every way. Sighing, he continued on into the medicine den, his eyes scanning the rugged floor looking for the small stack of tansy and coltsfoot. When his eyes set upon the two herbs, he lowered his head to gently nip off a little bit of tansy, and to grab a small bit of coltsfoot. he gently lifted both in his maw, lowering his cranium and dropping them in front of Pondpaw. "There, coltsfoot and tansy will help. If your cough doesn't feel better by tomorrow, come to me and I will give you more, they're bitter but they'll get it done." Poisonfur sighed, sweeping the ground with his tail, nodding his head down to the herbs. "Chew thoroughly and swallow, simple as that."

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LioVance (#103422)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 14:54:03
Owlflight | 18 moons | Warrior | Camp | Mentions: Ravenstar

"Oh, no. Not at all. I just got doused with a bit of cold water, is all." The young warrior was a little touched at her leader's care, even though it was basically his job. Still, she didn't want him to worry. After all, he was more important. The dark, short furred she-cat ruffled her fur a little just to show that she had already dried, too. "I'm still in tip-top shape." She reassured him again, seeing the concern in his eyes.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 15:00:35
Ravenstar/tom/leader/40 moons/lives: 9/location: camp/mentions: Owlflight

He looked at her when she said she had only been doused with cold water.. he was relieved by that.. at least it wasn't that bad.. then she fluffed her fur. He wondered what that was for until she said she was still in tip top shape and he clued in, she was showing she was dry.. at least, that is what he got from that. But, he was relieved when she was fine and nothing too bad actually happened. He nodded to her, "ok.. that is good that it wasn't too bad.." He said, not really knowing what else to say right then.. until he remembered she asked him how he was, "I'm fine thanks.." He said in reply to her question before he accidentally didn't give her an answer. He was still trying to settle into his position, it was like he was thrown into it and forced to socialize when he liked solitude.. but, what kind of a leader would he be if he always stayed alone? Not a very good one.. so, he tried his best to talk without being lost for words.

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CyberFeline (1.4k
Ice 3xRos) (#106124)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-03-11 15:20:25
Pondpaw|She-cat|8 Moons|Apprentice|Mentor: None(Can be arranged)|Camp| Mentions: Poisonfur

Giving a soft purr followed by a cough to thank the knowledgeable medicine cat, Pondpaw dipped her head and lapped up the herbs with her tongue, chewing and almost gagging at the odd taste of the plants. She swallowed, and couldn't help but wish she had some water to drink after taking the medicine. Figuring she should rest her throat, she nodded her thanks to Poisonfur, then motioned with her tail tip to the entrance of the den. She may have been sick, but there was no way in StarClan's paws that she would spend the rest of the day RESTING! She wasn't weak, and she knew that her Clan would have errands to tend to today.

However, she couldn't miss the stress in the medicine cat's voice and his rather tense posture. Tilting her head and putting her tail tip over one paw, she raised the other one and tapped his shoulder, wondering what was the matter and if she could help.

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✩NeptuneNebula✩ (#64036)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-03-11 15:39:16
Poisonfur || Male || 20 Moons || Medicine cat || Camp || Mentions: Pondpaw

Poisonfur watched as the young apprentice lapped up the herbs and chewed, almost chuckling when she screwed up her face in disgust. Do that for moons and you won't taste a thing. After she had finished, he watched as she prepared to leave, watching carefully as she motioned her tail towards the entrance. After a few moments, he began to feel agitated, noticing that the she-cat was not leaving. Sighing, he sat until he felt a paw touch his shoulder, glancing up to see Pondpaw. Observing, he saw concern in the young cats eyes, wondering if she was either concerned for him or concerned if the herbs would do something to her. "Anything else you need.?" He muttered, a blank expression on his facial.

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CyberFeline (1.4k
Ice 3xRos) (#106124)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-03-11 16:01:36
Pondpaw|She-cat|8 Moons|Apprentice|Mentor: None(Can be arranged)|Camp| Mentions: Poisonfur

Pondpaw gently placed her paw back on the ground. Although she did not often talk to her Clan's medicine cat, she knew him to be generally calm. He appeared irritated, and under some form of stress. Clearing her throat, she began to talk, against her better judgement. "I would like to know if you're okay, Poisonfur. It wouldn't do for a cat to be so down," she rasped, her voice significantly stronger than before but still rather weak. She has to admit, herbs worked wonders, and it was even more amazing that one cat could manage to remember them all, but that wasnt what she wanted to focus on at the moment.

She knew that one day, when she became a warrior, she would have to worry over all of her Clan, even though she knew she would just be one cat. She was going to make sure her entire Clan was feeling their best. They, after all, represented her and every other cat when going out to hunt or patrol. Of course they would need to be as perfect as possible. The other Clans wouldn't dare to mess with a Clan as marvelous as hers! With these expectations and thoughts in the back of her mind, she waited to see if anything was the matter.

