Posted by Riverclan [WCU RP]
Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-03-09 10:18:29

If you have a character, feel free to begin RP-ing!

For those who have no character: Join here to get in on the fun!

Current Riverclan Event: RABIESSS! Watch out, always look back, and find the cure!
November Beginning: Starclan ancestors are visiting this month! What do they have to say about disbelief among the clans?

Note: Chatter is NOT allowed. Visit the Lounge to discuss anything about your RPs please.

POSTS MUST BE 4+ LINES OF WRITING. Players need something to work with!

Lion Name - Rank - Mentions - Current Whereabouts


Character Sheets

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Edited on 14/11/17 @ 14:33:13 by Quake #Smomiah (#69866)

CyberFeline (1.4k
Ice 3xRos) (#106124)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-03-10 16:36:42
Pondpaw|She-cat|8 Moons|Apprentice|Mentor: None(Can be arranged)|Camp| Mentions: Open/Fallenheart, Whispersong, Poisonfur, Ravenstar, Squirrelfang, Opalpaw, Cinderpaw, Whitefoot, Silentkit

Pondpaw looked at the small kit that had come up to her to play and shook her head with a sad smile as if to say "Sorry", before turning to Poisonfur reluctantly. She hadn't want to let on that her throat was slowly getting worse, and she had been refusing to go to the medicine cat's den for a while unless it was for a lesson; there was no way she would everyone else in the Clan know she had an illness, it would damage her pristine image! However, if she was to let this get worse, the kits could catch it, or it could become whitecough...

Sighing and trying not to look disappointed, she gave a slight nod to Poisonfur. This was not at all how she had wanted to start the day. Swimming lessons? Sure, that would have been great. A lesson with Poisonfur? That would be fun, she rather liked the scent of herbs. But having to go to the Medicine Cat's den as a patient? No, no, that wasn't part of her plan. But she reasoned that for the safety of others, she would have to get treated. Besides, perhaps her reputation would be less damaged if she was healed, rather than knowing she was sick and keeping it to herself... With a gentle huff to herself, she began to pad towards the den which housed all sorts of medicinal herbs.

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LioVance (#103422)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 01:20:54
Owlflight | 18 moons | Warrior | Camp | Mentions: Fallenheart

Owlflight, for once, was late to waking up. In her rush, realizing she was one of the few cats still in the den, she raced out. Unfortunately for her, no one else had tripped Fallenheart's trap before she did. As her head popped out of the den, she felt something rather unfortunate promptly pour all over her. She shivered slightly from the cold, but her uncharacteristic anger was quick to warm her fur back up. She let out an angry hiss as her back arched and her eyes scanned the camp. Once Owlflight found who she was looking for, she stomped over. "Fallenheart!" She hissed.

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OTTB LOVER (#103145)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-03-11 01:29:44
Fallenheart// 18 moons// Tom// Warrior// Camp// Mentions: Silentkit, Opalpaw
Seeing a very angry Owlflight, Fallenheart decided it was time to go hunt... Now! He would have to apologize later oncehis clan maye had calmed down.
He trotted towards the apprentice den in search of Opalpaw. On the way he noticed a small kitten nosing around the medicine cat's den. With an amused grin he made a detour to try and keep the youngster out of truoble "Trust me Silentkit, messing up Poisonfur's herbs will not be as fun as you think and then you find nasty herbs in your dinner that night. If you have managed to stay out of most trouble, when I get back from hunting with Opalpaw I will have a fun suprise for you, okay?" He said, rembering all to well when he was the only kit in the clan and the trouble he got into.

He left the decision to head his advice up to Silentkit and carried on to the apprentice den. He stuck his head inside and shouted, "Opalpaw! I'm going hunting if you'd like to come. Meet me at the big rock overlooking the river , and run there please!" With that he spun around and tore out if the camp at dead run towards the river.

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 08:31:56 by OTTB LOVER (#103145)

(Dixie) (#71738)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 01:51:24
Whispersong / 26 Moons / Female / Warrior / Mentions: Fallenheart, Ravenstar, Silentkit, Whitefoot

Whispersong cut herself off before she spoke as the leader's eyes lay on her, he seemed to ponder for a moment before he had replied to her, dismissing the Clan a moment later. The calico she-cat released a quiet sigh of irritation and disappointment as she swiveled her head around to see the Clan being scuffling from the meeting. The sound of tiny pawsteps caught her attention and her emerald eyes glanced over to see Silentkit being nudged away by Whitefoot, one of the Queens. The she-cat smiled and twitched her ears at the sound of the kit's voice, Whispersong couldn't hear much, but she figured the tiny kit had mentioned something about the medicine cat's den.

She turned her gaze to Fallenheart and chuckled when he offered to go on a hunt with Opalpaw. "They'd be a good match. As mentor and apprentice, of course." She told herself as her spotted tail curled over her paws. Whispersong didn't really have much to do in the camp when there were no hunting patrols or border patrols. Her paws itched to move, occasionally pleading her to release her claws on something.

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tibby (#105023)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 02:22:26
Whitefoot - Queen - Whispersong and Silentkit - Camp

"Silentkit you should eat, what do you not like fish!?!" She got mad which is not very often for this cat. She went over to Whispering song and said "You look bored I can tell by the expression on your face well I am too." She then sat waiting for a response.

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Sunset Fissure) (#94512)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 02:37:59
Silentkit | Kit | Camp | Mentions: Fallenheart, Whitefoot.

Silentkit's eyes widened in disbelief as she heard the warning Fallenheart had given her about her fresh kill that night but then she almost jumped for joy when he said he'd get her a special surprise! Staring after the warrior, she wondered what it might be until she heard Whitefoot's annoyed meow telling her to get something to eat and stop being picky. "Sorry, Whitefoot..." She mewed with her head down. Silentkit didn't like making other cats upset. She went over to the fresh kill pile again and picked up a tasty looking fish she hadn't noticed before. She half carried- half dragged the fish to the nursery where she would share it with whoever was still in there. She still thought about the special surprise and was determined not to get into any more trouble until Fallenheart was back with it!

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Marchie (Ebony PIE) (#53844)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 04:30:25
Squirrelfang - She-cat- Deputy - Mood: - Mentions: Ravenstar

Squirrelfang grumbled a bit to herself, padding up to her leader and asking in a quiet voice. "You are assigning the apprentice mentors when the patrols return, aren't you?" She flicked her tail a little irritably and looking at Pondpaw, Opalpaw and Cinderpaw. "Of course, It's your decision, but I'd like to mentor Cinderpaw. I see a lot of potential in him."

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 05:30:05
Ravenstar/tom/leader/40 moons/lives: 9/location: camp/mentions: Squirrelfang

He looked towards Squirrelfang as she padded up to him, he listened to her. Then, he replied in his usual tone, "of course.. young ones need mentors and it gives me time to think of who goes with who." He said and then he listened to her, she wanted to mentor Cinderpaw.. that would be ok, wouldn't it? He thought for a few moments and then nodded, "I trust you will teach him well.." He said, obviously approving the idea. He was thinking of who should mentor the others, he would think of it by the time the patrols came back. He had dismissed Squirrelfang's irritated flicking tail, it was calm and cold as usual. "I will think of the others.." He said simply before looking around, his tail tip twitching every so often as he went through the potential warriors.. then, he decided Fallenheart would do well mentoring Opalpaw and he had to think about who would be good with Pondpaw... But, as soon as the patrols came back, he was going to give mentors to the young cats.

(Anyone else want an Apprentice?)