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Celtic (#97854)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 16:42:10
Sedgethorn| 22 Moons| Warrior| Camp| Mentions: Everyone (Indirectly)

A soft yawn left the tom's maw, not loud enough to disturb anyone in the camp. Mesmerizing golden eyes watched his clanmates run around below, mulling and talking together, filling the camp with a comfortable array of chatter. Stretching strong limbs, Sedgethorn sat up, grumbling slightly as he lost his warm spot on top of the flat rock. Oh well, it was time to get up and actually do something. Large paws hit the ground with a full thud as the warrior jumped down from his perch, a long tail twitching behind him as he made his way towards Owlflight and Ravenstar.

The poor she-cat was still a little moist, and a soft chuckle left his muzzle as he reached them.
"Looks like you missed a spot." Sedgethorn teased, giving her a playful wink. He didn't usually joke, but the young male was in a good mood today, and in turn that made him much more social. Not that he was ever grumpy. He did mostly keep to himself though, deciding that useless chatter would only hold him back from his true potential. Sedgethorn was hoping to become deputy one day, and his serious personality would help him on that path. So to see him playful and boisterous was rare indeed.

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Sunset Fissure) (#94512)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 16:46:12
Silentkit | Kit | Camp/ Elders den | Mentions: Minnowclaw, Fallenheart

Since Silentkit was determined not to get into trouble until Fallenheart came back with her surprise, she decided to go visit Minnowclaw! She always did like the old she-cat, she told the best stories and was quite friendly! She ran across the clearing to see Minnowclaw and on her way tripped over her paws. She was fine but she was a little embarrassed. She decided to slow her pace a little. When she reached the elders den she found Minnowclaw grooming herself. "Hi Minnowclaw! How are you today? Do you have any stories?" The kit asked eagerly, hoping not to get her ears cuffed for disturbing Minnowclaw.

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Edited on 12/03/17 @ 00:07:54 by LacieCat (#94512)

LioVance (#103422)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 23:00:17
Owlflight | 18 moons | Warrior | Camp | Mentions: Ravenstar, Sedgethorn

"Oh, that's good." Owlflight purred a little out of happiness. She couldn't help but feel that something was wrong with Ravenstar. It seemed like he was always thinking. Owlflight's head turned at the sound of Sedgethorn's teasing voice. She would've blushed if she could. "I can't believe no one before me set it off." She grumbled, but there was a hint of a mrrow of laughter in her voice. Just as she couldn't hide her amusement, she also couldn't hide her concern for her apparently moist fur. Turning her head even further, she nosed around her fur, ensuring herself that her fur was dry. She also didn't want to show any affection for Sedgethorn in front of their leader, so she busied herself with her fur for the time being.

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Edited on 13/03/17 @ 10:30:15 by LioVance (#103422)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 23:15:44
Ravenstar/tom/leader/40 moons/lives: 9/location: camp/mentions: Owlflight, Sedgethorn

He gave a smile to Owlflight when she spoke and purred, he wasn't used to a cat purring while they talked to him.. but, he wasn't going to complain. He noticed Sedgethorn pad up behind Owlflight and sounded playful.. that was unusual.. but, again, he wasn't going to complain and he wasn't going to say anything about it. He heard Owlflight talk about how no one set it off before her and guessed she was talking to Sedgethorn so, he turned his head to look around. He was wondering if the patrols were back.. besides, socializing wasn't really his thing.. he just spoke when he had to and talk when others wanted to talk to him. He only really started a conversation when it was for a reason.. unless it was his friend. That was a different story.. but, he cared for his clan all the same.. he was watching camp and minding his own business because those two were chatting and he just happened to be sitting there. He tubed them out and just watched the calmly busy camp as he waited for the patrols so he could give the Apprentice's their mentors..

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(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2017-03-12 00:43:39
Whispersong | Female | 26 Moons | Mentions: Ravenstar, Owlflight (indirectly), Sedgethorn (indirectly) | Location: Camp.

The calico she-cat watched as the camp moved around, Silentkit bouncing around happily as she followed Whitefoot and done whatever nonsense a kit does, Whispersong chuckled as the tiny kit ran over to the elder's den. She called out; "Don't bother elders now, Silentkit, or I'll make you pick fleas and ticks off them as an apprentice!" The calico she-cat giggled as she lashed her tail and stood up, her emerald eyes drifting to the leader. She pinned her ears back when she noticed he was talking to two of the other warriors, silently she padded up to him and took a seat beside the reddish-pelted leader. "Good, you're communicating with everyone." Whispersong purred happily and jokingly, trying to pull out the soft side of the leader she sensed was buried deep inside of him somewhere.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-03-12 01:17:08
Ravenstar/tom/leader/40 moons/lives: 9/location: camp/mentions: Whispersong (Owlflight and Sedgethorn)

He was staring around camp before he heard Whispersong approach and she spoke. He looked at her when she sat down and he tilted his head slightly, "Yea.." was all he could say.. though it wasn't his usual cold tone. He had a soft spot for her, he always did.. even when they were younger. Always did and always will.. "How are you? I haven't really gotten to talk to you much.." He said, he looked a little dissapointed when he said that but, he was a little more cheerful now even if it didn't really look like it.. he was happier now. Sometimes he wished he could leave as he pleased and hunt, take Whispersong and Sunflare with him, like he was a warrior again.. but, that couldn't happen. He had different duties and he had to take care of those..

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