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LioVance (#103422)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 06:10:09
Owlflight | 18 moons | Warrior | Camp | Mentions: Ravenstar

The young warrior gave another hiss of annoyance as Fallenheart rushed away. With a grumble, Owlflight began to lick herself clean once more, fluffing up her fur in an attempt to get it to dry faster. She glanced over to Ravenstar, realizing that the leader was speaking. She padded over with her ears flattened in a little bit of shame at herself. After listening, she realized he was assigning mentors and she perked up.

(I suppose I'd take one, if no one else wants one.)

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tibby (#105023)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 06:15:01
Whitefoot - Queen - No one - Camp

As she listens she feels almost sad at the fact she can't take an apprentice of her own. But she knew it was better for herself not to worry about it so she didn't. She went and layed down waiting for sundown as it was getting close to that time.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 09:31:56
(OK c: then I will give you Pondpaw :D Thanks all, that is settled now c:)

Ravenstar/tom/leader/40 moons/lives: 9/location: camp/mentions: Squirrelfang, Owlflight

He looked from Squirrelfang towards Owlflight as she approached and then it hit him, she would be perfect for Pondpaw. He dipped his head towards Owlflight and spoke, "hello Owlflight.. how are you?" He said, it was clear he cared but, his tone was cold as usual.. he couldn't help it. He never meant to offend any cat, he was one way and sometimes didn't even know why he had been chosen to be leader in the first place.. only Starclan knew really. He wasn't going to complain, but he couldn't help but wonder.. he pulled from his thoughts and waited for Owlflight to reply, he was being patient and he thought he should ask her if she wanted to be Pondpaw's Apprentice.. so he knew she really wanted one and wasn't going to unexpectedly just give her one. "Oh Owlflight, would you want to mentor Pondpaw?" He asked nicely, he would tell the cats who they were mentoring and their mentors.. it would be nice to get that over with as soon as every cat got back. He trusted that the cats he had chosen to mentor the young ones would do a great job.

(Sorry I'm late once again.. o3o)

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LioVance (#103422)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 09:52:01
Owlflight | 18 moons | Warrior | Camp | Mentions: Ravenstar

"Oh, I could be better..." Owlflight muttered, still a little sore over Fallenheart's prank. "How ar-." Not realizing she was cutting off what her leader was saying until what was said registered in her head, she cut off what she was about to ask. "Oh my StarClan! Of course!" Only 6 moons out of being an apprentice herself, she was glad to have an apprentice of her own. She felt she'd be able to sympathize with an apprentice since her memories of being one herself were still fresh. "Thank you, Ravenstar!"

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Edited on 11/03/17 @ 16:52:28 by LioVance (#103422)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 09:56:13
Ravenstar/tom/leader/40 moons/lives: 9/location: camp/mentions: Owlflight

He smiled at her reaction, though it looked like a sarcastic one. It was as genuine as you could ever get from him if he wasn't really close to you. "I trust you will teach Pondpaw well.." He said, confirming his decisions and then was satisfied with them. "Are you OK?" He asked because she had said she could be better.. he didn't want to seem like he ignored that part.. he was just trying to ask a question and then tried to figure out what is wrong. He hoped she was ok though.. hopefully it wasn't too bad.

(Sorry short DX)

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tibby (#105023)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 10:11:50
Whitefoot - Queen - Self - Camp

She felt lonely sometimes and she usually felt like a stranger here even though this was her birth clan. Sometimes she felt like she had no friends and she was forever alone. The only time she didn't feel like this was when she was with Darktail. "I'm all alone here."

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Q (#69866)

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Posted on
2017-03-11 14:13:11
Sunflare - Camp - Warrior

Sunflare returns from the patrol, trotting into camp. He doesn't really feel the urge to converse with anyone, so he heads to the warriors den to take a nap. Snuggling up, he lays his tail over his nose, though his fluffy fur makes him sneeze. Some day he wishes for a mate. He could imagine her right now.. A gorgeous pelt, sparkling and lovely eyes. Her voice would be as smooth as silk, and her smile would make him melt. The happy thought made him drift off to sleep peaceful.

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